Dennis Kucinich A Democrat who cares just appeared on Tucker Carlson to criticize the attack on Nord stream pipeline


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
It starts at a 27:15 minute mark of the following video. Here we see an actual Democrat who cares Dennis Kucinich…. providing his concerns for what happen with the attack on the Nord stream two pipeline. Kucinich wants Congress to launch an investigation into the attack on the Northstream pipeline. A pipeline which was going to connect Russia and Germany. It would provide gas from Russia to Germany. Lots of people in Germany were upset with this by the way it affected their economy very negatively. Kucinich Along with other Americans who care like Ron Paul and Tulsi Gabbard have voice their concerns about sending hundreds of billions of dollars of money and lethal military equipment Ukraine.

Dennis Kucinich well done sir. This country appreciate people like you. Freedom of speech is alive and well in this country no one will take it away.​

We will never get an interview like that on CNN or even probably on much of Fox News from the neoconservatives. This kind of reminds me of what it was like back in 2003 when people like Robert Byrd will take a brave Stand to oppose the war in Iraq.

Do you see that my fellow Democrats… do you understand what the above is about … hope you understand that people like Dennis Kucinich and the late great Robert Byrd cared about this country deeply.
"Democratic gubernatorial candidate Dennis Kucinich continued Saturday to refuse to answer questions about whether he's received money from individuals and groups linked to Syrian dictator Bashir Assad or the Kremlin."

"Democratic gubernatorial candidate Dennis Kucinich continued Saturday to refuse to answer questions about whether he's received money from individuals and groups linked to Syrian dictator Bashir Assad or the Kremlin."

A link from April 2018?

How many pro Zionist politicians in America get big-time money from Israel?
"Democratic gubernatorial candidate Dennis Kucinich continued Saturday to refuse to answer questions about whether he's received money from individuals and groups linked to Syrian dictator Bashir Assad or the Kremlin."

And Xiden, CIA blew up the pipeline. Do you understand that.

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