Do Whites Have The Guts To Survive?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
1. No. They are too consumed with the fear of being called a racist.

2. Yes. Once PC has reached absurd levels, they will finally see the light and stop putting trust in Republicans.
Yeah. eventually the point will get forced on to us. Stand and fight or roll over. Most of us have gotten so used to middle class lives that we can shield ourselves from the nastiness of the world. Once we have gotten comfortable with that it's a lot to get motivated to do something when you have so much to lose.

We are decadent and in need of a severe kick in the ass
These threads are always really amusing to me. The level of cognitive dissonance required to believe that "white people" are in any danger of being "wiped out" is insane.
1. No. They are too consumed with the fear of being called a racist.

2. Yes. Once PC has reached absurd levels, they will finally see the light and stop putting trust in Republicans.

3. You're a complete pussy for cowering in fear over such an idiotic topic.
These threads are always really amusing to me. The level of cognitive dissonance required to believe that "white people" are in any danger of being "wiped out" is insane.
It's inevitable that a pure white race is endangered. I don't see any reason why it should be preserved though. Every mixed couple produces mixed children, in time whites will be the minority.
These threads are always really amusing to me. The level of cognitive dissonance required to believe that "white people" are in any danger of being "wiped out" is insane.
It's inevitable that a pure white race is endangered. I don't see any reason why it should be preserved though. Every mixed couple produces mixed children, in time whites will be the minority.

What is a "pure white race"?
These threads are always really amusing to me. The level of cognitive dissonance required to believe that "white people" are in any danger of being "wiped out" is insane.
It's inevitable that a pure white race is endangered. I don't see any reason why it should be preserved though. Every mixed couple produces mixed children, in time whites will be the minority.

What is a "pure white race"?
I don't know.
About 8% of the world's population is considered 'white'. That number would be much lower if the Chinese had colonized the New World. The Chinese had the compass (for sailing), gunpowder (for fighting) and the printing press (for propaganda and administration) long before Europeans, but they lacked the motivation to colonize the New World. The Chinese weren't desperate for resources and they lacked the internal strife that incited Europe to explore and populate America. But, they're coming here now. Every ethnicity is trying to get here and white people just don't have enough kids with one another to maintain the 8% figure. In Europe, the dynamic is even more extreme where people of ME descent have tons of kids while young white people are abandoning the institution of marriage altogether.

What will preserve and expand the so-called white gene pool is gene selection technology. In the near future, parents are going to select recessive white genes over the alternative. They'll select blue and green eyes over brown, light skin over dark, straight fair hair over kinky, and so on.

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