DHS Insider - It's about to get very ugly.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Get real kids. Just listen to Reagan's former Education secretary.

DHS insider: It?s about to get very ugly

“If anyone thinks that what’s going on right now with all of this surveillance of American citizens is to fight some sort of foreign enemy, they’re delusional. If people think that this ‘scandal’ can’t get any worse, it will, hour by hour, day by day. This has the ability to bring down our national leadership, the administration and other senior elected officials working in collusion with this administration, both Republican and Democrats. People within the NSA, the Department of Justice, and others, they know who they are, need to come forth with the documentation of ‘policy and practice’ in their possession, disclose what they know, fight what’s going on, and just do their job. I have never seen anything like this, ever. The present administration is going after leakers, media sources, anyone and everyone who is even suspected of ‘betrayal.’ That’s what they call it, ‘betrayal.’ Can you believe the size of their cahones? This administration considers anyone telling the truth about Benghazi, the IRS, hell, you name the issue, ‘betrayal,’” he said.

“We know all this already,” I stated. He looked at me, giving me a look like I’ve never seen, and actually pushed his finger into my chest. “You don’t know jack,” he said, “this is bigger than you can imagine, bigger than anyone can imagine. This administration is collecting names of sources, whistle blowers and their families, names of media sources and everybody they talk to and have talked to, and they already have a huge list. If you’re not working for MSNBC or CNN, you’re probably on that list. If you are a website owner with a brisk readership and a conservative bent, you’re on that list. It’s a political dissident list, not an enemy threat list,” he stated.

“What’s that exactly mean, being on that list, that is,” I asked, trying to make sense of it all.

“It means that there will be censorship under the color of authority of anyone in the U.S. who is attempting to expose what’s going on in our name. It’s about controlling any damning information from reaching epidemic proportions. It’s damage control to the extreme. It’s about the upcoming censorship of the internet in the name of national security. The plans are already in place. These latest reports about ‘spying eyes’ have turned this administration and others connected to it into something very, very dangerous. They feel cornered and threatened, and I’m hearing about some plans they have to shut down the flow of information that is implicating them of wrongdoing. Time is short,” he stated.

“How are they going to do this? How is it even possible” I asked.

“First, they intend to use the Justice Department to silence journalists like in the Rosen case, but they won’t stop there. They will use a host of national security policies, laws, letters, whatever to take out the bigger threats,” he stated.

Next, they will use some sort of excuse, an external threat, and I believe it will be a combination of the economic collapse and a Mid-East war that will begin in Syria to throttle the information that is accessible on the Internet. And you know what? People will believe it!”

Based on what I’ve seen, most of which I should not have seen, the DHS is co-ordinating efforts with other federal agencies to begin to threaten American citizens with incarceration for non-compliance. You know the old talk of color coded lists? Well, this is what they will be using. People exposing the truth about Benghazi, killing the U.S. Dollar, even those questioning Obama?s legal status and eligibility to be President are the current targets. And they’ve had five long years to get to this point. The ugly truth is that these policies and practices did not start under Obama, but long before. This is about the killing of our Constitutional Republic. The murder of our country and the stripping of our rights. While many have been preoccupied with one issue, few have seen the bigger issue. This is the ‘end game,’ for all the marbles,” he stated.
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This is so plausible it must be true.
And it certainly highlights the reason the DHS is stockpiling ammo.
If you are going to say something as important as this put your fucking name on it. Own it. I am sick and tired of all of this insider bullshit. How do I know this writer isn't making the whole thing up? Reminds me of highschool.
That's what some people said about Deep Throat during Watergate...
That's what some people said about Deep Throat during Watergate...

Woodward and Bernstein checked out deepthroats accusations and backed there stories with researched facts. This is just some Bozo writing about what he heard from a alleged "insider" and he prints it with no facts to back it up with.
The facts are unfolding as we get visibility into the IRS targeting of conservatives, the AP scandal, the DOJ scandal, EPA abuses, the NSA big data project, etc. Connect the dots with the Gun Control agenda and the DHS hoarding ammo, and the picture is not very pretty.
If you are going to say something as important as this put your fucking name on it. Own it. I am sick and tired of all of this insider bullshit. How do I know this writer isn't making the whole thing up? Reminds me of highschool.

You wouldn't give a shit if we had Obma on tape saying you fucking loon, you'd still support him.

You fuckers just don't have the balls to admit you support all of this bullshit.
If you are going to say something as important as this put your fucking name on it. Own it. I am sick and tired of all of this insider bullshit. How do I know this writer isn't making the whole thing up? Reminds me of highschool.

Since I know that Alex Jones is a fear mongering self promoting bullshit artist, I find myself once again in agreement with a bed wetting liberal.

Jones puts some truth out there of course, but he adds the bullshit to sensationalize and sell the story.

I once heard him "interview" a woman who claimed she saw federal agents setting up demolition charges inside the OKC Federal Building. She claimed they sneered at her and didn't even care that she knew what they were doing.

People buy bullshit stories like this though.

Now that's not to say the future is full of rainbows and unicorn vaginas...

I suspect things will get pretty ugly before the moonbat messiah is gone, but I don't believe for a second there are people capable of either forcing the collapse or preventing it. These idiots are too incompetent to do anything right.

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