Do democrats/liberals exaggerate?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Let's look at the facts..
How many people in the USA were NOT able to get health insurance due to Pre-existing conditions?
Under the Affordable Care Act, no insurer will be allowed to turn someone down due to a pre-existing condition.
This, Obama said, will make a big difference. "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition," he told the crowd in Maryland.
A reader found this confusing and asked us, "So that meant 150 million people could not have insurance?"
The answer is "no" and here we’ll explain why and rate the accuracy of the president’s claim.
So even though said "NO" not half.. THEY still rated Obama as mostly true!

Since about 85 percent of Americans already have insurance, many through large group plans, this would not be a concern.
But for those who don’t, it matters.
Obama says half of Americans have a pre-existing condition | PolitiFact

EXAGGERATION by saying half of all Americans means 150 million YET 85% of Americans 235 million have insurance!
That leaves

NOW how many of the 15% (46 million) that don't have insurance REALLY are legal, are already covered but don't know it OR DON"T WANT insurance?
1) 10 million are not citizens... that leaves 36 million!
2) 14 million due to the inefficiencies of the government don't know they can enroll in Medicaid!
3) 18 million DON"T need (under 34) can afford (make $50k) but don't want their employers' health plans!
That adds up to 42 million not 46 million!

Stay tuned for another exaggeration!
Republicans/right wingers never lie. You can believe everything they say is true. They never make shit up or act hypocritically. If they say Hillary Clinton throws puppies into rush hour traffic, you can take that as gospel.

Believe every word of every article you ever see or hear from the right wing media outlets, politicians, or their followers. They will never mislead you. Copy and paste their stuff to this forum as soon as you see it. Don't even read it. Just copy and paste a link to their stuff.

Do not read source material, such as actual legislation. Just read what the right wing media filters tell you about stuff.

If you do this, you will be the archetype critical thinker and will never be wrong.
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Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," President Barack Obama said -- many times -- of his landmark new law.

But the promise was impossible to keep.

So this fall, as cancellation letters were going out to approximately 4 million Americans, the public realized Obama’s breezy assurances were wrong.
Topics like this amuse me. A general attack on the opposition for being liars, the intended implication being that your side is lily white in this respect.

Republicans/right wingers never lie.

Let's see, it took three posts for some sycophant to try to change the subject to "Republicans".

That's about average for liars, isn't it?

Are you saying I am wrong? Did I lie?

Right wingers NEVER commit a tu quoque fallacy, amiright? :lol:

You NEVER see them turn a topic about a Republican doing something bad into something about Democrats! Right? Right? Right?
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Republicans/right wingers never lie. You can believe everything they say is true. They never make shit up or act hypocritically. If they say Hillary Clinton throws puppies into rush hour traffic, you can take that as gospel.

Believe every word of every article you ever see or hear from the right wing media outlets, politicians, or their followers. They will never mislead you. Copy and paste their stuff to this forum as soon as you see it. Don't even read it. Just copy and paste a link to their stuff.

Do not read source material, such as actual legislation. Just read what the right wing media filters tell you about stuff.

If you do this, you will be the archetype critical thinker and will never be wrong.

See YOU proved my POINT!
YOU wrote "Republicans/right wingers never lie!

THAT is a perfect example of my topic! YOU definitely exaggerated here.
Even conservatives use the number 30 million uninsured and THEY are just repeating what YOU idiots have failed to prove!

So thank you for proving my point!!!
Republicans/right wingers never lie. You can believe everything they say is true. They never make shit up or act hypocritically. If they say Hillary Clinton throws puppies into rush hour traffic, you can take that as gospel.

Believe every word of every article you ever see or hear from the right wing media outlets, politicians, or their followers. They will never mislead you. Copy and paste their stuff to this forum as soon as you see it. Don't even read it. Just copy and paste a link to their stuff.

Do not read source material, such as actual legislation. Just read what the right wing media filters tell you about stuff.

If you do this, you will be the archetype critical thinker and will never be wrong.

See YOU proved my POINT!
YOU wrote "Republicans/right wingers never lie!

THAT is a perfect example of my topic! YOU definitely exaggerated here.
Even conservatives use the number 30 million uninsured and THEY are just repeating what YOU idiots have failed to prove!

So thank you for proving my point!!!

So if BOTH exaggerate, why did you choose to only point out ONE?

And by the way, I never bought the 45 million Americans bullshit, mm-kay? I am virulently opposed to ObamaCare. You just made shit up yourself by lumping me in with the rubes who bought that lie! BWA-HA-HA-HA!
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Which Cities Will Be Completely Underwater In Less Than 100 Years?

It may be June, but a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources warden discovered some icebergs still afloat in Lake Superior near Madeline Island on Friday.
DNR Marine Warden Amie Egstad spotted the floating ice – which was covered in resting seagulls – while doing a routine check of commercial nets in the largest of the Great Lakes.

Here's an idea.

Instead of being a partisan rube, how about taking out the trash infecting BOTH parties?

Oh noes! We can't do that! We like our liars and hypocrites and adulterers and psychos! They give us the stuff we want! So we believe them when they make shit up about stand down orders and Obama watching while they died and the zillion other made up shit they crank out every day.

Partisan ideologues deploy spin, hyperbole, distortion, deflection, denial, straw men and outright lies as needed to advance their agenda. They absolutely maximize all information and data that support their "side", and absolutely minimize, ignore and/or deny all information and data that is contrary to their argument. Winning is far more important than honesty, and the ends usually justify the means.

Party affiliation irrelevant.

This isn't news, is it?

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Partisan ideologues deploy spin, hyperbole, distortion, deflection, denial, straw men and outright lies as needed to advance their agenda. They absolutely maximize all information and data that support their "side", and absolutely minimize, ignore and/or deny all information and data that is contrary to their argument. Winning is far more important than honesty, and the ends usually justify the means.

Party affiliation irrelevant.

This isn't news, is it?


No, it isn't news to rational people.

Partisans suffer from extreme confirmation bias.
Well of course they do. That's the difference, Republican flat out lie to your face. The get all up in there and shove it down your pie hole. If you're a businessman the President said your hard work didn't built your business, somebody else did. President Obama was enjoying watching the attack in Benghazi so much he had to issue the now famous "Stand Down" order so it could continue a few more hours. He hates America so much his ACA is a Government takeover. Besides without a birth certificate he's not really our President.
Another absolute GROSS exaggeration, blowing out of proportion..
OMG! another one.. All because we don't ban guns!
HOW disgusting right???
40,000 people die from car accidents?? "BAN CARS!!


So 1900 to 1980 there are 7 decades 2 mass murders of 4 or more equals less the 100 people killed.
1980 to 2000 there have been 46 mass shootings of 4 or more or 184 people killed.
From 1900 to 2010.. total people killed via mass shootings..less then 300!

“Four or more murders occurring during the same incident, with no distinctive time period between the murders."
According to the 2010 FBI crime data, since 1980, single victim killings have dropped by more than 40 percent. While that's very good news, there's a new sobering trend: Mass murders are on the rise. This New York Times article researched the frequency of mass murders. It found during the 20th century there were about one to two mass murders per decade until 1980. Then for no apparent reason they spiked, with nine during the 1980s and 11 in the 1990s. Since the year 2000 there have been at least 26, including the massacre in Aurora, Colorado.
Mass Murders Are On The Rise | Psychology Today
Another absolute GROSS exaggeration, blowing out of proportion..
OMG! another one.. All because we don't ban guns!
HOW disgusting right???
40,000 people die from car accidents?? "BAN CARS!!

We have actually managed to significantly reduce the rate of automotive deaths by placing stricter regulations on drivers and auto manufacturers.

So there is reason to believe we can achieve similar results on the rate of gun deaths by placing stricter regulations on gun owners and manufacturers.
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Well of course they do. That's the difference, Republican flat out lie to your face. The get all up in there and shove it down your pie hole. If you're a businessman the President said your hard work didn't built your business, somebody else did. President Obama was enjoying watching the attack in Benghazi so much he had to issue the now famous "Stand Down" order so it could continue a few more hours. He hates America so much his ACA is a Government takeover. Besides without a birth certificate he's not really our President.

That's the difference, Republican flat out lie to your face.

exactly....while Democrats tell you to your face what you want to hear,and then say what they really feel after you leave the room....
Another absolute GROSS exaggeration, blowing out of proportion..
OMG! another one.. All because we don't ban guns!
HOW disgusting right???
40,000 people die from car accidents?? "BAN CARS!!

We have actually managed to significantly reduce the rate of automotive deaths by placing stricter regulations on drivers and auto manufacturers.

So there is reason to believe we can achieve similar results on the rate of gun deaths by placing stricter regulations on gun owners and manufacturers.

Good reduce the number of auto deaths to the 300 caused by Mass shootings since 1900s and most logical rational people will agree.
Until then.... people like you are constantly under the "bleed it leads" motif of the MSM i.e. the only way to exist is to report the EXCEPTIONAL news and make
it sound like it happens EVERY DAY. The sad thing is some supposedly intelligent people fall for it!
Just as the phony exaggerated number of 46 million "uninsured" or we have to cover those 150 million people who have pre existing conditions.... both
of which blown way out of proportion.

Most of us intelligent well read individuals find it humorous how "crisis" as defined by Chicago mayor and former Obama chief of staff said..
"No crisis should go to waste," Emanuel told the Washington Post for its post-election edition, stressing that he was speaking for himself as an Illinois congressman -- and not Barack Obama. Two weeks later, having been named White House chief of staff, Emanuel gave his mantra the presidential imprimatur as he told a conference of business leaders organized by the Wall Street Journal: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. . . . Things that we had postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before."

and this mentality has cost all Americans both character and financial destruction.
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