Dems Turn RAGE Against Pelosi

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
With the Trump "collusion/obstruction" hoax petered out, the left has turned it's bitterness against one of their own...namely SanFranNan. How it's her fault the party has no vision, no message, no values or direction....wait, it is as much her fault as anybody's isn't it? All she's ever done is campaign against Republicans...even to the point of calling Trump "President Bush" several times recently. It's really no surprise the progs have turned on the 77 year old hag....they despise old people, wanted to install death panels to deny them medical care past their usefulness to the state. She was grilled mercilessly this morning on the point she was stammering and fake-smiling. She was quite surprised and uncomfortable when her rants were interrupted and ignored. Will Nancy surrender? :dunno:

Don't get me wrong, forcing this dingbat out is long overdue, but part of me can't help but feel just a little bad for the nutter. I mean, I am sure it was not HER decision to rig primaries, engage in election fraud during primaries, cheat in debates, and for Hillary to Ignore Wisconsin.

Pelosi could have been the greatest campaign strategist in the world, and that would not have helped the most, corrupt, lying, scandalous, criminal candidate in US history to win the Presidency.
I prefer Dems eating each others' as*es rather than stick the Trump's wheels and stop him from being efficient. I'm just afraid it's not gonna happen. They need an alleged enemy to blame for their numerous faults and defeats while they are quickly becoming their own enemy and the weapons of mass destruction for their own country.
Don't get me wrong, forcing this dingbat out is long overdue, but part of me can't help but feel just a little bad for the nutter. I mean, I am sure it was not HER decision to rig primaries, engage in election fraud during primaries, cheat in debates, and for Hillary to Ignore Wisconsin.

Pelosi could have been the greatest campaign strategist in the world, and that would not have helped the most, corrupt, lying, scandalous, criminal candidate in US history to win the Presidency.

But Trump did win.
The far left will not do anything to Pelosi, They need her to get the money from the rich white old men to fund their local campaigns.

But she should have retired long ago, no amount of plastic nd silicon can cover that fact up.
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The far left will not do anything to Pelosi, They need her to get the money from the rick white old men to fund their local campaigns.

But she should have retired long ago, no amount of plastic nd silicon can cover that fact up.


Hard to tell who's prettier.
No vision, no message, no values or direction? My suggestion for the Democrats is that they best own and fix the programs they've established through the New Deal, Great Society and Obamacare.
The Democrats may soon be tossing their gang members' bodies en masse under buses to save themselves.

The game's afoot.
Democratic Party Heat Being Applied To Former US AG Lynch

It seems, then, that Democrats have the integrity to hold not just Republicans accountable, but also other Democrats. I cannot say the same of Republicans, and I point to their approbation of Trump as the foremost and most current illustration of that.

FYI....using words like "approbation" isn't useful in communication....or are you here to show off your vocabulary? Nobody is impressed with that in an age of instant thesaurus and spell-checking. I'm an old hand at this and this advice is free.....write in simple phrases if you want to be persuasive.
Poor libs, first they lose to Trump a shock to their snowflake systems. Then in spite of non-stop 24/7 Trump is Satan attacks they lose 4 House races in a row. Someone's held must roll for that failure, Pelosi seems to be the chosen scapegoat.
Poor libs, first they lose to Trump a shock to their snowflake systems. Then in spite of non-stop 24/7 Trump is Satan attacks they lose 4 House races in a row. Someone's held must roll for that failure, Pelosi seems to be the chosen scapegoat.

It seems she's been chosen as the new scapegoat rebellion this time. Charlie Rose and two others tore her a new bung hole this morning on CBS...she's not used to that and started doing her weird lip-licking and fake was like watching a Monte Python skit.
Poor libs, first they lose to Trump a shock to their snowflake systems. Then in spite of non-stop 24/7 Trump is Satan attacks they lose 4 House races in a row. Someone's held must roll for that failure, Pelosi seems to be the chosen scapegoat.

It seems she's been chosen as the new scapegoat rebellion this time. Charlie Rose and two others tore her a new bung hole this morning on CBS...she's not used to that and started doing her weird lip-licking and fake was like watching a Monte Python skit.

I predicted this war in the Dem party before the election last year. That if they lost to Trump of all people, after getting their ass whooped in 2010 and 2014 the liberals and moderate Dem's would finally have a fist fight. They kept a lid on it for a few months after Trump won but losing 4 House races in a row to Trump has pushed them over the edge.
With the Trump "collusion/obstruction" hoax petered out, the left has turned it's bitterness against one of their own...namely SanFranNan. How it's her fault the party has no vision, no message, no values or direction....wait, it is as much her fault as anybody's isn't it? All she's ever done is campaign against Republicans...even to the point of calling Trump "President Bush" several times recently. It's really no surprise the progs have turned on the 77 year old hag....they despise old people, wanted to install death panels to deny them medical care past their usefulness to the state. She was grilled mercilessly this morning on the point she was stammering and fake-smiling. She was quite surprised and uncomfortable when her rants were interrupted and ignored. Will Nancy surrender? :dunno:

Didn't I say it before that it's time for her to go? If she wants to be the head of the DNC that's fine but she has lost my confidence.
Next you will see Kathy Griffin snapping pictures of herself with the severed head of Nancy Pelosi!

My guess is that Kathy Griffin has moved on from Severed Heads....but who knows...Liberals are notoriously Slow Learners.


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