Dems Just Tried To Pay Military Families During #Trumpshutdown Guess Who Said Hell No?


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

Trump has been planning and angling for this shutdown since last May, when he tweeted that he wanted a “good shutdown” in a misguided ruse to win more GOP seats. After his latest sabotage of a bipartisan deal, he certainly looks like he got one--and a bigly one at that. The #TrumpShutdown breaks all kinds of records:

1. First shutdown in modern history with one party in control of all branches

2. First shutdown to start on anniversary of inauguration

3. Earliest shutdown ever in a presidency

The GOP is now furiously spinning. Trump kept repeating how a shutdown will hurt our military.
Donald J. Trump


A government shutdown will be devastating to our military...something the Dems care very little about!

7:49 AM - Jan 18, 2018
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On the floor of the Senate, just after midnight, Mitch McConnell scolded Democrats by saying:

For America's men and women in uniform, shutting down the government means delayed pay.

I thought McConnell’s hypocrisy reached the apex when he said Dems didn’t want to help “vulnerable children” by supporting children’s health insurance—when it was Mitch himself who allowed CHIP to expire over 120 days ago!!

But I was wrong.

This is the new winner...
Maggie Jordan:mad:MaggieJordanACN

Claire McCaskill (D-MO) proposed a measure to guarantee military families get paid even during the #Trumpshutdown.

McConnell objected, after he, Trump, Ryan and other Republicans droned on for the last 24+ hrs about unpatriotic Dems disrespecting the military. …

12:43 AM - Jan 20, 2018
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If you want to watch the entire video of the exchange, dsnottselliot provided it: Click Here

McCaskill (D-MO): I don’t want one moment to pass with there being any uncertainty of any soldier anywhere in the world that they will be paid for the valiant work they do on behalf of our national security...I ask for immediate consent.

McConnell (R-Turtle): I object.

Even Mitch McConnell doesn’t even listen to Mitch McConnell anymore!

If this doesn’t convince you that the GOP is full of BS, nothing will.

The GOP is in charge. They couldn’t even get 50 of their own member to support the continuing resolution. The GOP ended CHIP and DACA. The GOP broke their promises. This is their shutdown. They own it. By a 20-point margin, Americans agree. (Even freaking RedState is pinning this on McConnell.)

Unfortunately, it’s Americans who will suffer. I don’t know what Trump paid that porn star, but we’re the ones getting spanked.

Dems Just Tried to Pay Military Families During #TrumpShutdown. Guess Who Said HELL NO?
Nonsense, nothing the left says in legit. If they did "try to pay and trump refused" it's because it was a poison deal.

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The massive deficit-spending GOP is using our troops as human shields to borrow more money from our nation's enemies.

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel".

Trump has been planning and angling for this shutdown since last May, when he tweeted that he wanted a “good shutdown” in a misguided ruse to win more GOP seats. After his latest sabotage of a bipartisan deal, he certainly looks like he got one--and a bigly one at that. The #TrumpShutdown breaks all kinds of records:

1. First shutdown in modern history with one party in control of all branches

2. First shutdown to start on anniversary of inauguration

3. Earliest shutdown ever in a presidency

The GOP is now furiously spinning. Trump kept repeating how a shutdown will hurt our military.

Donald J. Trump


A government shutdown will be devastating to our military...something the Dems care very little about!

7:49 AM - Jan 18, 2018
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On the floor of the Senate, just after midnight, Mitch McConnell scolded Democrats by saying:

For America's men and women in uniform, shutting down the government means delayed pay.

I thought McConnell’s hypocrisy reached the apex when he said Dems didn’t want to help “vulnerable children” by supporting children’s health insurance—when it was Mitch himself who allowed CHIP to expire over 120 days ago!!

But I was wrong.

This is the new winner...

Maggie Jordan:mad:MaggieJordanACN

Claire McCaskill (D-MO) proposed a measure to guarantee military families get paid even during the #Trumpshutdown.

McConnell objected, after he, Trump, Ryan and other Republicans droned on for the last 24+ hrs about unpatriotic Dems disrespecting the military. …

12:43 AM - Jan 20, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

If you want to watch the entire video of the exchange, dsnottselliot provided it: Click Here

McCaskill (D-MO): I don’t want one moment to pass with there being any uncertainty of any soldier anywhere in the world that they will be paid for the valiant work they do on behalf of our national security...I ask for immediate consent.

McConnell (R-Turtle): I object.

Even Mitch McConnell doesn’t even listen to Mitch McConnell anymore!

If this doesn’t convince you that the GOP is full of BS, nothing will.

The GOP is in charge. They couldn’t even get 50 of their own member to support the continuing resolution. The GOP ended CHIP and DACA. The GOP broke their promises. This is their shutdown. They own it. By a 20-point margin, Americans agree. (Even freaking RedState is pinning this on McConnell.)

Unfortunately, it’s Americans who will suffer. I don’t know what Trump paid that porn star, but we’re the ones getting spanked.

Dems Just Tried to Pay Military Families During #TrumpShutdown. Guess Who Said HELL NO?
Typical Dim stunt.
The massive deficit-spending GOP is using our troops as human shields to borrow more money from our nation's enemies.

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel".

Whedid you ever attack Dims for "massive deficit-spending," douchebag?
Holy cow. Let's see: The Dems blocked the funding bill last night with a filibuster. But, oh, they're taking heat over their actions. So, now they want to carve out money to fund the military during the shutdown that they just created so they can avoid the political consequences of their actions. You're doggone right McConnell said No!

End this senseless shutdown. Fund the government. And then let's talk about DACA.
The failing Naked Emperor and his fellow travelers are throwing up a lot of smoke to hide the fact our big spending Congress and President have to borrow more money from our nation's enemies.

"B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"

"Save our troops!"

"Look! A squirrel!"

What a bunch of fucking coward motherfuckers.
The failing Naked Emperor and his fellow travelers are throwing up a lot of smoke to hide the fact our big spending Congress and President have to borrow more money from our nation's enemies.

"B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"

"Save our troops!"

"Look! A squirrel!"

What a bunch of fucking coward motherfuckers.

You douchebags are whining like little children about something that didn't bother you a lick when Obama was in office. You hate it whenever anyone points out your sorry despicable record.
Three years, and the GOP Congress can't write a budget. And now, even though they have a tard President who signs anything put in front of him, the STILL can't puke up a budget, much less a BALANCED one.

They just keep spending more than they have already taken from us. Spend, spend, spend, spend. And they give away $1.5 trillion, which they now have to go out and borrow from our enemies.

And the Tard Herd has STILL not caught on it has been massively hoaxed!
Three years, and the GOP Congress can't write a budget. And now, even though they have a tard President who signs anything put in front of him, the STILL can't puke up a budget, much less a BALANCED one.

They just keep spending more than they have already taken from us. Spend, spend, spend, spend. And they give away $1.5 trillion, which they now have to go out and borrow from our enemies.

And the Tard Herd has STILL not caught on it has been massively hoaxed!

They have written a budget, moron.

Again, I love the way you attack Republicans and never said a word about Democrats passing far larger deficits.
The failing Naked Emperor and his fellow travelers are throwing up a lot of smoke to hide the fact our big spending Congress and President have to borrow more money from our nation's enemies.

"B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"

"Save our troops!"

"Look! A squirrel!"

What a bunch of fucking coward motherfuckers.

You douchebags are whining like little children about something that didn't bother you a lick when Obama was in office. You hate it whenever anyone points out your sorry despicable record.

You know damn well I spent the last six years proposing how to eliminate out debt. And you know that because you argued in favor of continuing the problem which costs $1.4 trillion year, adding to our debt.

So fuck you. Your hypocrite card doesn't work with me...hypocrite.
The failing Naked Emperor and his fellow travelers are throwing up a lot of smoke to hide the fact our big spending Congress and President have to borrow more money from our nation's enemies.

"B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"

"Save our troops!"

"Look! A squirrel!"

What a bunch of fucking coward motherfuckers.

You douchebags are whining like little children about something that didn't bother you a lick when Obama was in office. You hate it whenever anyone points out your sorry despicable record.

You know damn well I spent the last six years proposing how to eliminate out debt. And you know that because you argued in favor of continuing the problem which costs $1.4 trillion year, adding to our debt.

So fuck you. Your hypocrite card doesn't work with me...hypocrite.

You never attacked Dims or blamed them for the deficit, asshole.

Trump has been planning and angling for this shutdown since last May, when he tweeted that he wanted a “good shutdown” in a misguided ruse to win more GOP seats. After his latest sabotage of a bipartisan deal, he certainly looks like he got one--and a bigly one at that. The #TrumpShutdown breaks all kinds of records:

1. First shutdown in modern history with one party in control of all branches

2. First shutdown to start on anniversary of inauguration

3. Earliest shutdown ever in a presidency

The GOP is now furiously spinning. Trump kept repeating how a shutdown will hurt our military.

Donald J. Trump


A government shutdown will be devastating to our military...something the Dems care very little about!

7:49 AM - Jan 18, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

On the floor of the Senate, just after midnight, Mitch McConnell scolded Democrats by saying:

For America's men and women in uniform, shutting down the government means delayed pay.

I thought McConnell’s hypocrisy reached the apex when he said Dems didn’t want to help “vulnerable children” by supporting children’s health insurance—when it was Mitch himself who allowed CHIP to expire over 120 days ago!!

But I was wrong.

This is the new winner...

Maggie Jordan:mad:MaggieJordanACN

Claire McCaskill (D-MO) proposed a measure to guarantee military families get paid even during the #Trumpshutdown.

McConnell objected, after he, Trump, Ryan and other Republicans droned on for the last 24+ hrs about unpatriotic Dems disrespecting the military. …

12:43 AM - Jan 20, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

If you want to watch the entire video of the exchange, dsnottselliot provided it: Click Here

McCaskill (D-MO): I don’t want one moment to pass with there being any uncertainty of any soldier anywhere in the world that they will be paid for the valiant work they do on behalf of our national security...I ask for immediate consent.

McConnell (R-Turtle): I object.

Even Mitch McConnell doesn’t even listen to Mitch McConnell anymore!

If this doesn’t convince you that the GOP is full of BS, nothing will.

The GOP is in charge. They couldn’t even get 50 of their own member to support the continuing resolution. The GOP ended CHIP and DACA. The GOP broke their promises. This is their shutdown. They own it. By a 20-point margin, Americans agree. (Even freaking RedState is pinning this on McConnell.)

Unfortunately, it’s Americans who will suffer. I don’t know what Trump paid that porn star, but we’re the ones getting spanked.

Dems Just Tried to Pay Military Families During #TrumpShutdown. Guess Who Said HELL NO?


LMAO, unless the shutdown last till the first of the month there will be no effect on military pay, they are paid on the 1st and the 15th.


Three years, and the GOP Congress can't write a budget. And now, even though they have a tard President who signs anything put in front of him, the STILL can't puke up a budget, much less a BALANCED one.

They just keep spending more than they have already taken from us. Spend, spend, spend, spend. And they give away $1.5 trillion, which they now have to go out and borrow from our enemies.

And the Tard Herd has STILL not caught on it has been massively hoaxed!

They have written a budget, moron.

Again, I love the way you attack Republicans and never said a word about Democrats passing far larger deficits.
Nope. The GOP has passed continuing resolutions. Resolutions which are deficit spending.

No budget. In three years.

And I see you have been kept in the dark by your propagandists. You don't even know the GOP has been INCREASING the deficit ever since they got control of the purse strings back.

All the GOP members of the Senate (except 6) voted to Pay our Military
5 Dems (terrified of Nov) voted to pay our Military
The 2 Ind voted not to pay
The remainder of the Dems voted not to pay.

Just exactly how did you arrive at your thread title?
A proposal is not a bill. Protecting the military is not necessary, unless a party actually shuts down the government like the Democrats just did. I suppose voting on the Continuing Resolution wasn't an option for those Democrats....oh wait, it was.
The failing Naked Emperor and his fellow travelers are throwing up a lot of smoke to hide the fact our big spending Congress and President have to borrow more money from our nation's enemies.

"B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"

"Save our troops!"

"Look! A squirrel!"

What a bunch of fucking coward motherfuckers.

You douchebags are whining like little children about something that didn't bother you a lick when Obama was in office. You hate it whenever anyone points out your sorry despicable record.

You know damn well I spent the last six years proposing how to eliminate out debt. And you know that because you argued in favor of continuing the problem which costs $1.4 trillion year, adding to our debt.

So fuck you. Your hypocrite card doesn't work with me...hypocrite.

You never attacked Dims or blamed them for the deficit, asshole.
Only a few hundred times, dipshit. And you were there for a lot of my posts. You argued in DEFENSE of the $1.4 trillion wealth redistribution scheme!

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