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Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Rev Sharpton...where you is?

Dallas-area shooting spree leaves 4 dead, another 4 wounded

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Updated 12:11 p.m. ET

DALLAS Four women were killed and four other people were wounded Wednesday night in two separate but related shootings, one of which may have involved an explosive device, not far apart in Dallas and a nearby suburb, police said.

The suspect has been identified as Erbie Bowser, who identifies himself on his Facebook page as a former Dallas Mavericks dancer, CBS Dallas station KTVT-TV reports. Bowser was arrested at the second crime scene in DeSoto, Texas, outside Dallas. Charges against the suspect are still pending. Family members said that Bowser was looking for his ex-girlfriend at both of the houses.

The first shooting happened around 10:30 p.m. at a Dallas home. A mother and her 17-year-old daughter were shot and killed, Dallas Police Department Maj. Jeff Cotner said at a Thursday morning news conference. The mother's 14-year-old son and another 17-year-old girl, whom Cotner described as a family friend, were wounded.

The gunman then moved about 7 miles to another home in DeSoto, Mitchell said. There, at around 10:45 p.m., he tossed what police believe may be some type of explosive device into the home, police told KTVT-TV, before opening fire again.

At a Thursday morning press conference, DeSoto police said they couldn't confirm what the device was pending an investigation by the FBI and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Another two women were killed, and two boys - an 11-year-old and a 13-year-old - were wounded, DeSoto police Cpl. Melissa Franks said

Neighbors of the DeSoto home described the loud boom from the explosive device.

"We thought it was coming from upstairs because the kids are always upstairs making noise," said Tommy Johnson. "I went up and asked, 'Did y'all hear anything?' and one of my daughters said it came from outside, so I peeped out the front, and that's when I saw a bunch of officers walking down the sidewalk about 10 houses up."

Franks said police took Bowser into custody without incident at the house where the second shooting occurred. She said no charges had been filed yet.

Victims that survived the Dallas shooting were taken to Parkland Hospital and Methodist Dallas Medical Center. Their current conditions are not known.

The conditions of the two surviving DeSoto victims are also not known. They were transported to Children's Medical Center of Dallas.
I reckon he just wanted to take out the garbage and live simply for the rest of his days. Could have just shot himself in the head....he was not Emmet Till.
Then don't worry, a story will soon be linked on the Drudge Report as soon as Brietbart or WND comes up with their versions.

Why doesn't Sharpton arrange a vigil for these black victims? They were murdered out of hate.

Everything's about race with you, isn't it? What's up with that? You're goofy.

I've been conditioned by the race baiting left and the media. Haven't you heard.......everything is about race.

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