Discovery of Pre-Civil War Letter Revealing Frightening Sasquatch Habituation

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
This pre-civil war letter was recovered from an old plantation homestead in Alabama. It reveals haunting details of a Sasquatch habituation. Please remember when reading that this letter was composed in a much different time.

The letter is written by a plantation overseer to his brother. Here it is:

“Dear Isaiah,

“Hello, brother. I hope this letter finds you well. I apologize for the long delay between communication. But with all the goings on here you will understand that I have been quite busy.”

“The work of overseeing such a sprawling plantation is taxing on one’s body and soul, as you can imagine. Between tending to the crops and whipping the n*ggers I feel as though I have aged twofold. But there is something else that troubles me. In fact, it shakes me to the core.”

“Recently we have been under siege by a monstrous race of giant hairy men. I know how crazy this must sound. But please believe me, it is true. Monsters from the woods descend almost nightly upon my beloved home here, as they do onto the entire plantation.”

“The best way to describe these creatures is to compare them to large apes, being from seven to 10 feet tall, covered in hair, and very muscular. But they are not apes, and they are not human. They are frightful things that walk like a man on two legs but with preternatural speed and grace. One may admire their grace, in fact, if not for what I can only assess as their inherent evil.”

“It all started 4 weeks ago. We began missing chickens. I just assumed it was the slaves. But none would confess to stealing the birds regardless of what degree of beating and torture I administered. Then the livestock began to go missing. I was able to locate the remains of two horses and a milk cow. Isaiah, they were ... mangled, ripped clean apart. It was spine tingling!”

“I reported the mutilations and losses to the master. Of course, he flew into a rage and immediately concluded it was the n*ggers. He ordered me to castrate every single male negro in his employ until a confession of guilt was obtained. I did as I was commanded. But there was no confession.”

“The slaves were in a state of unrest. They spoke of shadow men and boogymen, and begged for my protection. At first I just wrote it off as their voodoo. Knowing the master does not like all their voodoo stuff, I undertook to whip the devil out of them, each and every one. But the rumors of forest devils persisted. You could see the fear in the slaves’ eyes.”

“Then one night not long ago I saw them. The day’s labor had ended, so I headed down to the slave quarters for my nightly romp in the hay with the female dark ones. On my way there a group of five of these creatures walked onto the path not far ahead of me. Then they stopped, turned and stared at me with red glowing eyes that conjured visions of infernal devils and demons straight from the depths of Hades. The largest creature snarled at me, baring it’s teeth. It then growled at me. Brother, I feared for my life. I knew that at any moment they would jump me and rip me into pieces. But instead, they turned and walked into the woods.”

“At this point it was clear that the slaves were correct. There was evil infiltrating my beloved plantation. I told the master, but it did no good. He insisted it was merely the slaves trying to scare us. He ordered me to execute ten of them by hanging them by their necks and to make it known that if they continue in their shenanigans another 10 would be lynched tomorrow. Of course, I followed the master’s wishes. But the nightly visits by the beasts did not abate. In fact, they became worse.”

“Almost immediately n*ggers started going missing. It got to be that nary a night would pass without 2 or 3 of them going missing. One evening while walking the property I found what was left of one of them. An inspection of the remains of the boy made it clear that these hairy giants were eating the slaves!”

“My dearest brother, the nightly visits are still occurring. We have lost half of our field hands to these nocturnal monsters. I have organized a party of negroes, complete with rifles, to hunt down and kill these creatures. I pray to the Lord for the strength needed to slay this evil and send it back to the hell from whence it came.”

“Tonight I shall lead the hunting party, on point, in our attempt to eradicate this threat. I write to you at this time, brother, to convey this horrible news to you and to say my final goodbye in the event I am called home tonight. I love you, Isaiah. Pray for my soul, brother. May the light of God always light your path.

It's a well-known fact that one of the units that fought under President Abraham Lincoln was the 115th Sasquatch Brigade, out of Ohio. Unfortunately, they were decimated at the Battle of Prairie de Anne, when a regiment of Confederate cavalry mistook them for bears and skinned them for their hides.

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the indians have stories of the Sasquatch going back to the 1600's....
Yes, they do. Most tribes have stories of giant hair men. Some are look at as friendly forest people, some as spiritual beings, and some as devils.

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