DemonRATS are siding with a genocidal terror state

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Imagine an incumbent Democrat President at a time when America is in a national security crisis with Russia, and that the Republicans were goading Russia to attack American troops, and making every excuse to enhance Russia’s propaganda advantage. The Democrats would rightly be saying that “The Republicans are colluding with Russia, and putting American soldiers at risk.”

But now, America is in a national security crisis situation with Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. And, what are the Democrats doing? They are goading the Iranians into attacking American troops so that the Democrats can gain a “Trump has blown up the world” talking point. In effect, the Democrats are actively colluding with terror-state Iran. Instead of minimizing the military risk to our deployed soldiers, the Democrats are wantonly maximizing the military risk to our soldiers. The Democrats are putting their attempt to gain a political advantage on Trump over the security of our soldiers.

Let us compare Russia and Iran as security threats to the United States. How many American soldiers has Russia murdered in the last 30 years? None, not a single American soldier.



DemonRATS ,and their International gang on board with them, want just one thing....the “power” they lost in 2016 back
Yeah I remember when they were trying to sell the Iraq war on a bunch of lies and those who knew it was a disastrous move were accused of being Saddam lovers.
Nothing motivates like a little genocidal terror Purge

but you're search for a metric is rather myopic

in that the focus is partisan

try harder ...

Trump is a pro worker, pro middle class, America first President. Democrats hatred of him has driven them to become anti worker, anti middle class and America last. Since Democrats can't beat him at making America great, they're trying to tear our government down and remade it into another socialist-communist disaster. Viva Trump. Best President since Eisenhower. Flip the House back in 2020, then we will see how great America can be.

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