Dennis Miller tells small business owners to fire Obama supporters

Conservatives wanted the govt. to shutdown and even pushed for a default.

These policies would have been disastrous for businesses in the USA.

Hence, all Conservatives should be fired unless they promise to no longer vote for Tea Baggers.

Nah, they were great for business. The less government does, the better it is for business.

Unless you're in something like the defense industry.

Defense spending is a drag on the economy.
If only we could make them all pay for the new taxes Obama has imposed.

Dennis Miller tells small business owners to fire Obama supporters | Conservative Infidel Conservative Infidel

In this radio program Dennis Miller advises business owners that if they are forced to cut hours and or fire employees due to the impact of Obamacare, then it is the Obama supporters that should be fired. I couldn’t agree more! Obama and his supporters have made it painfully clear that they do not care about the millions of lives that are being completely destroyed by Obamacare. So it only makes logical sense that they should be the ones that lose their jobs as a result since they are the ones supporting this disaster​

He has a point :D

However, I am opposed to that. It is tempting, but it is not the right way to go.

Why not? I wouldn't hesitate if I ran a business.
Nah, they were great for business. The less government does, the better it is for business.

on the contrary, businesses are getting fed up with Republican Conservatives.

they need stability in our govt., and Conservatives are making our govt. VERY unstable.

Tell that to yourself if that's what makes you happy. Less government is what businesses need. "Stability" isn't the result when you pile on massive new regulations every 2 years.

He is so brainwashed that he does not see the difference between small businesses which Miller is talking about and which are being slammed by this admin the most ( as is always happening during dimocraps admins) and the big corporations which have preferential treatment by dimocraps and rinos - so it is logical they hate the very force which stands for ordinary people and small businesses - the Tea party.
Fine with me, they don't care what this doing to the people or the economy...

as long as it has their Dear Leaders name on it, it' all just hunky dorey

This is what makes you a moron. Obama had five million more votes than romney. Firing them all would make us a fourth world economy genius.

They also don't consider the fact that the shoe could end up on the other foot too.
If only we could make them all pay for the new taxes Obama has imposed.

Dennis Miller tells small business owners to fire Obama supporters | Conservative Infidel Conservative Infidel

In this radio program Dennis Miller advises business owners that if they are forced to cut hours and or fire employees due to the impact of Obamacare, then it is the Obama supporters that should be fired. I couldn’t agree more! Obama and his supporters have made it painfully clear that they do not care about the millions of lives that are being completely destroyed by Obamacare. So it only makes logical sense that they should be the ones that lose their jobs as a result since they are the ones supporting this disaster​

He has a point :D

However, I am opposed to that. It is tempting, but it is not the right way to go.

Why not? I wouldn't hesitate if I ran a business.

If you have to fire certain amount of people and you have to choose between the different types - yes, I agree, that is a valid point of difference.
But if you just have to fire people because of their ideology - then no, I disagree.
Conservatives wanted the govt. to shutdown and even pushed for a default.

These policies would have been disastrous for businesses in the USA.

Hence, all Conservatives should be fired unless they promise to no longer vote for Tea Baggers.

Nah, they were great for business. The less government does, the better it is for business.

Unless you're in something like the defense industry.

Didn't Eisenhower warn us about the military industrial complex?
How is firing the people who deserve it "morally bankrupt?"

people who participated in the democratic process by voting for the candidate of their choice "deserve" retaliation from employers who disagree with them on a political level?

You really are an unAmerican sack of shit. You know that, right?
How is firing the people who deserve it "morally bankrupt?"

people who participated in the democratic process by voting for the candidate of their choice "deserve" retaliation from employers who disagree with them on a political level?

You really are an unAmerican sack of shit. You know that, right?

Your belief that the "democratic process" is moral is where you go wrong. Mencken once said that "an election is a present auction on future goods." The people who voted for Obama voted to loot the income and property of their fellow Americans. They are no better than thieves. Obama voters are all un-American sacks of shit. They deserve to get laid off.
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Dennis Miller is a comedian. He's a political satirist. If you think this is some kind of real advice, you have a screw loose.

The biting commentary does have some basis in fact. An obama supporter is most likely to sabotage your business, steal or fabricate some reason to sue you. Anyone who hires an obama voter, or even allows one in their home, should be reevaluating the relationship to weigh whether they should have a person who considers them an enemy in that kind of position.

Oh and I bet you listen to the Hollywood liberal elite when they endorse oduma, don't you?

How did you get that?

obama and his liberals consider me an enemy. I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge that and consider them my enemies too.
Small business taxes are lower under obama than bush. These are facts. Also subsidies for small businesses INCREASED under obama.

Pidgeon toed fucks dont like facts though. Kerry on whining.

Which taxes on small business did Obama lower?

How does being a crony capitalist make Obama a business supporter?

If you ACTUALLY cared about what you PRETEND to care about in order to stir interweb debates and fulfill your "i need to argue, grrrrr" o.c.d., youd already know the answer to this question. Id rather let you rot not knowing squat so that when you converse with people in real life who know a fact or two, they can all giggle behind your back.
If only we could make them all pay for the new taxes Obama has imposed.

Dennis Miller tells small business owners to fire Obama supporters | Conservative Infidel Conservative Infidel

In this radio program Dennis Miller advises business owners that if they are forced to cut hours and or fire employees due to the impact of Obamacare, then it is the Obama supporters that should be fired. I couldn’t agree more! Obama and his supporters have made it painfully clear that they do not care about the millions of lives that are being completely destroyed by Obamacare. So it only makes logical sense that they should be the ones that lose their jobs as a result since they are the ones supporting this disaster​

He has a point :D

However, I am opposed to that. It is tempting, but it is not the right way to go.

Why not? I wouldn't hesitate if I ran a business.

No you wouldn't. But then again you're too dumb to operate a successful business so maybe you would.
being a Conservative shows an extreme lack of intelligence and very unPatriotic tendencies.

I wouldn't want such people working at my company.

i can say the same for many Far Lefties here in not giving a flying fuck on how many Illegals are here and not wanting to do anything about it....EXCEPT call those who do....racist.....
You guys do know that the Affordable Care Law doesn't affect any business with less than 49 employees, right?
Conservatives wanted the govt. to shutdown and even pushed for a default.

These policies would have been disastrous for businesses in the USA.

Hence, all Conservatives should be fired unless they promise to no longer vote for Tea Baggers.

thats pretty stupid.....are you going to check their ballots after they mark them?...
I wish my employer would fire all Conservatives.

In academia.......they have.

From “The Death of Feminism,” by Phyllis Chesler

1. Academic feminists who received tenure, promotion, and funding, tended to be pro-abortion, pro-pornography (anti-censorship), pro-prostitution (pro-sex workers), pro-surrogacy, and anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist, and anti-American…proponents of simplistic gender-neutrality (women and men are exactly the same) or essentialist: men and women are completely different, and women are better.

They are loyal to their careers and their cliques, not to the truth. [In their writing, they] have pretended that brilliance and originality can best be conveyed in a secret, Mandarin language that absolutely no one, including themselves, can possibly understand…and this obfuscation of language has been employed to hide a considerable lack of brilliance and originality and to avoid the consequences of making oneself clear.

2. Liberals stamp out dissent by social and professional ostracism and legal discrimination. This is the modern version of methods used by medieval Christianity: a secular Inquisition.

a. Intelligentsia as grand inquisitors: in the media, universities, the law, political and professional groups. The dominating ideologies include anti-capitalism, feminism, multiculturalism, and environmentalism. They form the unchallengeable orthodoxy in academia. No challenges or deviations are permitted, and anyone who does not share these values is defined as extreme.

b. These ideologies have as their common theme the overturning of the established order of the West.

c. How ironic that intellectual liberty is assaulted within the institutions of reason.

Welcome to the Liberal's brave new world.
Miller may be on to something..

Those who supported Obama ought to be the first to reap from his policies.

If the company needs to downsize due to Obama's policies, let those that put him in office feel the pain first.
being a Conservative shows an extreme lack of intelligence and very unPatriotic tendencies.

I wouldn't want such people working at my company.

"YALE STUDY: Tea Party members are more scientifically literate than non-Tea Party members A recent study by Yale Law professor Dan M. Kahan indicates that members of the Tea Party are slightly more scientifically literate than the general non-Tea Party affiliated population.

That finding, which conducted using National Science Foundation standards of literacy, was "surprising" according to Kahan because it seems to defy the stereotype that Tea Party type conservatives form their opinions by “watching cable tv” and reading the “New York Times,” the “Huffington Post,” and “Politico.”
YALE STUDY: Tea Party members are more scientifically literate than non-Tea Party members

Bet you wish your SAT's had three digits.
Best Layoff Letter Ever:

Dear Employees:

As the CEO of this organization, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barack Obama is our President and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way. To compensate for these increases, our prices would have to increase by about 10%.

But since we cannot increase our prices right now due to the dismal state of the economy, we will have to lay off sixty of our employees instead. This has really been bothering me since I believe we are family here and I didn't know how to choose who would have to go.

So, this is what I did. I walked through our parking lots and found sixty 'Obama' bumper stickers on our employees' cars and have decided these folks will be the ones to let go. I can't think of a more fair way to approach this problem. They voted for change......I gave it to them.

I will see the rest of you at the annual company picnic.


well, if you have to pick and chose - that IS the way to go :D

Although that note is probably apocryphal..... is true that those who put Obama in office have and will suffer the most:

"Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama"

Read more: Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama | NewsBusters
Miller can redeem himself in my eyes if he'll work with Kid Rock and David Spade to produce "Joe Dirt 2".

("Joe Dirt", of course, was sort of the pinnacle of Dennis Miller's career.)
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