deranged birther lunatics in the news


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2008
on a one way cul-de-sac
this one's for pale rider- dingbat extraordinaire

PHOENIX (AP) — Investigators for an Arizona sheriff's volunteer posse have declared that President Barack Obama's birth certificate is definitely fraudulent.
Members of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's posse said in March that there was probable cause that Obama's long-form birth certificate released by the White House in April 2011 was a computer-generated forgery.
Now, Arpaio says investigators are positive it's fraudulent.
Mike Zullo, the posse's chief investigator, said numeric codes on certain parts of the birth certificate indicate that those parts weren't filled out, yet those sections asking for the race of Obama's father and his field of work or study were completed.
Zullo said investigators previously didn't know the meaning of codes but that the codes were explained by a 95-year-old former state worker who signed the president's birth certificate. Zullo said a news reporter who has helped out in the probe let investigators listen in on an interview he concluded of the former state worker.

Arpaio: Obama birth record 'definitely fraudulent' - Yahoo! News

you can't make this kind of shit up. :rofl:
do we really have to rehash this nonsense again? This line of reasoning hasnt worked since Hillary attacked Obama for it in the campaign.
What do you think defenders? Did Barry Hussein lie to his diary when his Harvard Bio said he was a native of Indonesia? Say what? He was mistaken? Did his hippie mother give birth in the Hawaiian jungle? There is no record of her being in a hospital when cute little Hussein was born.
What do you think defenders? Did Barry Hussein lie to his diary when his Harvard Bio said he was a native of Indonesia? Say what? He was mistaken? Did his hippie mother give birth in the Hawaiian jungle? There is no record of her being in a hospital when cute little Hussein was born.

really? You were there and saw it all?
this one's for pale rider- dingbat extraordinaire

PHOENIX (AP) — Investigators for an Arizona sheriff's volunteer posse have declared that President Barack Obama's birth certificate is definitely fraudulent.
Members of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's posse said in March that there was probable cause that Obama's long-form birth certificate released by the White House in April 2011 was a computer-generated forgery.
Now, Arpaio says investigators are positive it's fraudulent.
Mike Zullo, the posse's chief investigator, said numeric codes on certain parts of the birth certificate indicate that those parts weren't filled out, yet those sections asking for the race of Obama's father and his field of work or study were completed.
Zullo said investigators previously didn't know the meaning of codes but that the codes were explained by a 95-year-old former state worker who signed the president's birth certificate. Zullo said a news reporter who has helped out in the probe let investigators listen in on an interview he concluded of the former state worker.
Arpaio: Obama birth record 'definitely fraudulent' - Yahoo! News

you can't make this kind of shit up. :rofl:
His computer printout birth certificate is not fraudulent! It's a genuine, certified copy printed out a year ago by copy experts, and that's that. :lmao:
If I understand the story correctly, a possibly anonymous reporter interviewed a possibly anonymous 95-year-old about certain numerical codes he allegedly used many decades ago. This man allegedly claimed that the codes were not filled out correctly. How does this amount to proof that the certificate is fraudulent? In what way is it fraudulent if this man did in fact sign it? Why are they relying on such attenuated recollections instead of just looking up the codes? And most importantly, when will Arpaio be issuing a warrant for Obama's arrest?
What do you think defenders? Did Barry Hussein lie to his diary when his Harvard Bio said he was a native of Indonesia?

It was his literary agent's promotional booklet, and she said he was born in Kenya. Jesus, you can't even get your birther shit straight, and yet you think his literary agent not getting his birthplace straight is evidence he was born in Kenya!


Say what? He was mistaken?

No. His literary agent was mistaken, the same way you just were.

Did his hippie mother give birth in the Hawaiian jungle?

No. She gave birth in a hospital in Hawaii.

There is no record of her being in a hospital when cute little Hussein was born.

There's no record of her having travelled to Kenya. Ever. In her entire life.
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Now that that's settled maybe Sheriff Joe can get on The Case of the Missing Tax Returns. :happy-1:

No kidding, starting with Obama's cabinet it will take forever. I just wish democrats paid the taxes they love to impose.
[It was his literary agent's promotional booklet, and she said he was born in Kenya. Jesus, you can't even get your birther shit straight, and yet you think his literary agent not getting his birthplace straight is evidence he was born in Kenya!


What the birthers are saying is obozo obviously told his literary agent he was born in kenya. There's no way the literary agency could have made that up. You don't assume an american citizen was born in kenya.

Either obozo was born in kenya and is thus a usurper to the WH or he made up the story about his kenyan birth. Should a man who denies his american birth be president?
[It was his literary agent's promotional booklet, and she said he was born in Kenya. Jesus, you can't even get your birther shit straight, and yet you think his literary agent not getting his birthplace straight is evidence he was born in Kenya!


What the birthers are saying is obozo obviously told his literary agent he was born in kenya. There's no way the literary agency could have made that up. You don't assume an american citizen was born in kenya.

Either obozo was born in kenya and is thus a usurper to the WH or he made up the story about his kenyan birth. Should a man who denies his american birth be president?

There's a Hobson's choice for ya, Libs... Which is it??
Before It's News

Sheriff Joe Arpaio and His Cold Case Posse Held a 2nd press conference today to discuss their findings on President Obama's Birth certificate. The findings are nothing less than startling. It seems Hawaii has or had on the books a law that would allow anyone, living in the state of Hawaii for more than 12 months, the right to declare birth in the state.

Some other cool stuff from the same article

The sheriff’s investigators have learned of a birth certificate coding system that indicates the White House document has been altered.

- Hawaii’s deputy attorney general, Jill T. Nagamine, confirm the state has a birth document on file for Obama. But she would not confirm on the record that the White House document matched what was on file with the Hawaii Department of Health.
How long can the birther-haters hold out?. We got a smokiing gun a few months back when the Obozobird's literary agent said he was born in kenya. And now this.

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