DHS 'can confirm': Gang members, criminals are in the caravan VIDEO |

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
It’s 1500 miles. Who walks 1500 miles? And with a toddler.

No one talks about the ridiculous logistics of this. How are they eating? Where is their water supply? What shoes are they wearing? Where are they sleeping? Who’s taking care of the sick and injured?

They have a support team!!!!!!

washingtonexaminer.com ^

The Department of Homeland Security on Thursday defended claims by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that violent criminals are a component of the Honduran caravan making its way through Mexico toward the U.S., after reporters at the White House questioned how they know that.

"@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories," DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.

"Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.," he said. AD 00:07 / 00:21 Modern Conservatives: Sir Roger Scruton Watch Full Screen to Skip Ads

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In the White House, Trump said he had "very good information" about the makeup of the caravan, but acknowledged there is no "proof" criminals are a component. Pence said it was "inconceivable" that criminals weren't part of the caravan.

The caravan of approximately 7,000 people originated in Honduras Oct. 13. Since then, it has dramatically grown, jumping to 2,000 by the time the group arrived in Guatemala.

Mexico has asked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to intervene last week and process asylum applicants. Although the migrants have said their intended destination is the U.S., the international organization had been in talks about assisting Mexico with the flood of people trying to pass through.

Earlier this week, members of the group overwhelmed Mexican security forces and poured over the border into the country.

"Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way," Houlton said.

Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018
It’s 1500 miles. Who walks 1500 miles? And with a toddler.

No one talks about the ridiculous logistics of this. How are they eating? Where is their water supply? What shoes are they wearing? Where are they sleeping? Who’s taking care of the sick and injured?

They have a support team!!!!!!

washingtonexaminer.com ^

The Department of Homeland Security on Thursday defended claims by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that violent criminals are a component of the Honduran caravan making its way through Mexico toward the U.S., after reporters at the White House questioned how they know that.

"@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories," DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.

"Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.," he said. AD 00:07 / 00:21 Modern Conservatives: Sir Roger Scruton Watch Full Screen to Skip Ads

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In the White House, Trump said he had "very good information" about the makeup of the caravan, but acknowledged there is no "proof" criminals are a component. Pence said it was "inconceivable" that criminals weren't part of the caravan.

The caravan of approximately 7,000 people originated in Honduras Oct. 13. Since then, it has dramatically grown, jumping to 2,000 by the time the group arrived in Guatemala.

Mexico has asked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to intervene last week and process asylum applicants. Although the migrants have said their intended destination is the U.S., the international organization had been in talks about assisting Mexico with the flood of people trying to pass through.

Earlier this week, members of the group overwhelmed Mexican security forces and poured over the border into the country.

"Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way," Houlton said.

Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018
/----/ A high-quality athletic shoe is good for about 300 miles of walking/running. So who is supplying 7,000 people with 21,000 pairs of shoes? Even if you stretch out the time you wear them, I doubt they are wearing Nike's or decent boots.
When to Retire a Running Shoe - The New York Times
If you can feel your fingers pressing through, those shoes are worn out — the cushioning totally compressed or the outer sole worn thin. As for me, my practice has been to keep track of the milesI run with each pair and replace them after 300 miles.
It’s 1500 miles. Who walks 1500 miles? And with a toddler.

No one talks about the ridiculous logistics of this. How are they eating? Where is their water supply? What shoes are they wearing? Where are they sleeping? Who’s taking care of the sick and injured?

They have a support team!!!!!!

washingtonexaminer.com ^

The Department of Homeland Security on Thursday defended claims by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that violent criminals are a component of the Honduran caravan making its way through Mexico toward the U.S., after reporters at the White House questioned how they know that.

"@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories," DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.

"Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.," he said. AD 00:07 / 00:21 Modern Conservatives: Sir Roger Scruton Watch Full Screen to Skip Ads

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In the White House, Trump said he had "very good information" about the makeup of the caravan, but acknowledged there is no "proof" criminals are a component. Pence said it was "inconceivable" that criminals weren't part of the caravan.

The caravan of approximately 7,000 people originated in Honduras Oct. 13. Since then, it has dramatically grown, jumping to 2,000 by the time the group arrived in Guatemala.

Mexico has asked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to intervene last week and process asylum applicants. Although the migrants have said their intended destination is the U.S., the international organization had been in talks about assisting Mexico with the flood of people trying to pass through.

Earlier this week, members of the group overwhelmed Mexican security forces and poured over the border into the country.

"Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way," Houlton said.

Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In a group of 7000 there is likely to be at least some with a criminal history. There is no indication that more than a small portion of the caravan might fall into that category. By the same reasoning, the Cruz rally in Houston would likely have had at least twice as many attendees with similar or worse criminal records.
It’s 1500 miles. Who walks 1500 miles? And with a toddler.

No one talks about the ridiculous logistics of this. How are they eating? Where is their water supply? What shoes are they wearing? Where are they sleeping? Who’s taking care of the sick and injured?

They have a support team!!!!!!

washingtonexaminer.com ^

The Department of Homeland Security on Thursday defended claims by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that violent criminals are a component of the Honduran caravan making its way through Mexico toward the U.S., after reporters at the White House questioned how they know that.

"@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories," DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.

"Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.," he said. AD 00:07 / 00:21 Modern Conservatives: Sir Roger Scruton Watch Full Screen to Skip Ads

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In the White House, Trump said he had "very good information" about the makeup of the caravan, but acknowledged there is no "proof" criminals are a component. Pence said it was "inconceivable" that criminals weren't part of the caravan.

The caravan of approximately 7,000 people originated in Honduras Oct. 13. Since then, it has dramatically grown, jumping to 2,000 by the time the group arrived in Guatemala.

Mexico has asked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to intervene last week and process asylum applicants. Although the migrants have said their intended destination is the U.S., the international organization had been in talks about assisting Mexico with the flood of people trying to pass through.

Earlier this week, members of the group overwhelmed Mexican security forces and poured over the border into the country.

"Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way," Houlton said.

Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018
OMG! Is Michael from "Halloween" and Freddy Kreuger and a Texan with a chain saw marching among them too.

You ask what parent would make such a trek? It makes more sense that a parent living in terror for themselves and their children would do the walk than that some malevolent freak intent on murderous chaos would hike 1500 miles to do the dirty deed. And then face border guards. There are easier and surer ways. And yes, they have a support team, I think, but the one I read about is a Central American org.

Purge, you and I deciding their motives is silly. We have not known daily fear for our very lives, so lets not assume the trekkers are on some fun romp. I remember an old saying that a person who fears heights, who fears falling from a high place, if they somehow find themselves in that situation, is so terrorized that they will jump just to escape the fear. May you never feel the need to flee in an effort to save your life and that of your family. And if you do, may you never place your hopes for salvation in the hands of someone like you!
It’s 1500 miles. Who walks 1500 miles? And with a toddler.

From what I heard on the radio on one of the talk shows, (I have no proof on this to be accurate):

They all don't walk that long. What I heard is, they walk maybe 25 miles and then get picked up by another caravan waiting. They manage to shove as many of them in the caravan (away from the media), and then they drive towards the border. Then they let them out and they (immigrants) walk some more. They continue to do this to avoid the media (the caravan drivers).
They (the caravan drivers) continue to do this until they reach close to the border.

There are more than one drivers throughout this. I believe they are either drug dealers, or are being paid by them.

I don't know the entire story. And I don't have proof yet. Once I can get a story on this, I will link it.
If we are lucky they will all starve to death long before they get to the border.

Oh and one has to wonder who has vehicles waiting to pick their stupid asses up??

Its beginning to sound like an orchestrated march to our border.

Hope the military is there to greet them and send them on their way back to Honduras.
It’s 1500 miles. Who walks 1500 miles? And with a toddler.

No one talks about the ridiculous logistics of this. How are they eating? Where is their water supply? What shoes are they wearing? Where are they sleeping? Who’s taking care of the sick and injured?

They have a support team!!!!!!

washingtonexaminer.com ^

The Department of Homeland Security on Thursday defended claims by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that violent criminals are a component of the Honduran caravan making its way through Mexico toward the U.S., after reporters at the White House questioned how they know that.

"@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories," DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.

"Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.," he said. AD 00:07 / 00:21 Modern Conservatives: Sir Roger Scruton Watch Full Screen to Skip Ads

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In the White House, Trump said he had "very good information" about the makeup of the caravan, but acknowledged there is no "proof" criminals are a component. Pence said it was "inconceivable" that criminals weren't part of the caravan.

The caravan of approximately 7,000 people originated in Honduras Oct. 13. Since then, it has dramatically grown, jumping to 2,000 by the time the group arrived in Guatemala.

Mexico has asked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to intervene last week and process asylum applicants. Although the migrants have said their intended destination is the U.S., the international organization had been in talks about assisting Mexico with the flood of people trying to pass through.

Earlier this week, members of the group overwhelmed Mexican security forces and poured over the border into the country.

"Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way," Houlton said.

Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In a group of 7000 there is likely to be at least some with a criminal history. There is no indication that more than a small portion of the caravan might fall into that category. By the same reasoning, the Cruz rally in Houston would likely have had at least twice as many attendees with similar or worse criminal records.


Let's try to save just ONE American life from ONE of these thugs....you must stop themall!
It’s 1500 miles. Who walks 1500 miles? And with a toddler.

No one talks about the ridiculous logistics of this. How are they eating? Where is their water supply? What shoes are they wearing? Where are they sleeping? Who’s taking care of the sick and injured?

They have a support team!!!!!!

washingtonexaminer.com ^

The Department of Homeland Security on Thursday defended claims by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that violent criminals are a component of the Honduran caravan making its way through Mexico toward the U.S., after reporters at the White House questioned how they know that.

"@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories," DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.

"Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.," he said. AD 00:07 / 00:21 Modern Conservatives: Sir Roger Scruton Watch Full Screen to Skip Ads

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In the White House, Trump said he had "very good information" about the makeup of the caravan, but acknowledged there is no "proof" criminals are a component. Pence said it was "inconceivable" that criminals weren't part of the caravan.

The caravan of approximately 7,000 people originated in Honduras Oct. 13. Since then, it has dramatically grown, jumping to 2,000 by the time the group arrived in Guatemala.

Mexico has asked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to intervene last week and process asylum applicants. Although the migrants have said their intended destination is the U.S., the international organization had been in talks about assisting Mexico with the flood of people trying to pass through.

Earlier this week, members of the group overwhelmed Mexican security forces and poured over the border into the country.

"Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way," Houlton said.

Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018
OMG! Is Michael from "Halloween" and Freddy Kreuger and a Texan with a chain saw marching among them too.

You ask what parent would make such a trek? It makes more sense that a parent living in terror for themselves and their children would do the walk than that some malevolent freak intent on murderous chaos would hike 1500 miles to do the dirty deed. And then face border guards. There are easier and surer ways. And yes, they have a support team, I think, but the one I read about is a Central American org.

Purge, you and I deciding their motives is silly. We have not known daily fear for our very lives, so lets not assume the trekkers are on some fun romp. I remember an old saying that a person who fears heights, who fears falling from a high place, if they somehow find themselves in that situation, is so terrorized that they will jump just to escape the fear. May you never feel the need to flee in an effort to save your life and that of your family. And if you do, may you never place your hopes for salvation in the hands of someone like you!
Such a sad story! If safety from crime and violence were all they were seeking there are places much closer to Honduras, places where Spanish is the main language and the culture is much closer to their own, than the US, so while some of them may (or may not) have left Honduras because of crime and violence, clearly they are making the long trek to the US not for safety but for economic opportunities in the Trump economy, economic opportunities they hope to take away from Americans.
It’s 1500 miles. Who walks 1500 miles? And with a toddler.

No one talks about the ridiculous logistics of this. How are they eating? Where is their water supply? What shoes are they wearing? Where are they sleeping? Who’s taking care of the sick and injured?

They have a support team!!!!!!

washingtonexaminer.com ^

The Department of Homeland Security on Thursday defended claims by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that violent criminals are a component of the Honduran caravan making its way through Mexico toward the U.S., after reporters at the White House questioned how they know that.

"@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories," DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.

"Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.," he said. AD 00:07 / 00:21 Modern Conservatives: Sir Roger Scruton Watch Full Screen to Skip Ads

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In the White House, Trump said he had "very good information" about the makeup of the caravan, but acknowledged there is no "proof" criminals are a component. Pence said it was "inconceivable" that criminals weren't part of the caravan.

The caravan of approximately 7,000 people originated in Honduras Oct. 13. Since then, it has dramatically grown, jumping to 2,000 by the time the group arrived in Guatemala.

Mexico has asked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to intervene last week and process asylum applicants. Although the migrants have said their intended destination is the U.S., the international organization had been in talks about assisting Mexico with the flood of people trying to pass through.

Earlier this week, members of the group overwhelmed Mexican security forces and poured over the border into the country.

"Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way," Houlton said.

Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018
OMG! Is Michael from "Halloween" and Freddy Kreuger and a Texan with a chain saw marching among them too.

You ask what parent would make such a trek? It makes more sense that a parent living in terror for themselves and their children would do the walk than that some malevolent freak intent on murderous chaos would hike 1500 miles to do the dirty deed. And then face border guards. There are easier and surer ways. And yes, they have a support team, I think, but the one I read about is a Central American org.

Purge, you and I deciding their motives is silly. We have not known daily fear for our very lives, so lets not assume the trekkers are on some fun romp. I remember an old saying that a person who fears heights, who fears falling from a high place, if they somehow find themselves in that situation, is so terrorized that they will jump just to escape the fear. May you never feel the need to flee in an effort to save your life and that of your family. And if you do, may you never place your hopes for salvation in the hands of someone like you!
Such a sad story! If safety from crime and violence were all they were seeking there are places much closer to Honduras, places where Spanish is the main language and the culture is much closer to their own, than the US, so while some of them may (or may not) have left Honduras because of crime and violence, clearly they are making the long trek to the US not for safety but for economic opportunities in the Trump economy, economic opportunities they hope to take away from Americans.
Yep! We're the greatest! Just don't ask us to prove it!
It’s 1500 miles. Who walks 1500 miles? And with a toddler.

No one talks about the ridiculous logistics of this. How are they eating? Where is their water supply? What shoes are they wearing? Where are they sleeping? Who’s taking care of the sick and injured?

They have a support team!!!!!!

washingtonexaminer.com ^

The Department of Homeland Security on Thursday defended claims by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that violent criminals are a component of the Honduran caravan making its way through Mexico toward the U.S., after reporters at the White House questioned how they know that.

"@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories," DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.

"Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.," he said. AD 00:07 / 00:21 Modern Conservatives: Sir Roger Scruton Watch Full Screen to Skip Ads

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In the White House, Trump said he had "very good information" about the makeup of the caravan, but acknowledged there is no "proof" criminals are a component. Pence said it was "inconceivable" that criminals weren't part of the caravan.

The caravan of approximately 7,000 people originated in Honduras Oct. 13. Since then, it has dramatically grown, jumping to 2,000 by the time the group arrived in Guatemala.

Mexico has asked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to intervene last week and process asylum applicants. Although the migrants have said their intended destination is the U.S., the international organization had been in talks about assisting Mexico with the flood of people trying to pass through.

Earlier this week, members of the group overwhelmed Mexican security forces and poured over the border into the country.

"Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way," Houlton said.

Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018
OMG! Is Michael from "Halloween" and Freddy Kreuger and a Texan with a chain saw marching among them too.

You ask what parent would make such a trek? It makes more sense that a parent living in terror for themselves and their children would do the walk than that some malevolent freak intent on murderous chaos would hike 1500 miles to do the dirty deed. And then face border guards. There are easier and surer ways. And yes, they have a support team, I think, but the one I read about is a Central American org.

Purge, you and I deciding their motives is silly. We have not known daily fear for our very lives, so lets not assume the trekkers are on some fun romp. I remember an old saying that a person who fears heights, who fears falling from a high place, if they somehow find themselves in that situation, is so terrorized that they will jump just to escape the fear. May you never feel the need to flee in an effort to save your life and that of your family. And if you do, may you never place your hopes for salvation in the hands of someone like you!
Such a sad story! If safety from crime and violence were all they were seeking there are places much closer to Honduras, places where Spanish is the main language and the culture is much closer to their own, than the US, so while some of them may (or may not) have left Honduras because of crime and violence, clearly they are making the long trek to the US not for safety but for economic opportunities in the Trump economy, economic opportunities they hope to take away from Americans.
Yep! We're the greatest! Just don't ask us to prove it!
The people in the caravan certainly seem to think so.
It’s 1500 miles. Who walks 1500 miles? And with a toddler.

No one talks about the ridiculous logistics of this. How are they eating? Where is their water supply? What shoes are they wearing? Where are they sleeping? Who’s taking care of the sick and injured?

They have a support team!!!!!!

washingtonexaminer.com ^

The Department of Homeland Security on Thursday defended claims by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that violent criminals are a component of the Honduran caravan making its way through Mexico toward the U.S., after reporters at the White House questioned how they know that.

"@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories," DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.

"Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.," he said. AD 00:07 / 00:21 Modern Conservatives: Sir Roger Scruton Watch Full Screen to Skip Ads

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In the White House, Trump said he had "very good information" about the makeup of the caravan, but acknowledged there is no "proof" criminals are a component. Pence said it was "inconceivable" that criminals weren't part of the caravan.

The caravan of approximately 7,000 people originated in Honduras Oct. 13. Since then, it has dramatically grown, jumping to 2,000 by the time the group arrived in Guatemala.

Mexico has asked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to intervene last week and process asylum applicants. Although the migrants have said their intended destination is the U.S., the international organization had been in talks about assisting Mexico with the flood of people trying to pass through.

Earlier this week, members of the group overwhelmed Mexican security forces and poured over the border into the country.

"Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way," Houlton said.

Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In a group of 7000 there is likely to be at least some with a criminal history. There is no indication that more than a small portion of the caravan might fall into that category. By the same reasoning, the Cruz rally in Houston would likely have had at least twice as many attendees with similar or worse criminal records.


Let's try to save just ONE American life from ONE of these thugs....you must stop themall!
The unborn have no rights.
It’s 1500 miles. Who walks 1500 miles? And with a toddler.

No one talks about the ridiculous logistics of this. How are they eating? Where is their water supply? What shoes are they wearing? Where are they sleeping? Who’s taking care of the sick and injured?

They have a support team!!!!!!

washingtonexaminer.com ^

The Department of Homeland Security on Thursday defended claims by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that violent criminals are a component of the Honduran caravan making its way through Mexico toward the U.S., after reporters at the White House questioned how they know that.

"@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories," DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.

"Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.," he said. AD 00:07 / 00:21 Modern Conservatives: Sir Roger Scruton Watch Full Screen to Skip Ads

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In the White House, Trump said he had "very good information" about the makeup of the caravan, but acknowledged there is no "proof" criminals are a component. Pence said it was "inconceivable" that criminals weren't part of the caravan.

The caravan of approximately 7,000 people originated in Honduras Oct. 13. Since then, it has dramatically grown, jumping to 2,000 by the time the group arrived in Guatemala.

Mexico has asked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to intervene last week and process asylum applicants. Although the migrants have said their intended destination is the U.S., the international organization had been in talks about assisting Mexico with the flood of people trying to pass through.

Earlier this week, members of the group overwhelmed Mexican security forces and poured over the border into the country.

"Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way," Houlton said.

Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018
Well, when those people arrive at our border who are criminal, they will be sent back. If they were trying to "sneak" in, would they be in such a well watched crowd? Just wondering.
It’s 1500 miles. Who walks 1500 miles? And with a toddler.

No one talks about the ridiculous logistics of this. How are they eating? Where is their water supply? What shoes are they wearing? Where are they sleeping? Who’s taking care of the sick and injured?

They have a support team!!!!!!

washingtonexaminer.com ^

The Department of Homeland Security on Thursday defended claims by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that violent criminals are a component of the Honduran caravan making its way through Mexico toward the U.S., after reporters at the White House questioned how they know that.

"@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories," DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.

"Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.," he said. AD 00:07 / 00:21 Modern Conservatives: Sir Roger Scruton Watch Full Screen to Skip Ads

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In the White House, Trump said he had "very good information" about the makeup of the caravan, but acknowledged there is no "proof" criminals are a component. Pence said it was "inconceivable" that criminals weren't part of the caravan.

The caravan of approximately 7,000 people originated in Honduras Oct. 13. Since then, it has dramatically grown, jumping to 2,000 by the time the group arrived in Guatemala.

Mexico has asked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to intervene last week and process asylum applicants. Although the migrants have said their intended destination is the U.S., the international organization had been in talks about assisting Mexico with the flood of people trying to pass through.

Earlier this week, members of the group overwhelmed Mexican security forces and poured over the border into the country.

"Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way," Houlton said.

Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In a group of 7000 there is likely to be at least some with a criminal history. There is no indication that more than a small portion of the caravan might fall into that category. By the same reasoning, the Cruz rally in Houston would likely have had at least twice as many attendees with similar or worse criminal records.


Let's try to save just ONE American life from ONE of these thugs....you must stop themall!
The unborn have no rights.
Unfortunately Mentally Ill people, such as you, do!
It’s 1500 miles. Who walks 1500 miles? And with a toddler.

No one talks about the ridiculous logistics of this. How are they eating? Where is their water supply? What shoes are they wearing? Where are they sleeping? Who’s taking care of the sick and injured?

They have a support team!!!!!!

washingtonexaminer.com ^

The Department of Homeland Security on Thursday defended claims by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that violent criminals are a component of the Honduran caravan making its way through Mexico toward the U.S., after reporters at the White House questioned how they know that.

"@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories," DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.

"Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.," he said. AD 00:07 / 00:21 Modern Conservatives: Sir Roger Scruton Watch Full Screen to Skip Ads

.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In the White House, Trump said he had "very good information" about the makeup of the caravan, but acknowledged there is no "proof" criminals are a component. Pence said it was "inconceivable" that criminals weren't part of the caravan.

The caravan of approximately 7,000 people originated in Honduras Oct. 13. Since then, it has dramatically grown, jumping to 2,000 by the time the group arrived in Guatemala.

Mexico has asked the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to intervene last week and process asylum applicants. Although the migrants have said their intended destination is the U.S., the international organization had been in talks about assisting Mexico with the flood of people trying to pass through.

Earlier this week, members of the group overwhelmed Mexican security forces and poured over the border into the country.

"Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way," Houlton said.

Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law. Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way. — Tyler Q. Houlton (@SpoxDHS) October 23, 2018

In a group of 7000 there is likely to be at least some with a criminal history. There is no indication that more than a small portion of the caravan might fall into that category. By the same reasoning, the Cruz rally in Houston would likely have had at least twice as many attendees with similar or worse criminal records.


Let's try to save just ONE American life from ONE of these thugs....you must stop themall!
The unborn have no rights.
According to the bizarre thinking of Roe v. Wade, however,

"The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes an embryo or fetus in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".[1]

The law is codified in two sections of the United States Code: Title 18, Chapter 1 (Crimes), §1841 (18 USC 1841) and Title 10, Chapter 22 (Uniform Code of Military Justice) §919a (Article 119a).

The law applies only to certain offenses over which the United Statesgovernment has jurisdiction, including certain crimes committed on federal properties, against certain federal officials and employees, and by members of the military. In addition, it covers certain crimes that are defined by statute as federal offenses wherever they occur, no matter who commits them, such as certain crimes of terrorism.

Because of principles of federalism embodied in the United States Constitution, federal criminal law does not apply to crimes prosecuted by the individual states. However, 38 states also recognize the fetus or "unborn child" as a crime victim, at least for purposes of homicideor feticide.[2]"

Unborn Victims of Violence Act - Wikipedia

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