Do We Need A 'Conversation' About Race?

The problem with discussing race is that in general white people simply are not honest and like to pretend they know whats best for you. If you cant even admit to the concept of white privilege then how are you going to discuss race as a problem? If you cant handle the problems in your own communities how are you going to assume you can tell me what to do in mine?
The problem with discussing race is that in general white people simply are not honest and like to pretend they know whats best for you. If you cant even admit to the concept of white privilege then how are you going to discuss race as a problem? If you cant handle the problems in your own communities how are you going to assume you can tell me what to do in mine?

Right of the bat you're going to blame whitey. That ends the discussion quickly. ty for playing.
We should look and see how many race baiting threads are created by Teapers as opposed to the left.

I hate to bust your little MSNBC induced coma, but the tea party doesn't give a shit what color anyone is. Never has. They care about limited government and low taxes. You might want to look it up.

Ah, and more of the typical teaper race baiting, chip on the shoulder...honest discussion.

He assumes I watch MSNBC and that I am a liberal. Teapers are pathetic and so transparent. (But I guess that is the honest discussion about race PC thinks blacks are incapable of)

Again, I hate to bust your little bubble. I'm not tea party. But I do deal in reality and I do understand what they are. It isn't what the media, liberals or Democrats tell you it is. Go ahead, look it up for yourself........don't be afraid. Truth never hurts.
9. " The typical statement in this vein is, “America needs to have a conversation about race,” now a keystone of educated black discourse. Is the proposal about reality? Who seriously thinks any amount of argument about “collective responsibility” could ever convince today’s diverse American populace that it owes black people for slavery and Jim Crow?

.... if we all know it wouldn’t change anything, then what is the goal of having the conversation?

10. As Jason Riley’s Please Stop Helping Us points out, our nation’s record of helping black people become significantly less poor is not encouraging. And it’s not because malevolent forces have prevented the pursuit of obvious solutions.

“More programs,” some advocates say. Perhaps. ....Programs doing what, based on what track record? And as such, the key question is: how would Americans’ knowing more about their racist past make those programs more efficient or successful?"
The Case For Moving On by John H. McWhorter, City Journal 11 July 2014

The malevolent forces are the forces that prevent honest discussions.

lay it on us-----what is the goal in having an honest discussion about racism ?

Why wouldn't you want to have an honest discussion about race? If blacks and minorities are committing more crime and taxing the system...why wouldn't you want to have an honest discussion on the topic as opposed to the Teaper philosophy of blaming blacks for all the ills of the world? There will always be a great divide when your ilk attacks blacks instead of discussing the issues and finding solutions.
I hate to bust your little MSNBC induced coma, but the tea party doesn't give a shit what color anyone is. Never has. They care about limited government and low taxes. You might want to look it up.

Ah, and more of the typical teaper race baiting, chip on the shoulder...honest discussion.

He assumes I watch MSNBC and that I am a liberal. Teapers are pathetic and so transparent. (But I guess that is the honest discussion about race PC thinks blacks are incapable of)

Again, I hate to bust your little bubble. I'm not tea party. But I do deal in reality and I do understand what they are. It isn't what the media, liberals or Democrats tell you it is. Go ahead, look it up for yourself........don't be afraid. Truth never hurts.

And I am not liberal. As for looking into the teapers...I have. They are a despicable group that hosts hate groups at their events so they recruit. Yeah...they sound great on paper...but that is not what defines them. The Teaper racists on this forum is what defines them because that is what makes up their base.
A Conversation? Sure!

But Liberals don't want a Conversation, they're afraid they can't back up their thoughts and ideas. They're afraid they will loose in the "Arena of Public Ideas".

They would much rather Lecture us and Shame us into "going along to get along" with their Politically Correct Language Police and Hate Laws designed to get everyone to cower down, shut up and submit.

You're full of shit! All liberals do not think alike, your post is an example of what is most common in those on the right, parroting the company line. If any set of individuals can't back up their thought and ideas it is those on the right, simply because their thoughts and ideas are not their own.

And now for the latest iteration of 'rats leaving a sinking ship:'

"All liberals do not think alike..."
The problem with discussing race is that in general white people simply are not honest and like to pretend they know whats best for you. If you cant even admit to the concept of white privilege then how are you going to discuss race as a problem? If you cant handle the problems in your own communities how are you going to assume you can tell me what to do in mine?

Right of the bat you're going to blame whitey. That ends the discussion quickly. ty for playing.

His/her comment and judgment seems spot on, especially given your response. His/her opinion expressed is honest, you may disagree, but since you simply attacked his/her post we must presume you're incapable of honest debate.

Can you honestly say you've 'walked in the shoes of others' (intellectually) and attempted to view the world through the eyes of others? Your comment suggests otherwise.
The problem with discussing race is that in general white people simply are not honest and like to pretend they know whats best for you. If you cant even admit to the concept of white privilege then how are you going to discuss race as a problem? If you cant handle the problems in your own communities how are you going to assume you can tell me what to do in mine?

Oh, oh, oh.....I want to play.

The problem with discussing race is that in general black people simply are not honest and like to pretend they know whats best for you. If you cant even admit to the concept of black laziness then how are you going to discuss race as a problem? If you cant handle the problems in your own communities how are you going to assume you can tell me what to do in mine?

See how stoopid you sound?
The malevolent forces are the forces that prevent honest discussions.

lay it on us-----what is the goal in having an honest discussion about racism ?

Why wouldn't you want to have an honest discussion about race? If blacks and minorities are committing more crime and taxing the system...why wouldn't you want to have an honest discussion on the topic as opposed to the Teaper philosophy of blaming blacks for all the ills of the world? There will always be a great divide when your ilk attacks blacks instead of discussing the issues and finding solutions.

I do-----I asked what the goal is. You didn't answer.
A Conversation? Sure!

But Liberals don't want a Conversation, they're afraid they can't back up their thoughts and ideas. They're afraid they will loose in the "Arena of Public Ideas".

They would much rather Lecture us and Shame us into "going along to get along" with their Politically Correct Language Police and Hate Laws designed to get everyone to cower down, shut up and submit.

You're full of shit! All liberals do not think alike, your post is an example of what is most common in those on the right, parroting the company line. If any set of individuals can't back up their thought and ideas it is those on the right, simply because their thoughts and ideas are not their own.

And now for the latest iteration of 'rats leaving a sinking ship:'

"All liberals do not think alike..."

So all teapers think alike?
9. " The typical statement in this vein is, “America needs to have a conversation about race,” now a keystone of educated black discourse. Is the proposal about reality? Who seriously thinks any amount of argument about “collective responsibility” could ever convince today’s diverse American populace that it owes black people for slavery and Jim Crow?

.... if we all know it wouldn’t change anything, then what is the goal of having the conversation?

10. As Jason Riley’s Please Stop Helping Us points out, our nation’s record of helping black people become significantly less poor is not encouraging. And it’s not because malevolent forces have prevented the pursuit of obvious solutions.

“More programs,” some advocates say. Perhaps. ....Programs doing what, based on what track record? And as such, the key question is: how would Americans’ knowing more about their racist past make those programs more efficient or successful?"
The Case For Moving On by John H. McWhorter, City Journal 11 July 2014

The malevolent forces are the forces that prevent honest discussions.

Get back to McWhorter's point:

Why have said discussion?

The demand for same is from the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives....the Left.

Yet is nothing but hot air.

Have you seen the record of those cities that they run?

Think Detroit.

If you like, I can give you a list of black politicians that the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives have pushed to the back of the bus.
The problem with discussing race is that in general white people simply are not honest and like to pretend they know whats best for you. If you cant even admit to the concept of white privilege then how are you going to discuss race as a problem? If you cant handle the problems in your own communities how are you going to assume you can tell me what to do in mine?

Right of the bat you're going to blame whitey. That ends the discussion quickly. ty for playing.

His/her comment and judgment seems spot on, especially given your response. His/her opinion expressed is honest, you may disagree, but since you simply attacked his/her post we must presume you're incapable of honest debate.

Can you honestly say you've 'walked in the shoes of others' (intellectually) and attempted to view the world through the eyes of others? Your comment suggests otherwise.

Spot on ? :lol:

white people simply are not honest

How's that for a racist statement ?
The problem with discussing race is that in general white people simply are not honest and like to pretend they know whats best for you. If you cant even admit to the concept of white privilege then how are you going to discuss race as a problem? If you cant handle the problems in your own communities how are you going to assume you can tell me what to do in mine?

" general white people..."

You're an idiot, but, today, a useful idiot.

Isn't that quote of yours what the Left calls racist? can return to the 24 hour All Cartoon Network.
9. " The typical statement in this vein is, “America needs to have a conversation about race,” now a keystone of educated black discourse. Is the proposal about reality? Who seriously thinks any amount of argument about “collective responsibility” could ever convince today’s diverse American populace that it owes black people for slavery and Jim Crow?

.... if we all know it wouldn’t change anything, then what is the goal of having the conversation?

10. As Jason Riley’s Please Stop Helping Us points out, our nation’s record of helping black people become significantly less poor is not encouraging. And it’s not because malevolent forces have prevented the pursuit of obvious solutions.

“More programs,” some advocates say. Perhaps. ....Programs doing what, based on what track record? And as such, the key question is: how would Americans’ knowing more about their racist past make those programs more efficient or successful?"
The Case For Moving On by John H. McWhorter, City Journal 11 July 2014

The malevolent forces are the forces that prevent honest discussions.

Get back to McWhorter's point:

Why have said discussion?

The demand for same is from the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives....the Left.

Yet is nothing but hot air.

Have you seen the record of those cities that they run?

Think Detroit.

If you like, I can give you a list of black politicians that the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives have pushed to the back of the bus.

So what exactly do you want to discuss. Are you just going to jump around and have no real topic?
The problem with discussing race is that in general white people simply are not honest and like to pretend they know whats best for you. If you cant even admit to the concept of white privilege then how are you going to discuss race as a problem? If you cant handle the problems in your own communities how are you going to assume you can tell me what to do in mine?

Right of the bat you're going to blame whitey. That ends the discussion quickly. ty for playing.

See what I mean? Right away whitey gets defensive.
The malevolent forces are the forces that prevent honest discussions.

lay it on us-----what is the goal in having an honest discussion about racism ?

Why wouldn't you want to have an honest discussion about race? If blacks and minorities are committing more crime and taxing the system...why wouldn't you want to have an honest discussion on the topic as opposed to the Teaper philosophy of blaming blacks for all the ills of the world? There will always be a great divide when your ilk attacks blacks instead of discussing the issues and finding solutions.

"Why wouldn't you want to have an honest discussion about race?"

Answered in the post you've linked.
The problem with discussing race is that in general white people simply are not honest and like to pretend they know whats best for you. If you cant even admit to the concept of white privilege then how are you going to discuss race as a problem? If you cant handle the problems in your own communities how are you going to assume you can tell me what to do in mine?

Right of the bat you're going to blame whitey. That ends the discussion quickly. ty for playing.

See what I mean? Right away whitey gets defensive.

:lol: maybe because you called him a liar
The problem with discussing race is that in general white people simply are not honest and like to pretend they know whats best for you. If you cant even admit to the concept of white privilege then how are you going to discuss race as a problem? If you cant handle the problems in your own communities how are you going to assume you can tell me what to do in mine?

Oh, oh, oh.....I want to play.

The problem with discussing race is that in general black people simply are not honest and like to pretend they know whats best for you. If you cant even admit to the concept of black laziness then how are you going to discuss race as a problem? If you cant handle the problems in your own communities how are you going to assume you can tell me what to do in mine?

See how stoopid you sound?

Exhibit B. More butthurtedness.

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