Did Hillary Clinton violate any of these six criminal statues


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
On 14 June 2018, the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice ruled that the FBI was correct to have recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice not prosecute, nor even investigate and place before a grand jury for consideration, a charge that Hillary Clinton had violated, even just a single one of the following 6 U.S. federal criminal statutes. But do you think she violated one or more of them? Here they are:

Did Hillary Clinton Violate Any of These Six Criminal Statutes?
The U.S. Government still refuses to present any of these 6 criminal cases, against her, to a grand jury.


Of course she did and even her leftist mental case followers know she did they just do what any leftist Demorat does, lie about it all and deny it all. They are experts at telling fibs they literally believe themselves.
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There is no way Manafort deserves to go to jail if Hillary is walking around free. Donald Trump should pardon him.

They want him in jail to shut him up. That's why they are doing this. The Judge in Va. called Muller out , but the charges in DC is a pos Obama appointed scum so that should tell you what's being done here and why they want him shut up.
On 14 June 2018, the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice ruled that the FBI was correct to have recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice not prosecute, nor even investigate and place before a grand jury for consideration, a charge that Hillary Clinton had violated, even just a single one of the following 6 U.S. federal criminal statutes. But do you think she violated one or more of them? Here they are:

Did Hillary Clinton Violate Any of These Six Criminal Statutes?
The U.S. Government still refuses to present any of these 6 criminal cases, against her, to a grand jury.


Of course she did and even her leftist mental case followers know she did they just do what any leftist Demorat does, lie about it all and deny it all. They are experts at telling fibs they literally believe themselves.

I'm kinda resigned to Hillary. Of course she is a criminal and should be in jail. We all know that. A blind man knows that. My DOG knows that. Now I will just sit, wait and see. Until it happens, I have no respect for the federal government or belief in the true rule of law and we are all just living in a Plutocracy of the Elite over the Serfs who toil to pay taxes to support the Elite.
Mueller wants Manafort to lie about Trump....he has no real case against Manafort and he obviously has nothing on Trump so he locks up Manafort to try and get him to lie.....it will not work....
There is no way Manafort deserves to go to jail if Hillary is walking around free. Donald Trump should pardon him.

I wish he would, but Trump is a pussy, and knows he can't get away with everything he would like to do.
I have no doubt that Hillary Clinton has broken a great many laws, some of them repeatedly. But if there's one thing she's real good at, it's destroying the evidence. That at lying her ass off.
There is no way Manafort deserves to go to jail if Hillary is walking around free. Donald Trump should pardon him.

and yet he is. LOL.

No Hillary has been found not guilty of anything, just your imagination and talking points of the nasty GOP.
There is no way Manafort deserves to go to jail if Hillary is walking around free. Donald Trump should pardon him.

but Trump is a pussy,

Trump is a pussy? Do you EVER say anything that isn't totally bone-brained?
Trump has the biggest set of balls of any US president or politician in modern history.

There is no way Manafort deserves to go to jail if Hillary is walking around free. Donald Trump should pardon him.

but Trump is a pussy,

Trump is a pussy? Do you EVER say anything that isn't totally bone-brained?
Trump has the biggest set of balls of any US president or politician in modern history.

View attachment 198865

big glass balls
You really need to take an anatomy class.
There is no way Manafort deserves to go to jail if Hillary is walking around free. Donald Trump should pardon him.

but Trump is a pussy,

Trump is a pussy? Do you EVER say anything that isn't totally bone-brained?
Trump has the biggest set of balls of any US president or politician in modern history.

View attachment 198865

big glass balls
You really need to take an anatomy class.

let me know when you complete your study of the cheeto's large intestine.
On 14 June 2018, the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice ruled that the FBI was correct to have recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice not prosecute, nor even investigate and place before a grand jury for consideration, a charge that Hillary Clinton had violated, even just a single one of the following 6 U.S. federal criminal statutes.

The inspector general, who reviewed the Clinton investigation for the past 15 plus months, every decision made in the investigation, he reviewed....

Yet trumpsters claim to know more than the IG on this???


Do you even realize how completely nuts, bonkers, insane, you all come off???

Guess what trumpsters, Hillary is NOT a criminal.... live with the truth instead of bat sh*t crazy propaganda, for a change....pretty please! And get a grip on reality!
On 14 June 2018, the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice ruled that the FBI was correct to have recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice not prosecute, nor even investigate and place before a grand jury for consideration, a charge that Hillary Clinton had violated, even just a single one of the following 6 U.S. federal criminal statutes. But do you think she violated one or more of them? Here they are:

Did Hillary Clinton Violate Any of These Six Criminal Statutes?
The U.S. Government still refuses to present any of these 6 criminal cases, against her, to a grand jury.


Of course she did and even her leftist mental case followers know she did they just do what any leftist Demorat does, lie about it all and deny it all. They are experts at telling fibs they literally believe themselves.


But keep on hoping.
On 14 June 2018, the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice ruled that the FBI was correct to have recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice not prosecute, nor even investigate and place before a grand jury for consideration, a charge that Hillary Clinton had violated, even just a single one of the following 6 U.S. federal criminal statutes. But do you think she violated one or more of them? Here they are:

Did Hillary Clinton Violate Any of These Six Criminal Statutes?
The U.S. Government still refuses to present any of these 6 criminal cases, against her, to a grand jury.


Of course she did and even her leftist mental case followers know she did they just do what any leftist Demorat does, lie about it all and deny it all. They are experts at telling fibs they literally believe themselves.


But keep on hoping.

Oh we will keep hoping because anyone who defends a child rapist has a few screw loose her included since she laughed about a young girl being raped and was real proud about getting her rapist off. As if it were a joke.

You Clinton lovers are jus tas sick in the head as she is and her rapist husband.
On 14 June 2018, the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Justice ruled that the FBI was correct to have recommended that the U.S. Department of Justice not prosecute, nor even investigate and place before a grand jury for consideration, a charge that Hillary Clinton had violated, even just a single one of the following 6 U.S. federal criminal statutes. But do you think she violated one or more of them? Here they are:

Did Hillary Clinton Violate Any of These Six Criminal Statutes?
The U.S. Government still refuses to present any of these 6 criminal cases, against her, to a grand jury.


Of course she did and even her leftist mental case followers know she did they just do what any leftist Demorat does, lie about it all and deny it all. They are experts at telling fibs they literally believe themselves.

I'm kinda resigned to Hillary. Of course she is a criminal and should be in jail. We all know that. A blind man knows that. My DOG knows that. Now I will just sit, wait and see. Until it happens, I have no respect for the federal government or belief in the true rule of law and we are all just living in a Plutocracy of the Elite over the Serfs who toil to pay taxes to support the Elite.

I give trump two more years to prove to me he is different than Bush and Obama.If he does not get rid of the CIA,the FBI,the fed,the IRS and return us to the constiution where the PEOPLE had control over the government instead of these corporations and special interest groups that do now as our last great president tried to do and paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963 as a result,than that is all the proof in the world he is no different than those evil bastard warmongers and is just all talk same as Obama.

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