Dems: Reagan was right about debt limit

President Obama also has cut taxes. Though President Reagan also raised taxes several times as well. Not going to ignore that, are we?

Reagan Left Taxes on all incomes significantly lower than when he entered office. A net Cut.

Obama has made some insignificant cuts on the Lower Brackets but insists on Raising taxes on everyone else. His Policies are the Polar Opposite of Reagan when it comes to Government intervention in the Economy.

There simply is no comparison between the 2 men, or the 2 situations, and the fact that Dems are using it in an add is Pathetic.

I am by no means a Fan of Republicans lately my self, But I do commend them for fighting for spending Cuts before raising the Ceiling again. IMO it is the only Responsible thing to do. unless you look forward to losing our AAA Credit Rating that is.
That Reagan cut taxes is largely a myth. But another topic is already discussing that so I won't start here. Any tax cuts under Reagan were largely counteracted by equally large tax increases somewhere else.

The Same can be said for the so called Obama Tax Cuts, and almost all other tax cuts. What's your point?
The better economy under Reagan had nothing to do with his policies (which were more spending and more government). It was caused by the Federal Reserve raising interest rates. For once the institution made a decent choice.
Reagan Left Taxes on all incomes significantly lower than when he entered office. A net Cut.

Obama has made some insignificant cuts on the Lower Brackets but insists on Raising taxes on everyone else. His Policies are the Polar Opposite of Reagan when it comes to Government intervention in the Economy.

There simply is no comparison between the 2 men, or the 2 situations, and the fact that Dems are using it in an add is Pathetic.

I am by no means a Fan of Republicans lately my self, But I do commend them for fighting for spending Cuts before raising the Ceiling again. IMO it is the only Responsible thing to do. unless you look forward to losing our AAA Credit Rating that is.

Reagan raised taxes somewhere in the area of 11 times. This includes what was called the largest tax increase in peacetime in history up until that point. Taxes are already pretty low from the first two rounds of Bush tax cuts, the second President Obama himself signed. Then there is also the stimulus that was about 30-40% tax cuts.

Republicans don't want to make compromises whatsoever, nothing to commend them on there. President Obama has put Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc reductions on the table. Republicans don't want to touch defense, tax loopholes for corporations, or raising taxes one red cent.

They walked away from a $4 trillion bill and wanted a $2 trillion one since the $4 trillion one involved some tax increases.

Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell and a lot of other Republicans are trying to trade away their ability to raise the debt ceiling and put it in the hands of the President in the name of politics. You want to commend them for that? :lol:

If you noticed I said I am not exactly happy with them right now. I commend taking a stand, Because someone has to.

As far as Obama being willing to Compromise, and Having entitlements on the table. So far all I see is a bunch of Talk and words. Not sold on that yet.
Dems: Reagan was right about debt limit -

Thoughts USMB? For those who think President Obama is fear mongering on this issue, do you believe President Reagan was in 1987 as well?

Yep, Because today is exactly like back then. You know when Reagan was asking to have the Debt Ceiling Increased to 20% of GDP. That is exactly the same as today when were talking about cranking the Debt Ceiling to well over 100% of GDP.

Yep Perfect analogy.

I also notice how in the Dems new Add, and in here. Nobody is mentioning that other than wanting the Debt Ceiling Raised. There is Absolutely nothing else in Common between Reagan and Obama.

Reagan Cut Taxes, Reagan understood government was the Problem not the Solution to our Economic Woes.

You liberals are just to cute.

Papa Obama and the Left raised gov't spending up to about 25% of GDP
Historically, it has been around 20%.

Spending is the problem

I am so glad that one of you conservatives have finally decided to admit the truth here. You are 100% correct that spending has historically been around 20% of GDP. And you are also correct that we are currently spending more than that. Of course, the economy is a mess and usually when the economy is in trouble, government spending tends to go up. What I find interesting is that you ignored the fact that revenue has historically been around 18.5% of GDP, and yet despite fighting two wars and seeing spending increase due to the increase in retirees beginning to collect SS and Medicare, revenue has fallen to 14.5%, to the lowest levels in the last 60 years.

This makes it very obvious that we have a revenue problem just as much as we have a spending problem, but those on the right think we should cut taxes even further.
good grief, they hate Reagan until they want to use him.

They can't EVEN convince the people with THEIR OWN SHIT. They have to use other people..Friggen sad they are.

Reagan would be closer to Obama than to just about any current Republican candidate save Romney.

good grief, not even. Reagan would never use class warfare, insult, act like some spoiled child, play politics WITH our seniors lives just to advance his agenda.

Obama is radical ideologue, who's only vision is HIS WAY OR THE HIGHWAY, and he doesn't care if us AMERCIAN people have to suffer along the way.
Reagan Left Taxes on all incomes significantly lower than when he entered office. A net Cut.

Obama has made some insignificant cuts on the Lower Brackets but insists on Raising taxes on everyone else. His Policies are the Polar Opposite of Reagan when it comes to Government intervention in the Economy.

There simply is no comparison between the 2 men, or the 2 situations, and the fact that Dems are using it in an add is Pathetic.

I am by no means a Fan of Republicans lately my self, But I do commend them for fighting for spending Cuts before raising the Ceiling again. IMO it is the only Responsible thing to do. unless you look forward to losing our AAA Credit Rating that is.
That Reagan cut taxes is largely a myth. But another topic is already discussing that so I won't start here. Any tax cuts under Reagan were largely counteracted by equally large tax increases somewhere else.

The Same can be said for the so called Obama Tax Cuts, and almost all other tax cuts. What's your point?
That was my point. You said there was a significant net cut, and there was not.
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If you noticed I said I am not exactly happy with them right now. I commend taking a stand, Because someone has to.

As far as Obama being willing to Compromise, and Having entitlements on the table. So far all I see is a bunch of Talk and words. Not sold on that yet.

He's in favor of the Gang of 6 proposal that was today I'm pretty sure.

Also, even Conservative darling Paul Ryan says we need to raise the debt ceiling by August 2.
Reagan Left Taxes on all incomes significantly lower than when he entered office. A net Cut.

Obama has made some insignificant cuts on the Lower Brackets but insists on Raising taxes on everyone else. His Policies are the Polar Opposite of Reagan when it comes to Government intervention in the Economy.

There simply is no comparison between the 2 men, or the 2 situations, and the fact that Dems are using it in an add is Pathetic.

I am by no means a Fan of Republicans lately my self, But I do commend them for fighting for spending Cuts before raising the Ceiling again. IMO it is the only Responsible thing to do. unless you look forward to losing our AAA Credit Rating that is.

Reagan raised taxes somewhere in the area of 11 times. This includes what was called the largest tax increase in peacetime in history up until that point. Taxes are already pretty low from the first two rounds of Bush tax cuts, the second President Obama himself signed. Then there is also the stimulus that was about 30-40% tax cuts.

Republicans don't want to make compromises whatsoever, nothing to commend them on there. President Obama has put Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc reductions on the table. Republicans don't want to touch defense, tax loopholes for corporations, or raising taxes one red cent.

They walked away from a $4 trillion bill and wanted a $2 trillion one since the $4 trillion one involved some tax increases.

Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell and a lot of other Republicans are trying to trade away their ability to raise the debt ceiling and put it in the hands of the President in the name of politics. You want to commend them for that? :lol:

I guess the big difference is
Reagan's policies worked

Papa Obama has raised taxes- has he not
He has pushed spending to 25 % of GDP
20 % is the historical average

The problem is spending not taxes
Indeed, why should any taxes be raised to pay for
his spending spree

Getting tax increase has nothing to do with helping the
American people

It is just about scoring political points with his left base
How noble of him
I want them to default. Then we'll know who's been lying.

Amen---if raising the debt ceiling will hurt the poor children of the future let's default and take away all their pain now.

Fear mongers and blackmailers all of em.

Where were you when Bush was borring from the commies and spending like a drunken republican? Don't worry, we won't leave one child behind............LOL!:lol:
Reagan Left Taxes on all incomes significantly lower than when he entered office. A net Cut.

Obama has made some insignificant cuts on the Lower Brackets but insists on Raising taxes on everyone else. His Policies are the Polar Opposite of Reagan when it comes to Government intervention in the Economy.

There simply is no comparison between the 2 men, or the 2 situations, and the fact that Dems are using it in an add is Pathetic.

I am by no means a Fan of Republicans lately my self, But I do commend them for fighting for spending Cuts before raising the Ceiling again. IMO it is the only Responsible thing to do. unless you look forward to losing our AAA Credit Rating that is.

Reagan raised taxes somewhere in the area of 11 times. This includes what was called the largest tax increase in peacetime in history up until that point. Taxes are already pretty low from the first two rounds of Bush tax cuts, the second President Obama himself signed. Then there is also the stimulus that was about 30-40% tax cuts.

Republicans don't want to make compromises whatsoever, nothing to commend them on there. President Obama has put Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc reductions on the table. Republicans don't want to touch defense, tax loopholes for corporations, or raising taxes one red cent.

They walked away from a $4 trillion bill and wanted a $2 trillion one since the $4 trillion one involved some tax increases.

Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell and a lot of other Republicans are trying to trade away their ability to raise the debt ceiling and put it in the hands of the President in the name of politics. You want to commend them for that? :lol:

I guess the big difference is
Reagan's policies worked

Papa Obama has raised taxes- has he not
He has pushed spending to 25 % of GDP
20 % is the historical average

The problem is spending not taxes
Indeed, why should any taxes be raised to pay for
his spending spree

Getting tax increase has nothing to do with helping the
American people

It is just about scoring political points with his left base
How noble of him
What policies? Higher deficits, more spending, and more bureaucracy?
Reagan raised taxes somewhere in the area of 11 times. This includes what was called the largest tax increase in peacetime in history up until that point. Taxes are already pretty low from the first two rounds of Bush tax cuts, the second President Obama himself signed. Then there is also the stimulus that was about 30-40% tax cuts.

Republicans don't want to make compromises whatsoever, nothing to commend them on there. President Obama has put Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc reductions on the table. Republicans don't want to touch defense, tax loopholes for corporations, or raising taxes one red cent.

They walked away from a $4 trillion bill and wanted a $2 trillion one since the $4 trillion one involved some tax increases.

Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell and a lot of other Republicans are trying to trade away their ability to raise the debt ceiling and put it in the hands of the President in the name of politics. You want to commend them for that? :lol:

I guess the big difference is
Reagan's policies worked

Papa Obama has raised taxes- has he not
He has pushed spending to 25 % of GDP
20 % is the historical average

The problem is spending not taxes
Indeed, why should any taxes be raised to pay for
his spending spree

Getting tax increase has nothing to do with helping the
American people

It is just about scoring political points with his left base
How noble of him
What policies? Higher deficits, more spending, and more bureaucracy?

Then you must really hate Papa Obama's policies
At least Reagan got lower unemployment with his and
a growing economy
Then you must really hate Papa Obama's policies
At least Reagan got lower unemployment with his and
a growing economy

Ronald Reagan Myth Doesn't Square with Reality - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

It's certainly true that Reagan entered office as a full-throated conservative vowing to cut both spending and taxes. And he quickly followed through on part of that promise, passing a major reduction in marginal tax rates. (According to author Lou Cannon, the top marginal rate fell from 70 percent when he came into office to 28 percent when he left.)

But following his party's losses in the 1982 election, Reagan largely backed off his efforts at spending cuts even as he continued to offer the small-government rhetoric that helped get him elected. In fact, he went in the opposite direction: His creation of the department of veterans affairs contributed to an increase in the federal workforce of more than 60,000 people during his presidency.

Meanwhile, following that initial tax cut, Reagan actually ended up raising taxes - eleven times. That's according to former Republican Sen. Alan Simpson, a longtime Reagan friend who co-chaired President Obama's fiscal commission that last year offered a deficit reduction proposal.

And while Reagan somewhat slowed the marginal rate of growth in the budget, it continued to increase during his time in office. So did the debt, skyrocketing from $700 billion to $3 trillion. Then there's the fact that after first pushing to cut Social Security benefits - and being stymied by Congress - Reagan in 1983 agreed to a $165 billion bailout of the program. He also massively expanded the Pentagon budget.
Then you must really hate Papa Obama's policies
At least Reagan got lower unemployment with his and
a growing economy

Ronald Reagan Myth Doesn't Square with Reality - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

It's certainly true that Reagan entered office as a full-throated conservative vowing to cut both spending and taxes. And he quickly followed through on part of that promise, passing a major reduction in marginal tax rates. (According to author Lou Cannon, the top marginal rate fell from 70 percent when he came into office to 28 percent when he left.)

But following his party's losses in the 1982 election, Reagan largely backed off his efforts at spending cuts even as he continued to offer the small-government rhetoric that helped get him elected. In fact, he went in the opposite direction: His creation of the department of veterans affairs contributed to an increase in the federal workforce of more than 60,000 people during his presidency.

Meanwhile, following that initial tax cut, Reagan actually ended up raising taxes - eleven times. That's according to former Republican Sen. Alan Simpson, a longtime Reagan friend who co-chaired President Obama's fiscal commission that last year offered a deficit reduction proposal.

And while Reagan somewhat slowed the marginal rate of growth in the budget, it continued to increase during his time in office. So did the debt, skyrocketing from $700 billion to $3 trillion. Then there's the fact that after first pushing to cut Social Security benefits - and being stymied by Congress - Reagan in 1983 agreed to a $165 billion bailout of the program. He also massively expanded the Pentagon budget.

how is that a response to what he said? :eusa_eh:
"Ronald Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes," historian Douglas Brinkley, who edited Reagan's diaries, told NPR. "He knew that it was necessary at times. And so there's a false mythology out there about Reagan as this conservative president who came in and just cut taxes and trimmed federal spending in a dramatic way. It didn't happen that way. It's false."

It's important to note that Reagan's tax increases did not wipe out the effects of that initial tax cut. But they did eat up about half of it. And as Peter Beinart points out, the 1983 payroll tax hike went to pay for Social Security and Medicare. ("Reagan raised taxes to pay for government-run health care," Beinart writes.) Reagan also raised the gas tax and signed the largest corporate tax increase in history, an act Joshua Green writes would be "utterly unimaginable for any conservative to support today."

Reagan was not happy about raising taxes or expanding government, and we certainly shouldn't forget that he had to work within the constraints placed upon him by a non-compliant Congress. But that doesn't change the fact that Reagan both increased spending and, after the initial cut, showed a willingness to raise taxes - exactly the sort of policy prescriptions so widely condemned by today's Reagan-reverent conservatives.

These facts have largely been lost as the right has enshrined Reagan as its patron saint, and they may fade further amid the speeches at this weekend's centennial celebration. But the reality is that Reagan was a president who held firm beliefs but was also willing to work with his ideological opponents. And that's the sort of thing that doesn't much lend itself to mythmaking.

Frpm CBS article. Basically Tea party/Dittoheads are fanatic misled morons...

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