

Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
What has become of today's liberalism that makes it acceptable to attack the mentally handicapped if they or their parents are conservatives?

Consider the following disgraceful posting about Trig Palin published at the left-leaning website Wonkette Monday:

That strange man yelling unintelligibly at Sarah Palin? He’s merely a lowly shepherd proclaiming the birth of our savior. Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.) It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history. [...]

Liberal Website Wonkette Disgracefully Attacks Trig Palin On His Third Birthday |

Huggies, Papa John's and Vanguard have pulled ads. People on Twitter are calling for more sponsors to do the same.
What has become of today's liberalism that makes it acceptable to attack the mentally handicapped if they or their parents are conservatives?

Consider the following disgraceful posting about Trig Palin published at the left-leaning website Wonkette Monday:

That strange man yelling unintelligibly at Sarah Palin? He’s merely a lowly shepherd proclaiming the birth of our savior. Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.) It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history. [...]

Liberal Website Wonkette Disgracefully Attacks Trig Palin On His Third Birthday |

Huggies, Papa John's and Vanguard have pulled ads. People on Twitter are calling for more sponsors to do the same.

"Eith way, Todd definitely did it". That's nice. Joking about incest.
What has become of today's liberalism that makes it acceptable to attack the mentally handicapped if they or their parents are conservatives?

Consider the following disgraceful posting about Trig Palin published at the left-leaning website Wonkette Monday:

That strange man yelling unintelligibly at Sarah Palin? He’s merely a lowly shepherd proclaiming the birth of our savior. Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.) It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history. [...]

Liberal Website Wonkette Disgracefully Attacks Trig Palin On His Third Birthday |

Huggies, Papa John's and Vanguard have pulled ads. People on Twitter are calling for more sponsors to do the same.
Here's the comment on the Wonkette website with the highest rating:

My God, what in the name of decency were you thinking in posting this column? Can your life be so shallow and your integrity so brittle that you would take it upon yourself to demean a developmentally challenged child for political kicks? Your website has been deleted from my Favourites list.
What has become of today's liberalism that makes it acceptable to attack the mentally handicapped if they or their parents are conservatives?

Consider the following disgraceful posting about Trig Palin published at the left-leaning website Wonkette Monday:

That strange man yelling unintelligibly at Sarah Palin? He’s merely a lowly shepherd proclaiming the birth of our savior. Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.) It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history. [...]

Liberal Website Wonkette Disgracefully Attacks Trig Palin On His Third Birthday |

Huggies, Papa John's and Vanguard have pulled ads. People on Twitter are calling for more sponsors to do the same.

Why are you blaming all of 'liberalism' for what this guy says?

What groups are we allowed to blame for your idiocy?
Michael Savage calls children with Autism morons. But I put put that on Savage not conservatives.

YouTube - 'Autism a fraud,' Savage says

Yeah, Michael Savage has some pretty out there beliefs. He has some salient points, but obviously autstic kids can't be told to shape up and have it do any good.

He also used to rant on and on about how hot chocolate was making all the kids in the world stupid. I mean, c'mon. i agree that the sugar and the chemicals and even the chocolate probably aren't healthy, and overdoing refined foods and processed foods and sugars isn't great for a kid's concentration or growth....but REALLY? Giving your kid hot chocolate is child abuse?

I'm a repeat offender, I guess. When we go out to eat in the winter, the kids almost always get hot chocolate. And we have hot chocolate fests every now and then at home, too.

I'm a terrible mom.
Michael Savage calls children with Autism morons. But I put put that on Savage not conservatives.

YouTube - 'Autism a fraud,' Savage says

Yeah, Michael Savage has some pretty out there beliefs. He has some salient points, but obviously autstic kids can't be told to shape up and have it do any good.

He also used to rant on and on about how hot chocolate was making all the kids in the world stupid. I mean, c'mon. i agree that the sugar and the chemicals and even the chocolate probably aren't healthy, and overdoing refined foods and processed foods and sugars isn't great for a kid's concentration or growth....but REALLY? Giving your kid hot chocolate is child abuse?

I'm a repeat offender, I guess. When we go out to eat in the winter, the kids almost always get hot chocolate. And we have hot chocolate fests every now and then at home, too.

I'm a terrible mom.

Yeah sugar insn't good fro them but like anything within moderation will not hurt them. If chocalate is wrong I don't wanna be right.
What has become of today's liberalism that makes it acceptable to attack the mentally handicapped if they or their parents are conservatives?

Consider the following disgraceful posting about Trig Palin published at the left-leaning website Wonkette Monday:

That strange man yelling unintelligibly at Sarah Palin? He’s merely a lowly shepherd proclaiming the birth of our savior. Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.) It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history. [...]

Liberal Website Wonkette Disgracefully Attacks Trig Palin On His Third Birthday |

Huggies, Papa John's and Vanguard have pulled ads. People on Twitter are calling for more sponsors to do the same.

Why are you blaming all of 'liberalism' for what this guy says?

What groups are we allowed to blame for your idiocy?

:lol::lol::lol:who don't you?
No, it's not that they aren't funny. It's that they don't think it's funny to tease the children of political figures about things like incest and diminished capacity.
I know that politics is dirty, but this goes way past politics, through bad taste, and crash lands somewhere in the realm that makes the sewer look like a nice place to live.

That strange man yelling unintelligibly at Sarah Palin? He’s merely a lowly shepherd proclaiming the birth of our savior. Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.) It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history.

Greatest Living American: A Children’s Treasury of Trig Crap On His Birthday
I know that politics is dirty, but this goes way past politics, through bad taste, and crash lands somewhere in the realm that makes the sewer look like a nice place to live.

That strange man yelling unintelligibly at Sarah Palin? He’s merely a lowly shepherd proclaiming the birth of our savior. Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.) It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history.

Greatest Living American: A Children’s Treasury of Trig Crap On His Birthday

That is just fucked up. Talk about tasteless and just nasty.. man. That isn't even politics, that goes way beyond. What a fucking loser.. wheoever wrote that.
because some people are angry, bitter, and miserable and try to make everyone else like them. I just feel sorry for them.

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