CDZ Do we need a new Branch of Government to investigate the others?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
It is pretty clear that when one political party is in control of the law enforcement agencies of the federal government, they can control who investigates them....we are seeing this now with hilary clinton, who is being protected by the FBI and the Department of Justice...the very organizations that should be prosecuting her.

Would a new Branch of investigative branch that would be voted on and seperate from the Executive branch solve this problem...?
Is there a reason for which you used so many words with Capital letters, but not for the use of the proper name of Hillary Clinton?
It is pretty clear that when one political party is in control of the law enforcement agencies of the federal government, they can control who investigates them....we are seeing this now with hilary clinton, who is being protected by the FBI and the Department of Justice...the very organizations that should be prosecuting her.

Would a new Branch of investigative branch that would be voted on and seperate from the Executive branch solve this problem...?


You want to form another Branch, vote on it and if it is from the same political party as the Executive then how will that have solved anything?

Also why are you excusing the GOP failure in the House?
It is pretty clear that when one political party is in control of the law enforcement agencies of the federal government, they can control who investigates them....we are seeing this now with hilary clinton, who is being protected by the FBI and the Department of Justice...the very organizations that should be prosecuting her.

Would a new Branch of investigative branch that would be voted on and seperate from the Executive branch solve this problem...?


You want to form another Branch, vote on it and if it is from the same political party as the Executive then how will that have solved anything?

Also why are you excusing the GOP failure in the House?

They can't do anything...they only have the power to investigate and inform......they can't issue warrants and they have the democrats running interference for any investigation into a democrat.
Is there a reason for which you used so many words with Capital letters, but not for the use of the proper name of Hillary Clinton?

Yeah.....hilary is a criminal. She deserves no respect.......
I don't know about that. But here is what I would propose.

A federal/private agency that has complete authority to investigate and prosecute ANY government employee, current or former with all agencies required by law to cooperate with them fully.

Not a full branch of the government, but a permanent and completely independent agency that has complete authority to use any resources available to the USG to complete its task.
I don't know about that. But here is what I would propose.

A federal/private agency that has complete authority to investigate and prosecute ANY government employee, current or former with all agencies required by law to cooperate with them fully.

Not a full branch of the government, but a permanent and completely independent agency that has complete authority to use any resources available to the USG to complete its task.

How would it be populated?...obviously with the President's power to appoint officials at the Department of Justice our current system has a huge weakness.........
It is pretty clear that when one political party is in control of the law enforcement agencies of the federal government, they can control who investigates them....we are seeing this now with hilary clinton, who is being protected by the FBI and the Department of Justice...the very organizations that should be prosecuting her.

Would a new Branch of investigative branch that would be voted on and seperate from the Executive branch solve this problem...?


You want to form another Branch, vote on it and if it is from the same political party as the Executive then how will that have solved anything?

Also why are you excusing the GOP failure in the House?

They can't do anything...they only have the power to investigate and inform......they can't issue warrants and they have the democrats running interference for any investigation into a democrat.

Again, you want to form another branch of the government that will be elected by the people, so tell me if that branch of government is also Democratic Party members what good was it to form that new branch of government?
It is pretty clear that when one political party is in control of the law enforcement agencies of the federal government, they can control who investigates them....we are seeing this now with hilary clinton, who is being protected by the FBI and the Department of Justice...the very organizations that should be prosecuting her.

Would a new Branch of investigative branch that would be voted on and seperate from the Executive branch solve this problem...?


You want to form another Branch, vote on it and if it is from the same political party as the Executive then how will that have solved anything?

Also why are you excusing the GOP failure in the House?

They can't do anything...they only have the power to investigate and inform......they can't issue warrants and they have the democrats running interference for any investigation into a democrat.

Again, you want to form another branch of the government that will be elected by the people, so tell me if that branch of government is also Democratic Party members what good was it to form that new branch of government?

This is why I put this we can talk about if it is needed...I think it is...and how it would be created to avoid the problem we have now....

Keeping in mind it will never happen....I just wanted to hash this out.
No. The solution to Too Much & Corrupt Government is Less Government.

Get rid of the unelected 4th branch of Public Union Career Bureaucrats for a start. Cut spending to bare Constitutional essentials. Less Money will attract Less Rats.
I don't know about that. But here is what I would propose.

A federal/private agency that has complete authority to investigate and prosecute ANY government employee, current or former with all agencies required by law to cooperate with them fully.

Not a full branch of the government, but a permanent and completely independent agency that has complete authority to use any resources available to the USG to complete its task.

How would it be populated?...obviously with the President's power to appoint officials at the Department of Justice our current system has a huge weakness.........

I'm up for suggestions on that. I dislike the idea of the watchers being appointed by those they are supposed to be watching, but would be hard to figure out a way around that.

Maybe it could be handled like jury duty to add some regular citizens to it with each state having so many civilians involved + a random drawing of federal judges to ensure that you also had people who are knowledgeable about the law? That would have to be worked out.
No. The solution to Too Much & Corrupt Government is Less Government.

Get rid of the unelected 4th branch of Public Union Career Bureaucrats for a start. Cut spending to bare Constitutional essentials. Less Money will attract Less Rats.

I like the less government idea......but that still doesn't stop them from exploiting the Department of Justice by putting loyalists in there.....imagine if the Republicans had closed ranks around Nixon instead of allowing him to be removed........he would have finished his term...the democrats learned that lesson well...especially hilary who actually worked on Watergate....
We have numerous Offices of the Inspector General. Now you want a bigger one to keep an eye on them? Who, then, keeps an eye on it?
Just because you may feel impotent, it doesn't mean that the people who know a lot more about what's going on than you do aren't doing their jobs.
I don't know about that. But here is what I would propose.

A federal/private agency that has complete authority to investigate and prosecute ANY government employee, current or former with all agencies required by law to cooperate with them fully.

Not a full branch of the government, but a permanent and completely independent agency that has complete authority to use any resources available to the USG to complete its task.

How would it be populated?...obviously with the President's power to appoint officials at the Department of Justice our current system has a huge weakness.........

I'm up for suggestions on that. I dislike the idea of the watchers being appointed by those they are supposed to be watching, but would be hard to figure out a way around that.

Maybe it could be handled like jury duty to add some regular citizens to it with each state having so many civilians involved + a random drawing of federal judges to ensure that you also had people who are knowledgeable about the law? That would have to be worked out.

The checks and balances are the key feature to our government...and getting around this problem isn't easy......
We have numerous Offices of the Inspector General. Now you want a bigger one to keep an eye on them? Who, then, keeps an eye on it?
Just because you may feel impotent, it doesn't mean that the people who know a lot more about what's going on than you do aren't doing their jobs.

The Attorney General of the United States has a private meeting with the husband of a woman who is under investigation.......they both belong to the same political party......

You don't see the problem with that...considering he had given her her previous job?
We have numerous Offices of the Inspector General. Now you want a bigger one to keep an eye on them? Who, then, keeps an eye on it?
Just because you may feel impotent, it doesn't mean that the people who know a lot more about what's going on than you do aren't doing their jobs.

The various Inspector General's offices are POWERLESS when it comes to past officials. And they don't deal with criminal offenses. only with breaking rules.

Hillary is a good example of that. The State Dept IG definitely came in after the fact and said "yeah she did wrong, she broke every rule we have" but there was NOTHING they could about it, and they didn't have the authority to pursue criminal charges.
Something needs to change....the politicians now understand they just have to have loyalists in these positions and with all the money the parties have they can now completely ignore the law......they also have the power of the pardon......
No. The solution to Too Much & Corrupt Government is Less Government.

Get rid of the unelected 4th branch of Public Union Career Bureaucrats for a start. Cut spending to bare Constitutional essentials. Less Money will attract Less Rats.

I like the less government idea......but that still doesn't stop them from exploiting the Department of Justice by putting loyalists in there.....imagine if the Republicans had closed ranks around Nixon instead of allowing him to be removed........he would have finished his term...the democrats learned that lesson well...especially hilary who actually worked on Watergate....

That is exactly true. The GOP obviously could have closed ranks and protected Nixon. They chose not to. Now , I do believe that today's GOP would do the same as the Dems are doing with Clinton, just the nature of politics today.
Again...imagine if the Republicans had simply defended Nixon.............he would have finished his term..but they turned on him......and he was forced to resign....

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