Dems Just Tried To Pay Military Families During #Trumpshutdown Guess Who Said Hell No?

Three years, and the GOP Congress can't write a budget. And now, even though they have a tard President who signs anything put in front of him, the STILL can't puke up a budget, much less a BALANCED one.

They just keep spending more than they have already taken from us. Spend, spend, spend, spend. And they give away $1.5 trillion, which they now have to go out and borrow from our enemies.

And the Tard Herd has STILL not caught on it has been massively hoaxed!

Are you claiming a just-as-corrupt Democrat Congress would pass some kind of fiscally conservative budget?

Pwahahahahaha! That's lunacy!


In reality, this Congress is trying to put the brakes on spending, but the Establishment and Democrats are loyal to their contributors (read: Bribers).

Yeah, that's why they just added $2 trillion to the debt with the tax scam bill.

You just shut down the government over another $20 billion for a wall you couldn't even get all of the GOP senators to vote for.

All of this just 10 years after you crashed the world economy with your tax cut for the rich, banking deregulation policies of Bush, and $ 4 trillion added to the nations credit card Obama had to put on the books to clean up your mess last time.

You have no credibility on anything that has to do with spending.
Three years, and the GOP Congress can't write a budget. And now, even though they have a tard President who signs anything put in front of him, the STILL can't puke up a budget, much less a BALANCED one.

They just keep spending more than they have already taken from us. Spend, spend, spend, spend. And they give away $1.5 trillion, which they now have to go out and borrow from our enemies.

And the Tard Herd has STILL not caught on it has been massively hoaxed!

Are you claiming a just-as-corrupt Democrat Congress would pass some kind of fiscally conservative budget?.

I am pointing out the dead silence from you hypocritical tards. You whined and whined and whined about Obama's deficits, and then went completely silent when Trump began running up our debt to record levels.

If Trump had not run our budget into the ground, the Democrats would have ZERO leverage. There would be no shutdown because Trump has spent more than he took from us.

And you cucks just sit there and take it. Worse, you gobble his cock in public like porn stars.
Ever since I have been on this forum, I have been writing about the debt. So the hypocrite card does not work on me, retard.

If that's all you got, then you have nothing.

You are a hypocrite because you ignore the 68% increase under Obama.
Three years, and the GOP Congress can't write a budget. And now, even though they have a tard President who signs anything put in front of him, the STILL can't puke up a budget, much less a BALANCED one.

They just keep spending more than they have already taken from us. Spend, spend, spend, spend. And they give away $1.5 trillion, which they now have to go out and borrow from our enemies.

And the Tard Herd has STILL not caught on it has been massively hoaxed!

Are you claiming a just-as-corrupt Democrat Congress would pass some kind of fiscally conservative budget?.

I am pointing out the dead silence from you hypocritical tards. You whined and whined and whined about Obama's deficits, and then went completely silent when Trump began running up our debt to record levels.

If Trump had not run our budget into the ground, the Democrats would have ZERO leverage. There would be no shutdown because Trump has spent more than he took from us.

And you cucks just sit there and take it. Worse, you gobble his cock in public like porn stars.
Your an idiot...

Trump may have spent money but he deregulated and let loose the massive engine that is a populace who can put all other nations to shame.. By taking the libtard boot from our throats the money trump might spend will be countered by the inflow to the Treasury..

If Trump is right, and I think he is, the spending will be offset and a zero deficit will be had... now to continue cutting unneeded liberal crap and get this nation back to producing and being productive..
Nope. I am pointing out the dead silence from you hypocritical tards. You whined and whined and whined about Obama's deficits, and then went completely silent when Trump began running up our debt to record levels.

LOL! Huh? Just huh? Trump has been in office barely a year. Democrats have dragged out budget negotiations for months, which is why we've had to use CRs to keep the government running. Then, when a budget was nearing completion, Dems began insisting on tying DACA to the budget, and the Dems just blocked the funding bill in the Senate with a filibuster over DACA.

Obama added $7.9 trillion and we got nothing for it but the weakest recovery in modern times, flatlined median-family-income growth, negative small-business growth for the first time in ages, etc., etc. Under Trump, the economy is doing better than it has in years, the DOW is setting records, foreign investment in America has increased substantially, black unemployment is lower than it has been in years, female unemployment is way down, etc., etc.--and the tax cuts haven't even kicked in yet.

If Trump had not run our budget into the ground, the Democrats would have ZERO leverage. There would be no shutdown because Trump has spent more than he took from us.

What?! Where are you getting this jibberish?! Sheesh, this is Fantasy Land material. The current deficit is 30% lower than it was for much of Obama's presidency! Revenue is at a record high because the economy is doing markedly better.

It's impossible to deal with you people because you ignore reality and just make up stuff out of thin air.
What?! Where are you getting this jibberish?! Sheesh, this is Fantasy Land material. The current deficit is 30% lower than it was for much of Obama's presidency! Revenue is at a record high because the economy is doing markedly better.

It's impossible to deal with you people because you ignore reality and just make up stuff out of thin air.

Oh don't be so harsh on the gay Putin wanna be. :lol:
The failing Naked Emperor and his fellow travelers are throwing up a lot of smoke to hide the fact our big spending Congress and President have to borrow more money from our nation's enemies.

"B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"

"Save our troops!"

"Look! A squirrel!"

What a bunch of fucking coward motherfuckers.

You douchebags are whining like little children about something that didn't bother you a lick when Obama was in office. You hate it whenever anyone points out your sorry despicable record.

You know damn well I spent the last six years proposing how to eliminate out debt. And you know that because you argued in favor of continuing the problem which costs $1.4 trillion year, adding to our debt.

So fuck you. Your hypocrite card doesn't work with me...hypocrite.

You never attacked Dims or blamed them for the deficit, asshole.
You stupid mother fucker! No party operates under a vacuum. We have a huge debt that is a fact! We need it to go away that is a fact! Congress has not passed a full years budget since 2009 fact. It was every mother fuckers fault that has served in Congress since the bull shit began! Send all those fuckers home and make them repay their salaries!

All the GOP members of the Senate (except 6) voted to Pay our Military
5 Dems (terrified of Nov) voted to pay our Military
The 2 Ind voted not to pay
The remainder of the Dems voted not to pay.

Just exactly how did you arrive at your thread title?

Good catch...this guy is the by far the most ignorant fool on this board.
He spends his days plagiarizing shit from the net and he rarely finds a trusted source....nobody here takes his sorry ass serious...he’s lost all credibility.
When Republicans say they want to help the military, they mean buy more bombs.

The GOP are not the kind of people to help families of military personnel or military personnel. Republicans call helping anyone except billionaires and corporations socialism.
The GOP wants to borrow more money from our nation's enemies.

The Democrats want amnesty for Dreamers.

That's it. That's the deadlock. Simple as that.

You know a way to run the government without money? Please share moron.
Here's an idea for the GOP Congress and Trump: DON'T SPEND MORE THAN YOU TAKE IN!

Here's an idea. Don't put on theater for the rubes about being the party of fiscal responsibility and then fail to balance the budget and end up being as big spenders as the Democrats.

Then you won't run out of money and be caught with your hypocritical dicks in your hands. Then the Democrats will have ZERO leverage.
After eight years of spending more than all previous presidents combined in national debt, you think you have the high ground here....

Three words for you....


Liberals are such brain dead fools... they think we don't remember who put us in debt so far we may never get out...
Ever since I have been on this forum, I have been writing about the debt. So the hypocrite card does not work on me, retard.

If that's all you got, then you have nothing.

You never blame it on Democrats, asshole.
The GOP wants to borrow more money from our nation's enemies.

The Democrats want amnesty for Dreamers.

That's it. That's the deadlock. Simple as that.

You know a way to run the government without money? Please share moron.
Here's an idea for the GOP Congress and Trump: DON'T SPEND MORE THAN YOU TAKE IN!

Here's an idea. Don't put on theater for the rubes about being the party of fiscal responsibility and then fail to balance the budget and end up being as big spenders as the Democrats.

Then you won't run out of money and be caught with your hypocritical dicks in your hands. Then the Democrats will have ZERO leverage.
After eight years of spending more than all previous presidents combined in national debt, you think you have the high ground here....

Three words for you....


Liberals are such brain dead fools... they think we don't remember who put us in debt so far we may never get out...
Ever since I have been on this forum, I have been writing about the debt. So the hypocrite card does not work on me, retard.

If that's all you got, then you have nothing.

Glad to see you're making progress, you no longer deny you're a brain dead liberal fool.
He stopped claiming to be a conservative Republican because he has been exposed too many times.
It has been well established that Schumer is totally dishonest and untrustworthy.
The Corrupt Democrats can't be trusted to enforce our immigration laws.
Feinstein, quoted “give us DACA now and we’ll do the rest later” Someone explain to me why she feels her party won? I’m just saying they have no honesty EVAH

That's the Democrat conception of a compromise.
Three years, and the GOP Congress can't write a budget. And now, even though they have a tard President who signs anything put in front of him, the STILL can't puke up a budget, much less a BALANCED one.

They just keep spending more than they have already taken from us. Spend, spend, spend, spend. And they give away $1.5 trillion, which they now have to go out and borrow from our enemies.

And the Tard Herd has STILL not caught on it has been massively hoaxed!

Are you claiming a just-as-corrupt Democrat Congress would pass some kind of fiscally conservative budget?

Pwahahahahaha! That's lunacy!


In reality, this Congress is trying to put the brakes on spending, but the Establishment and Democrats are loyal to their contributors (read: Bribers).

Yeah, that's why they just added $2 trillion to the debt with the tax scam bill.

You just shut down the government over another $20 billion for a wall you couldn't even get all of the GOP senators to vote for.

All of this just 10 years after you crashed the world economy with your tax cut for the rich, banking deregulation policies of Bush, and $ 4 trillion added to the nations credit card Obama had to put on the books to clean up your mess last time.

You have no credibility on anything that has to do with spending.

Apple just reduced that amount by $36 billion. Every other corporation that repatriotsprofits back to the United States will be reducing the amount of added debt. Over the course of 10 years that's likely to be a significant portion of the total. Furthermore, that doesn't even count the extra revenue from increased economi growth.

Snowflakes know the tax cut is a game changer. That's why they're crying about it so much.
The failing Naked Emperor and his fellow travelers are throwing up a lot of smoke to hide the fact our big spending Congress and President have to borrow more money from our nation's enemies.

"B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"

"Save our troops!"

"Look! A squirrel!"

What a bunch of fucking coward motherfuckers.

You douchebags are whining like little children about something that didn't bother you a lick when Obama was in office. You hate it whenever anyone points out your sorry despicable record.

You know damn well I spent the last six years proposing how to eliminate out debt. And you know that because you argued in favor of continuing the problem which costs $1.4 trillion year, adding to our debt.

So fuck you. Your hypocrite card doesn't work with me...hypocrite.

You never attacked Dims or blamed them for the deficit, asshole.
You stupid mother fucker! No party operates under a vacuum. We have a huge debt that is a fact! We need it to go away that is a fact! Congress has not passed a full years budget since 2009 fact. It was every mother fuckers fault that has served in Congress since the bull shit began! Send all those fuckers home and make them repay their salaries!

Which of those things wasn't true 2 years ago?
It has been well established that Schumer is totally dishonest and untrustworthy.
The Corrupt Democrats can't be trusted to enforce our immigration laws.
Feinstein, quoted “give us DACA now and we’ll do the rest later” Someone explain to me why she feels her party won? I’m just saying they have no honesty EVAH

That's the Democrat conception of a compromise.

Dem's always renege, they LIE out their big fat lying filthy mouths then laugh when some rube Republican believes them and accepts these me now you later deals.
Corrupt Democrats have proven over and over that they are liars and that they hate our soldiers and veterans.
They only care about the power to loot the taxpayers and that is what millions of new voters would give them.
Democrats are bad for America.
I ask yet again: If the Democrats really wanted to pay military families, why did they block the funding bill with a filibuster on Friday? If Dems had dropped their filibuster and had allowed a normal vote, the bill would have passed 51-49.
Bitch how'd that last amnesty deal go? Where's the f*n wall already?

Amnesty for 3 million in exchange for a wall. That's a deal that went down in the late 80s.

Reagan granted amnesty for 3 million illegals in exchange for --wait for it--

A Wall!

The Democrat Congress at the time promised to build one if he granted the amnesty. Apparently they lied, aye?

30 F*n years later, still no wall. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

The wall: It's not something that's time has come, it's something that's past-due.

Bush didn't do jack shit about it either, only Clinton has built some wall AFAIK.

Anyways, fuck DACA, fuck amnesty. Not happening. Deport illegals.
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