Did Russia Swing As Many Votes As the Illegal Alien Vote?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
The evidence is already clear that Russian meddling did not determine the outcome of the election, and that whatever influence the Russians exerted on the vote count was minuscule and insignificant. Moreover, the illegal alien vote dwarfed the small number of votes generated/swayed by Russian meddling.

A 2013 National Hispanic Survey study by Republican pollster John McLaughlin asked a sample of 800 likely Hispanic voters if they were American citizens. 13 percent admitted they were not. About 12 million Hispanics voted in the 2016 election. If only 10 percent of them were illegals, then 1.2 million illegals voted. If 13 percent of them were illegals, then 1.5 million illegals voted. Based on several third-party studies, Judicial Watch estimates that 1.1 million illegals voted in 2016.

Keep in mind that just five days before the 2016 election, President Obama, the man charged with upholding our laws, clearly seemed to assure illegal aliens that they would *not* be prosecuted if they voted; at the very least, he allowed to go unchallenged the claim that illegal aliens were unjustly discouraged from voting because they were afraid they would be prosecuted for voting.

In East Chicago, Indiana, a city with 30,000 residents, voting fraud was so systemic in 2003 that the State Supreme Court ordered a new election with heightened verification. When unlawful voters were prohibited from casting a ballot, the outcome of the election changed.

By the way, the DREAM Act bills that Dems submitted in the House and Senate both contain provisions that allow illegal aliens who have voted to still qualify for legal status, i.e., they give amnesty for voting illegally. Now, gee, if illegal alien voting is so minimal or non-existent, why the need to insert such a clause in both of the Dreamer bills?

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Alien Voting

Can ICE Solve the Vexing Question of How Often Aliens Vote Illegally?

Judicial Watch: 1.1 million illegals voted for Hillary in 2016 - The American Mirror

Undermining America: Did Obama Just Encourage Illegals to Vote?
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As some on the Left have stated (Van Jones), the Russia collusion story is a nothing burger.

Many have also said it was a story concocted by Obama, Hillary, and others of the ruling class, for the sole purpose of denigrating and limiting Trump's ability to govern. What this covert and highly unjust effort exposed, in reality, is that 95% of the MSM is controlled by the ruling class and the D Party is the party of the ruling class.

No doubt illegals had more impact on the election than the Russians, but the MSM, Ds, and the ruling class have purposely and covertly subverted the will of the people.

It is time for indictments, trials, and prison terms....but we all know this won't happen. They will get away with it once again.
$6.7 million spent investigating the unsubstantiated vote influence when direct voter fraud was proven. All at the feet of the MSM.
A spending report released by Mueller's office in December reported direct spending of $3.2 million from the time of his appointment in May until the end of fiscal year 2017 last September. Personnel assigned to Mueller's team also cost the Justice Department about $3.5 million during that period, but officials said those expenses would have been incurred whether or not the probe was handed to a special counsel.
Trump budget anticipates Mueller investigation will stretch into fiscal year 2019
Man. Are you guys ever gonna be pissed!

Give them some credit, it has been almost a month since they posted this voter fraud bullshit. That might be a new record for them. They must have gotten a new talking points email this weekend that included voter fraud.
Man. Are you guys ever gonna be pissed!

Give them some credit, it has been almost a month since they posted this voter fraud BS. That might be a new record for them. They must have gotten a new talking points email this weekend that included voter fraud.

Denying the evidence of voter fraud won't make it go away. I'm guessing you haven't read any of the research on illegal alien voting.
All these illegals voted, yet you have zero proof.

Because it doesn’t happen!! Why would an illegal draw attention to himslef by commiting a stupid felony like that ? They wouldn’t .
Man. Are you guys ever gonna be pissed!

Give them some credit, it has been almost a month since they posted this voter fraud BS. That might be a new record for them. They must have gotten a new talking points email this weekend that included voter fraud.

Denying the evidence of voter fraud won't make it go away. I'm guessing you haven't read any of the research on illegal alien voting.

There is no evidence.
Man. Are you guys ever gonna be pissed!

Give them some credit, it has been almost a month since they posted this voter fraud BS. That might be a new record for them. They must have gotten a new talking points email this weekend that included voter fraud.

Denying the evidence of voter fraud won't make it go away. I'm guessing you haven't read any of the research on illegal alien voting.

Actually I have done a ton of voter fraud research, even did a project on it for a data analysis class while working on my Masters.

It is in two words, a Nothing Burger. No credible study has ever found any proof or even real evidence of any widespread voter fraud.

The real question is, have you actually done any research into it and not just looked at articles and said "hell yeah" to what was written? Have you looked at the studies and at their methodology and at the actual results compared to the talking points?

Here is a site you might want to check out...Myth of Voter Fraud
Man. Are you guys ever gonna be pissed!

Give them some credit, it has been almost a month since they posted this voter fraud BS. That might be a new record for them. They must have gotten a new talking points email this weekend that included voter fraud.

Denying the evidence of voter fraud won't make it go away. I'm guessing you haven't read any of the research on illegal alien voting.

Actually I have done a ton of voter fraud research, even did a project on it for a data analysis class while working on my Masters.

It is in two words, a Nothing Burger. No credible study has ever found any proof or even real evidence of any widespread voter fraud.

The real question is, have you actually done any research into it and not just looked at articles and said "hell yeah" to what was written? Have you looked at the studies and at their methodology and at the actual results compared to the talking points?

Here is a site you might want to check out...Myth of Voter Fraud
Well yes, the case of voter fraud was done by a republican...

GREELEY, Colo. — Just weeks before the 2016 presidential election, Steve Curtis told his radio listeners, “Virtually every case of voter fraud that I can remember in my lifetime was committed by Democrats or do I not have the facts?”

Now Curtis, the chairman of Colorado’s Republican party in the late 1990s and a former talk show host for KLZ-560 AM, is on trial in a Weld County courtroom, charged with felony forgery misdemeanor election fraud.
Voter fraud trial underway for former GOP chairman
Man. Are you guys ever gonna be pissed!

Give them some credit, it has been almost a month since they posted this voter fraud BS. That might be a new record for them. They must have gotten a new talking points email this weekend that included voter fraud.

Denying the evidence of voter fraud won't make it go away. I'm guessing you haven't read any of the research on illegal alien voting.

There is no evidence.

We don’t need evidence anymore do we?
It never seams to stop a liberal.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The only voter fraud out there is the gop and their voter suppression. For example requiring specific state issued license to vote .
The whole populace that is registered to vote doesn't vote, what makes you think that people that are not registered and are here illegally would take the time off work to vote if citizens won't do it?
Man. Are you guys ever gonna be pissed!

Give them some credit, it has been almost a month since they posted this voter fraud BS. That might be a new record for them. They must have gotten a new talking points email this weekend that included voter fraud.

Denying the evidence of voter fraud won't make it go away. I'm guessing you haven't read any of the research on illegal alien voting.

There has been none.

Peace out, freak.
The evidence is already clear that Russian meddling did not determine the outcome of the election, and that whatever influence the Russians exerted on the vote count was minuscule and insignificant. Moreover, the illegal alien vote dwarfed the small number of votes generated/swayed by Russian meddling.

A 2013 National Hispanic Survey study by Republican pollster John McLaughlin asked a sample of 800 likely Hispanic voters if they were American citizens. 13 percent admitted they were not. About 12 million Hispanics voted in the 2016 election. If only 10 percent of them were illegals, then 1.2 million illegals voted. If 13 percent of them were illegals, then 1.5 million illegals voted. Based on several third-party studies, Judicial Watch estimates that 1.1 million illegals voted in 2016.

Keep in mind that just five days before the 2016 election, President Obama, the man charged with upholding our laws, clearly seemed to assure illegal aliens that they would *not* be prosecuted if they voted; at the very least, he allowed to go unchallenged the claim that illegal aliens were unjustly discouraged from voting because they were afraid they would be prosecuted for voting.

In East Chicago, Indiana, a city with 30,000 residents, voting fraud was so systemic in 2003 that the State Supreme Court ordered a new election with heightened verification. When unlawful voters were prohibited from casting a ballot, the outcome of the election changed.

By the way, the DREAM Act bills that Dems submitted in the House and Senate both contain provisions that allow illegal aliens who have voted to still qualify for legal status, i.e., they give amnesty for voting illegally. Now, gee, if illegal alien voting is so minimal or non-existent, why the need to insert such a clause in both of the Dreamer bills?

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Alien Voting

Can ICE Solve the Vexing Question of How Often Aliens Vote Illegally?

Judicial Watch: 1.1 million illegals voted for Hillary in 2016 - The American Mirror

Undermining America: Did Obama Just Encourage Illegals to Vote?

Voter Fraud is a Voting Rights violation.

Voter Fraud takes away another person's Right to Vote.

The Democratic Party is against Voting Rights.

Millions of American Citizens are being denied their Right to Vote because of the Democrat Voter Fraud.
The only voter fraud out there is the gop and their voter suppression. For example requiring specific state issued license to vote .

I have no issues with voter ID laws. If have to show an ID to buy NyQuil then I do not mind doing so for voting.

Who does not have an ID of some sort in this day and age?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
All these illegals voted, yet you have zero proof.

Because it doesn’t happen!! Why would an illegal draw attention to himslef by commiting a stupid felony like that ? They wouldn’t .

How can they check for Voter Fraud without checking IDs?
Man. Are you guys ever gonna be pissed!

Give them some credit, it has been almost a month since they posted this voter fraud BS. That might be a new record for them. They must have gotten a new talking points email this weekend that included voter fraud.

Denying the evidence of voter fraud won't make it go away. I'm guessing you haven't read any of the research on illegal alien voting.

There is no evidence.

The Corrupt Democratic Party blocking Voter ID laws is the smoking gun evidence that Dirty Dems use Voter Fraud to steal elections.

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