Ferguson Looter Videos Yield Zero Arrests


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Remember how everyone was saying > "Well they got away with all that looting (the National Guard wasn't brought in), but the videos will catch up with them." Well, guess what. The videos did capture their images all right (those who weren't wearing masks). Yeah, the the videos got them. But the cops didn't.

Zero looters have been arrested as a result of the videos obtained by police. One guy was even shown, up close, face fully exposed, setting fire to a convenience store. He's still gone scott free. All this, while Erratic Eric Holder made a federal case out of some alleged racism in the Ferguson Police Dept.

So there we have it. After all said and done, well into the Spring of 2015, and only the Ferguson Police are having to answer for Something (don't ask me what it is), while hundreds of videoed looters get away with their crimes. What does this tell future rioters/looters ? Looks like it says > don't worry about the video cameras. They're not going to go after you anyway. Go ahead and loot, anytime, any place.

Maybe they'll even come up with a new name for these lowlife looting miscreants. Maybe they'll start excusing their behavior on underpriviliged childhoods and call them >>> "Undocumented shoppers".

PHEEEEEEEEEEWWW!!! (high-pitched whistle, eyes rolling around in head)

BTW. Does anybody have a video of the press conference in which Al Sharptongue said > "They weren't looting. They were liberating." . Please post it if you have it.

Lastly, how would you like to be one of the storeowners whose store was looted or burned, right about now ?

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"Justifiable Shoplifting".
It does appear that the cops are sweeping this under the rug. The question is why, and who is influencing them to do that ? My first thoughts go to Obama and Holder.
Another reason why this might be happening is that the cops may not be able to know who these looter idiots are, just by face views on the videos. They may need to get input from the community, and they then run into the brick wall of the so-called "Code of Silence". These videos have been all over the news, and people who know these looter creeps have surely seen them, and are keeping quiet,

These fools need to know there is no code of silence. A code of silence is a code of stupidity. And those who are deliberately keeping quiet are cowards. If they came forth and reported the looters, they could do so anonymously. They aren't needed to testify to anything. The cops already have the evidence on the videos. They could call the cops, tell them the info, and hang up.

Also, the cops should be offering rewards for the ID of these looters and arsonists. I suspect these nitwits don't have a pot to piss in, and even $100 would seem like a fortune to them.
Another reason why this might be happening is that the cops may not be able to know who these looter idiots are, just by face views on the videos. They may need to get input from the community, and they then run into the brick wall of the so-called "Code of Silence". These videos have been all over the news, and people who know these looter creeps have surely seen them, and are keeping quiet,

These fools need to know there is no code of silence. A code of silence is a code of stupidity. And those who are deliberately keeping quiet are cowards. If they came forth and reported the looters, they could do so anonymously. They aren't needed to testify to anything. The cops already have the evidence on the videos. They could call the cops, tell them the info, and hang up.

Also, the cops should be offering rewards for the ID of these looters and arsonists. I suspect these nitwits don't have a pot to piss in, and even $100 would seem like a fortune to them.
They can identify a terrorist with a mask over his face from a grainy picture with lousy film but they can't identify a looter without a mask when he's looking right into the camera?
Another reason why this might be happening is that the cops may not be able to know who these looter idiots are, just by face views on the videos. They may need to get input from the community, and they then run into the brick wall of the so-called "Code of Silence". These videos have been all over the news, and people who know these looter creeps have surely seen them, and are keeping quiet,

These fools need to know there is no code of silence. A code of silence is a code of stupidity. And those who are deliberately keeping quiet are cowards. If they came forth and reported the looters, they could do so anonymously. They aren't needed to testify to anything. The cops already have the evidence on the videos. They could call the cops, tell them the info, and hang up.

Also, the cops should be offering rewards for the ID of these looters and arsonists. I suspect these nitwits don't have a pot to piss in, and even $100 would seem like a fortune to them.
They can identify a terrorist with a mask over his face from a grainy picture with lousy film but they can't identify a looter without a mask when he's looking right into the camera?
The terrorists are better known to them. These looters are just some nitwit dirtbags off the street.

But there could be some political pressure in this too. But the cops did make a lot of arrests at the time of the rioting. I think it's the code of stupidity thing.

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