Despite improved Dem showing, Texas GOP sets midterm record

There goes the snowflake wet dream of turning Texas blue up in smoke.

For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans have set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election.

More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama’s first term.

This can't be, Repubs were NEVER EVER going to win an election again????
There goes the snowflake wet dream of turning Texas blue up in smoke.

For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans have set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election.

More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama’s first term.

In 2012, 1.2 million Republicans voted in primaries while 500,000 Democrats voted. That is a margin of 700,000. 1.5 million Republicans voted versus 1.2 million Democrats. A margin of 300,000. In Texas, Republicans may have a cushion however in swing states this may not be the case. This is still bad news for Republicans and good news for Democrats.

So tell me...How many seats do "Moral victories" gain in Congress?

It shows that Democrats are energized. Statewide in Texas it may not matter but in a swing state if that trend holds, Republicans are in trouble.

People are not going to vote against their paychecks. They know how it
was with Obama. You've got to run on something, not just this drivel hate
message that folks tire of.

People will vote to protect their income. They don't give a rat's ass about
DACA people. They care about their own way of life.

You've chased off all the White blue collar workers, which was once your
life blood, now it's your death kneel. Deal with it.

Actually I haven't chased anyone off. I am now a independent because both parties are corrupt. The problem with the tax bill are the carve outs that rich people can use to lower their income. There is a article that the rich have fissured out a way to get their income taxed at the 20% pass-through rate. Explain that too someone who is paying 25% and is not rich. Also explain how Wall Street tycoons can use the carried interest deduction to shield their income. Sometimes fairness is a legitimate issue. People do care about DACA and they object to Republicans kowtowing to white supremacists.

The GOP's problem is the suburbs. Gillespie did well in the areas that Trump did well however he got clobbered in the suburbs. He did worse than Trump did.

You are correct but in a way you don't yet realize. Both parties are the same. There is not a scintilla of difference in the Political Class. Many are waking up to this problem.
see, that is my issue. if I have insurance, then I should never have any out of pocket expenses. that is a service. we don't get that. we pay deductables, we pay percentages. we should pay nothing. what a scam
I paid my premium and I still have to pay $20.00?
What’s up with that?

There are policies with no co-pay or deductible. You can choose to have one of those if you like.
I have great insurance; the co-pays make me laugh.

Then get even better insurance without them.
My employees HI can’t be beat for the price and I’ve never had HI, even at the couple of Fortune 500 companies I’ve been at, that didn’t have a co-pay.
see, that is my issue. if I have insurance, then I should never have any out of pocket expenses. that is a service. we don't get that. we pay deductables, we pay percentages. we should pay nothing. what a scam
I paid my premium and I still have to pay $20.00?
What’s up with that?

There are policies with no co-pay or deductible. You can choose to have one of those if you like.
I have great insurance; the co-pays make me laugh.

Then get even better insurance without them.
My employees HI can’t be beat for the price and I’ve never had HI, even at the couple of Fortune 500 companies I’ve been at, that didn’t have a co-pay.
You didn't miss anything..
Nothing can save anyone's life as we all end up dead.
then don't hold up the ACA as some miraculous intervention. that's all. And it was the argument. Doctors save, medicine saves, insurance rakes people over the coals and takes their money. I don't need government to tell me to get a doctor and get medicine.

I hate the ACA and have said so 1000 times on this forum.

That does not change how illogical your argument was.
Since Feb. 2017? That is a lot, show us one.

Obama care penalty... GONE!!!!!!

The mandate was originally developed by the CONSERVATIVE Heritage Foundation. It was designed to stop freeloaders who drive up premiums for everyone. These people do not buy insurance when they are healthy and only buy it when they get sick.
If someone only wants to pay for a doctor visit rather than useless insurance why can’t that be that way?
Trump took
the white women vote in 2016 53-45 and pulled in 38% of Hispanics.
A lot of people figured they’d give an outsider a chance. Now some of them are realizing their mistake. His approval ratings are upside down. He won’t pull those numbers again
If wishes were horses then beggars (Democrats) would ride. It's an obscure but poignant expression.

Suck it up buttercup.
We shall see, meatstick
We shall. You act like you have the future in your hands!! I just laugh at nutjobs like you. Just remember, no way trump could win! That must cut deep
Democrats shouldn't be anywhere close to getting 20% of the vote in Texas after all the shit they have said over the years about the South.

Much less trying to take over the state.
Dems need to take over Congress in November... because when Bob Mueller indicts Trump it’s highly unlikely the repukes will do the right thing and hold him accountable.
how are you gonna get him out of office? do you know what that takes?

I know exactly what that means. If and when Trump is indicted the republicans are obligated to start impeachment hearings.
If they don’t, it will be their Waterloo.
If they do, he’ll be waving bye bye as he boards Air Force One like Nixon.

Opinion: Mueller's net is tightening around Trump's inner circle - and maybe Trump himself
"IF" wishes were horses, liberals would ride....
Are you really still insisting Trump is innocent despite all the evidence to the contrary?

There is no evidence to the contrary, moron.
Yeah, and it will start in Texas......Bwaaaahhhhhhaaaaahhhhaaaaaaa..

Blue wave may be building in Texas

After watching this DO NOTHING Congress, why on earth would any reasonable person vote R?
I do-nothing Congress is the best kind.

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