Do Conservatives Want a Religious War Between the West and the Islamic World?

Do Conservatives Want a Religious War Between the West and the Islamic World?

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The muslims have said this is a religious war and they get a vote too.

Come on libs. Isn't atheism worth fighting for. Or will you all convert when the knife is at your throat. It will be your come to Mohammed moment.
Secularism disarms a people, it divides them, breaking up the previous unity religion provided to the nation and drives them to moral relativism, making them indifferent to not only moral decay within the society, but to evil that threatens them from outside their society.

Europe, America, the West, needs to go back to their Christian roots if we are to survive through the next century. Though there are other things we need to do, this is one of the most important.

I'm an Atheist and I agree. I'll go through a pantomime in public life if I must.
I think mature atheists recognize the merits of organized faith, and realize that whether God exists or not doesn't detract from the underlying value that religious life provides to a society in the way of a unified community with a cohesive moral doctrine.

I have been more of an agnostic Christian myself throughout my life. After reading some of the work of Thomas Aquinas, I have come towards a more solidified theist position philosophically speaking.
The muslims have said this is a religious war and they get a vote too.

Come on libs. Isn't atheism worth fighting for. Or will you all convert when the knife is at your throat. It will be your come to Mohammed moment.
Secularism disarms a people, it divides them, breaking up the previous unity religion provided to the nation and drives them to moral relativism, making them indifferent to not only moral decay within the society, but to evil that threatens them from outside their society.

Europe, America, the West, needs to go back to their Christian roots if we are to survive through the next century. Though there are other things we need to do, this is one of the most important.

I'm an Atheist and I agree. I'll go through a pantomime in public life if I must.
I think mature atheists recognize the merits of organized faith, and realize that whether God exists or not doesn't detract from the underlying value that religious life provides to a society in the way of a unified community with a cohesive moral doctrine.

I have been more of an agnostic Christian myself throughout my life. After reading some of the work of Thomas Aquinas, I have come towards a more solidified theist position philosophically speaking.

Whaaat? You've never witnessed the meth head logic in action?
The muslims have said this is a religious war and they get a vote too.

Come on libs. Isn't atheism worth fighting for. Or will you all convert when the knife is at your throat. It will be your come to Mohammed moment.
Secularism disarms a people, it divides them, breaking up the previous unity religion provided to the nation and drives them to moral relativism, making them indifferent to not only moral decay within the society, but to evil that threatens them from outside their society.

Europe, America, the West, needs to go back to their Christian roots if we are to survive through the next century. Though there are other things we need to do, this is one of the most important.

I'm an Atheist and I agree. I'll go through a pantomime in public life if I must.
I think mature atheists recognize the merits of organized faith, and realize that whether God exists or not doesn't detract from the underlying value that religious life provides to a society in the way of a unified community with a cohesive moral doctrine.

I have been more of an agnostic Christian myself throughout my life. After reading some of the work of Thomas Aquinas, I have come towards a more solidified theist position philosophically speaking.
Yea you aren't one of the mature ones.
The muslims have said this is a religious war and they get a vote too.

Come on libs. Isn't atheism worth fighting for. Or will you all convert when the knife is at your throat. It will be your come to Mohammed moment.
Secularism disarms a people, it divides them, breaking up the previous unity religion provided to the nation and drives them to moral relativism, making them indifferent to not only moral decay within the society, but to evil that threatens them from outside their society.

Europe, America, the West, needs to go back to their Christian roots if we are to survive through the next century. Though there are other things we need to do, this is one of the most important.

I'm an Atheist and I agree. I'll go through a pantomime in public life if I must.
I think mature atheists recognize the merits of organized faith, and realize that whether God exists or not doesn't detract from the underlying value that religious life provides to a society in the way of a unified community with a cohesive moral doctrine.

I have been more of an agnostic Christian myself throughout my life. After reading some of the work of Thomas Aquinas, I have come towards a more solidified theist position philosophically speaking.

Whaaat? You've never witnessed the meth head logic in action?

You are worse.
Truman, your atheism is pretty much summed up in "fuck you DAD! I am 18 I wont go to Church with you anymore and I love my boyfriend".
The muslims have said this is a religious war and they get a vote too.

Come on libs. Isn't atheism worth fighting for. Or will you all convert when the knife is at your throat. It will be your come to Mohammed moment.
Secularism disarms a people, it divides them, breaking up the previous unity religion provided to the nation and drives them to moral relativism, making them indifferent to not only moral decay within the society, but to evil that threatens them from outside their society.

Europe, America, the West, needs to go back to their Christian roots if we are to survive through the next century. Though there are other things we need to do, this is one of the most important.

I'm an Atheist and I agree. I'll go through a pantomime in public life if I must.
I think mature atheists recognize the merits of organized faith, and realize that whether God exists or not doesn't detract from the underlying value that religious life provides to a society in the way of a unified community with a cohesive moral doctrine.

I have been more of an agnostic Christian myself throughout my life. After reading some of the work of Thomas Aquinas, I have come towards a more solidified theist position philosophically speaking.

As an Atheist let me translate what he meant. Religion as we know it in the West comes with two principal components - the personal, spiritual, ritual side and the sociological side which helps order society. It's the latter which is beneficial to society. In this regard you can treat religion as you would Kiwanis, or Elks, or the Rotary Club or the Masons - an organization where everyone subscribes to common values and lives their life by thsoe values.
Secularism disarms a people, it divides them, breaking up the previous unity religion provided to the nation and drives them to moral relativism, making them indifferent to not only moral decay within the society, but to evil that threatens them from outside their society.

Europe, America, the West, needs to go back to their Christian roots if we are to survive through the next century. Though there are other things we need to do, this is one of the most important.

I'm an Atheist and I agree. I'll go through a pantomime in public life if I must.
I think mature atheists recognize the merits of organized faith, and realize that whether God exists or not doesn't detract from the underlying value that religious life provides to a society in the way of a unified community with a cohesive moral doctrine.

I have been more of an agnostic Christian myself throughout my life. After reading some of the work of Thomas Aquinas, I have come towards a more solidified theist position philosophically speaking.

Whaaat? You've never witnessed the meth head logic in action?

You are worse.

How so?
Truman, your atheism is pretty much summed up in "fuck you DAD! I am 18 I wont go to Church with you anymore and I love my boyfriend".

For a lot of Atheists, they replace the religion of their fathers with the religion of Liberalism and what we, the public, see is an inter-religious war - the adherents of the Religion of Liberalism batting the adherents of Christianity (never Islam or Judaism or Buddhism) for control over the public space.
Truman, your atheism is pretty much summed up in "fuck you DAD! I am 18 I wont go to Church with you anymore and I love my boyfriend".

For a lot of Atheists, they replace the religion of their fathers with the religion of Liberalism and what we, the public, see is an inter-religious war - the adherents of the Religion of Liberalism batting the adherents of Christianity (never Islam or Judaism or Buddhism) for control over the public space.
Secularism is a modern day religion for sure. I think there is merit to the argument that modern liberalism evolved out of protestant theology influenced by enlightenment values of egalitarianism, moral relativism, hyper-individualism, universalism etc. They kept all of the aforementioned values and just dropped the God.
Stupid thread. THEY declared war against US. Stop trying to make it look like WE are the ones who want war.

When did they officially declare war? Did nothing happen before 9/11?

Oh, wait, loads happened before 9/11 that angered Muslims in different parts of the world. But due to ignoring history, it officially didn't happen according to most American people.

yes, loads did happen. Hundreds of terrorist attacks by Muslims all over the world.
Truman, your atheism is pretty much summed up in "fuck you DAD! I am 18 I wont go to Church with you anymore and I love my boyfriend".
You don't know a thing about me.
Its hard to take atheistkult seriously. Internet atheists for the most part are bitter and socially dysfunctional. Just look at their hero on the internet, AmazingAtheist, he is a self proclaimed gay pedophile.

The Amazing Atheist 8217 s not-so-amazing thoughts on the age of consent we hunted the mammoth

It is a safe assumption what I said about you is in the ball park of correct.
Truman, your atheism is pretty much summed up in "fuck you DAD! I am 18 I wont go to Church with you anymore and I love my boyfriend".

For a lot of Atheists, they replace the religion of their fathers with the religion of Liberalism and what we, the public, see is an inter-religious war - the adherents of the Religion of Liberalism batting the adherents of Christianity (never Islam or Judaism or Buddhism) for control over the public space.
Secularism is a modern day religion for sure. I think there is merit to the argument that modern liberalism evolved out of protestant theology influenced by enlightenment values of egalitarianism, moral relativism, hyper-individualism, universalism etc. They kept all of the aforementioned values and just dropped the God.

Look at the religious fervor of the old-line Puritans. Their descendants are the jackbooted warriors of liberalism. They've kept all the self-righteousness and, as you noted, dumped God and replaced God with self-love. After all, the smartest people liberals know are themselves. To be liberal is to be intelligent. This, in their mind, makes them better than everyone else, just like their Puritan ancestors thought they were holier than everyone else.

No need to worship God when trees can stand in.

Truman, your atheism is pretty much summed up in "fuck you DAD! I am 18 I wont go to Church with you anymore and I love my boyfriend".
You don't know a thing about me.
Its hard to take atheistkult seriously. Internet atheists for the most part are bitter and socially dysfunctional. Just look at their hero on the internet, AmazingAtheist, he is a self proclaimed gay pedophile.

The Amazing Atheist 8217 s not-so-amazing thoughts on the age of consent we hunted the mammoth

It is a safe assumption what I said about you is in the ball park of correct.
Where should I send the check, Dr. Freud?
Oh just stop with the blood for oil bullshit. If invading a country was all about America's need for oil you would have invaded us.

Hell's bells you won't even build a pipeline for oil.

"Canada reigns as the United States' leading oil supplier, exporting some 707,316,000 barrels of oil per year (1,938,000 barrels per day) — a whopping 99 percent of its annual oil exports, according to the EIA."

United States Oil Imports OPEC GlobalPost

Oh come on. This isn't the simple argument you're trying to make out.

Let's try and be a little bit more intelligent shall we?

In 2001 there were 4 OPEC countries that really didn't like the US.

Venezuela, Iraq, Iran and Libya.

Venezuela's turn was first. A coup d'etat was supported by the US with quite a bit of money, and help.

Why Venezuela first? Well Chavez was trying to use OPEC as an anti-American tool, reducing the amount of oil and pushing up world oil prices.

Then it was the turn of Iraq. Invaded in 2003.

Then it was Libya in 2011. If you ever go back and read what McCain said during this time you'd realise the right pushed this one for all it was worth.

Then there's Iran, sanctions, supposedly over their nuclear weapons, but it's all about oil.

On your ridiculous point of the US invading Canada. The US doesn't need to invade Canada. This isn't about getting free oil. It's about reducing the world oil price.

OPEC have, by my estimates, about 1,200,000 million barrels. This is compared to all non-OPEC countries in the world who have, perhaps 500,000 million barrels. You see why OPEC is so important? You see why the US doesn't want to allow OPEC to dictate oil prices?

The US has Saudi Arabia on its side, it doesn't need to invade them. The Saudis won't do anything to harm the relationship. If OPEC reduce production, the Saudis might go along saying it's OPEC. They won't, however, do it off their own bat.
Stupid thread. THEY declared war against US. Stop trying to make it look like WE are the ones who want war.

When did they officially declare war? Did nothing happen before 9/11?

Oh, wait, loads happened before 9/11 that angered Muslims in different parts of the world. But due to ignoring history, it officially didn't happen according to most American people.

yes, loads did happen. Hundreds of terrorist attacks by Muslims all over the world.

Wow, is this the extent of your historical knowledge?

I must bow in sarcasm at your greatness.