Do German's View Themselves as The Smartest?

Do Germans view themselves as the smartest out of all of Europe?

I am partially German and it seems my full blood German relatives view themselves as smarter and superior to everyone else in Europe. In a way it's kind of funny. Jews say they are the smartest, Brits say they are, I know many Mexican's who claim they are, I know many Asians who claim they are the smartest.

I will say my full blood German relatives are all very smart, college and graduate degrees with IQ scores in the 120's- 130's. They make the argument that they come from great bloodlines. Since I am mixed and not full blood German I guess I don't qualify lol
Do Germans view themselves as the smartest out of all of Europe?

I am partially German and it seems my full blood German relatives view themselves as smarter and superior to everyone else in Europe. In a way it's kind of funny. Jews say they are the smartest, Brits say they are, I know many Mexican's who claim they are, I know many Asians who claim they are the smartest.

I will say my full blood German relatives are all very smart, college and graduate degrees with IQ scores in the 120's- 130's. They make the argument that they come from great bloodlines. Since I am mixed and not full blood German I guess I don't qualify lol
Shows how dumb they are (and doesn't speak well for you) those smartest moderns (Weimar Germany) killed 6 million of the most literate race on Earth, the Jews. So it can' only show that Knowlege puffeth up (and makes murderers) or that smart people like that long to destroy anyone else who is smart.
Germans gave us 2 World Wars...An idiot race if ever there was
Shows how dumb they are (and doesn't speak well for you) those smartest moderns (Weimar Germany) killed 6 million of the most literate race on Earth, the Jews. So it can' only show that Knowlege puffeth up (and makes murderers) or that smart people like that long to destroy anyone else who is smart.
Germans gave us 2 World Wars...An idiot race if ever there was

Says a 101% structural Nazi whose cerebral convulsions are flatened from the own racism.

It had been by the way Stalin and Hitler together who started World War 2 when they decided in the secret part of the Molotow- Ribbentrop-Pact to eliminate Poland again. The USA was in this dirty game an ally of the mass-murderer Stalin. And with the begin of world war 1 Germany had absolutelly nothing to do. Serbs had murdered the Austrian-Hungarian heir of this two thrones and his beloved wife Sophie. In context of this extremely ugly crime Austria-Hungaria declared war on Serbia - what was not really an astonishing or important step in this context. No problem which had not been able to be solved easily. But Russia suddenly found out that she is the defender of all Slaws in Europe; although the Russian Slaws had a short time before also mass-murdered Slaws - for example Poles - what Austria-Hungaria never had done. A domino effect started. Unfortunatelly the USA changed the result of this war - without any need to do so - and created and/or strengthened in this way the future terror movements Sowiets, Nazis and Islamists.
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No, there are no Irish/English/Swedish/German/French/Italian/Brazilian/Russian/Mongolian/Tartar/Finnish hybrids in the Andromeda galaxy that I know of.

Then you don't know very well your own galaxy, not-Etruscan.

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The German police look like movie stars.
I assume they have the same rigid selection policies/requirements, still. They look fit and active enough there...

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I assume they have the same rigid selection policies/requirements, still. They look fit and active enough there...

What shows this picture?

Here a film from Berlin hundred years ago:

Here Berlin ~100 years later

And here some interesting ideas of the alllies of world war 2 about urban planning in Berlin.

And now pictures of the 100,000 women in Berlin who did do suicide ... forget it.

Great job, which you did do, isn't it?

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Germans in the tha late 1930s - "Hey, lets go conquer the world, what could possibly go wrong?".
"Your" only problem is that you are just simple bad winners. You hate it not to be hated.
Germans in the tha late 1930s - "Hey, lets go conquer the world, what could possibly go wrong?".

Your ally Russia could conquer the world for example and you will have to go into a war in Korea and Vietnam.
The Germans were dumbasses in WWI and WWII. That is an indisputable historical fact.
zaangalewa loves to watch burning women and children - as long as they are German. But he cannot see anything because of the mitburga cock he agreed to suck for free.
Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have nearly the same image in Germany. Putin = criminal tyrant. Trump = criminal tyrant in spe.
They're both criminals, but Trump is especially dumb.
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The Germans were dumbasses in WWI and WWII.

Not really. For example: The Prussian emperor over Germany had been a Brit who had been educated from Queen Victoria. And William II had also a lot of criminal energy. He was for example responsible for that German soldiers became criminals and defended in China the royal drug dealers of England. He also had been personally responsible - because he ignored the very heavy critics on Lothar von Trotha (a shame for his noble family and all Germans) who had to do with the colony "Namibia" - for a mass-murder on Herero. But all such forms of crimes had been typical for the British empire - and also for the USA who had mass-murdered Red Indians. And one of the main sources of the Nazis had been for example the KKK in the USA. Millions and millions of people supported this criminal racist terror organisation in the early 20th century in your country.

That is an indisputable historical fact.

Everything is always disputable. But you are right, dumbass, that to be a dumbass or not is indeed not able to be disputed. By the way: What is a dumbass? I'm not a native English speaker. Indeed I never speak English in my daily life - so I have absolutelly not any emotional context when I hear such a word.
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