Did we pay $1,191,200 for 2 pounds of frozen ham?

If you check the recovery.gov website only a very small percentage of the money is going toward "shovel ready" projects. The rest is entitlement and pork. The oversight auditor said "Its a sausage factory"

I'm surprised that anyone is surprised.

Some "shovel ready" projects are being held up in the respective states. The following is another website (independent) which follows the stimulus money, state by state, plus provides a lot of other interesting trivia, like who is lobbying for what. Ignore the intro section dated in March, and go to the current links to the right of the page. It is constantly being updated, so it's a keeper.

Follow the Stimulus Money - ProPublica
Food Lion was advertising .79. Not sure if I'd eat it though.

Of course, if you google Food Lion Ham prices you will not find any $.79 ham, although if they ever did advertise such a price, I'd wager it was pork SHANKS which contains shank bone and part of the femur bone included in the weight. (My father was a butcher) Since the source of this price was a CON$ervative you can be sure they would leave that part out.

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