Democrats….When It Rains, It Pours

I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.

So am I. It has allowed the exposure of the criminal upper echelon of the FBI. I also had no prior knowledge of muellers own criminal past. I had no idea he had engineered the conviction of innocent people to protect one of his CI's. That is a level of asshole that you have to go back to Stalins KGB to attain.

Let me guess.......Hannity. Right?

The pundit I try to listen to with any regularity is Chris Plante.....

Nope. Can't stand his voice. Just read a lot and pay attention to the world around me. Unlike you who get your opinions from your masters at msnbc and cnn.

Agree.....but can I recommend Chris Plante, WMAL Washington, D.C......

...he's the best.

I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.

So am I. It has allowed the exposure of the criminal upper echelon of the FBI. I also had no prior knowledge of muellers own criminal past. I had no idea he had engineered the conviction of innocent people to protect one of his CI's. That is a level of asshole that you have to go back to Stalins KGB to attain.

Let me guess.......Hannity. Right?

Nope. Can't stand his voice. Just read a lot and pay attention to the world around me. Unlike you who get your opinions from your masters at msnbc and cnn.

You got that from Hannity.

Really wanna grind your teeth?

Listen to Chris Plante, WMAL

I guarantee an ulcer for ya'
So am I. It has allowed the exposure of the criminal upper echelon of the FBI. I also had no prior knowledge of muellers own criminal past. I had no idea he had engineered the conviction of innocent people to protect one of his CI's. That is a level of asshole that you have to go back to Stalins KGB to attain.

Let me guess.......Hannity. Right?

The pundit I try to listen to with any regularity is Chris Plante.....

Nope. Can't stand his voice. Just read a lot and pay attention to the world around me. Unlike you who get your opinions from your masters at msnbc and cnn.

Agree.....but can I recommend Chris Plante, WMAL Washington, D.C......

...he's the best.

I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.

So am I. It has allowed the exposure of the criminal upper echelon of the FBI. I also had no prior knowledge of muellers own criminal past. I had no idea he had engineered the conviction of innocent people to protect one of his CI's. That is a level of asshole that you have to go back to Stalins KGB to attain.

Let me guess.......Hannity. Right?

Nope. Can't stand his voice. Just read a lot and pay attention to the world around me. Unlike you who get your opinions from your masters at msnbc and cnn.

You got that from Hannity.

Really wanna grind your teeth?

Listen to Chris Plante, WMAL

I guarantee an ulcer for ya'

No thanks. I'm good with Howard, Smerconish and Dominick.
Mueller conspired with Radical Islamic terrorists? That's incredible.
Not at all, when you inform yourself by going beyond liberal OMISSION media, and reading into FACTUAL happenings going on for a long time.

Just for 1 example, there's tons of info on Mueller and his many Muslim Brotherhood shennanigans, in the book Infiltration, by Paul Sperry >> Pages XXI, 3-6, 8-10, 27, 67, 72, 152-154, 157-159, 165, 175, 180-182, 190, 194-195, 290, 294, 327,....... everything from his attending conventions of MB front groups (AMC, MPAC, ISNA, etc) even as their keynote speaker, to his disastrous negligence in the FBI's foreign language (Arabic) translation unit (AKA "the mole house"), and his general sympathy given to MB groups, relating to FBI activities.

PS - Infiltration was written in 2005. You're decades behind in your terrorism/Islamization reading.

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I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.

So am I. It has allowed the exposure of the criminal upper echelon of the FBI. I also had no prior knowledge of muellers own criminal past. I had no idea he had engineered the conviction of innocent people to protect one of his CI's. That is a level of asshole that you have to go back to Stalins KGB to attain.

I told the dimwitted Dem's over a year ago when you are corrupt to the core you don't demand investigations into corruption. Even I didn't think they were that dumb.
Mueller conspired with Radical Islamic terrorists? That's incredible.
Not at all, when you inform yourself by going beyond liberal OMISSION media, and reading into FACTUAL happenings going on for a long time.

Just for 1 example, there's tons of info on Mueller and his many Muslim Brotherhood shennanigans, in the book Infiltration, by Paul Sperry >> Pages XXI, 3-6, 8-10, 27, 67, 72, 152-154, 157-159, 165, 175, 180-182, 190, 194-195, 290, 294, 327,....... everything from his attending conventions of MB front groups (AMC, MPAC, ISNA, etc) even as their keynote speaker, to his disastrous negligence in the FBI's foreign language (Arabic) translation unit (AKA "the mole house"), and his general sympathy given to MB groups, relating to FBI activities.

PS - Infiltration was written in 2005. You're decades behind in your terrorism/Islamization reading.


Always good, if rare, to have folks who read books.

And, of course, never from the other side.
8. “The immolation of Mr. McCabe has resulted in a moving of the focus to Mr. Mueller by both pro- and anti-Trump forces, for different reasons.

The Democrats and their press allies desperately want Mr. Trump to fire Mr. Mueller, to keep the impeachment canard alive. The president will not oblige them, though he has made the point that there was no excuse for this inquiry, as there was no prior crime nor any evidence of collusion, and that it was weakly and reflexively created by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein after Attorney General Jeff Sessions gave a mistaken answer on a small Russia-related question at his confirmation hearings and recused himself on anything to do with Russia.

Mr. Mueller is there only because James Comey, after he was fired, illegally leaked a contested memo of a conversation with the president, as he acknowledged without embarrassment at a congressional hearing, to force the appointment of a special counsel on Russian matters (this despite his and Mr. McCabe’s assertions that there had never been government interference in the Russian investigation).

9. Although Mr. Comey disparaged the Steele dossier, he and Mr. McCabe were complicit in allowing that dossier to be used as the basis for an illegally obtained and renewed FISA warrant against Carter Page, and for precipitating the Mueller inquiry.

It is a reasonable supposition that what is terrifying the Resistance now is that the real scandal (as a number of us have been laboriously reciting at intervals for more than a year) is the corruption of the FBI and the Justice Department.”
Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes

Reminder: if you ever imagined that Russia wanted Trump to win, rather than the criminal with whom they had a history of bribing.....
....remember that Putin authorized the dossier, meant to sink Trump's presidential hopes.
Ultra-liberals think that Mueller is the torch bearer for everything that is noble and just. Of course, as in most things, the ultra-libs are wrong. Muller leaves behind him a record of incompetency and ruthlessness

Muller mishandled the anthrax investigation back in the early 1990s. His ignorance, arrogance and total disregard for individual rights and due process ruined the lives of innocent people, including Steven Hatfill. Hatfill sued and was awarded almost $6 million.

Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

Mueller didn't give a royal damn about how many innocent people he hurt as long as he could delude Americans into thinking he was doing his job.

“In the aftermath of the attacks, Mueller directed the “post-9/11 round-up” of around 1,000 immigrants who mostly happened to be in the wrong place (NYC area) at the wrong time, as FBI Headquarters encouraged more and more detentions for what seemed to be essentially PR purposes. Field offices were required to report daily the number of detentions in order to supply grist for FBI press releases about FBI “progress” in fighting terrorism. Consequently, some of the detainees were brutalized and jailed for up to a year despite the fact that none turned out to be terrorists.”

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

The fact that Mueller is giving her highness Hillary a free pass on her multiple crimes while conducting a witch hunt on Trump proves he is biased and corrupt, The stench of Hillary Clinton emanates from his every pore.

I expect that a a lot more damning information is going to be revealed about Mueller. You can't be a skunk without leaving a trail.
Ultra-liberals think that Mueller is the torch bearer for everything that is noble and just. Of course, as in most things, the ultra-libs are wrong. Muller leaves behind him a record of incompetency and ruthlessness

Muller mishandled the anthrax investigation back in the early 1990s. His ignorance, arrogance and total disregard for individual rights and due process ruined the lives of innocent people, including Steven Hatfill. Hatfill sued and was awarded almost $6 million.

Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

Mueller didn't give a royal damn about how many innocent people he hurt as long as he could delude Americans into thinking he was doing his job.

“In the aftermath of the attacks, Mueller directed the “post-9/11 round-up” of around 1,000 immigrants who mostly happened to be in the wrong place (NYC area) at the wrong time, as FBI Headquarters encouraged more and more detentions for what seemed to be essentially PR purposes. Field offices were required to report daily the number of detentions in order to supply grist for FBI press releases about FBI “progress” in fighting terrorism. Consequently, some of the detainees were brutalized and jailed for up to a year despite the fact that none turned out to be terrorists.”

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

The fact that Mueller is giving her highness Hillary a free pass on her multiple crimes while conducting a witch hunt on Trump proves he is biased and corrupt, The stench of Hillary Clinton emanates from his every pore.

I expect that a a lot more damning information is going to be revealed about Mueller. You can't be a skunk without leaving a trail.

"..... the people who were in charge of the investigation and who knew of its explosive impact. Who are they?

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

Holder, Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein"
Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump

They ignored what was camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

Who judges the judges?

How about the American people, the ones who decided the county needed Donald Trump.
Mueller falsely imprisoned a citizen and that dude was paid out 100's of millions of dollars when he was released. Mueller is an evil person. Thanks Hannity and Sara Carter.

Sara Carter: The Time Dirty Cop Robert Mueller Cost Taxpayers $100 Million - David Harris Jr

Democrats are fond of saying that Robert Mueller has a pristine record as an investigator and as a prosecutor but nothing could be further from the truth. Mueller received a tip back during the anthrax scare on the man responsible for the deaths. But because Mueller made up his mind that someone else was guilty, he ignored the tip. A year later, it was discovered that Mueller had the wrong man and had rejected the right man for a year. Because of Mueller’s harassment , the innocent man lost his job and was unable to find another one and spent all of his savings on lawyers. He sued Mueller and the taxpayers had to fork over nearly six million dollars.

But that was not the worse case Mueller bungled. While he was a lead prosecutor in Massachusetts, he relied on mobster Whitey Bulger for much of his information. That was a mistake as Reporter Sara Carter points out and a costly one to boot. US Taxpayers had to shell out $100 million for that fiasco.
The Blue Wall is being chastised as we type. The first coconut express is hitting the left coast and it is highly probable that more major storms will be hitting the north east.
I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.
what is it you like about it? what has it taught you? post something that shows collusion and I'll be waiting until forever for that post.

Collusion isn't a thing when it comes to the law. Conspiracy is. So is obstruction of justice. So is money laundering.

No matter what tap-dance you engage in, the only individuals known.....with evidence of have any material association with the Russians......

....are Democrats.

Challenge me to prove it.
I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.
what is it you like about it? what has it taught you? post something that shows collusion and I'll be waiting until forever for that post.

Collusion isn't a thing when it comes to the law. Conspiracy is. So is obstruction of justice. So is money laundering.

No matter what tap-dance you engage in, the only individuals known.....with evidence of have any material association with the Russians......

....are Democrats.

Challenge me to prove it.
they couldn't find a black button in a bucket full of white buttons.
I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.
what is it you like about it? what has it taught you? post something that shows collusion and I'll be waiting until forever for that post.

Collusion isn't a thing when it comes to the law. Conspiracy is. So is obstruction of justice. So is money laundering.

No matter what tap-dance you engage in, the only individuals known.....with evidence of have any material association with the Russians......

....are Democrats.

Challenge me to prove it.
they couldn't find a black button in a bucket full of white buttons.

Raisin in the rice????
10. “All now awaits the inspector general’s report on the internal functioning of the FBI and the Justice Department.

If his report is damning enough, and it is unlikely to be pleasant reading for Mr. Comey and his claque, there will be an irresistible public and congressional demand to clean the stable and prosecute the apparently guilty, including in the intelligence services and the State Department.

11. If Mr. Mueller is as dedicated and incorruptible as his champions claim, he will produce an honest debunking of the collusion charade

The best possible outcomes of this controversy would be the reform of criminal procedure and the end of the criminalization of political differences. The entire U.S. criminal-justice system is an anthill of oppressive fraud where prosecutors win 99% of their cases, at least in part, 97% without a trial, as Mr. Mueller is proving by throwing monstrous charges against his victims and settling for guilty pleas to trivial and technical counts to extract catechized and rehearsed inculpatory testimony with immunity for perjury.

12. No one should imagine that General Flynn is the sole victim of this.

The immediate problem is not draconian severity but the capricious abuse of the practically unlimited power of prosecutors — and especially the pandemic of partisan infection of the federal law-enforcement and intelligence apparatus.

Donald Trump saw it coming. His tweets may sometimes be imprudent, but his domination of social media has countered the press’s firing squad, which, in trying to depose him, has largely missed the real story and savaged its own credibility. Mr. Trump will win this epic struggle, and both parties should get the message that trying to impeach your opponent without legal cause can lead to unpleasant surprises.”
Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes
I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.
what is it you like about it? what has it taught you? post something that shows collusion and I'll be waiting until forever for that post.

Collusion isn't a thing when it comes to the law. Conspiracy is. So is obstruction of justice. So is money laundering.

....yet you have no evidence of any of it.

Point of order!

No evidence is necessary ....for Democrats.

What was new with the Clarence Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.
Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter.

Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:" “The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”
Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.
I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.
what is it you like about it? what has it taught you? post something that shows collusion and I'll be waiting until forever for that post.

Collusion isn't a thing when it comes to the law. Conspiracy is. So is obstruction of justice. So is money laundering.

No matter what tap-dance you engage in, the only individuals known.....with evidence of have any material association with the Russians......

....are Democrats.

Challenge me to prove it.
All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts

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