Do the DACA kids have Republicans by the nuts?

I believe they are the answer...I’m asking what you’d propose be done to further fuck over the American taxpayer for the benefit of little wetbacks?

I must say, I find this caterwaulish hissyfitting about "illegal" human beings from the descendants of genocidal ethnic cleansing slavers utterly laughable.

Nazis R U.S.

And where do you live, asshole?

To fuck with halfwits like you.

Can you find three people here who don't think you're just making a pathetic, hypocritical ass of yourself, fool?
OUTNOW_111419_In the Name of Humanity, the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

Nazis R U.S.

U.S. Held Nearly 70,000 Migrant Kids in Custody in 2019, Government Data Shows
U.S. Held Nearly 70,000 Migrant Kids in Custody in 2019

This is outrageous!!

We need to ship these unfortunate children back home.


It's the only compassionate course of action.
Better tell your Wall Street bankster and "job creator" class, they don't want to pay you, you're expensive.
No other country in the world before all this BS started allowed opened borders .
DACA isn't and NEVER was a " LAW" .

I agree.
But watch how nutless Republicans stay clear of this issue...Watch how our resident Righties here avoid this thread like the plague.
They need to stop with the disingenuous “tough guy” act and just concede to being the Lefts bitch.
So you'll keep whining and voting for a party that just can't get-r-done fer ya while hoping for a different outcome.

It's the republican lack of nuts that is the problem, as usual.

I vote with them but I can’t stand most of the oblivious, cowardly bastards.

Sounds like you're confused

I thought all folks even half sane know that voting for the party one hates the least is the only viable
Nothing unconstitutional about that DACA EO. Had the do nothing Congress under Boehner not sat on it’s hands it wouldn’t have been necessary.

DACA is enormously popular among the electorate. The SCOTUS is another story

LefTard Logic:
“Polls tell me the American taxpayer wants to foster Mexico’s children...Americans support a weird form of amnesty being granted and a new precedent be set.”
DACA isn't and NEVER was a " LAW" .

I agree.
But watch how nutless Republicans stay clear of this issue...Watch how our resident Righties here avoid this thread like the plague.
They need to stop with the disingenuous “tough guy” act and just concede to being the Lefts bitch.
So you'll keep whining and voting for a party that just can't get-r-done fer ya while hoping for a different outcome.

It's the republican lack of nuts that is the problem, as usual.

I vote with them but I can’t stand most of the oblivious, cowardly bastards.

Sounds like you're confused

I thought all folks even half sane know that voting for the party one hates the least is the only viable
If you accept that, I suppose so. How do you feel about cooperating with and participating in the the very thing you decry?
DACA isn't and NEVER was a " LAW" .

I agree.
But watch how nutless Republicans stay clear of this issue...Watch how our resident Righties here avoid this thread like the plague.
They need to stop with the disingenuous “tough guy” act and just concede to being the Lefts bitch.
So you'll keep whining and voting for a party that just can't get-r-done fer ya while hoping for a different outcome.

It's the republican lack of nuts that is the problem, as usual.

I vote with them but I can’t stand most of the oblivious, cowardly bastards.

Sounds like you're confused

I thought all folks even half sane know that voting for the party one hates the least is the only viable
If you accept that, I suppose so. How do you feel about cooperating with and participating in the the very thing you decry?

That always sounds neat in theory...tell me how that works in real world practice....Are you thinking that if I vote for the independent...Luke Skywalker that I somehow impede the duopoly?
OUTNOW_111419_In the Name of Humanity, the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

Nazis R U.S.

U.S. Held Nearly 70,000 Migrant Kids in Custody in 2019, Government Data Shows
U.S. Held Nearly 70,000 Migrant Kids in Custody in 2019
US law prevents the deportation of minors who entered the country illegally, so once their parents were detained by ICE, the government had no choice but to detain these minors. The US did not have enough facilities to house families waiting for asylum hearings and when the Trump administration asked Congress for money to build them, the Democrats refused. Hence the humanitarian crisis at our southern border brought on by the Democrats' determination to generate bad publicity for Trump at the expense of these children.
DACA isn't and NEVER was a " LAW" .

I agree.
But watch how nutless Republicans stay clear of this issue...Watch how our resident Righties here avoid this thread like the plague.
They need to stop with the disingenuous “tough guy” act and just concede to being the Lefts bitch.
So you'll keep whining and voting for a party that just can't get-r-done fer ya while hoping for a different outcome.

It's the republican lack of nuts that is the problem, as usual.

I vote with them but I can’t stand most of the oblivious, cowardly bastards.

Sounds like you're confused

I thought all folks even half sane know that voting for the party one hates the least is the only viable
If you accept that, I suppose so. How do you feel about cooperating with and participating in the the very thing you decry?

That always sounds neat in theory...tell me how that works in real world practice....Are you thinking that if I vote for the independent...Luke Skywalker that I somehow impede the duopoly?
Carry on as you are, I have no expectations of you whatsoever. You get what you participate in. I would posit that you have no duopoly at all, but bickering factions of a ruling aristocracy, and that your vote is utterly feckless and impotent up against oligarchy.
OUTNOW_111419_In the Name of Humanity, the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

Nazis R U.S.

U.S. Held Nearly 70,000 Migrant Kids in Custody in 2019, Government Data Shows
U.S. Held Nearly 70,000 Migrant Kids in Custody in 2019
US law prevents the deportation of minors who entered the country illegally, so once their parents were detained by ICE, the government had no choice but to detain these minors. The US did not have enough facilities to house families waiting for asylum hearings and when the Trump administration asked Congress for money to build them, the Democrats refused. Hence the humanitarian crisis at our southern border brought on by the Democrats' determination to generate bad publicity for Trump at the expense of these children.

America has never had any difficulty in rationalizing slaughter, genocide, or ethnic cleansing. Our militarist coups in South and Latin America created much of the migrations. Surely you're aware of our 2009 coup in Honduras and we just tried to topple Venezuela's govt, ... yet again.
OUTNOW_111419_In the Name of Humanity, the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

Nazis R U.S.

U.S. Held Nearly 70,000 Migrant Kids in Custody in 2019, Government Data Shows
U.S. Held Nearly 70,000 Migrant Kids in Custody in 2019
US law prevents the deportation of minors who entered the country illegally, so once their parents were detained by ICE, the government had no choice but to detain these minors. The US did not have enough facilities to house families waiting for asylum hearings and when the Trump administration asked Congress for money to build them, the Democrats refused. Hence the humanitarian crisis at our southern border brought on by the Democrats' determination to generate bad publicity for Trump at the expense of these children.

America has never had any difficulty in rationalizing slaughter, genocide, or ethnic cleansing. Our militarist coups in South and Latin America created much of the migrations. Surely you're aware of our 2009 coup in Honduras and we just tried to topple Venezuela's govt, ... yet again.
So your point is that you hate America.
OUTNOW_111419_In the Name of Humanity, the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

Nazis R U.S.

U.S. Held Nearly 70,000 Migrant Kids in Custody in 2019, Government Data Shows
U.S. Held Nearly 70,000 Migrant Kids in Custody in 2019
US law prevents the deportation of minors who entered the country illegally, so once their parents were detained by ICE, the government had no choice but to detain these minors. The US did not have enough facilities to house families waiting for asylum hearings and when the Trump administration asked Congress for money to build them, the Democrats refused. Hence the humanitarian crisis at our southern border brought on by the Democrats' determination to generate bad publicity for Trump at the expense of these children.

America has never had any difficulty in rationalizing slaughter, genocide, or ethnic cleansing. Our militarist coups in South and Latin America created much of the migrations. Surely you're aware of our 2009 coup in Honduras and we just tried to topple Venezuela's govt, ... yet again.

Our lack of wall on the border created the migrations. You should have never been let in.
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OUTNOW_111419_In the Name of Humanity, the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

Nazis R U.S.

U.S. Held Nearly 70,000 Migrant Kids in Custody in 2019, Government Data Shows
U.S. Held Nearly 70,000 Migrant Kids in Custody in 2019
US law prevents the deportation of minors who entered the country illegally, so once their parents were detained by ICE, the government had no choice but to detain these minors. The US did not have enough facilities to house families waiting for asylum hearings and when the Trump administration asked Congress for money to build them, the Democrats refused. Hence the humanitarian crisis at our southern border brought on by the Democrats' determination to generate bad publicity for Trump at the expense of these children.

America has never had any difficulty in rationalizing slaughter, genocide, or ethnic cleansing. Our militarist coups in South and Latin America created much of the migrations. Surely you're aware of our 2009 coup in Honduras and we just tried to topple Venezuela's govt, ... yet again.

Our lack of wall on the border created much of the migrations. You should have never been let in.

Yes of course, all free peoples wish to be walled into a militarized police state and kept under constant surveillance.

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