Despite improved Dem showing, Texas GOP sets midterm record


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
There goes the snowflake wet dream of turning Texas blue up in smoke.

For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans have set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election.

More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama’s first term.
There goes the snowflake wet dream of turning Texas blue up in smoke.

For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans have set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election.

More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama’s first term.
Wow! You mean ted cruz’ seat is safe? Bfd
Though I'm skeptical of the Dems making big gains in Texas in 2018, I'm not sure what this proves. That's an increase of 1.4% during a time when the population of Texas has grown by over 10%.

It is not nice to try and take his straws away, it is all he has to grasp on to
There goes the snowflake wet dream of turning Texas blue up in smoke.

For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans have set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election.

More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama’s first term.
Bwwaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaahhhhaaaaaa. Those dimwitted democrats(redundant statement) sure were riding that big blue wave.

There goes the snowflake wet dream of turning Texas blue up in smoke.

For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans have set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election.

More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama’s first term.
Wow! You mean ted cruz’ seat is safe? Bfd

For all the expectation among media that Democrats would surge in Texas and "turn the state blue", it is a big deal.

A self-inflicted pie-in-the-face, at least.
There goes the snowflake wet dream of turning Texas blue up in smoke.

For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans have set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election.

More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama’s first term.
Wow! You mean ted cruz’ seat is safe? Bfd
/----/ Sour grapes.
My opinion is the gun debate is going to drive the GOP back to the polls in some states. I've never held a gun let alone owned one, but one thing I have gleaned from listening to the supporters of the 2a, they take their Right extremely seriously. You make them feel there is a wave against them, well, there will be a wave against you.

Horrible time for any Dems in red states who were hoping to catch the GOP off guard and complacent. The Town Hall from CNN and constant promotion of anti-gun types even gyrated me somewhat, imagine was some good ol' country boy who hunts on the weekend thinks? He will drive his family and their babysitter to the voting booth himself.

If You're Gonna Run in Texas | Ted Cruz for Senate Statewide Radio Ad
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Cruz isn’t even a citizen. Still refuses to submit his bc to a judge for review.

Texas is a few years away from flipping blue but it’s coming. Trump will accelerate it.

Let me translate for sane people.

Republicans are aliens from Outter Space.
We must resist this Dastardly Alien GOP Aggression, and while we are a few years away from repelling the Martian Attack on Earth fully, we will Eventually have ultimate victory!

Any day now....any day now, we will expose their weakness and their Russian Collaborators....any day now!

President Trump himself is an Alien, and his mere presence in the White House should serve as a rallying cry for all liberals, and Trump himself, his actions and words will so inflame the liberal soul, that it will accelerate our eventual taking back control of the planet and of government.

Long live Planet Earth, Long live The Globalist Agenda, Long Live our Emperor Al Gore who will lead us to ultimate victory over the Martian Horde and Global Warming and Donald Trump!

Blessed be the Name of Mueller, may he ever investigate for ever and ever, & may he spy on us all throughout eternity..... Amen!


Seig Heil! Seig Heil! Seigh Heil!
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Cruz isn’t even a citizen. Still refuses to submit his bc to a judge for review.

Texas is a few years away from flipping blue but it’s coming. Trump will accelerate it.

Let me translate for sane people.

Republicans are aliens from Outter Space.
We must resist the alien invasion, and while we are a few years away from repelling the Martian Attack on Earth, we will have ultimate victory!

President Trump himself is an Alien, and his mere presence in the White House should serve as a rallying cry for all liberals, and Trump himself will accelerate our eventual taking back control of the planet.

Long live planet Earth, Long live the Globalist Agenda, Long Live our Emperor Al Gore who will lead us to ultimate victory over the Martian Horde and Global Warming!

Seig Heil! Seig Heil! Seigh Heil!
/——/ Rumor is Donald Trump Jr wants to build a casino at Area 51 to accommodate the space invaders.
My opinion is the gun debate is going to drive the GOP back to the polls in some states. I've never held a gun let alone owned one, but one thing I have gleaned from listening to the supporters of the 2a, they take their Right extremely seriously. You make them feel there is a wave against them, well, there will be a wave against you.

Horrible time for any Dems in red states who were hoping to catch the GOP off guard and complacent. The Town Hall from CNN and constant promotion of anti-gun types even gyrated me somewhat, imagine was some good ol' country boy who hunts on the weekend thinks? He will drive his family and their babysitter to the voting booth himself.

If You're Gonna Run in Texas | Ted Cruz for Senate Statewide Radio Ad

Well if more gun nuts show up than people who are sick of the mass slaughters that go on here in America, so be it. I sort of expected this. Sure the kids in the school that got shot up in Florida care, sure parents in Sandy Hook and Colombine care. But do the rest of us care? We don't even care that a mass shooting happens here more than suicide bombers happen in the middle east. Hasn't happened to anyone I know yet so screw it. I like my guns.
Though I'm skeptical of the Dems making big gains in Texas in 2018, I'm not sure what this proves. That's an increase of 1.4% during a time when the population of Texas has grown by over 10%.
It means that republicans are just as energized as the left. As to the population growth that comes from California and Mexico. Those won't be voting in a Republican primary and some of them shouldnt be voting at all.
Though I'm skeptical of the Dems making big gains in Texas in 2018, I'm not sure what this proves. That's an increase of 1.4% during a time when the population of Texas has grown by over 10%.
It means that republicans are just as energized as the left. As to the population growth that comes from California and Mexico. Those won't be voting in a Republican primary and some of them shouldnt be voting at all.
Voter ID, with Firearms Endorsements is the way to go. Don't have an ID or the Endorsement showing you are legally allowed to vote and possess a fire arm, then you get neither.
There goes the snowflake wet dream of turning Texas blue up in smoke.

For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans have set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election.

More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama’s first term.

In 2012, 1.2 million Republicans voted in primaries while 500,000 Democrats voted. That is a margin of 700,000. 1.5 million Republicans voted versus 1.2 million Democrats. A margin of 300,000. In Texas, Republicans may have a cushion however in swing states this may not be the case. This is still bad news for Republicans and good news for Democrats.
There goes the snowflake wet dream of turning Texas blue up in smoke.

For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans have set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election.

More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama’s first term.

In 2012, 1.2 million Republicans voted in primaries while 500,000 Democrats voted. That is a margin of 700,000. 1.5 million Republicans voted versus 1.2 million Democrats. A margin of 300,000. In Texas, Republicans may have a cushion however in swing states this may not be the case. This is still bad news for Republicans and good news for Democrats.
One can't make this butthurt up at all.

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