Dick Cheney now lacks a pulse.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
No really..he does!

Mr. Cheney’s heart will never beat at full strength again, doctors say. His new mechanical pump, a partial artificial heart known as a ventricular assist device, leaves patients without a pulse because it pushes blood continuously instead of mimicking the heart’s own beat. Most pulse-less patients feel nothing unusual, but the devices do pose significant risks of infection. They are implanted as a last resort either for permanent use or as a bridge to transplant until a donor heart can be found. Mr. Cheney, who has participated in some of the nation’s toughest decisions for decades, now faces a crucial one of his own: whether to seek a full heart transplant.

A snake heart is a perfect tissue match for Cheney, but not big enough.

After all the innocent deaths he contributed to in Iraq he does not deserve a heart.
Just my opinion.
And that of 2 million Iraqi that lost family members.
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Just came back from a visitation at the funeral parlor, so the Cheneys future has some resonance with me. God bless him and the family.
His family Jake, but I have no sympathy for Cheney himself at all.

And I to am going to another funeral tomorrow.
The funeral of a very good but unknown to the masses person.
The good thing is he live a long and pretty good life. 96 years young when he died.
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Dick Cheney was replaced by a android years ago!
His family Jake, but I have no sympathy for Cheney himself at all.

And I to am going to another funeral tomorrow.
The funeral of a very good but unknown to the masses person.
The good thing is he live a long and pretty good life. 96 years young when he died.

I don't like the former Veep. I knew and never like RMN. But . . . neither were Hitler nor Mussolini, Franco nor Salazar. So pray for moral awareness for him before he shuffles off this mortal coil.
His family Jake, but I have no sympathy for Cheney himself at all.

And I to am going to another funeral tomorrow.
The funeral of a very good but unknown to the masses person.
The good thing is he live a long and pretty good life. 96 years young when he died.

I don't like the former Veep. I knew and never like RMN. But . . . neither were Hitler nor Mussolini, Franco nor Salazar. So pray for moral awareness for him before he shuffles off this mortal coil.

What an ironic punishment. You sure you don't spend some time on a concentric circle of hell from time to time?
Ha ha ha. That' is good, Sallow. I am not Dante. But very, very good.

We all die, RC is beyond worrying about our judgments, and perpetual personal spite does not inform positively the human spirit. Let it go.
His family Jake, but I have no sympathy for Cheney himself at all.

And I to am going to another funeral tomorrow.
The funeral of a very good but unknown to the masses person.
The good thing is he live a long and pretty good life. 96 years young when he died.

I don't like the former Veep. I knew and never like RMN. But . . . neither were Hitler nor Mussolini, Franco nor Salazar. So pray for moral awareness for him before he shuffles off this mortal coil.

sorry but I am an atheist and that does have some disadvantages. I cannot enjoy the thought of Cheney burning in hell for all eternity.
If they gave this piece of human garbage a new heart he'd simply prove that human compassion, love and understanding have nothing to do with the human heart.

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