Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbor?

So, now Pearl Harbor was the fault of liberals? That's going too far even for a scumbag like you, Bribaby.

YEs, FDR deliberately engineered Japan into attacking us. The evidence is irrefutable.

Telling the simple truth is never "going too far." Much of our history is a total fabrication conceived by liberals.

This belongs with the same idiocy that states that Bush engineered the 9-11 attack. You are truly one dumb fuck.
So, now Pearl Harbor was the fault of liberals? That's going too far even for a scumbag like you, Bribaby.

YEs, FDR deliberately engineered Japan into attacking us. The evidence is irrefutable.

Telling the simple truth is never "going too far." Much of our history is a total fabrication conceived by liberals.

This belongs with the same idiocy that states that Bush engineered the 9-11 attack. You are truly one dumb fuck.

What the hell this is a known fact what FDR and Churchill did to bring us into war with the Axis

To say otherwise you are a fool.
Read your history Churchill had a hand on dragging the US into the.WWI when he was a vice admiral I think? Of the Queens navy. When the Lusitania was sunk.
Read your history Churchill had a hand on dragging the US into the.WWI when he was a vice admiral I think? Of the Queens navy. When the Lusitania was sunk.

Churchill was the youngest man ever to be First Lord of the Admiralty and widely aknowledged to be on his way to becoming England's youngest Prime Minister ever when he ran into a little trouble in a place called Gallipoli, trying to do an end run around Germany and the stalemated war in the trenches by going through the Turks, linking up with Russia and assaulting the Germans and AustroHungarians from both sides. 250,000 dead Anzacs'll do that to almost any promising political career, at least in the days before Barack Obama, famously described by Bill Clinton as "Luckier than a dog with two dicks" the NYT, the WaPo, ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC.
Churchill's political career was deader than a door nail after Gallipoli until Hitler raised his head in Germany. Churchill recognized Hitler's malevolent intent and did his best to warn the rest of the world of what Hitler really was up to but to essentially no avail because he was considered nothing but a washed up discredited bumbler until the slowly unfolding disaster of Neville Chamberlains foreign policy of appeasement unfolded for all to see, Britain suddenly found itself on the ropes and about to go down for the count.

Every time a WWII American Commander in the Pacific gave the order to "Land the landing force", Gallipoli was never far from their mind.
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And Bush provoked al-Qaeda into 9/11.

The evidence is irrefutable.


There is no evidence that Bush provoked Al-Queda in 9/11. On the other hand, there is massive amounts of evidence that FDR deliberately provoked the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor. Furthermore, then is plenty of evidence that he knew in advance that the attack was imminent and did nothing to prevent it.


FDR and the rest knew war was coming. They had broken Japan's diplomatic code, but not the Japanese Naval Code. The Brits knew Pearl was the target, but they said nothing to the Yanks. The Americans had lost track of the Japanese fleet but expected the hit to come at American outposts closer to Japan. Distance was supposed to have rendered Pearl Harbor almost invincible, remember, the US Navy was still a battleship Navy, there was no way a Japanese battleship was ever going to sail into Pearl and open fire on our capital ships anchored there.
Unfortunately the Japanese were better students of the war raging at that moment and took great interest and hard look at what the Brits in their outmoded biplanes had been able to do to the Italian Fleet anchored in Taranto earlier .
It was kindee a lot of American hubris that set the stage for Pearl along with American Commander still largely prepared to fight the last war. "How could these Japs even shoot straight enough to be a threat with their coke bottle glasses" Turned out they could shoot pretty good and fly and drop bombs quite well, too. America had to gear up industrially to fight WWII which was responsible for most of the delay, the battleships had to be raised from their new berths on the bottom of Pearl Harbor, new planes had to be designed to combat the Zero and the ME 109, new tactics had to be developed along with new carriers to fight this new war, yano "The Bomber will always get through" was the battle plan until the disastrous raids on Ploesti, Schweinfurt and Regensburg. They actually thought the presence of B-17's stationed on some of these island outposts would be a deterrent to Japanese intentions. Japan started the war with twelve carriers, we had three. 41 American carriers were anchored in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945 while a thousand planes flew by overhead. All twelve Jap carriers were resting on the bottom of the Pacific.
Pearl was serendipitous in one respect, the Harbor was shallow, making raising the then obsolete battleships out of the muck a fairly easy task, far easier than from under 5,000 feet of water. A significant number of the old battleships raised from the mud at Pearl took part in the destruction of the Japanese Southern Force trying to slip through Surigao Strait the night of October 24/25, 1944 essentially ending Japan's status as a naval power that night
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So, now Pearl Harbor was the fault of liberals? That's going too far even for a scumbag like you, Bribaby.

YEs, FDR deliberately engineered Japan into attacking us. The evidence is irrefutable.

Telling the simple truth is never "going too far." Much of our history is a total fabrication conceived by liberals.

This belongs with the same idiocy that states that Bush engineered the 9-11 attack. You are truly one dumb fuck.

Coming from you, that's the highest compliment. Everything you know is wrong, Old Fart. You're a brainwashed idiot.
The Flying Tigers did not go into action until AFTER 12/7/41.

i suggest you do a little reading of history before making such stupid. remarks.

Flying Tigers AVG - A Brief History of the Flying Tigers

Are you including Chennault's activity in China with advising and assististing in the creation of the Chinese air force and air defense system which began in 1937 and 38 as a Flying Tiger operation? It wasn't. The link you provide gives the same information that all other histories I have seen give. Actual combat by the Flying Tiger's began of Dec. 20, 1941. Granted, their is speculation that Chennault may have participated in some air combat while flying his aircraft as an "observer", but Chennault himself never confirmed this speculation. It is kind of hard to believe that a guy like Chennault would resist knocking down some Japanese aircraft while training Chinese pilots to do the same during actual Chinese/Japanese combat missions, but if he did so it was not as a member of the Flying Tiger unit that had not yet been formed and made operational.
Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbor?


Yes he did.

By way of the oil and steel embargos on Japan. Japan had had its eyes on the wealth of the Indies and SouthEast Asia for a long time, knew that in order to evict the colonial powers, Britain, France, and the Netherlands they had to shove the Americans and their fleet out of the way by giving them a bloody nose. Roosevelt, chose to show the flag by moving the Pacific Fleet out of San Diego to Pearl thinking the fleet would still be secure in the new anchorage. Remember Roosevelt was Under Secretary of the Navy during WWI, he never would have done anything to jeopardize his fleet.
Japan was running short of steel and petroleum and knew they had to make their move soon and FDR gracioulsy hung the US Fleet out there on the end of a limb so tantalizingly close, that Japan, like a person reaching out for a luscious fruit hanging on a limb temptingly close, reached out and picked it.

Reagan thought all he had to do to settle the tempest brewing in Lebanon was show the flag and the bad guys would graciously leave. The result was 240 dead Marines with Reagan turning tail.

On 9/11 the Muzzies killed 3,000 Americans at peace in their workplaces for the sake of their religion. George Bush responded as Roosevelt did, albeit with a great deal more political correctness than Roosevelt finding out the hard way there is no such thing as a "Kinder, Gentler war". In 2008 Americans proved they were indeed the "Weak Horse" Osama bin Laden predicted they were and chose surrender and Barack Obama.

In 1903 during the Phillipine Insurrection, General John "Blackjack" Pershing allegedly took a group of some fifty rebels into the wood, had them dig a hole large enough to accomodate all their bodies and began executing the prisoners, save for two. He then had several pigs he had brought along with the prisoners slaughtered and the pigs blood poured onto the dead prisoners bodies. Pershing then ordered the two remaining prisoners released. The Insurrection ended several weeks later. But that was when America knew how and had the determination and resolve to conduct a war with intent to win
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Japan was an industrial nation with a large fleet and no oil. It obtained much of its oil from the US, and America accused Japan of using that oil to make war on China. The US told Japan to stop the war on China or it would cut off American oil. Japan had a two year supply of oil and it decided to take the Pearl Harbor risk. Destroy America's means to stop Japan's conquest of the Asian oil fields, and make America pay such a high price in casualties in a war with Japan that the US would negotiate a peace and Japan would end up with the Asian oil fields.
The first question: should the US have accepted Japan using American oil to make war on China?
The real disgrace and black mark on FDR and the US is that the embargo didn't begin immediatly after Nanking in 1938. The Japanese made the Nazi's and Stalin henchmen look like rational decent people in comparison. The fact that the US continued to sell war materials to Japan after learning of the horrible and unspeakable atrocities committed by the Japaneses at Nanking gives a clear picture of the racism, corruption and greed of America that eventualy led to WWII. It makes the notion that FDR antagonized Japan rediculous. Japan was the one guilty on antagonizm to the west, not the other way around. They publicly bragged about some of their atrocities, publishing stories and results of decapitation contest between soldiers, with photo's of the proud winners smiling as they held the decapitated heads while posing for the camara. Girls over the age of 8 were raped and immediatly killed and thrown into the streets. Soldiers were permitted and even encouraged to publicly torture and kill any Chinese they selected for sport.The forms of torture and murder they created are truely unspeakable. This horror continued for 6 weeks and wiped out half the population of Nanking, a city of over 600,000.
Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbor?


Yes he did.

So, now Pearl Harbor was the fault of liberals? That's going too far even for a scumbag like you, Bribaby.

FD-fucking-R was a scumbag whether he knew about the attack before hand or not. Nothing can mitigate a US President throwing innocent, loyal Americans (some of the best we've ever produced, as it turns out) into concentration camps on US soil. Nothing.

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