Dennis Miller & Neil DeGrasse Tyson & Science

May 4, 2022
Not a fan of Miller's stance on quite a few things. I know he was funny on stage at one time, but...

It's a healthy, respectful encounter.

Dennis brings up (starts at 4:37), the Phil Jones/Michael Mann thing.
“In fact, the email was an entirely innocent and appropriate conversation between scientists,” Mann states in this week’s BBC Four documentary, Climategate: Science of a Scandal. He and Jones were merely trying to find appropriate ways of illustrating a graph of global temperature changes.

This view was not shared by Sarah Palin: the former US vice-presidential candidate wrote a Washington Post op-ed article that claimed the emails “reveal that leading climate ‘experts’ … manipulated data to hide the decline in global temperatures”.

British climate science was subjected to huge scrutiny by the world’s best journalists and it stood up to the test

Subsequent investigations by journalists showed these claims were unsupportable, however. Guardian writer Fred Pearce studied the leaked emails and produced a book, The Climate Files, from his research. “Have the Climategate revelations undermined the case that we are experiencing made-made climate change? Absolutely not,” says Pearce. “Nothing uncovered in the emails destroys the argument that humans are warming the planet.”

The "decline" is about northern tree-rings, not global temperature​

Phil Jones' email is often cited as evidence of an attempt to "hide the decline in global temperatures". This claim is patently false and shows ignorance of the science discussed. The decline actually refers to a decline in tree growth at certain high-latitude locations since 1960.

Tree-ring growth has been found to match well with temperature. Hence, tree-rings are used to plot temperature going back hundreds of years. However, tree-rings in some high-latitude locations diverge from modern instrumental temperature records after 1960. This is known as the "divergence problem". Consequently, tree-ring data in these high-latitude locations are not considered reliable after 1960 and should not be used to represent temperature in recent decades.

The "decline" has nothing to do with "Mike's trick".​

But it's about science, not the environment alone. And Miller brings up 'settled science' and gets schooled smoothly, and with respect (beginning of video pre-4:30).
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But of course Dennis Miller brings up some classic ignorant objections to science.
ie, he thought two guys (Mann etc) agreeing on Climate Change was the basis of a real Consensus. Then Tyson somewhat explained it to him.
Stick to comedy Dennis, you don't have common sense or edu.

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