Do You Believe The Inflation Rates The Gov't Is Reporting?

Do you believe that inflation is higher than the Government is reporting?

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Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Do you believe the inflation rates the Gov't is reporting?

They keep claiming lower CPI, aka Inflation is low, but when I go to the store the basket of goods I buy seem to be much higher than before.............

Soooooooo.......Who else believes that prices have gone up more than the BLS CPI reports...........In other words have they changed the way they calculate inflation to make it look better than it actually really is today.....

Peter Schiff doesn't think so and actually used some standard basket of goods over the years and believes they are purposely changing the basket of goods to give a false, lower, inflation rate. It's an older video but it makes the point.

What says you?
I voted yes. I believe they have purposely manipulated the way they measure inflation to show a lower inflation rate. I also believe they are doing so to lower Cola increases in Social Security and Medicare............I see my basket of goods costing more, and I see less product for the same price as well.
...and the substitutions are laughable. Like there is a substitute for gasoline in your car. Further, you can still buy Oreos, but the packages are smaller.
If only wage inflation was the same. It is just that much worse when you consider static wages.
All I know is that money at the store doesn't seem to go anywhere anymore. We buy in bulk when it goes on sale..........and load the freezer up. I bought a bag of chips at work last week for like 60 Cents out of a vending machine. It had about 8 chips in it.
packaged meats like some sausage used to go by the pound , now that same sausage is 13 - 14 ounces and the price is the same or higher . Canned goods are losing weight by an ounce or 2 in many cases but price is the same .
All I know is that money at the store doesn't seem to go anywhere anymore. We buy in bulk when it goes on sale..........and load the freezer up. I bought a bag of chips at work last week for like 60 Cents out of a vending machine. It had about 8 chips in it.

eagle, I've been meaning to tell you lay off the chips. :)
You can track Obama's food price inflation easily:

1. Shop using a list.
2. As you buy items note the price on the list. Also note the weight or volume of the contents.
3. When you make the list for the next shopping trip highlight those items you bought last time.
4. Note the new prices and the new weights or volumes.

Do this for minimum four consecutive weeks.


About 10-15% of the items will either go up in price each week OR the weight/volume of the content will go down.

Watch things like "quart" size stuff like mayonnaise. You'll quickly discover the bottle you bought as "quart size" now holds 28 ounces (or less) but the bottle size remains the same. The label is just a little bigger to make it harder to see the empty space.

Don't deny Obamaflation until AFTER you've checked it for yourself.
We are fine, but that does not mean I don't think inflation is part of the economy.

What is significant inflation is different for every family.
We are fine, but that does not mean I don't think inflation is part of the economy.

What is significant inflation is different for every family.

The basket of goods is pretty much the same for everyone that is critical to survival.........And those baskets have gone up in price.
We are fine, but that does not mean I don't think inflation is part of the economy.

What is significant inflation is different for every family.

What? My God you are dumb.

I'm quite sure that you meant to say that inflation hurts the poor more than it hurts the wealthy and that is true, but that is NOT what you said.
If you can't read clearly, LTC, have some SP4 proof your written work.

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