Did Jesus really exist?

Did Jesus Really Exist as a Flesh and blood person?

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It does seem odd that a dude dying a political death and then walking out of his tomb didn't get a bit more press coverage, even for ancient times.
Seems to me that the best selling Book of all time, staring the Dude that walked out of his Tomb, is pretty good press coverage. :D
It does seem odd that a dude dying a political death and then walking out of his tomb didn't get a bit more press coverage, even for ancient times.
Seems to me that the best selling Book of all time, staring the Dude that walked out of his Tomb, is pretty good press coverage. :D

and no where else is it recored except in the christian bible , written to promote the mythology
It does seem odd that a dude dying a political death and then walking out of his tomb didn't get a bit more press coverage, even for ancient times.
Seems to me that the best selling Book of all time, staring the Dude that walked out of his Tomb, is pretty good press coverage. :D

and no where else is it recored except in the christian bible , written to promote the mythology

Philo (~20 BCE - ~40 CE)
was a Hellenized Jew who lived in Alexandria, Egypt. He visited the Temple in Jerusalem, and corresponded with family there. He wrote a great many books on religion and philosophy which survive to this day, and mentioned many of his contemporaries. His main theological contribution was the development of the Logos, the "Word" that opens the Gospel of John. Yet Philo not once mentions Jesus, anybody who could be mistaken for Jesus, or any of the events of the New Testament. His last writings come from 40 CE, only a few years after the end of Pontius Pilate's reign, when he was part of an embassy sent by the Alexandrian Jews to the Roman Emperor Caligula.

Philo wrote an account of the Jews covering the entire time that Christ is said to have existed on earth. He was living in or near Jerusalem when Christ's miraculous birth and the Herodian massacre (which also has no independent corroboration) supposedly occurred. He was personally very interested in the concept of resurrection. He was there when Christ supposedly would have made his triumphal entry in Jerusalem. He was there when the Crucifixion with its attendant earthquake, supernatural darkness, and resurrection of the dead would have taken place--when Christ himself supposedly would have rose from the dead. Yet, none of these events are ever mentioned by him.

The following is quoted from: Witness to Jesus - Philo of Alexandria
It does seem odd that a dude dying a political death and then walking out of his tomb didn't get a bit more press coverage, even for ancient times.
Seems to me that the best selling Book of all time, staring the Dude that walked out of his Tomb, is pretty good press coverage. :D

and no where else is it recored except in the christian bible , written to promote the mythology
The Holy bible has been under attack for thousands of years but no worries! the Holy bible is eternal living God inspired words of God!

you sound like a Ventriloquists dummy repeating idiotic nonsense over and over as to make it true
It does seem odd that a dude dying a political death and then walking out of his tomb didn't get a bit more press coverage, even for ancient times.
Seems to me that the best selling Book of all time, staring the Dude that walked out of his Tomb, is pretty good press coverage. :D

and no where else is it recored except in the christian bible , written to promote the mythology
The Holy bible has been under attack for thousands of years but no worries! the Holy bible is eternal living God inspired words of God!

you sound like a Ventriloquists dummy repeating idiotic nonsense over and over as to make it true
As an honest curiousity, have you considered spending half as much energy studying Torah as debunking TNT?
It does seem odd that a dude dying a political death and then walking out of his tomb didn't get a bit more press coverage, even for ancient times.
Seems to me that the best selling Book of all time, staring the Dude that walked out of his Tomb, is pretty good press coverage. :D

and no where else is it recored except in the christian bible , written to promote the mythology

Philo (~20 BCE - ~40 CE)
was a Hellenized Jew who lived in Alexandria, Egypt. He visited the Temple in Jerusalem, and corresponded with family there. He wrote a great many books on religion and philosophy which survive to this day, and mentioned many of his contemporaries. His main theological contribution was the development of the Logos, the "Word" that opens the Gospel of John. Yet Philo not once mentions Jesus, anybody who could be mistaken for Jesus, or any of the events of the New Testament. His last writings come from 40 CE, only a few years after the end of Pontius Pilate's reign, when he was part of an embassy sent by the Alexandrian Jews to the Roman Emperor Caligula.

Philo wrote an account of the Jews covering the entire time that Christ is said to have existed on earth. He was living in or near Jerusalem when Christ's miraculous birth and the Herodian massacre (which also has no independent corroboration) supposedly occurred. He was personally very interested in the concept of resurrection. He was there when Christ supposedly would have made his triumphal entry in Jerusalem. He was there when the Crucifixion with its attendant earthquake, supernatural darkness, and resurrection of the dead would have taken place--when Christ himself supposedly would have rose from the dead. Yet, none of these events are ever mentioned by him.

The following is quoted from: Witness to Jesus - Philo of Alexandria
YES! Stan demons and his minions tools hate God's Word you can hear them cry scream and curse when they see it posted here they know how short their time is and their fate=eternal lake of fire. and you?
Whatever translation software you're using...it sucks.

As for the Eternal Lake of Fire...Nah! God isn't the sick fuck TNT paints Him out to be.
I dare lots, Bridge.
The Lake will be filled with everybody who doesn't believe in JC, regardless of how fine they were as people.
That paints God as a sick fuck, and I find it rather insulting.
I dare lots, Bridge.
The Lake will be filled with everybody who doesn't believe in JC, regardless of how fine they were as people.
That paints God as a sick fuck, and I find it rather insulting.
There are no "fine" people all people are sinners in need of Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
I realize the core of Christianity is the absconding of accountability.
The "Grace" of God thing coupled with "John's " Predestination has helped, along with Islam, to create a long horrific history.
I feel sorry for anybody who picks up TNT before learning Torah because TNT is so filled with holdovers from Greek Mythology.
It's really very sad.
I dare lots, Bridge.
The Lake will be filled with everybody who doesn't believe in JC, regardless of how fine they were as people.
That paints God as a sick fuck, and I find it rather insulting.
There are no "fine" people all people are sinners in need of Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
I realize the core of Christianity is the absconding of accountability.
The "Grace" of God thing coupled with "John's " Predestination has helped, along with Islam, to create a long horrific history.
I feel sorry for anybody who picks up TNT before learning Torah because TNT is so filled with holdovers from Greek Mythology.
It's really very sad.
LOL! Satan got you on the CHEAP! HUH? Just know he will laugh in your face as you die.
Ad hominems!
NOW we're getting somewhere!
Just keep reminding everybody they're going to Hell.
Thanks to John's Predestination even many believers are going to Hell.
You gotta love it!
I dare lots, Bridge.
The Lake will be filled with everybody who doesn't believe in JC, regardless of how fine they were as people.
That paints God as a sick fuck, and I find it rather insulting.
There are no "fine" people all people are sinners in need of Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
I realize the core of Christianity is the absconding of accountability.
The "Grace" of God thing coupled with "John's " Predestination has helped, along with Islam, to create a long horrific history.
I feel sorry for anybody who picks up TNT before learning Torah because TNT is so filled with holdovers from Greek Mythology.
It's really very sad.
LOL! Satan got you on the CHEAP! HUH? Just know he will laugh in your face as you die.
Ad hominems!
NOW we're getting somewhere!
Just keep reminding everybody they're going to Hell.
Thanks to John's Predestination even many believers are going to Hell.
You gotta love it!
You are very wrong and lack wisdom and understanding pray and God will help you.
You now see how stupid you are that you revealed how you REALLY feel about Jews in the "Worthless Israel" thread.

You pray, I'll think AND pray.
On another thread, I made the statement that Jesus was a made up character.

Here's why I think he was.

1) The Gospels were written years after his supposed life, and they contradict each other on key points.

2) He is not mentioned by a lot of contemporary writers who should have noticed him.

3) He shares a lot of traits with other mythological figures.

This realization is actually one of the main things that led me to become an atheist. If you look at both Christianity and Judaism you can tell that they clearly borrow from other older religions around them like Zoroastrianism and even a little Egyptian mythology.
Could make the same convincing arguement Jesus didn't exist with any figure from antiquity. Did Alexander the Great really exist? Ghengis Khan?

Like Jesus, these figures are said to have once existed as flesh and blood. We all know their names. But can we prove they actually existed if they're just bones now and their bones look like everybody else's?

What does it matter?

There's more compelling evidence when it comes to Alexander and Ghengis Khan. They forged empires and traveled great distances and many writers of their time make mention of them. While I can see your premise and even agree with it for the most part, those two were not great examples.
On another thread, I made the statement that Jesus was a made up character.

Here's why I think he was.

1) The Gospels were written years after his supposed life, and they contradict each other on key points.

2) He is not mentioned by a lot of contemporary writers who should have noticed him.

3) He shares a lot of traits with other mythological figures.
On another thread, I made the statement that Jesus was a made up character.

Here's why I think he was.

1) The Gospels were written years after his supposed life, and they contradict each other on key points.

2) He is not mentioned by a lot of contemporary writers who should have noticed him.

3) He shares a lot of traits with other mythological figures.

Wrong and stupid with stupid holding a large edge.

He's mentioned by at least 2 contemporaneous Roman writers

Alright I normally don't like making these sort of comments but if you're going to call someone stupid and then try to sound smart you could at least use real words.
Well, you can attest to their existence because there are contemporary accounts as well as historical results of their existence that were immediate.

I think the question of Jesus' existence is important if you have a large portion of the population trying to make laws based on what Jesus would do.

With respect I disagree.

Whether someone existed ornot wont change how people think of him. We can probably make an empirical case Santa doesn't exist, but I don't think anyone's going to then propose we cancel Christmas plans this year. :)

That's also not a great example because while Santa is a big part of Christmas he isn't the cornerstone of it. Jesus is.
On another thread, I made the statement that Jesus was a made up character.

Here's why I think he was.

1) The Gospels were written years after his supposed life, and they contradict each other on key points.

2) He is not mentioned by a lot of contemporary writers who should have noticed him.

3) He shares a lot of traits with other mythological figures.
On another thread, I made the statement that Jesus was a made up character.

Here's why I think he was.

1) The Gospels were written years after his supposed life, and they contradict each other on key points.

2) He is not mentioned by a lot of contemporary writers who should have noticed him.

3) He shares a lot of traits with other mythological figures.

Wrong and stupid with stupid holding a large edge.

He's mentioned by at least 2 contemporaneous Roman writers

I agree. If you're going to say you have evidence you've got to share it with the class.
There were NO contemporary witnesses. There were NO eye witnesses period.
I, and many billions more would disagree with that statement.

Eleven different appearances of our risen Lord are recorded in the New Testament…
To Mary Magdalene at the sepulchre alone. This is recorded at length only by John (20:11-18), and alluded to by Mark (16:9-11).
To certain women, "the other Mary," Salome, Joanna, and others, as they returned from the sepulchre. Matthew (28:1-10) alone gives an account of this. (Compare Mark 16:1-8, and Luke 24:1-11.)
To Simon Peter alone on the day of the resurrection. (See Luke 24:34; 1 Cor. 15:5.)
To the two disciples on the way to Emmaus on the day of the resurrection, recorded fully only by Luke (24:13-35. Compare Mark 16:12,13).
To the ten disciples (Thomas being absent) and others "with them," at Jerusalem on the evening of the resurrection day. One of the evangelists gives an account of this appearance, John (20:19-24).
To the disciples again (Thomas being present) at Jerusalem (Mark 16:14-18; Luke 24:33-40; John 20:26-28. See also 1 Cor. 15:5).
To the disciples when fishing at the Sea of Galilee. Of this appearance also John (21:1-23) alone gives an account.
To the eleven, and above 500 brethren at once, at an appointed place in Galilee (1 Cor. 15:6; compare Matt. 28:16-20).
To James, but under what circumstances we are not informed (1 Cor. 15:7).
To the apostles immediately before the ascension. They accompanied him from Jerusalem to Mount Olivet, and there they saw him ascend "till a cloud received him out of their sight" (Mark 16:19; Luke 24:50-52; Acts 1:4-10).
It is worthy of note that it is distinctly related that on most of these occasions our Lord afforded his disciples the amplest opportunity of testing the fact of his resurrection. He conversed with them face to face. They touched him (Matt. 28:9; Luke 24:39; John 20:27), and he ate bread with them (Luke 24:42,43; John 21:12,13).
In addition to the above, mention might be made of Christ's manifestation of himself to Paul at Damascus, who speaks of it as an appearance of the risen Savior (Acts 9:3-9, 17; 1 Cor. 15:8; 9:1).
It is implied in the words of Luke (Acts 1:3) that there may have been other appearances of which we have no record

Most of those listed above, were murdered/martyred proclaiming Jesus is the Risen Lord.

If you could find just 1 person who was willing to die for you(no kin folks), then you have a truly blessed life.But, to have more than a dozen people, go their separate ways, preach the Gospel, and then, basically at knife point, be forced to recant, or die, and they all choose to die, as opposed to betraying the Person, they consider to be the Lord.

Yeah, there were plenty of eye witnesses, and since the Gospels have survived more than 2 millennia now, i'll take that, as the Word of God.

You say that as if the number of people who believe an idea give the idea more credibility. Lots of people have believed a lot of things that aren't true. A lot of people thought the Earth was flat for a long time too. Quantity does not equate to quality. Also the vast majority of these so called examples were mainly a lone encounter, corroborated by someone who wasn't there in one of the gospels. Additionally the gospels weren't even written by the people they are named for. They were written almost 100 years or so after the fact by someone else.
Let's compare other historical figures.

Plato — Plato wrote his works from 427-347 BC. The earliest manuscript copy of Plato’s writing in existence today was written in 900 AD. That is 1,200 years after Plato’s death! And there are only 2 copies of these manuscripts in existence. (source)
Julius Caesar — One of the most celebrated and trusted historical figures. Caesar lived from 100-44 BC and the earliest manuscript copy of his writings dates back to 900 AD, putting our best evidence of Caesar ever existing 1,000 years after his death. And there are 10 copies of ancient manuscripts of Caesar’s Gallic Wars. (source) So if you question the Bible based on when it was written, being “translated so many times” (it was not – we still have the same Greek manuscripts today) and still question whether Jesus existed, then you must also be really sure that Julius Caesar and Plato were completely fictional characters and never really existed.
Homer — Homer, who historians are not even sure ever really existed even today, is credited with writing the Iliad in ca 900 BC. The earliest manuscript copy of the Iliad dates to 400 BC. Meaning the only proof of Homer or the Iliad being accurate is from 500 years after the death of Homer. Additionally there are 643 copies of ancient manuscripts of the Iliad written over the centuries that when compared against each other by experts have a 95.3 consistency and accuracy, making it one of the most reliable and proven documents of antiquity. (source)

Did Plato, or Homer really exist? I wonder if their works were mixed up by 900 years of not writing them down?

This link gives a lot of examples of how to prove Jesus existed, if any of the detractors actually have the guts to click it.
Did Jesus Christ Really Exist Proving Jesus Without the Bible Beginning And End
Let's compare other historical figures.

Plato — Plato wrote his works from 427-347 BC. The earliest manuscript copy of Plato’s writing in existence today was written in 900 AD. That is 1,200 years after Plato’s death! And there are only 2 copies of these manuscripts in existence. (source)
Julius Caesar — One of the most celebrated and trusted historical figures. Caesar lived from 100-44 BC and the earliest manuscript copy of his writings dates back to 900 AD, putting our best evidence of Caesar ever existing 1,000 years after his death. And there are 10 copies of ancient manuscripts of Caesar’s Gallic Wars. (source) So if you question the Bible based on when it was written, being “translated so many times” (it was not – we still have the same Greek manuscripts today) and still question whether Jesus existed, then you must also be really sure that Julius Caesar and Plato were completely fictional characters and never really existed.
Homer — Homer, who historians are not even sure ever really existed even today, is credited with writing the Iliad in ca 900 BC. The earliest manuscript copy of the Iliad dates to 400 BC. Meaning the only proof of Homer or the Iliad being accurate is from 500 years after the death of Homer. Additionally there are 643 copies of ancient manuscripts of the Iliad written over the centuries that when compared against each other by experts have a 95.3 consistency and accuracy, making it one of the most reliable and proven documents of antiquity. (source)

Did Plato, or Homer really exist? I wonder if their works were mixed up by 900 years of not writing them down?

This link gives a lot of examples of how to prove Jesus existed, if any of the detractors actually have the guts to click it.
Did Jesus Christ Really Exist Proving Jesus Without the Bible Beginning And End

You know what, I do have the intellectual honesty and the courage to go to this link and after that I'm going to do my own research and I'm going to look at a number of sources both theist and nontheist and then I'll come to my own conclusion regardless of whether or not the conclusion is what I want it to be.
Let's compare other historical figures.

Plato — Plato wrote his works from 427-347 BC. The earliest manuscript copy of Plato’s writing in existence today was written in 900 AD. That is 1,200 years after Plato’s death! And there are only 2 copies of these manuscripts in existence. (source)
Julius Caesar — One of the most celebrated and trusted historical figures. Caesar lived from 100-44 BC and the earliest manuscript copy of his writings dates back to 900 AD, putting our best evidence of Caesar ever existing 1,000 years after his death. And there are 10 copies of ancient manuscripts of Caesar’s Gallic Wars. (source) So if you question the Bible based on when it was written, being “translated so many times” (it was not – we still have the same Greek manuscripts today) and still question whether Jesus existed, then you must also be really sure that Julius Caesar and Plato were completely fictional characters and never really existed.
Homer — Homer, who historians are not even sure ever really existed even today, is credited with writing the Iliad in ca 900 BC. The earliest manuscript copy of the Iliad dates to 400 BC. Meaning the only proof of Homer or the Iliad being accurate is from 500 years after the death of Homer. Additionally there are 643 copies of ancient manuscripts of the Iliad written over the centuries that when compared against each other by experts have a 95.3 consistency and accuracy, making it one of the most reliable and proven documents of antiquity. (source)

Did Plato, or Homer really exist? I wonder if their works were mixed up by 900 years of not writing them down?

This link gives a lot of examples of how to prove Jesus existed, if any of the detractors actually have the guts to click it.
Did Jesus Christ Really Exist Proving Jesus Without the Bible Beginning And End

Alright I went to your website now here's mine. Josephus on Jesus Forgery and Fraud Flavius Testimonium
It does seem odd that a dude dying a political death and then walking out of his tomb didn't get a bit more press coverage, even for ancient times.
Seems to me that the best selling Book of all time, staring the Dude that walked out of his Tomb, is pretty good press coverage. :D

So... 'Popular' equates to 'Truth'? :eusa_eh:



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