Repeal Section 230


Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2019
Social Media is a disease. A repeal of section 230 would probably kill it off. No more Twitter, no more Facebook, no more massive platforms that act as engines for radicals and terrorists. A lot of people think that repealing section 230 would force social media companies to allow them to say anything they want; they can start revolutions, organize violence against groups or individuals, bankrupt businesses with boycotts, etc. But what a repeal would actually do is make it impossible for big social media platforms to police themselves successfully enough to prevent them from being sued/prosecuted into oblivion. It would make them accountable for whatever they allow to be published.

I don't really care much for the article I linked to but I liked this line:

Instead, these platforms have largely eschewed their editorial duties, promoting outrage to boost engagement and ad revenues. In the process they have fueled hate speech and division in the fever swamps of the extreme right and left, aided at times by Russian, Iranian, and North Korean disrupters.

Please repeal section those who can do it! Please do it now!

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