Dmv photo id help prevent voter fraud.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

And we need to do all we can to prevent voter fraud. Any illegal aliens can get numerous Social Security cards and vote numerous times. Most Americans have a Social Security card and in order to get a Social Security card a birth certificate or certificate of birth is required. Even babies are given Social Security numbers at birth. Children when starting school need a birth certificate. So why are Democrats bitching about republicans wanting people to have photo IDs in order to vote? As if only Democrats and minorities who usually vote democratic do not have photo Ids and birth certificates. Republicans will be require to show photo IDs also.

Rachael Maddow claim blacks will be disenfranchised because they cannot get to the DMV or don’t have the $5 fee for a photo ID and don‘t have birth certificates. That is racist and demeaning. All my black children and black grand children have birth certificates, Social Security cards and photo IDs.

If they cannot get to the DMV then they cannot get to the polls.
Photo IDs don’t discourage anyone to vote but those who are not eligible to vote.
I think you finally got it right this time granny.. Congrats...

I saw Rev. Sharpton on MSNBC last night stirring this pot. He put up a graphic showing that 25% of the affected "voters" would be black and 8% white.. But he NEVER even mentioned the other overwhelming 67%.. And hint -- they are NOT Asian!

He also tossed out some crappy non-factoid about a state that had 240,000 "voters" without photo ID..
This is CLEARLY manufactured out of thin air. If there are 240,000 "voters" in ANY state without photo ID -- I'll eat dog kibble for dinner for a week. i'M clearly tired of the made-up numbers that are getting tossed around on Cable news..

Here's the problem tho.. You should be able to go the polls in your bathing suit.. No wallet, no keys, no ID.. All you should need is your signature.. Works for me at the bank. Works for me with credit cards. The ID PART should be taken care of ONCE when you register and get your Voter Registration squared away. THAT'S the time to ask for all the required stuff. Not on the day of the election at the polls. Tough luck if you haven't registered.. Try again next time..
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And we need to do all we can to prevent voter fraud. Any illegal aliens can get numerous Social Security cards and vote numerous times. Most Americans have a Social Security card and in order to get a Social Security card a birth certificate or certificate of birth is required. Even babies are given Social Security numbers at birth. Children when starting school need a birth certificate. So why are Democrats bitching about republicans wanting people to have photo IDs in order to vote? As if only Democrats and minorities who usually vote democratic do not have photo Ids and birth certificates. Republicans will be require to show photo IDs also.

Rachael Maddow claim blacks will be disenfranchised because they cannot get to the DMV or don’t have the $5 fee for a photo ID and don‘t have birth certificates. That is racist and demeaning. All my black children and black grand children have birth certificates, Social Security cards and photo IDs.

If they cannot get to the DMV then they cannot get to the polls.
Photo IDs don’t discourage anyone to vote but those who are not eligible to vote.

Thank GOD. Does this mean that will STOP counting all those absentee ballots from military personnel, or the mail in ballots which arrive from primarily white neighborhoods because there isn't any photo ID included and no way to know who actually filled them out and sent them in?

Or will 'they' still allow those ballots to be counted while similtaneously turning away people who show up to the polls with IDs (other than the preapproved ones like drivers licenses)?

My mother doesn't have a drivers license. That's not unusual since she doesn't drive and lives in an assisted living village. She's voted in every election since before I was born. Maybe someone can explain to her why at the age of 84 she needs to travel to another town (the ONLY place to get a State photo ID in her area) to get a photo ID when she doesn't drive and everyone already knows who she is.

And we need to do all we can to prevent voter fraud. Any illegal aliens can get numerous Social Security cards and vote numerous times. Most Americans have a Social Security card and in order to get a Social Security card a birth certificate or certificate of birth is required. Even babies are given Social Security numbers at birth. Children when starting school need a birth certificate. So why are Democrats bitching about republicans wanting people to have photo IDs in order to vote? As if only Democrats and minorities who usually vote democratic do not have photo Ids and birth certificates. Republicans will be require to show photo IDs also.

Rachael Maddow claim blacks will be disenfranchised because they cannot get to the DMV or don’t have the $5 fee for a photo ID and don‘t have birth certificates. That is racist and demeaning. All my black children and black grand children have birth certificates, Social Security cards and photo IDs.

If they cannot get to the DMV then they cannot get to the polls.
Photo IDs don’t discourage anyone to vote but those who are not eligible to vote.

If "illegal aliens" can get multiple SS cards, what's to stop them from getting multiple photo IDs?

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