Do German's View Themselves as The Smartest?

Your homo regime will pay dearly for besieging me with its fags, do-gooder. I also will vote for AfD and tell everyone they should too.

Why do you still try to speak with me, Nazi? You are absolutelly incompetent. Not even my simple instruction "How to do suicde with two silver bullets" you was able to realize. And a not-German is not able to vote in Germany. Do not forget to tell your friend Elon Musk that he has to take care for the safety at work in his companies and that it is not his job to fight in Germany for Nazis and useful idiots of Nazis who are organized in the political party AfD. And don't forget to do suicide - before you tell this Elon Musk or after is not so important for me. Send me a telegram when you will be dead.

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Why do you still try to speak with me, Nazi? You are absolutelly incompetent. Not even my simple instruction "How to do suicde with two silver bullets" you was able to realize. And a not-German is not able to vote in Germany. Do not forget to tell your friend Elon Musk that he has to take care for the safety at work in his companies and that it is not his job to fight in Germany for Nazis and useful idiots of Nazis who are organized in the political party AfD. And don't forget to do suicide - before you tell this Elon Musk or after is not so important for me. Send me a telegram when you will be dead.

The fags will disappear with the homo regime. You will do worse than libs in 2016. They better adhere to their promises.
The fags will disappear with the homo regime. You will do worse than libs in 2016. They better adhere to their promises.

Nazi - do you really think I will ignore you? Then you underestimate drastically my paranoia and your second death after your death. I will hold you into a black hole until even an spaghetti seems to be fat while god personally holds me tightly at my leather trousers with braces.

Nazi - do you really think I will ignore you? Then you underestimate drastically my paranoia and your second death after your death. I will hold you into a black hole until even an spaghetti seems to be fat while god personally holds me tightly at my leather trousers with braces.

I will do whatever it takes to punish them for their actions against my life. You are no obstacle. I will start at the Stammtisch and that is where they will end up. I am sick of that imposed poverty and their time is running out.
Nazi - do you really think I will ignore you? Then you underestimate drastically my paranoia and your second death after your death. I will hold you into a black hole until even an spaghetti seems to be fat while god personally holds me tightly at my leather trousers with braces.

You shouldn’t be calling people names like that.
You shouldn’t be calling people names like that.

When I call someone "Nazi" then everyone on my spaceship who knows me shows only a Spock brow and no one doubts that is a Nazi who I call Nazi. This "plumb priest" - the word "Bleipriester" only sounds German but is not German - convinced me long years ago that he is a real Nazi in the third generation of real Nazis. That he's not a German means nothing. Since 1942 about 1/3rd of all SS-men not had been Germans and how many of them "only" had been naturalized Germans I don't know.

By the way: Nearly nothing is more in conflict with the German word for us Germans than the Nazis had been. Nearly nothing what they said and had been came from the German culture. To use the word "German" five thousand times a day makes no one to a German. They made the same with the word "German" what they made with the word "Swastika". Before Hitler came the expesssion "The German States of America" and "the United States of America" had been nearly the same and had also caused only a Spock brow and agreement after a short time thinking. But that many of you think such an expression could be the same like "The Nazi states of America" is not a German problem. It's a problem of your own wide spread racism and will produce hopefully no self-fulfilling prophecy.
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Don´t mind it, it is what people like him are doing to deal with different opinions. Do a search for his "nazi" and "russian" addresses and see that is all he is actually doing.

You support the criminal tyrant Putin and his criminal gang in his war against Europe in the Ukraine, Nazi. So you are a Russian and a Nazi. Or do you think I will be confused because you was in former time a Nazi and suddenly you are a Putinist and you call others Nazis? How many war-crimes did do the so called "Wagner" mercenaries - poor Wagner by the way - and how many war crimes do they do today since they are integrated in the regular Russian army while they got in former times their money also from the Russian taxpayers?
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When I call someone "Nazi" then everyone on my spaceship who knows me shows only a Spock brow and no one doubts that is a Nazi who I call Nazi. This "plumb priest" - the word "Bleipriester" only sounds German but is not German - convinced me long years ago that he is a real Nazi in the third generation of real Nazis. That he's not a German means nothing. Since 1942 about 1/3rd of all SS-men not had been Germans and how many of them "only" had been naturalized Germans I don't know.

By the way: Nearly nothing is more in conflict with the German word for us Germans than the Nazis had been. Nearly nothing what they said and had been came from the German culture. To use the word "German" five thousand times a day makes no one to a German. They made the same with the word "German" what they made with the word "Swastika". Before Hitler came the expesssion "The German States of America" and "the United States of America" had been nearly the same and had also caused only a Spock brow and agreement after a short time thinking. But that many of you think such an expression could be the same like "The Nazi states of America" is not a German problem. It's a problem of your own wide spread racism and will produce hopefully no self-fulfilling prophecy.

Is this another all-nighter of verbiage?
You support the criminal tyrant Putin and his criminal gang in his war against Europe in the Ukraine, Nazi. So you are a Russian and a Nazi. Or do you think I will be confused because you was in former time a Nazi and suddenly you are a Putinist and you call others Nazis? How many war-crimes did do the so called "Wagner" mercenaries - poor Wagner by the way - and hpw many war crimes do they do today since they are integrated in the regular Russian army and got in former times their money also from the Russian taxpayers?
Here is what I have got for you:
You support the criminal tyrant Putin and his criminal gang in his war against Europe in the Ukraine, Nazi. So you are a Russian and a Nazi. Or do you think I will be confused because you was in former time a Nazi and suddenly you are a Putinist and you call others Nazis? How many war-crimes did do the so called "Wagner" mercenaries - poor Wagner by the way - and how many war crimes do they do today since they are integrated in the regular Russian army while they got in former times their money also from the Russian taxpayers?

Tossing around ‘Nazi’ and ‘fascist’ as insults is reckless and historically illiterate.​

Such reckless verbiage is, of course, not just grossly disproportionate and non-analogous to the real thing, it’s historically illiterate. The Anti-Defamation League has frequently had to issue reproaches such as, “Glib comparisons to Nazi Germany are offensive and a trivialization of the Holocaust.”

I will do whatever it takes to punish them for their actions against my life. You are no obstacle. I will start at the Stammtisch and that is where they will end up. I am sick of that imposed poverty and their time is running out.

Nazi, you are making me tired. And what means this for my life now? Exactly: I will drink a cup of coffee.

Tossing around ‘Nazi’ and ‘fascist’ as insults is reckless and historically illiterate.​

Such reckless verbiage is, of course, not just grossly disproportionate and non-analogous to the real thing, it’s historically illiterate. The Anti-Defamation League has frequently had to issue reproaches such as, “Glib comparisons to Nazi Germany are offensive and a trivialization of the Holocaust.”

I call a Nazi Nazi - so easy is it. And when someone calls me a Nazi then he will get problems with god which he immediatelly should discuss with him. So easy is this for me.

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