Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

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why do people have to "pre-blame"? maybe the dems are doing it, maybe not. maybe it's the russians. i'm all for getting mad at those who do it but i'll wait and find out who that is vs. make it fit my own "agenda" of who i'd like it to be.


(Hey, I learned all this pre-blaming directly FROM DEMOCRATS)
Did they give Kavanaugh the benefit of the doubt?

Apparently, they get REALLY triggered if someone uses their own tactics against them. ;)
Typical of the apologists for the violent Russian/Trumpublican inspired White Nationalist movement. Get use to it, they will not concede power in the upcoming election with out violence.
The idiot who did this is not helping with the "Republican" cause.

He/she was either a Dem operative with connections or a motherfucking idiot, or both.

There are no Republicans left in American politics. They've been replace by Putin's Trumpybear and the Trumpublicans.

Hopefully whoever did this was stupid and left behind evidence.
Typical of the apologists for the violent Russian/Trumpublican inspired White Nationalist movement. Get use to it, they will not concede power in the upcoming election with out violence.
The idiot who did this is not helping with the "Republican" cause.

He/she was either a Dem operative with connections or a motherfucking idiot, or both.

There are no Republicans left in American politics. They've been replace by Putin's Trumpybear and the Trumpublicans.

Hopefully whoever did this was stupid and left behind evidence.
Given that not one single bomb exploded, the FBI has all the evidence they need.
So far, Republican Terrorists have sent bombs to:

President Obama
HIllary Clinton
George Soros

How low can Republicans sink?

Fake Post.

The Dems sent the Fake Bombs, to their OWN Fake Selves, so they can spam the airwaves with FAKE NEWS for the next two weeks.

Nobody in THE GOP would do this FOR THE DEMS. Why help them out? Why help them get any Sympathy for their American Hating Marxist Plans?

The shortest route between two points makes the most sense. The only one who would have anything to gain by having a fake mailbox bomb delivered to their mailbox is indeed The DemNazis.

Look at all of the Russian Bots coming out of the woodwork to support the notion that another round of right wing terrorism is a "false flag" attack. This is just like Donald Trump blaming swatstikas on synagogues on Jews looking for sympathy.

The first three posts on this thread were all Russian troll farm bots. Despicable.
This is an example of someone who has been SO brainwashed that even if all the evidence in the world comes to show that tiny trump broke the law...even if all the evidence in the world comes to show that Kavanaugh is a drunk sex assaulter....even if all the evidence in the world shows that the refugee caravan was not paid for by Dems...even if all the evidence in the world shows that the refugees in the caravan will never be voters....even if all the evidence in the world shows the news to be factual....and even if all the evidence in the world shows that these bombs were very real......he will let tiny trump grab his pussy through his non-functioning brain.......forever.
You mean like YOU IMBECILES condemning Kavanaugh for a 40 year old allegation that the accuser couldn't remember?

THAT kind of brainwashed ? PLEASE, spare us the hypocrisy SUPREME !
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Typical of the apologists for the violent Russian/Trumpublican inspired White Nationalist movement. Get use to it, they will not concede power in the upcoming election with out violence.

Geez, from what I have been seeing on the internet and TV is that it is the commie Antifa red guard goons that are committing all the violence against Trump supporters and the people who work for Trump in his cabinet. Americans more than ever needs to start thinking about and supporting "nationalism" or else. There is nothing wrong with anyone calling themselves a "nationalist". Globalism has destroyed countries. A nationalist will save their country. It was great to hear Trump say that he is a "nationalist". Long overdue. :5_1_12024:
You obviously don’t understand how the term nationalism is understood in this world. Do yourself a favor and check out Trumps buddy Scaramucci’s interview with Cuomo from last night. He explains it very well.

Look up the meaning of "nationalist". But the alt left liberal/dumbocrats want to associate that word with the KKK. The lefty liberal fake news is now going ballistic over the word "nationalist". They will say anything to get dummies to listen too them. Trump is not a globalist/communist. Trump is a nationalist and the word nationalist scares the shit out of the commie dumbocrats. :boo_hoo14: Just saying.
a) Evidence ^^^ seems to be missing.
b) But thanks so much for sharing such an insightful and credible theory.
in re b), SARCASM Alert.


Typical of the apologists for the violent Russian/Trumpublican inspired White Nationalist movement. Get use to it, they will not concede power in the upcoming election with out violence.

Geez, from what I have been seeing on the internet and TV is that it is the commie Antifa red guard goons that are committing all the violence against Trump supporters and the people who work for Trump in his cabinet. Americans more than ever needs to start thinking about and supporting "nationalism" or else. There is nothing wrong with anyone calling themselves a "nationalist". Globalism has destroyed countries. A nationalist will save their country. It was great to hear Trump say that he is a "nationalist". Long overdue. :5_1_12024:

Was ol'Trumpybear a Nationalist when he outsourced all the manufacturing of the products he sold?

Intense Nationalism was part of the cause of the greatest human suffering in history during the last century.
False flag?

What goes around has come around?

Advocate violence and ya gotta expect violence.

Ah the peril of two-way streets!
There is no better way to "NOT BE CIVIL" than by sending a bomb to yourself and then blaming it on your rivals.


How many desperate posts are you going to make trying to deflect from right wing terrorism? This puts a lie to everything Trump has been claiming about violent leftists. All of violent rhetoric emanating from the White House and the right wing media is coming back to bite you in the ass.

Journalists are being openly murdered by authoritarian regimes, Putin is bragging about having control over Trump, and violent Trumpanzees are running amok in the USA. Putin's investment in Trump is paying off in ways that will take years to repair, if ever.
Typical of the apologists for the violent Russian/Trumpublican inspired White Nationalist movement. Get use to it, they will not concede power in the upcoming election with out violence.

Geez, from what I have been seeing on the internet and TV is that it is the commie Antifa red guard goons that are committing all the violence against Trump supporters and the people who work for Trump in his cabinet. Americans more than ever needs to start thinking about and supporting "nationalism" or else. There is nothing wrong with anyone calling themselves a "nationalist". Globalism has destroyed countries. A nationalist will save their country. It was great to hear Trump say that he is a "nationalist". Long overdue. :5_1_12024:
You obviously don’t understand how the term nationalism is understood in this world. Do yourself a favor and check out Trumps buddy Scaramucci’s interview with Cuomo from last night. He explains it very well.

Look up the meaning of "nationalist". But the alt left liberal/dumbocrats want to associate that word with the KKK. The lefty liberal fake news is now going ballistic over the word "nationalist". They will say anything to get dummies to listen too them. Trump is not a globalist/communist. Trump is a nationalist and the word nationalist scares the shit out of the commie dumbocrats. :boo_hoo14: Just saying.
I did look it up, did you watch that interview?
All four pipe bombs were made by the same person. They were all crudely made. Though functional, they likely would never have gone off. They were hand delivered.

Likely suspects are antifa and democrats.
Or a really dumb jackass who thinks he is helping the GOP.
How would that be helping the GOP? None of those people are running for office.
How many desperate posts are you going to make trying to deflect from right wing terrorism? This puts a lie to everything Trump has been claiming about violent leftists. All of violent rhetoric emanating from the White House and the right wing media is coming back to bite you in the ass.

Journalists are being openly murdered by authoritarian regimes, Putin is bragging about having control over Trump, and violent Trumpanzees are running amok in the USA. Putin's investment in Trump is paying off in ways that will take years to repair, if ever.

ooooooo KAY then.....:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Typical of the apologists for the violent Russian/Trumpublican inspired White Nationalist movement. Get use to it, they will not concede power in the upcoming election with out violence.

Geez, from what I have been seeing on the internet and TV is that it is the commie Antifa red guard goons that are committing all the violence against Trump supporters and the people who work for Trump in his cabinet. Americans more than ever needs to start thinking about and supporting "nationalism" or else. There is nothing wrong with anyone calling themselves a "nationalist". Globalism has destroyed countries. A nationalist will save their country. It was great to hear Trump say that he is a "nationalist". Long overdue. :5_1_12024:
You obviously don’t understand how the term nationalism is understood in this world. Do yourself a favor and check out Trumps buddy Scaramucci’s interview with Cuomo from last night. He explains it very well.

Look up the meaning of "nationalist". But the alt left liberal/dumbocrats want to associate that word with the KKK. The lefty liberal fake news is now going ballistic over the word "nationalist". They will say anything to get dummies to listen too them. Trump is not a globalist/communist. Trump is a nationalist and the word nationalist scares the shit out of the commie dumbocrats. :boo_hoo14: Just saying.
I did look it up, did you watch that interview?

Clarify. What interview?
Typical of the apologists for the violent Russian/Trumpublican inspired White Nationalist movement. Get use to it, they will not concede power in the upcoming election with out violence.

Geez, from what I have been seeing on the internet and TV is that it is the commie Antifa red guard goons that are committing all the violence against Trump supporters and the people who work for Trump in his cabinet. Americans more than ever needs to start thinking about and supporting "nationalism" or else. There is nothing wrong with anyone calling themselves a "nationalist". Globalism has destroyed countries. A nationalist will save their country. It was great to hear Trump say that he is a "nationalist". Long overdue. :5_1_12024:
You obviously don’t understand how the term nationalism is understood in this world. Do yourself a favor and check out Trumps buddy Scaramucci’s interview with Cuomo from last night. He explains it very well.

Look up the meaning of "nationalist". But the alt left liberal/dumbocrats want to associate that word with the KKK. The lefty liberal fake news is now going ballistic over the word "nationalist". They will say anything to get dummies to listen too them. Trump is not a globalist/communist. Trump is a nationalist and the word nationalist scares the shit out of the commie dumbocrats. :boo_hoo14: Just saying.
I did look it up, did you watch that interview?

Clarify. What interview?

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