Despite CIA pressure, Trump decides not to block the declassification of the JFK files

Oh brother (insert rolling eyes smiley here).
Do you think you've discovered something that no one else hasn't ?
This has been gone over an endless # of times.
Once the dust has settled, no one has proven anything beyond Oswald being the sole shooter.

Nope, there are millions just like me. Go look at the film and explain how his head jerked backwards

There is information all over the internet on this. Some will make one claim, others will have a different opinion. It's been argued over and over. In the end, nothing proves that the head shot came from the grassy knoll, or anywhere in front.

I asked one very simple question my friend. Which way did his head go?

(sigh), I know you'll just counter with another video, but in this video, the chief autopsy surgeon claims without any doubt that the head shot entered from the rear. THAT'S THE CHIEF AUTOPSY SURGEON !!

Anyway, after that point in the video, the Zapruder film actually shows Kennedy's head moving slightly forward. Go to the 1:39 mark:

I'm asking you to WATCH the real video. Not what someone is telling you what happened. Watch the Zapruder film. I don't fault you or blame you, I actually envy those who never find out. I have no agenda my friend, I'm just pointing the way.

That WAS the Zapruder film. And yes, I've seen it where it looks like the head moves backwards, and I'v seen it explained.

But tell me, how do you explain the chief autopsy surgeon saying there is no doubt that the head shot entered from the rear ?

Let me guess, you believe he was afraid he would be killed if he said anything different.

Look, I'm not opposed to any evidence that proves there was more than just Oswald involved, but I want proof, because everything out there has been dispelled.
Oswald killed JFK.

Next question ?

Oswald killed JFK??????

You are joking right? :confused-84:

exactly,he is either on drugs,OR gets drunk everyday,OR the only research he has done is read the edited version of the textbook he history class our corrupt school system taught us.:rofl:

I took him to school handing his ass to him on a platter with shit all over his face in post# here of mine as you can see.:lmao:

I know.

Anybody who thinks that Oswald killed Kennedy is very, very naive. :(

To put it mildly.

Well Skye, give us more than making fun of someone. Let's see you deliver the truth then since you seem to have the answers here.

It's easy to make these claims, that it was a mob hit, or LBJ had him killed, or Castro had him killed, or Kruschev, or some right wing cabol, but no one has shown a better explanation than Oswald shooting him.
Oswald killed JFK.

Next question ?

Oswald killed JFK??????

You are joking right? :confused-84:

exactly,he is either on drugs,OR gets drunk everyday,OR the only research he has done is read the edited version of the textbook he history class our corrupt school system taught us.:rofl:

I took him to school handing his ass to him on a platter with shit all over his face in post# here of mine as you can see.:lmao:

I know.

Anybody who thinks that Oswald killed Kennedy is very, very naive. :(

To put it mildly.

Well Skye, give us more than making fun of someone. Let's see you deliver the truth then since you seem to have the answers here.

It's easy to make these claims, that it was a mob hit, or LBJ had him killed, or Castro had him killed, or Kruschev, or some right wing cabol, but no one has shown a better explanation than Oswald shooting him.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of anyone, DigitalDrifter.
I just think it's funny that after all that has been said and published over the years about the murder of Kennedy, people still believe Oswald acted alone.
Oswald killed JFK.

Next question ?

Oswald killed JFK??????

You are joking right? :confused-84:

exactly,he is either on drugs,OR gets drunk everyday,OR the only research he has done is read the edited version of the textbook he history class our corrupt school system taught us.:rofl:

I took him to school handing his ass to him on a platter with shit all over his face in post# here of mine as you can see.:lmao:

I know.

Anybody who thinks that Oswald killed Kennedy is very, very naive. :(

To put it mildly.

Well Skye, give us more than making fun of someone. Let's see you deliver the truth then since you seem to have the answers here.

It's easy to make these claims, that it was a mob hit, or LBJ had him killed, or Castro had him killed, or Kruschev, or some right wing cabol, but no one has shown a better explanation than Oswald shooting him.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of anyone, DigitalDrifter.
I just think it's funny that after all that has been said and published over the years about the murder of Kennedy, people still believe Oswald acted alone.

Have you read Gerald Posner's book ?
The American public deserves to know the truth about JFK and who had him killed. If it was LBJ and the mafia, so be it. If it was Castro, so be it. If it was the CIA and Russia, so be it. We deserve the truth and let the chips fall where they may.

JFK was in the process of draining the DC swamp and calling out the DC elites for their corruption. Trump is doing the same things, I pray that the secret service is up to the task of protecting him.

and for the record, If Kennedy was alive today he would not be a democrat.

I agree. Kennedy would have been disgusted by these loons today. Kennedy was an anti communist.
The Marxists controlling the Democrat party today have no connection with American values except their desire to destroy them.
You can’t let Kennedy completely off the hook though. The mess we find ourselves in today originated with 60’s liberals.
Oswald killed JFK??????

You are joking right? :confused-84:

exactly,he is either on drugs,OR gets drunk everyday,OR the only research he has done is read the edited version of the textbook he history class our corrupt school system taught us.:rofl:

I took him to school handing his ass to him on a platter with shit all over his face in post# here of mine as you can see.:lmao:

I know.

Anybody who thinks that Oswald killed Kennedy is very, very naive. :(

To put it mildly.

Well Skye, give us more than making fun of someone. Let's see you deliver the truth then since you seem to have the answers here.

It's easy to make these claims, that it was a mob hit, or LBJ had him killed, or Castro had him killed, or Kruschev, or some right wing cabol, but no one has shown a better explanation than Oswald shooting him.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of anyone, DigitalDrifter.
I just think it's funny that after all that has been said and published over the years about the murder of Kennedy, people still believe Oswald acted alone.

Have you read Gerald Posner's book ?

No, I have not.
In post #3, Wry Catcher is seriously information compromised to ask such a question as "Why now?" when the dossier question on Russia includes Clinton. We look forward to further possible links between Jacqueline Kennedy and Langsroth DNA already posted to USMB, because this Langsroth link is also a Clinton-CIA link.
"Pro-Clinton Group Behind Russian Dossier on Trump" is the dossier we refer to, but the pertinent threads at USMB for this are titled "FBI Official: The Clintons are a Crime Family" and "Author of Drump Dossier Christopher Steele is a Real-Life James Bond." Both of these threads mention Langsroth, according to a USMB search.
exactly,he is either on drugs,OR gets drunk everyday,OR the only research he has done is read the edited version of the textbook he history class our corrupt school system taught us.:rofl:

I took him to school handing his ass to him on a platter with shit all over his face in post# here of mine as you can see.:lmao:

I know.

Anybody who thinks that Oswald killed Kennedy is very, very naive. :(

To put it mildly.

Well Skye, give us more than making fun of someone. Let's see you deliver the truth then since you seem to have the answers here.

It's easy to make these claims, that it was a mob hit, or LBJ had him killed, or Castro had him killed, or Kruschev, or some right wing cabol, but no one has shown a better explanation than Oswald shooting him.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of anyone, DigitalDrifter.
I just think it's funny that after all that has been said and published over the years about the murder of Kennedy, people still believe Oswald acted alone.

Have you read Gerald Posner's book ?

No, I have not.

It's a very good read.
It does seem that the Trump administration wants to drop the Clinton mafia. We hope so. The connection to Christopher Steele is that Clinton mafia employee DNA which is Joshua Reynolds DNA, links to the actor Anthony Steel, who is also related to Joshua Reynolds.

Anthony Steel (Actor)
Anthony Steel (actor) - Wikipedia
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.

Last year, we had already made the connections that would point back in Russia's favor to the current dossier question in the media, because of the connection to the Clinton mafia linking both the CIA and especially British MI6 at Oliver Springs, Tennessee. The MI5 connection is that MI5's Roger Hollis links Joshua Reynolds DNA precisely at Balliol College: Hollis's brother attended Balliol and so did Joshua Reynold's father.
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.

The real answer is...The Law.

It states that those files must be released no later than October 26, 2017.

If he wanted to change the conversation he doesn't need to release the JFK
files...just have Session convene a grand jury and let them indict,
HRC, Slick Willie, Zero, Zero's atty General and Mueller all on the
Uranium One deal. That'll changed the conversation in a big hurry when
the Grand Jury indicts every fucking one of them

There is NO EVIDENCE, there will be no indictment. There is no crime, there is no mens rea; there is nothing but conspiracy theories which only the biddable bleat like sheep, and post ad nausea.

Yeah...I know they have nothing on Trump or his campaign, but this
Uranium One thing is growing.

Probably why Senator Grassley asked the G if it was being investigated
It is the question of just where Bugliosi mentions MI5 or the book, because the Amery link to MI6, which is also the Oliver Springs, Tennessee link to the Clinton mafia, occurs for the 1956 MI6 link to the Albanian crisis linking the chron to Anthony Steel..
You guys are dreaming if you think these documents will do anything. It is all a distortion. The government will never expose it’s involvement in JFK’s murder.
/----/ I don't know how old you are Gipper, but I was 12 when JFK was murdered. I've followed the story for decades, read the conspiracy theories, changed my mind several times on the Warren Commission, read how LBJ stopped the CIA from chasing down leads in Cuba because he wanted to wrap up the investigation as fast as possible. I read how Oswald's real target was Richard Nixon who left Dallas the morning of 11/22/63 and JFK was simply a target of convenience.
Nixon in Dallas
Now I believe Oswald most likely acted alone in the actual shooting but had some support or encouragement along the way. I also believe the USSS and CIA were complacent. It was a different time, we were still reveling in our victory in WWII, it was the era of the 1950s , prosperity and relative peace. And no one thought it could possibly happen and most including me didn't believe the news when we heard it.

The CIA documents will be interesting to see.

Explain to these people how it is called, TRANSPARENCY!

The JFK assassination was the single event that changed this country, and its path. The American people elected this man, and those Americans remaining alive from those dark days, deserve to KNOW what the government came up with.

Doesn't mean Oswald didn't do it, or there was a conspiracy. What it does mean is--------------> one of the biggest conspiracy theories EVER foisted upon the American people, will either be put to rest, or re-established.

Ask people alive today that where alive when JFK was assassinated, that if they could go back in time and view any historical day and know what actually happened, they would probably pick overwhelmingly, the assassination, of JFK!
/----/ Of course, each generation has it's unforgettable moment. For my parents generation it was the death of FDR.

Agreed, my parents also. But, there is no conspiracy theory swirling around his death, that I know of. JFK, there is.

For the poster who claimed they should contact the daughter, let me say this------> yes, she is his daughter, but JFK was much more than that to America. The minute that young President was elected, he WAS the hope of the country! Historically, his party affiliation meant NOTHING! A young President, with new ideas, cut down in the prime of his life by an assassin.

The only reason you aren't seeing a groundswell of support for the release is.............because there isn't all that many of us left. We deserve to know everything, because our President did NOT deserve to die on that street! No President does! Even if it ends up coming out it actually WAS a conspiracy, maybe young Americans will finally learn that----> our nation is HATED by most other country's, and if they hate us that much, we must be doing something correctly!

And if it comes out it was only Oswald? Well then...............we will then know, that one man can actually change the course of history, for even the most powerful country, the world has ever seen.
/—-/ Well the conspiracy theory around FDR was that his illness and polio was kept secret. Few knew he was in a wheelchair. Elenor took over the duties of president in his final weeks.
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.
There was a deadline set years ago for this Tuesday by the national archives where a decision had to be made to release them or keep them dormant for another 25 years where everybody involved would be guaranteed dead. Trump had to act due to the deadline. Don't you want the rest of the files open and find out the truth?

Post the source where in the supposed deadline was set. I recall that the seal was not to be broken until the death of the fallen President's children. If you are not lying, I will fall of my chair - but I'm certain that won't happen.
For the poster who claimed they should contact the daughter, let me say this------> yes, she is his daughter, but JFK was much more than that to America. The minute that young President was elected, he WAS the hope of the country! Historically, his party affiliation meant NOTHING! A young President, with new ideas, cut down in the prime of his life by an assassin.


More than likely he would have lost re-election. Some people adored him and some hated him. We forget his centerpiece "New Frontier" plan because his domestic legislative agenda was such a dismal failure.
But being assassinated kind of put the differences over him to bed. As it should have.

there is no evidence he wold have lost re-election. your speculation is duly noted

I am also still waiting for the conspiracy loon o/p to prove the CIA was trying to keep the documents from being released.
You guys are dreaming if you think these documents will do anything. It is all a distortion. The government will never expose it’s involvement in JFK’s murder.
/----/ I don't know how old you are Gipper, but I was 12 when JFK was murdered. I've followed the story for decades, read the conspiracy theories, changed my mind several times on the Warren Commission, read how LBJ stopped the CIA from chasing down leads in Cuba because he wanted to wrap up the investigation as fast as possible. I read how Oswald's real target was Richard Nixon who left Dallas the morning of 11/22/63 and JFK was simply a target of convenience.
Nixon in Dallas
Now I believe Oswald most likely acted alone in the actual shooting but had some support or encouragement along the way. I also believe the USSS and CIA were complacent. It was a different time, we were still reveling in our victory in WWII, it was the era of the 1950s , prosperity and relative peace. And no one thought it could possibly happen and most including me didn't believe the news when we heard it.

The CIA documents will be interesting to see.

Explain to these people how it is called, TRANSPARENCY!

The JFK assassination was the single event that changed this country, and its path. The American people elected this man, and those Americans remaining alive from those dark days, deserve to KNOW what the government came up with.

Doesn't mean Oswald didn't do it, or there was a conspiracy. What it does mean is--------------> one of the biggest conspiracy theories EVER foisted upon the American people, will either be put to rest, or re-established.

Ask people alive today that where alive when JFK was assassinated, that if they could go back in time and view any historical day and know what actually happened, they would probably pick overwhelmingly, the assassination, of JFK!
/----/ Of course, each generation has it's unforgettable moment. For my parents generation it was the death of FDR.

Agreed, my parents also. But, there is no conspiracy theory swirling around his death, that I know of. JFK, there is.

For the poster who claimed they should contact the daughter, let me say this------> yes, she is his daughter, but JFK was much more than that to America. The minute that young President was elected, he WAS the hope of the country! Historically, his party affiliation meant NOTHING! A young President, with new ideas, cut down in the prime of his life by an assassin.

The only reason you aren't seeing a groundswell of support for the release is.............because there isn't all that many of us left. We deserve to know everything, because our President did NOT deserve to die on that street! No President does! Even if it ends up coming out it actually WAS a conspiracy, maybe young Americans will finally learn that----> our nation is HATED by most other country's, and if they hate us that much, we must be doing something correctly!

And if it comes out it was only Oswald? Well then...............we will then know, that one man can actually change the course of history, for even the most powerful country, the world has ever seen.
/—-/ Well the conspiracy theory around FDR was that his illness and polio was kept secret. Few knew he was in a wheelchair. Elenor took over the duties of president in his final weeks.

On the first part, you are absolutely correct. My father said that he never knew until after Roosevelt's death.

Why do say Eleanor took over? Roosevelt died of a cerebral hemorrhage. That has no prior signs.

"At 1 PM on April 12, Roosevelt sat in the living room of his cottage surrounded by friends and family. As he signed letters and documents, an artist stood painting his portrait at an easel nearby. The conversation was lively, the atmosphere congenial. The president turned to the artist and reminded her that they had only fifteen minutes left in the session. Suddenly, he grabbed his head complaining of a sharp pain. The president was suffering a massive cerebral hemorrhage that would end his life in minutes. America's longest serving president who had led the nation through the Great Depression and World War II was dead."

The Death of President Franklin Roosevelt, 1945

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