Democrats: What's your message?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As an Independent, I didn't think Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump were very good candidates for President (and I still don't) that said, Democrats running for Congress need to rethink their message to prospective voters, because they have too many of them. Donald Trump and the GOP may have mounting legal problems, and popularity issues, but listening to Democratic candidates babble about what they want to accomplish is like listening to 2nd graders at recess. Democrats: Get a short, intelligent, and coherent message...or you're going to get your butts kicked again.
The same message democrooks have had for 100 years.




Or something just as vapid like Hope and Change.

Vote for us African Americans
Vote for us hispanics.
Vote for us women
Vote for us gay people
Vote for us Muslims
Vote for us illegal aliens
Their new slogan for the 2018 campaigns-

"For The People"

They have however not yet defined what people they are talking about. I myself am acquainted with no such people who would care to be included in their efforts.

Even my old friend's Uber-Leftist wife, who once threw me out of their house for having the temerity to disagree on a point of politics, has dispensed with the Democrats altogether.

They have nothing to offer.
As an Independent, I didn't think Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump were very good candidates for President (and I still don't) that said, Democrats running for Congress need to rethink their message to prospective voters, because they have too many of them. Donald Trump and the GOP may have mounting legal problems, and popularity issues, but listening to Democratic candidates babble about what they want to accomplish is like listening to 2nd graders at recess. Democrats: Get a short, intelligent, and coherent message...or you're going to get your butts kicked again.
Independent, eh? Is that why you're rooting for Democrats?
Wow, your friend's wife must be Russian, because walk away is fake don't ya know. Does it bother anyone else that democrats constantly look for ways to bypass the voter. Super delegates, rulings by judges(Especially California), and reducing the votes to get things done so they can be rammed down people's throats by party line. If they have to bypass voters to force their agenda on people, that should tell you something.
Their new slogan for the 2018 campaigns-

"For The People"

They have however not yet defined what people they are talking about. I myself am acquainted with no such people who would care to be included in their efforts.

Even my old friend's Uber-Leftist wife, who once threw me out of their house for having the temerity to disagree on a point of politics, has dispensed with the Democrats altogether.

They have nothing to offer.
The "people" are the working classes. That slogan does nothing more than to divide management and labor.
As an Independent, I didn't think Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump were very good candidates for President (and I still don't) that said, Democrats running for Congress need to rethink their message to prospective voters, because they have too many of them. Donald Trump and the GOP may have mounting legal problems, and popularity issues, but listening to Democratic candidates babble about what they want to accomplish is like listening to 2nd graders at recess. Democrats: Get a short, intelligent, and coherent message...or you're going to get your butts kicked again.

There new slogan
"For the People" is the Dem's new slogan.
But it really means looting the taxpayers.

23 hours ago
Their new slogan for the 2018 campaigns-

"For The People"

They have however not yet defined what people they are talking about. I myself am acquainted with no such people who would care to be included in their efforts.

Even my old friend's Uber-Leftist wife, who once threw me out of their house for having the temerity to disagree on a point of politics, has dispensed with the Democrats altogether.

They have nothing to offer.
The "people" are the working classes. That slogan does nothing more than to divide management and labor.
Like they've ever been "friends." lol
Their new slogan for the 2018 campaigns-

"For The People"

They have however not yet defined what people they are talking about. I myself am acquainted with no such people who would care to be included in their efforts.

Even my old friend's Uber-Leftist wife, who once threw me out of their house for having the temerity to disagree on a point of politics, has dispensed with the Democrats altogether.

They have nothing to offer.

Dang, your friend is married to Whoopi? LOL..
As an Independent, I didn't think Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump were very good candidates for President (and I still don't)
Fine Bill, then all you need to do is look at one issue and isolate it, like the Supreme court. It comes down to picking the lesser of the two to avoid electing the one to do the more harm! By not voting or voting for a 3rd party, you are really voting for the person you like the least.

Democrats running for Congress need to rethink their message to prospective voters,
Why? For 60 years, they've really only had ONE MESSAGE, if you think about it. But they never deliver on what they promise.

Donald Trump and the GOP may have mounting legal problems, and popularity issues,
Really? Then why do they keep winning all of the elections? The GOP has no legal issues, and Donald Trump's only "legal issue" is their endless hunt to FIND something to charge him with! Indeed, all of the real criminal investigations have been against democrats. Their top running Hillary was under FBI investigation while she ran for office!

but listening to Democratic candidates babble about what they want to accomplish is like listening to 2nd graders at recess.
Ain't it the truth.
The message ought to be:

  • Universal healthcare
  • Treating EVERYone with dignity and respect, regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation, and reopening the doors to immigrants and refugees
  • Giving a hand up to those needing help with higher education
  • Maintaining the right to choose whether to grow a baby
  • Restricting gun access to more reasonable levels
  • Force those greedy Republicans to share their income with the less fortunate who are hungry, homeless and raising children in cardboard boxes for all the Republicans care
"For the People" is the Dem's new slogan.
But it really means looting the taxpayers.

"For The People" has been the Democrat's message for 60 years, in one form or another. But "the people" they are intending are THEMSELVES! The Democrats themselves are the only ones who ever really benefit from an election. They SAY they are for the working class, but the same people they vowed to fight for 60 years ago are still in the same mess needing the same help for the same problems, which the Democrats are still promising to deliver to them.
The message ought to be:

  • Universal healthcare
  • Treating EVERYone with dignity and respect, regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation, and reopening the doors to immigrants and refugees
  • Giving a hand up to those needing help with higher education
  • Maintaining the right to choose whether to grow a baby
  • Restricting gun access to more reasonable levels
  • Force those greedy Republicans to share their income with the less fortunate who are hungry, homeless and raising children in cardboard boxes for all the Republicans care
Forcing republicans to fork over their earned income. Really? You do know that most republicans are not wealthy, like the Clintons, Obama, Bernie, Maxine, Pelosi, Ketchup Man, ect. Why are they greedy, when you want their money? If you think taking working people's money will help the homeless, you are mistaken. By the way, how has the war on poverty worked out. How has throwing money at any problem worked out? We need to use our brain, not rob our neighbors.
The Democrats have an aggressive approach that should easily win back the House and might even win back the Senate.

#1 - Impeach 45. This slogan will be the center piece in the mid terms.
#2 - Open borders. We don't need walls and we don't need any imaginary borders either.
#3 - Eliminate Ice. Once borders are open, there is no need for any more enforcement.

This will be the platform supporting the "For the People" movement.

The Republicans will have little chance of defeating a movement like that! The Democrats finally found their voice!!
They are running “For the People*”

*People May not include the following:

The unborn
Minorities who don’t tow the line
Women who think
Certain individuals with physical and mental handicaps
American workers
American citizens
Foreign nationals who immigrated legally to our nation

And anyone who opposed the fundamental values of the communist... er rather Democrat party

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