Do Conservatives Want a Religious War Between the West and the Islamic World?

Do Conservatives Want a Religious War Between the West and the Islamic World?

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I've read the Word many times and frankly I've never read that we as Christians should start a Holy War. I'd appreciate you showing me where in the New Testament we are ordered to do so.

On the other hand, Twelvers firmly believe that chaos must reign over the planet before al al-Mahdi comes back as the Messiah with Jesus to rule the earth under Islam and bring peace around the globe.

It's an apocalyptic view to be certain. Don't forget that Ahmadinejad actually called for the reappearance of the 12th Imam at the UN. They truly believe in this.

Hence they believe war and chaos can hasten the appearance of the Messiah and Jesus.
I've read the Word many times and frankly I've never read that we as Christians should start a Holy War. I'd appreciate you showing me where in the New Testament we are ordered to do so.

On the other hand, Twelvers firmly believe that chaos must reign over the planet before al al-Mahdi comes back as the Messiah with Jesus to rule the earth under Islam and bring peace around the globe.

It's an apocalyptic view to be certain. Don't forget that Ahmadinejad actually called for the reappearance of the 12th Imam at the UN. They truly believe in this.

Hence they believe war and chaos can hasten the appearance of the Messiah and Jesus.

It's not a question of being ordered. It's the interpretation and spin. Parts of the bible have been used to justify a great many things. War and slavery are among them.

Meet Gary Cass:
I 8217 m Islamaphobic Are You

Meet General Boykin:
WallBuilders - LIVE

Matthew 10:34English Standard Version (ESV)
Not Peace, but a Sword
34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.

Islam has scholars that devote their time to interpretations. The puritanical extremist streak that is associated with Wahhabism is one. This is what was exported by both the Saudis and the US to create a jihad against the (then) Soviet Union.

Christian interpretations have been used to justify war. If you like I can dig out the first time Christianity was tied to war, a later use of Christianity for war, and the removal of parts of the bible because a group of people were considered too war like as it was. Or not. If that stuff bores you then I am not even going to waste my time. It's ok. I know it bores the crap out of people and I'm used to it.

It's about manipulation. Manipulating people through their religious beliefs.

Sigh. These passages in Matthew have to do with the mission of the twelve and the conditions of discipleship.

You can't treat the Word as a salad bar and only pick what you want and leave the rest behind.

All thru the New Testament Christ advocates for peace. But He understands that it is unavoidable that wars will continue until He returns.

There is the theory of the Just War that was put forth by Christian theologians St. Augustine of and St. Thomas Aquinas but that is a whole different ball of wax than being commanded to wage a Holy War as compared to the Koran which has many verses commanding believers to wage war.

ETA: packing it in for tonight. See you tomorrow.

I know they are taken out of context. That's my point.

And the Just War theory was created by theologians as to when God gives his stamp of approval. That's not a different ball of wax. It's simply not as alien as Islam is.

Islam has done the same.

This appeals to different types of individuals. It incorporates nationalism and uses God as a weapon or cattle prod. Taking a group of people that live with one foot in the grave at all times, firmly believe in religious supremacy and intend to instill that in every corner of the world for salvation is a Holy War.

There is a reason that we call these people the American Taliban.

Religion has always been used as a manipulative device for control.

The jackasses at the top aren't blowing themselves up. They get the younger, idealistic kids to do it by keeping them bouncing from hopelessness to desperation to salvation.
Who is America waging a Holy War against?

If you are going to prattle on about insane conspiracy theories such as saying christian taliban are driving us to war you ought to provide evidence.

Go back and read my post. Get your shit together before you approach me. You may play this swinging dick shit with the boys but don't play that shit with me.
Yea, that's right, you have no evidence of your claim of American "Taliban" initiating "holy wars". LOL at this "woman" trying to be an internet tough guy when she provides no evidence to her goofy shitlib claims.
It's not a question of being ordered. It's the interpretation and spin. Parts of the bible have been used to justify a great many things. War and slavery are among them.

Meet Gary Cass:
I 8217 m Islamaphobic Are You

Meet General Boykin:
WallBuilders - LIVE

Matthew 10:34English Standard Version (ESV)
Not Peace, but a Sword
34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.

Islam has scholars that devote their time to interpretations. The puritanical extremist streak that is associated with Wahhabism is one. This is what was exported by both the Saudis and the US to create a jihad against the (then) Soviet Union.

Christian interpretations have been used to justify war. If you like I can dig out the first time Christianity was tied to war, a later use of Christianity for war, and the removal of parts of the bible because a group of people were considered too war like as it was. Or not. If that stuff bores you then I am not even going to waste my time. It's ok. I know it bores the crap out of people and I'm used to it.

It's about manipulation. Manipulating people through their religious beliefs.

Sigh. These passages in Matthew have to do with the mission of the twelve and the conditions of discipleship.

You can't treat the Word as a salad bar and only pick what you want and leave the rest behind.

All thru the New Testament Christ advocates for peace. But He understands that it is unavoidable that wars will continue until He returns.

There is the theory of the Just War that was put forth by Christian theologians St. Augustine of and St. Thomas Aquinas but that is a whole different ball of wax than being commanded to wage a Holy War as compared to the Koran which has many verses commanding believers to wage war.

ETA: packing it in for tonight. See you tomorrow.

I know they are taken out of context. That's my point.

And the Just War theory was created by theologians as to when God gives his stamp of approval. That's not a different ball of wax. It's simply not as alien as Islam is.

Islam has done the same.

This appeals to different types of individuals. It incorporates nationalism and uses God as a weapon or cattle prod. Taking a group of people that live with one foot in the grave at all times, firmly believe in religious supremacy and intend to instill that in every corner of the world for salvation is a Holy War.

There is a reason that we call these people the American Taliban.

Religion has always been used as a manipulative device for control.

The jackasses at the top aren't blowing themselves up. They get the younger, idealistic kids to do it by keeping them bouncing from hopelessness to desperation to salvation.
Who is America waging a Holy War against?

If you are going to prattle on about insane conspiracy theories such as saying christian taliban are driving us to war you ought to provide evidence.

Go back and read my post. Get your shit together before you approach me. You may play this swinging dick shit with the boys but don't play that shit with me.
Yea, that's right, you have no evidence of your claim of American "Taliban" initiating "holy wars". LOL at this "woman" trying to be an internet tough guy when she provides no evidence to her goofy shitlib claims.

You ignorant piece of shit........Did you read Gary Cass or listen to General Boykin? No. Then sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
Sigh. These passages in Matthew have to do with the mission of the twelve and the conditions of discipleship.

You can't treat the Word as a salad bar and only pick what you want and leave the rest behind.

All thru the New Testament Christ advocates for peace. But He understands that it is unavoidable that wars will continue until He returns.

There is the theory of the Just War that was put forth by Christian theologians St. Augustine of and St. Thomas Aquinas but that is a whole different ball of wax than being commanded to wage a Holy War as compared to the Koran which has many verses commanding believers to wage war.

ETA: packing it in for tonight. See you tomorrow.

I know they are taken out of context. That's my point.

And the Just War theory was created by theologians as to when God gives his stamp of approval. That's not a different ball of wax. It's simply not as alien as Islam is.
Do you even know what Just War Theory is? And if it is the same ball of wax as Islamic doctrine, why don't you list the similarities and differences between islamic jihadist doctrine and just war doctrine.

You clearly don't know what you are talking about if you think both are similar.

Are you high?
Great Philosophers Augustine on War
Congratulations you can use google christian just war theory, why don't you explain what just war theory in Christianity is and how it is similar to islamic jihad?

You still didn't answer the original question.

Moral justification, jack ass. Go back and read my posts.
All Abrahamic faiths have justifications in which war can be waged, that isn't the question. I am asking you to explain the similarities and differences between islamic jihad theory and just war theory in christianity. But clearly you are out of your depth and can't, and if you could, you wouldn't, because it would discredit your claim they are the "same ball of wax".
Sigh. These passages in Matthew have to do with the mission of the twelve and the conditions of discipleship.

You can't treat the Word as a salad bar and only pick what you want and leave the rest behind.

All thru the New Testament Christ advocates for peace. But He understands that it is unavoidable that wars will continue until He returns.

There is the theory of the Just War that was put forth by Christian theologians St. Augustine of and St. Thomas Aquinas but that is a whole different ball of wax than being commanded to wage a Holy War as compared to the Koran which has many verses commanding believers to wage war.

ETA: packing it in for tonight. See you tomorrow.

I know they are taken out of context. That's my point.

And the Just War theory was created by theologians as to when God gives his stamp of approval. That's not a different ball of wax. It's simply not as alien as Islam is.

Islam has done the same.

This appeals to different types of individuals. It incorporates nationalism and uses God as a weapon or cattle prod. Taking a group of people that live with one foot in the grave at all times, firmly believe in religious supremacy and intend to instill that in every corner of the world for salvation is a Holy War.

There is a reason that we call these people the American Taliban.

Religion has always been used as a manipulative device for control.

The jackasses at the top aren't blowing themselves up. They get the younger, idealistic kids to do it by keeping them bouncing from hopelessness to desperation to salvation.
Who is America waging a Holy War against?

If you are going to prattle on about insane conspiracy theories such as saying christian taliban are driving us to war you ought to provide evidence.

Go back and read my post. Get your shit together before you approach me. You may play this swinging dick shit with the boys but don't play that shit with me.
Yea, that's right, you have no evidence of your claim of American "Taliban" initiating "holy wars". LOL at this "woman" trying to be an internet tough guy when she provides no evidence to her goofy shitlib claims.

You ignorant piece of shit........Did you read Gary Cass or listen to General Boykin? No. Then sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
No, Why don't you enlighten us republican cisgendered christian breeders here?
I know they are taken out of context. That's my point.

And the Just War theory was created by theologians as to when God gives his stamp of approval. That's not a different ball of wax. It's simply not as alien as Islam is.
Do you even know what Just War Theory is? And if it is the same ball of wax as Islamic doctrine, why don't you list the similarities and differences between islamic jihadist doctrine and just war doctrine.

You clearly don't know what you are talking about if you think both are similar.

Are you high?
Great Philosophers Augustine on War
Congratulations you can use google christian just war theory, why don't you explain what just war theory in Christianity is and how it is similar to islamic jihad?

You still didn't answer the original question.

Moral justification, jack ass. Go back and read my posts.
All Abrahamic faiths have justifications in which war can be waged, that isn't the question. I am asking you to explain the similarities and differences between islamic jihad theory and just war theory in christianity. But clearly you are out of your depth and can't, and if you could, you wouldn't, because it would discredit your claim they are the "same ball of wax".

Go back and read my posts. You don't have a case. It's the moral justification and the stamp of approval. Now get the fuck off your ass and get an argument together.
I know they are taken out of context. That's my point.

And the Just War theory was created by theologians as to when God gives his stamp of approval. That's not a different ball of wax. It's simply not as alien as Islam is.

Islam has done the same.

This appeals to different types of individuals. It incorporates nationalism and uses God as a weapon or cattle prod. Taking a group of people that live with one foot in the grave at all times, firmly believe in religious supremacy and intend to instill that in every corner of the world for salvation is a Holy War.

There is a reason that we call these people the American Taliban.

Religion has always been used as a manipulative device for control.

The jackasses at the top aren't blowing themselves up. They get the younger, idealistic kids to do it by keeping them bouncing from hopelessness to desperation to salvation.
Who is America waging a Holy War against?

If you are going to prattle on about insane conspiracy theories such as saying christian taliban are driving us to war you ought to provide evidence.

Go back and read my post. Get your shit together before you approach me. You may play this swinging dick shit with the boys but don't play that shit with me.
Yea, that's right, you have no evidence of your claim of American "Taliban" initiating "holy wars". LOL at this "woman" trying to be an internet tough guy when she provides no evidence to her goofy shitlib claims.

You ignorant piece of shit........Did you read Gary Cass or listen to General Boykin? No. Then sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
No, Why don't you enlighten us republican cisgendered christian breeders here?

I provided those links, you ignorant fucktwit.
Do you even know what Just War Theory is? And if it is the same ball of wax as Islamic doctrine, why don't you list the similarities and differences between islamic jihadist doctrine and just war doctrine.

You clearly don't know what you are talking about if you think both are similar.

Are you high?
Great Philosophers Augustine on War
Congratulations you can use google christian just war theory, why don't you explain what just war theory in Christianity is and how it is similar to islamic jihad?

You still didn't answer the original question.

Moral justification, jack ass. Go back and read my posts.
All Abrahamic faiths have justifications in which war can be waged, that isn't the question. I am asking you to explain the similarities and differences between islamic jihad theory and just war theory in christianity. But clearly you are out of your depth and can't, and if you could, you wouldn't, because it would discredit your claim they are the "same ball of wax".

Go back and read my posts. You don't have a case. It's the moral justification and the stamp of approval. Now get the fuck off your ass and get an argument together.
Now you are just a broken record. Yes, we have established that both faiths justify war in certain circumstances. Now explain the similarities and differences of circumstances please. You did make the claim that both the christian and islamic standard are the same ball of wax after all. In this case, it is up to you to back up such a claim with evidence by dissecting both doctrines and providing the similarities and differences. Otherwise, you have conceded your claim and lost the debate.
Congratulations you can use google christian just war theory, why don't you explain what just war theory in Christianity is and how it is similar to islamic jihad?

You still didn't answer the original question.

Moral justification, jack ass. Go back and read my posts.
All Abrahamic faiths have justifications in which war can be waged, that isn't the question. I am asking you to explain the similarities and differences between islamic jihad theory and just war theory in christianity. But clearly you are out of your depth and can't, and if you could, you wouldn't, because it would discredit your claim they are the "same ball of wax".

Go back and read my posts. You don't have a case. It's the moral justification and the stamp of approval. Now get the fuck off your ass and get an argument together.
Now you are just a broken record. Yes, we have established that both faiths justify war in certain circumstances. Now explain the similarities and differences of circumstances please. You did make the claim that both the christian and islamic standard are the same ball of wax after all. In this case, it is up to you to back up such a claim with evidence by dissecting both doctrines and providing the similarities and differences. Otherwise, you have conceded your claim and lost the debate.

You don't have a debate. You're a mental midget. Go back and read through what I have already written and go through the links provided. Get back to me.
Congratulations you can use google christian just war theory, why don't you explain what just war theory in Christianity is and how it is similar to islamic jihad?

You still didn't answer the original question.

Moral justification, jack ass. Go back and read my posts.
All Abrahamic faiths have justifications in which war can be waged, that isn't the question. I am asking you to explain the similarities and differences between islamic jihad theory and just war theory in christianity. But clearly you are out of your depth and can't, and if you could, you wouldn't, because it would discredit your claim they are the "same ball of wax".

Go back and read my posts. You don't have a case. It's the moral justification and the stamp of approval. Now get the fuck off your ass and get an argument together.
Now you are just a broken record. Yes, we have established that both faiths justify war in certain circumstances. Now explain the similarities and differences of circumstances please. You did make the claim that both the christian and islamic standard are the same ball of wax after all. In this case, it is up to you to back up such a claim with evidence by dissecting both doctrines and providing the similarities and differences. Otherwise, you have conceded your claim and lost the debate.

You don't have a debate. You're a mental midget. Go back and read through what I have already written and go through the links provided. Get back to me.
I read your argument, you said islamic and christian war theory is the same ball of wax, and provided no evidence to this claim on any pages here(if you did, than copy paste it it should take you two seconds). Provide the evidence please, thank you.
Moral justification, jack ass. Go back and read my posts.
All Abrahamic faiths have justifications in which war can be waged, that isn't the question. I am asking you to explain the similarities and differences between islamic jihad theory and just war theory in christianity. But clearly you are out of your depth and can't, and if you could, you wouldn't, because it would discredit your claim they are the "same ball of wax".

Go back and read my posts. You don't have a case. It's the moral justification and the stamp of approval. Now get the fuck off your ass and get an argument together.
Now you are just a broken record. Yes, we have established that both faiths justify war in certain circumstances. Now explain the similarities and differences of circumstances please. You did make the claim that both the christian and islamic standard are the same ball of wax after all. In this case, it is up to you to back up such a claim with evidence by dissecting both doctrines and providing the similarities and differences. Otherwise, you have conceded your claim and lost the debate.

You don't have a debate. You're a mental midget. Go back and read through what I have already written and go through the links provided. Get back to me.
I read your argument, you said islamic and christian war theory is the same ball of wax, and provided no evidence to this claim on any pages here(if you did, than copy paste it it should take you two seconds). Provide the evidence please, thank you.

Go back and read what I wrote and go through the links that I have already provided. Thanks.
How do these men prove that american taliban are leading us in a holy war?

Go back and read the shit and listen to the shit. Get back to me.
Boykin and Cass don't control American foreign policy. To say so is a goofy contention.

Go back and read it and listen to it and get back to me.
I read them, neither prove they run American foreign policy or that we are in a holy war with islam. Where as Radical Islamists of the sunni variety are very much in a holy war of conquest, conversion, and annihilation against the West, muslim minorities and other religious minorities.
All Abrahamic faiths have justifications in which war can be waged, that isn't the question. I am asking you to explain the similarities and differences between islamic jihad theory and just war theory in christianity. But clearly you are out of your depth and can't, and if you could, you wouldn't, because it would discredit your claim they are the "same ball of wax".

Go back and read my posts. You don't have a case. It's the moral justification and the stamp of approval. Now get the fuck off your ass and get an argument together.
Now you are just a broken record. Yes, we have established that both faiths justify war in certain circumstances. Now explain the similarities and differences of circumstances please. You did make the claim that both the christian and islamic standard are the same ball of wax after all. In this case, it is up to you to back up such a claim with evidence by dissecting both doctrines and providing the similarities and differences. Otherwise, you have conceded your claim and lost the debate.

You don't have a debate. You're a mental midget. Go back and read through what I have already written and go through the links provided. Get back to me.
I read your argument, you said islamic and christian war theory is the same ball of wax, and provided no evidence to this claim on any pages here(if you did, than copy paste it it should take you two seconds). Provide the evidence please, thank you.

Go back and read what I wrote and go through the links that I have already provided. Thanks.
I did. Thanks. Now answer my questions and provide the evidence for your claims.
Then that's all the more reason you should thank GWB.

He prevented any oil stoppages.

Er... he caused stoppages with his invasion if Iraq.

Also he destabilized a lot of oil rich countries.

Also he got a lot of people killed just for oil. Would you die for cheaper oil?

Oh just stop with the blood for oil bullshit. If invading a country was all about America's need for oil you would have invaded us.

Hell's bells you won't even build a pipeline for oil.

"Canada reigns as the United States' leading oil supplier, exporting some 707,316,000 barrels of oil per year (1,938,000 barrels per day) — a whopping 99 percent of its annual oil exports, according to the EIA."

United States Oil Imports OPEC GlobalPost
Go back and read my posts. You don't have a case. It's the moral justification and the stamp of approval. Now get the fuck off your ass and get an argument together.
Now you are just a broken record. Yes, we have established that both faiths justify war in certain circumstances. Now explain the similarities and differences of circumstances please. You did make the claim that both the christian and islamic standard are the same ball of wax after all. In this case, it is up to you to back up such a claim with evidence by dissecting both doctrines and providing the similarities and differences. Otherwise, you have conceded your claim and lost the debate.

You don't have a debate. You're a mental midget. Go back and read through what I have already written and go through the links provided. Get back to me.
I read your argument, you said islamic and christian war theory is the same ball of wax, and provided no evidence to this claim on any pages here(if you did, than copy paste it it should take you two seconds). Provide the evidence please, thank you.

Go back and read what I wrote and go through the links that I have already provided. Thanks.
I did. Thanks. Now answer my questions and provide the evidence for your claims.

I have. Thanks. You're entering a conversation that began with post #5. Start there.
Now you are just a broken record. Yes, we have established that both faiths justify war in certain circumstances. Now explain the similarities and differences of circumstances please. You did make the claim that both the christian and islamic standard are the same ball of wax after all. In this case, it is up to you to back up such a claim with evidence by dissecting both doctrines and providing the similarities and differences. Otherwise, you have conceded your claim and lost the debate.

You don't have a debate. You're a mental midget. Go back and read through what I have already written and go through the links provided. Get back to me.
I read your argument, you said islamic and christian war theory is the same ball of wax, and provided no evidence to this claim on any pages here(if you did, than copy paste it it should take you two seconds). Provide the evidence please, thank you.

Go back and read what I wrote and go through the links that I have already provided. Thanks.
I did. Thanks. Now answer my questions and provide the evidence for your claims.

I have. Thanks. You're entering a conversation that began with post #5. Start there.
I read your post 5 already. That is another line of questioning you never answered so thanks for reminding me to remind you. Who is this american taliban(name specific names, no just vague terms like dominionist republicans or some other rachel maddow nonsense), cite those specific names and their specific influence over foreign policy, cite where they have advocated for holy war and where they are engaged in holy war.
You don't have a debate. You're a mental midget. Go back and read through what I have already written and go through the links provided. Get back to me.
I read your argument, you said islamic and christian war theory is the same ball of wax, and provided no evidence to this claim on any pages here(if you did, than copy paste it it should take you two seconds). Provide the evidence please, thank you.

Go back and read what I wrote and go through the links that I have already provided. Thanks.
I did. Thanks. Now answer my questions and provide the evidence for your claims.

I have. Thanks. You're entering a conversation that began with post #5. Start there.
I read your post 5 already. That is another line of questioning you never answered so thanks for reminding me to remind you. Who is this american taliban(name specific names, no just vague terms like dominionist republicans or some other rachel maddow nonsense), cite those specific names and their specific influence over foreign policy, cite where they have advocated for holy war and where they are engaged in holy war.

Randall Terry, John Hagee, David Barton, Coral Ridge Ministries, Betty Fischer, CUFI. There is more.

Look for supporting politicians here for CUFI:
Bill Moyers Journal . Christians United for Israel CUFI PBS

I can pull Perry and his bullshit if necessary.

On second thought. I'm not pulling another mutherfucking thing for your dumb ass.
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