Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?

1st post
i'm not at all surprised you feel that way buttercup.

Sloppy ghey man pass duly noted.

lol... i'm female, you dolt.
We refuse to use your chosen pronouns dude.

don't worries- it's obvious how you hate fact & truth.
When fact and truth by the left can’t even discern between male and female you’re facts and truth kinda go down the shitter. When you can’t get basic biology down why would I trust you for anything else.

<pfffft> kaitlyn jenner is one of yours.

oh & you & your redneck ilk have no room to be so sanctimonious when your own state's sadistic governor heterosexual had to go down in flames b4 he gave up his power.
5th post
Oh Gawd, another Snowflake Drama Queen hissy fit. So repetitive and lame. :206:

i know, right? misery mike is such a buttercup!!!! :113:

Chicken Little Snowflakes are only embarrassing themselves at this point. They're not too bright. :cuckoo:

lol.... sweety- i couldn't care less what you think. i'm wasting some time in this playground until my supper is finished baking.

carry on with your supposed wool being pulled / 'beat down'..... :blahblah:
gotta admit it's funny as hell seeing the deplorables think all is fine & trump will get out of this unscathed.

Glad we can keep you entertained, I know us deplorables are having a great time watching liberals poop in their pants...almost daily.

spin away.... it's all you got.

Yup, that must explain why liberals always seem to have their panties in a bunch.

liberals aren't involved in a russian 'witch hunt' & constantly going on a twitter frenzy about how there's no collusion, no collusion....
gotta admit it's funny as hell seeing the deplorables think all is fine & trump will get out of this unscathed.

Glad we can keep you entertained, I know us deplorables are having a great time watching liberals poop in their pants...almost daily.

spin away.... it's all you got.

Yup, that must explain why liberals always seem to have their panties in a bunch.

liberals aren't involved in a russian 'witch hunt' & constantly going on a twitter frenzy about how there's no collusion, no collusion....

Oh so sorry, liberals...progressives...democrats...kinda hard to tell them apart these days.
10th post
If we could get rid of democrats our democracy would be much healthier.

The fact that a stupid post from a bonafide MORON like you garners 9 other idiots giving you stars, shows how truly fucked up most people on this forum truly are.
I've said and believed that the US has survived other attacks on our constitution and democracy and that we will survive this one too.

But, I can't remember another president openly praising one dictator after another, attacking our democracy and constitution as well as attacking democracy around the world.

I can't remember another time when a political party and voters have embraced Communism, Fascism, nazi-ism, kkk and attacked our constitution.

Or a time when so many people are against the long history the US has with the rule of law.

There's also the refusal to support the taxpayer, jobs, openly sending jobs and manufacturing out of the country. Not all RWNJs are 1% and yet they support the very wealthy even though it harms them.

Biggest is the wilful ignorance of climate change and what it means to their children and grand children.

Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?
Why America is at a Crossroads in History — and There Might Not be Any Way Back to Normal, Sane, or Civilized

A President who invokes absolute authority to…pardon himself. An ambassador to Germany who declares he wants to…topple the German government. Senators — the most powerful people in democracy, save the President — knocking on the door of a “detainment center”, looking for kids separated from their parents, only to be denied by guards who…laugh at them contemptuously, call the police, and have them shooed away like nobodies.

Do Americans understand how much trouble they’re now in? How grave the threat to America’s constitutional democracy, its civil society, its place in the world, and its ongoing survival is? Now. When I ask this question, you’ll protest: “Of course I do!” (or perhaps “You’re overstating it!!”, in which case the answer is already…no.) But I don’t mean you, yourself. I am asking you to ask yourself about everyone else, perhaps the mythical average American.

Here is a truth you would probably rather not hear.

America is at a crossroads. A point of no return. A democratic society cannot really survive the three assaults above, and go on being one. They may seem like just daily events in the ongoing sad saga of a troubled nation — but they are not just that. They contain great significance to history, which I feel American intellectuals are doing a poor job of interpreting and presenting to the American people. Let me take them one by one.

It’s you Left Wing Nut Balls that are embracing

Communism, Fascism, Nazi-ism and attacking our constitution.

Who used the full force of the Federal Government

to spy on and try and sabotage Trump?

Who paid for the FAKE Russian dossier to frame Trump?

Who sold Uranium to the Russians?

Who used the IRS against their political foes?

Who gave a message to Putin that he would have

more flexibility after the election?

Who physically attacks the others supporters?

Who Riots to prevent Free Speech?

I could go on and on but obongo describes you best.

obama stupid mother fuckers you tube - Bing video
Sloppy ghey man pass duly noted.

lol... i'm female, you dolt.
We refuse to use your chosen pronouns dude.

don't worries- it's obvious how you hate fact & truth.
When fact and truth by the left can’t even discern between male and female you’re facts and truth kinda go down the shitter. When you can’t get basic biology down why would I trust you for anything else.

<pfffft> kaitlyn jenner is one of yours.

oh & you & your redneck ilk have no room to be so sanctimonious when your own state's sadistic governor heterosexual had to go down in flames b4 he gave up his power.

And Slick Willie's Hag was one of your and she couldn't beat trump and you are still uber butt hurt 18+ months later.
If we could get rid of democrats our democracy would be much healthier.

You want to get rid of one of two political parties and claim this will make democracy better?

What the fuck?

Dictatorship is not better for democracy.

Get rid of the FPTP system, that'll make it more democratic, it'll reduce the power of both major parties.
I've said and believed that the US has survived other attacks on our constitution and democracy and that we will survive this one too.

But, I can't remember another president openly praising one dictator after another, attacking our democracy and constitution as well as attacking democracy around the world.

I can't remember another time when a political party and voters have embraced Communism, Fascism, nazi-ism, kkk and attacked our constitution.

Or a time when so many people are against the long history the US has with the rule of law.

There's also the refusal to support the taxpayer, jobs, openly sending jobs and manufacturing out of the country. Not all RWNJs are 1% and yet they support the very wealthy even though it harms them.

Biggest is the wilful ignorance of climate change and what it means to their children and grand children.

Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In?
Why America is at a Crossroads in History — and There Might Not be Any Way Back to Normal, Sane, or Civilized

A President who invokes absolute authority to…pardon himself. An ambassador to Germany who declares he wants to…topple the German government. Senators — the most powerful people in democracy, save the President — knocking on the door of a “detainment center”, looking for kids separated from their parents, only to be denied by guards who…laugh at them contemptuously, call the police, and have them shooed away like nobodies.

Do Americans understand how much trouble they’re now in? How grave the threat to America’s constitutional democracy, its civil society, its place in the world, and its ongoing survival is? Now. When I ask this question, you’ll protest: “Of course I do!” (or perhaps “You’re overstating it!!”, in which case the answer is already…no.) But I don’t mean you, yourself. I am asking you to ask yourself about everyone else, perhaps the mythical average American.

Here is a truth you would probably rather not hear.

America is at a crossroads. A point of no return. A democratic society cannot really survive the three assaults above, and go on being one. They may seem like just daily events in the ongoing sad saga of a troubled nation — but they are not just that. They contain great significance to history, which I feel American intellectuals are doing a poor job of interpreting and presenting to the American people. Let me take them one by one.
Just more leftist traitor sewage. Move on, folks.
gotta admit it's funny as hell seeing the deplorables think all is fine & trump will get out of this unscathed.

Glad we can keep you entertained, I know us deplorables are having a great time watching liberals poop in their pants...almost daily.

spin away.... it's all you got.

Yup, that must explain why liberals always seem to have their panties in a bunch.

liberals aren't involved in a russian 'witch hunt' & constantly going on a twitter frenzy about how there's no collusion, no collusion....

Oh so sorry, liberals...progressives...democrats...kinda hard to tell them apart these days.

does it really matter? capt crazy pants calls anyone who disagrees with him -
'his enemies'. including those who still call themselves (R)s.
Well when you consider Americans are getting more in their pay envelopes.

UE is the lowest its been in decades.

The economy is booming.

The stock market is doing well.

America is talking with the troll in NK.

Trump getting rid of a lot of Barry's bullshit EO's.

I'd say Americans can see how much trouble they are not in. LOL
UE is the lowest its been in decades.

The economy is booming.

The stock market is doing well.

Moron........if your other half brain was functioning, you'd know that your actually "thanking" Obama........What the orange idiot inherited was a thriving economy and idiots like you give him all the credit because........well, because you ARE a fucking moron.

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