dirty disgusting slludge at the botton of the cesspool


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
The 'Original Intent' of Benghazi
Jeannie DeAngelis

According to Fox News,
"Security officers working for the CIA in Benghazi heard the attack on the consulate but were twice told to wait before rushing to the compound." In addition, "U.S. officials refused when the security team asked for U.S. warplanes to bomb their attackers, which would have meant violating Libyan airspace." Remember that old Obama adage: better to sodomize, torture, and murder an American Ambassador than dare to violate Libyan airspace.

However, even if the president didn't personally instruct security personnel in Benghazi to "stand down," it's not at all difficult to imagine an unruffled Obama watching the attack in real time, yawning, executing a sleepy stretch, and saying, "It's getting late guys, I think I'll turn in."

Furthermore, it's pretty obvious that the sanctity of life isn't exactly a top priority for pro-choice Barack Obama, whose claim to fame is his belief that some human lives are disposable. Lest we forget, the president is an avid proponent of born-alive babies being left to die, or as he so aptly put it, "looked after" by the doctor that failed to kill them on the first try.

Blog: The 'Original Intent' of Benghazi

Nothing but dirty disgusting lies repeated over and over to take advantage of a tragedy for political gains. Dirty disgusting sludge at the bottom of the cesspool. Nothing is sacred to Radical Right Wing Racist Extremist. Charles woods no exception to use his son to attack Obama. No one is reporting these lies but FOXNEW and RRWRE media.

This is low even for FOXNEWS rag even when you think they can get no lower.
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Part of the problem might be that the left has never seen anyone in the media
push Obama on anything.So when it happens they are in shock.

Secondly the man lost his son and the family made the ultimate sacrifice.
I feel he can say pretty much what he wants to say.
That's his choice.
Damn, I thought this was you doing a little self reflection, but alas, no such luck. It's about your trying to defend the indefensable, again. That's just so you.
Jeanine Piro, Ann Coulter, Jeannie DeAngelis, Michelle Malkin, Laura Ingraham, Angela McGlowan, Sarah Palin
(comparable to a used tampon)
Part of the problem might be that the left has never seen anyone in the media
push Obama on anything.
So when it happens they are in shock.

Secondly the man lost his son and the family made the ultimate sacrifice.
I feel he can say pretty much what he wants to say.
That's his choice.

ATF? Foxnews and RRWRE does it 24-7, 365 days a year. :mad:
I wonder if people in the WH are positive they did the right thing
in doing nothing to help the people who were left to the mobs and terrorists to be killed.
Part of the problem might be that the left has never seen anyone in the media
push Obama on anything.So when it happens they are in shock.

Secondly the man lost his son and the family made the ultimate sacrifice.
I feel he can say pretty much what he wants to say.
That's his choice.

He disobeyed orders and lost his life because of that. People in the consulate was being evacauted and did not need him to get in their way and he may have been the cause of lives being lost looking for him. People have got to take responsible for their own actions. He could have been facing court martial. How many lives were save by security that NO one is talking about. Typical of the RRWRE glass being half empty.
Obama's power is not absolute.

You people and FOXNEWS don't want the truth, lies are better accepted because it discredit Obama. Plus with the truth, you would have to find something else to attack Obama with.
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Part of the problem might be that the left has never seen anyone in the media
push Obama on anything.So when it happens they are in shock.

Secondly the man lost his son and the family made the ultimate sacrifice.
I feel he can say pretty much what he wants to say.
That's his choice.

He disobeyed orders and lost his life because of that. People in the consulate was being evacauted and did not need him to get in their way and he may have been the cause of lives being lost looking for him. People have got to take responsible for their own actions. He could have been facing court martial. How many lives were save by security that NO one is talking about. Typical of the RRWRE glass being half empty.
Obama's power is not absolute.

there has to be a hell for people who think like this.
I wonder if people in the WH are positive they did the right thing
in doing nothing to help the people who were left to the mobs and terrorists to be killed.

And you don't fucking know that NOTHING had been done. Again, How many lives were saved through evacuations by security that no one is talking about.
The 'Original Intent' of Benghazi
Jeannie DeAngelis

According to Fox News,
"Security officers working for the CIA in Benghazi heard the attack on the consulate but were twice told to wait before rushing to the compound." In addition, "U.S. officials refused when the security team asked for U.S. warplanes to bomb their attackers, which would have meant violating Libyan airspace." Remember that old Obama adage: better to sodomize, torture, and murder an American Ambassador than dare to violate Libyan airspace.

However, even if the president didn't personally instruct security personnel in Benghazi to "stand down," it's not at all difficult to imagine an unruffled Obama watching the attack in real time, yawning, executing a sleepy stretch, and saying, "It's getting late guys, I think I'll turn in."

Furthermore, it's pretty obvious that the sanctity of life isn't exactly a top priority for pro-choice Barack Obama, whose claim to fame is his belief that some human lives are disposable. Lest we forget, the president is an avid proponent of born-alive babies being left to die, or as he so aptly put it, "looked after" by the doctor that failed to kill them on the first try.

Blog: The 'Original Intent' of Benghazi

Nothing but dirty disgusting lies repeated over and over to take advantage of a tragedy for political gains. Dirty disgusting sludge at the bottom of the cesspool. Nothing is sacred to Radical Right Wing Racist Extremist. Charles woods no exception to use his son to attack Obama. No one is reporting these lies but FOXNEW and RRWRE media.

This is low even for FOXNEWS rag even when you think they can get no lower.
So, anything that doesn't slavishly and adoringly worship your little tin god is a lie.

Got it. Kerry on.
Part of the problem might be that the left has never seen anyone in the media
push Obama on anything.
So when it happens they are in shock.

Secondly the man lost his son and the family made the ultimate sacrifice.
I feel he can say pretty much what he wants to say.
That's his choice.

ATF? Foxnews and RRWRE does it 24-7, 365 days a year. :mad:
And you absolutely hate that, don't you?

Too bad. It's their right. There's nothing you can do about it.
I wonder if people in the WH are positive they did the right thing
in doing nothing to help the people who were left to the mobs and terrorists to be killed.

And you don't fucking know that NOTHING had been done. Again, How many lives were saved through evacuations by security that no one is talking about.

Why aren't other news agencies talking about it? Cause it make obummer look real damn bad. take it or leave it.
Part of the problem might be that the left has never seen anyone in the media
push Obama on anything.So when it happens they are in shock.

Secondly the man lost his son and the family made the ultimate sacrifice.
I feel he can say pretty much what he wants to say.
That's his choice.

He disobeyed orders and lost his life because of that. People in the consulate was being evacauted and did not need him to get in their way and he may have been the cause of lives being lost looking for him. People have got to take responsible for their own actions. He could have been facing court martial. How many lives were save by security that NO one is talking about. Typical of the RRWRE glass being half empty.
Obama's power is not absolute.

You people and FOXNEWS don't want the truth, lies are better accepted because it discredit Obama. Plus with the truth, you would have to find something else to attack Obama with.
Your "truth" is nothing but blind devotion and wishful thinking.

But it's not at all surprising that you blame the dead SEAL rather than your little tin god.

You're disgusting.
I wonder if people in the WH are positive they did the right thing
in doing nothing to help the people who were left to the mobs and terrorists to be killed.

And you don't fucking know that NOTHING had been done. Again, How many lives were saved through evacuations by security that no one is talking about.

If something had been done, people would be talking about it.

Since no one is talking about it, nothing was done.

Security at the consulate was apparently provided by Libyan nationals hired by the United States. While security for American embassies is typically provided by our own Marines, the two Marines reported killed in yesterday's attacks appear not to have been stationed at the embassy, but were sent there from another unknown location as the violence erupted. There is also no indication if these two Marines were the only American military personnel on site at the time of Ambassador Stevens's death.

Military officials told CBS News an anti-terrorism team of U.S. Marines was being deployed to Libya to help secure U.S. interests following the attack. The State Department said, however, that no Americans were remaining at the facility in Benghazi. State officials would not confirm how many Americans were evacuated, or to where....

Where Were the Marines?

We do know only 4 died. 4 out of how many?
Security at the consulate was apparently provided by Libyan nationals hired by the United States. While security for American embassies is typically provided by our own Marines, the two Marines reported killed in yesterday's attacks appear not to have been stationed at the embassy, but were sent there from another unknown location as the violence erupted. There is also no indication if these two Marines were the only American military personnel on site at the time of Ambassador Stevens's death.

Military officials told CBS News an anti-terrorism team of U.S. Marines was being deployed to Libya to help secure U.S. interests following the attack. The State Department said, however, that no Americans were remaining at the facility in Benghazi. State officials would not confirm how many Americans were evacuated, or to where....

Where Were the Marines?

We do know only 4 died. 4 out of how many?

they died while the wh looked on. that must have been a thrill up their leg.
Benghazi has become shorthand for the voter, meaning incompetence, lying, and paralysis.
I wonder if Obamas kids, or Hilary's kids, or Panettas kids were being attacked would they send in help or not??? The people in Bengazi were murdered by Muslim Animals and by the current administration. You all know the current administration are a bunch of Muslim Sympathizers. The current administration actually hate their own country, and especially the military. All this administration wants is to destroy the United States and what it stands for. To all you Liberal Jihadests, if Obama is reelcted, jsut wait and see what he does with th U.N. You will have very limited rights. Obama has several Treaties he is just waiting to sign . These treaties will deplete our constitutional rights, and privelages. all you LIBERAL JIHADISTS need to read a book called the United Nations Green Agenda. It outlines plans to stop free speach, freedom of religion,gun ownership rights. And it also plans to tax U.S. Citizens, and give that money to other nations. This book also outlines plans to make people live where the U.N. wants them to live. You will lose all types of your rights. This book also has plans that detail the removal of U.S. Citizens to reeducation camps, or work camps. If you say something the U.N. doesnt like. This is just a small sampling of the book. And there are ALREADY ARMY manuals printed up for the implimentation of the U.N. agenda. I know non of you will accept this, but it is true. The model for the U.N. Agenda is soley based on STALINS TACTICS he used before and during WW2. Read your history. Stalin is believed to have murded 12 million of his own people. WAKE UP!!!!! I am neither a Demorcrat or Republican, I am totally non political. I know neither party will do waht is best for this country, or it's people. I however have been to school and I know how to read. Open your minds and see the truth. I am ex-military I served this country, and I did not do that for some MUSLIM LOVER to give it all away to the U.N.

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