Democrats War on God.

The right to self defense is a natural law.
Do you have a right to defend yourself? You have a imperative, if you will--but a right that supersedes law and custom?

I guess you may believe that..but history is rife with times when defending yourself was the worst mistake possible.

To me, a law must be compelling to be a law--and the right to defend yourself is something that is given by our society..not the Universe, IMO.
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Oh, my life is good. I do blame the left for their failed policies and waste of taxpayer's money.
read the ruling on Kitzmiller v. Dover. this is settled law. taxpayer money is going to christian churches thanks to republican voters.
real conservatives left the republican party a long time ago when they spent $6 trillion to go abroad in search of monsters and their kids came home with missing limbs
No such thing as "settled law".
there is such a thing as natural law. no religion can change that
OK..I'll a natural law..and name the consequences for breaking it? It appears to me that Religion can obviate any law..just by invoking the name of God...or so history has shown us. What I've not seen in history is any universal law..that is..'natural'.

For a law to be a natural law..I would think that it must cut across all cultures and races..i.e. it would have to be a universal law, right? What determines a law vs just a 'right' way of doing things? Consequences?
fellatio is natural
getting high is natural
rejecting a fascist government is natural

no religion can stop us apes from being who we are
Oh, my life is good. I do blame the left for their failed policies and waste of taxpayer's money.
read the ruling on Kitzmiller v. Dover. this is settled law. taxpayer money is going to christian churches thanks to republican voters.
real conservatives left the republican party a long time ago when they spent $6 trillion to go abroad in search of monsters and their kids came home with missing limbs
No such thing as "settled law".
there is such a thing as natural law. no religion can change that
OK..I'll a natural law..and name the consequences for breaking it? It appears to me that Religion can obviate any law..just by invoking the name of God...or so history has shown us. What I've not seen in history is any universal law..that is..'natural'.

For a law to be a natural law..I would think that it must cut across all cultures and races..i.e. it would have to be a universal law, right? What determines a law vs just a 'right' way of doing things? Consequences?
fellatio is natural
getting high is natural
rejecting a fascist government is natural

no religion can stop us apes from being who we are your reasoning...someone who never gets high is unnatural?
Someone who never engages in oral sex is unnatural?

OMG...people have enthusiastically endorsed fascist govt.'s since the dawn of time! They were unnatural?

What you are describing are choices..yes no more or less valid than no.

If I is natural..but is it a right? The right to procreate? Certainly I could buy that--as a racial imperative.

I would put to you...that the basis of all religion is do exactly that..stop..or at least channel and modify us apes--from being and doing what comes..naturally.

Murder is natural..rape is natural...theft is natural....war is natural.

Religion is man's stuttering attempt to be something better...usually it's co-opted by the powers that be..and perverted into control.

Christ and Buddha were right...but I would contend that the life they advocated..was anything but...natural.
The right to self defense is a natural law.
Do you have a right to defend yourself? You have a imperative, if you will--but a right that supersedes law and custom?

I guess you may believe that..but history is rife with times when defending yourself was the worst mistake possible.

To me, a law must be compelling to be a law--and the right to defend yourself is something that is given by our society..not the Universe, IMO.
I believe self defense is a God-given right and so did our founders.
OP is backwards. The republicans are trying to push god into schools, Democrats are defending our tradition of separating church and state.
Democrats are defending our tradition of separating church and state.

Is that a Constitutional right?
Generally considered to be part of the first amendment though not written out in that form:. "Separation of church and state" is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia

It's not that hard dude.

The Anabaptists were the ones who convinced Jefferson that the state should have no authority over religion.

There is no *right* to separation of church and state. You have the human right to worship according to your conscience. Our constitution protects that right.

Not the right of teachers to teach children that there is no God, that God has nothing to do with our creation. There is no right of teachers to punish children for praying in class. School adminisitrators certainly do not have the right nor the authority to tell school district employees that they may not utter the word *God* or dare to acknowledge their own faith or discuss it in school.

In what schools are the children being taught that there is no supreme being? Where is this occurring?

Children are not being punished for praying. Anyone can pray anywhere. The punishment is for either not paying attention to the subject at hand or for disrupting the class. I used to pray in class, usually before an algebra test, but I spoke with my Creator silently, and I'm sure that s/he knew. When I got yelled at, it was usually for reading a book on my lap. School employees can be told to keep their religious opinions out of their lessons. They are not being paid to indoctrinate their students or to recruit when the children's parents are not present.

When is everyone going to learn that not all people practice the same faith? Even among what are considered the world's "major" faiths, these faiths are broken down into factions. The differences of sects within the Christian faith alone are legion. And why do you suppose that the Islamic factions of Sunni and Shia are always fighting, and with astonishing casualties?

Again, let the parents tend their responsibility to train their own children. It is they who are in charge of creating a faith-inspired home for their children. It is they who light the candles and say the prayers that begin the Hebrew Sabbath on Friday night, it is they who see their children to Catholic Mass on Sunday or Protestant Sunday worship services. Muslim parents will teach their children how to wash up before the five times of prayer in the day of the faithful Muslim. I cannot do anything else but apologize to those Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Bahai, Wiccans, and many others for my unfamiliarity with their beliefs and practices.

Our public schools, which I personally have paid dearly for, are intended to provide all comers with a decent, basic education. The parents have to do the rest.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
Is that a Constitutional right?
Generally considered to be part of the first amendment though not written out in that form:. "Separation of church and state" is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia

It's not that hard dude.

The Anabaptists were the ones who convinced Jefferson that the state should have no authority over religion.

There is no *right* to separation of church and state. You have the human right to worship according to your conscience. Our constitution protects that right.

Not the right of teachers to teach children that there is no God, that God has nothing to do with our creation. There is no right of teachers to punish children for praying in class. School adminisitrators certainly do not have the right nor the authority to tell school district employees that they may not utter the word *God* or dare to acknowledge their own faith or discuss it in school.

In what schools are the children being taught that there is no supreme being? Where is this occurring?

Children are not being punished for praying. Anyone can pray anywhere. The punishment is for either not paying attention to the subject at hand or for disrupting the class. I used to pray in class, usually before an algebra test, but I spoke with my Creator silently, and I'm sure that s/he knew. When I got yelled at, it was usually for reading a book on my lap. School employees can be told to keep their religious opinions out of their lessons. They are not being paid to indoctrinate their students or to recruit when the children's parents are not present.

When is everyone going to learn that not all people practice the same faith? Even among what are considered the world's "major" faiths, these faiths are broken down into factions. The differences of sects within the Christian faith alone are legion. And why do you suppose that the Islamic factions of Sunni and Shia are always fighting, and with astonishing casualties?

Again, let the parents tend their responsibility to train their own children. It is they who are in charge of creating a faith-inspired home for their children. It is they who light the candles and say the prayers that begin the Hebrew Sabbath on Friday night, it is they who see their children to Catholic Mass on Sunday or Protestant Sunday worship services. Muslim parents will teach their children how to wash up before the five times of prayer in the day of the faithful Muslim. I cannot do anything else but apologize to those Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Bahai, Wiccans, and many others for my unfamiliarity with their beliefs and practices.

Our public schools, which I personally have paid dearly for, are intended to provide all comers with a decent, basic education. The parents have to do the rest.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
But the public school system does indeed indoctrinate. Liberal indoctrination is the norm.
Is that a Constitutional right?
Generally considered to be part of the first amendment though not written out in that form:. "Separation of church and state" is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia

It's not that hard dude.

The Anabaptists were the ones who convinced Jefferson that the state should have no authority over religion.

There is no *right* to separation of church and state. You have the human right to worship according to your conscience. Our constitution protects that right.

Not the right of teachers to teach children that there is no God, that God has nothing to do with our creation. There is no right of teachers to punish children for praying in class. School adminisitrators certainly do not have the right nor the authority to tell school district employees that they may not utter the word *God* or dare to acknowledge their own faith or discuss it in school.

In what schools are the children being taught that there is no supreme being? Where is this occurring?

Children are not being punished for praying. Anyone can pray anywhere. The punishment is for either not paying attention to the subject at hand or for disrupting the class. I used to pray in class, usually before an algebra test, but I spoke with my Creator silently, and I'm sure that s/he knew. When I got yelled at, it was usually for reading a book on my lap. School employees can be told to keep their religious opinions out of their lessons. They are not being paid to indoctrinate their students or to recruit when the children's parents are not present.

When is everyone going to learn that not all people practice the same faith? Even among what are considered the world's "major" faiths, these faiths are broken down into factions. The differences of sects within the Christian faith alone are legion. And why do you suppose that the Islamic factions of Sunni and Shia are always fighting, and with astonishing casualties?

Again, let the parents tend their responsibility to train their own children. It is they who are in charge of creating a faith-inspired home for their children. It is they who light the candles and say the prayers that begin the Hebrew Sabbath on Friday night, it is they who see their children to Catholic Mass on Sunday or Protestant Sunday worship services. Muslim parents will teach their children how to wash up before the five times of prayer in the day of the faithful Muslim. I cannot do anything else but apologize to those Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Bahai, Wiccans, and many others for my unfamiliarity with their beliefs and practices.

Our public schools, which I personally have paid dearly for, are intended to provide all comers with a decent, basic education. The parents have to do the rest.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
They are turning out functional illiterates.
Generally considered to be part of the first amendment though not written out in that form:. "Separation of church and state" is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia

It's not that hard dude.

The Anabaptists were the ones who convinced Jefferson that the state should have no authority over religion.

There is no *right* to separation of church and state. You have the human right to worship according to your conscience. Our constitution protects that right.

Not the right of teachers to teach children that there is no God, that God has nothing to do with our creation. There is no right of teachers to punish children for praying in class. School adminisitrators certainly do not have the right nor the authority to tell school district employees that they may not utter the word *God* or dare to acknowledge their own faith or discuss it in school.

In what schools are the children being taught that there is no supreme being? Where is this occurring?

Children are not being punished for praying. Anyone can pray anywhere. The punishment is for either not paying attention to the subject at hand or for disrupting the class. I used to pray in class, usually before an algebra test, but I spoke with my Creator silently, and I'm sure that s/he knew. When I got yelled at, it was usually for reading a book on my lap. School employees can be told to keep their religious opinions out of their lessons. They are not being paid to indoctrinate their students or to recruit when the children's parents are not present.

When is everyone going to learn that not all people practice the same faith? Even among what are considered the world's "major" faiths, these faiths are broken down into factions. The differences of sects within the Christian faith alone are legion. And why do you suppose that the Islamic factions of Sunni and Shia are always fighting, and with astonishing casualties?

Again, let the parents tend their responsibility to train their own children. It is they who are in charge of creating a faith-inspired home for their children. It is they who light the candles and say the prayers that begin the Hebrew Sabbath on Friday night, it is they who see their children to Catholic Mass on Sunday or Protestant Sunday worship services. Muslim parents will teach their children how to wash up before the five times of prayer in the day of the faithful Muslim. I cannot do anything else but apologize to those Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Bahai, Wiccans, and many others for my unfamiliarity with their beliefs and practices.

Our public schools, which I personally have paid dearly for, are intended to provide all comers with a decent, basic education. The parents have to do the rest.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
But the public school system does indeed indoctrinate. Liberal indoctrination is the norm.

What does "liberal indoctrination" entail, exactly?
Generally considered to be part of the first amendment though not written out in that form:. "Separation of church and state" is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia

It's not that hard dude.

The Anabaptists were the ones who convinced Jefferson that the state should have no authority over religion.

There is no *right* to separation of church and state. You have the human right to worship according to your conscience. Our constitution protects that right.

Not the right of teachers to teach children that there is no God, that God has nothing to do with our creation. There is no right of teachers to punish children for praying in class. School adminisitrators certainly do not have the right nor the authority to tell school district employees that they may not utter the word *God* or dare to acknowledge their own faith or discuss it in school.

In what schools are the children being taught that there is no supreme being? Where is this occurring?

Children are not being punished for praying. Anyone can pray anywhere. The punishment is for either not paying attention to the subject at hand or for disrupting the class. I used to pray in class, usually before an algebra test, but I spoke with my Creator silently, and I'm sure that s/he knew. When I got yelled at, it was usually for reading a book on my lap. School employees can be told to keep their religious opinions out of their lessons. They are not being paid to indoctrinate their students or to recruit when the children's parents are not present.

When is everyone going to learn that not all people practice the same faith? Even among what are considered the world's "major" faiths, these faiths are broken down into factions. The differences of sects within the Christian faith alone are legion. And why do you suppose that the Islamic factions of Sunni and Shia are always fighting, and with astonishing casualties?

Again, let the parents tend their responsibility to train their own children. It is they who are in charge of creating a faith-inspired home for their children. It is they who light the candles and say the prayers that begin the Hebrew Sabbath on Friday night, it is they who see their children to Catholic Mass on Sunday or Protestant Sunday worship services. Muslim parents will teach their children how to wash up before the five times of prayer in the day of the faithful Muslim. I cannot do anything else but apologize to those Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Bahai, Wiccans, and many others for my unfamiliarity with their beliefs and practices.

Our public schools, which I personally have paid dearly for, are intended to provide all comers with a decent, basic education. The parents have to do the rest.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
But the public school system does indeed indoctrinate. Liberal indoctrination is the norm.
It is the job of schools to socialize our children..or indoctrinate, if you prefer. What you call 'Liberal' is most cases. When us old geezers were in school..we, too, were indoctrinated. But I bet you have no issues with the indoctrination of the 50's and 60's, eh? In fact, many still are coming from that mind-set.

Some see that as the problem. This is 2018..equal rights are the law of the land. Race-mixing isn't even a thing's the norm. Whom you love is no longer subject to biology. Don't like it? is what it is. Our children are being live in the society that is current..not the one that is past.
Generally considered to be part of the first amendment though not written out in that form:. "Separation of church and state" is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia

It's not that hard dude.

The Anabaptists were the ones who convinced Jefferson that the state should have no authority over religion.

There is no *right* to separation of church and state. You have the human right to worship according to your conscience. Our constitution protects that right.

Not the right of teachers to teach children that there is no God, that God has nothing to do with our creation. There is no right of teachers to punish children for praying in class. School adminisitrators certainly do not have the right nor the authority to tell school district employees that they may not utter the word *God* or dare to acknowledge their own faith or discuss it in school.

In what schools are the children being taught that there is no supreme being? Where is this occurring?

Children are not being punished for praying. Anyone can pray anywhere. The punishment is for either not paying attention to the subject at hand or for disrupting the class. I used to pray in class, usually before an algebra test, but I spoke with my Creator silently, and I'm sure that s/he knew. When I got yelled at, it was usually for reading a book on my lap. School employees can be told to keep their religious opinions out of their lessons. They are not being paid to indoctrinate their students or to recruit when the children's parents are not present.

When is everyone going to learn that not all people practice the same faith? Even among what are considered the world's "major" faiths, these faiths are broken down into factions. The differences of sects within the Christian faith alone are legion. And why do you suppose that the Islamic factions of Sunni and Shia are always fighting, and with astonishing casualties?

Again, let the parents tend their responsibility to train their own children. It is they who are in charge of creating a faith-inspired home for their children. It is they who light the candles and say the prayers that begin the Hebrew Sabbath on Friday night, it is they who see their children to Catholic Mass on Sunday or Protestant Sunday worship services. Muslim parents will teach their children how to wash up before the five times of prayer in the day of the faithful Muslim. I cannot do anything else but apologize to those Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Bahai, Wiccans, and many others for my unfamiliarity with their beliefs and practices.

Our public schools, which I personally have paid dearly for, are intended to provide all comers with a decent, basic education. The parents have to do the rest.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
They are turning out functional illiterates.
Nice opinion..I don't share it. My grand-kids and their friends are very literate indeed. IMO they have much better BS meters than we their ages.
If I is natural..but is it a right? The right to procreate? Certainly I could buy that--as a racial imperative.

I would put to you...that the basis of all religion is do exactly that..stop..or at least channel and modify us apes--from being and doing what comes..naturally.

Murder is natural..rape is natural...theft is natural....war is natural.
procreation is not a right, it's hardwired into our survival
getting high is not a right but it opened our mind to enlightenment. religion needs to accept that fact. us apes were using herbs as a remedy long before big pharma.
religion has caused more war and killing than government could imagine. sheep are easy to herd
The Anabaptists were the ones who convinced Jefferson that the state should have no authority over religion.

There is no *right* to separation of church and state. You have the human right to worship according to your conscience. Our constitution protects that right.

Not the right of teachers to teach children that there is no God, that God has nothing to do with our creation. There is no right of teachers to punish children for praying in class. School adminisitrators certainly do not have the right nor the authority to tell school district employees that they may not utter the word *God* or dare to acknowledge their own faith or discuss it in school.

In what schools are the children being taught that there is no supreme being? Where is this occurring?

Children are not being punished for praying. Anyone can pray anywhere. The punishment is for either not paying attention to the subject at hand or for disrupting the class. I used to pray in class, usually before an algebra test, but I spoke with my Creator silently, and I'm sure that s/he knew. When I got yelled at, it was usually for reading a book on my lap. School employees can be told to keep their religious opinions out of their lessons. They are not being paid to indoctrinate their students or to recruit when the children's parents are not present.

When is everyone going to learn that not all people practice the same faith? Even among what are considered the world's "major" faiths, these faiths are broken down into factions. The differences of sects within the Christian faith alone are legion. And why do you suppose that the Islamic factions of Sunni and Shia are always fighting, and with astonishing casualties?

Again, let the parents tend their responsibility to train their own children. It is they who are in charge of creating a faith-inspired home for their children. It is they who light the candles and say the prayers that begin the Hebrew Sabbath on Friday night, it is they who see their children to Catholic Mass on Sunday or Protestant Sunday worship services. Muslim parents will teach their children how to wash up before the five times of prayer in the day of the faithful Muslim. I cannot do anything else but apologize to those Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Bahai, Wiccans, and many others for my unfamiliarity with their beliefs and practices.

Our public schools, which I personally have paid dearly for, are intended to provide all comers with a decent, basic education. The parents have to do the rest.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
But the public school system does indeed indoctrinate. Liberal indoctrination is the norm.

What does "liberal indoctrination" entail, exactly?
Just to name a few:
Guns are bad
White people are bad
men fucking men is good
Killing your unborn child is good
Open borders and unchecked immigration is good
Not punishing criminals is good
Letting criminals out of prison is good.
Free stuff paid for by taxpayers is good
The military is bad
Amoral behavior is good
Christians are bad
The bill of rights is bad
etc etc.
The Anabaptists were the ones who convinced Jefferson that the state should have no authority over religion.

There is no *right* to separation of church and state. You have the human right to worship according to your conscience. Our constitution protects that right.

Not the right of teachers to teach children that there is no God, that God has nothing to do with our creation. There is no right of teachers to punish children for praying in class. School adminisitrators certainly do not have the right nor the authority to tell school district employees that they may not utter the word *God* or dare to acknowledge their own faith or discuss it in school.

In what schools are the children being taught that there is no supreme being? Where is this occurring?

Children are not being punished for praying. Anyone can pray anywhere. The punishment is for either not paying attention to the subject at hand or for disrupting the class. I used to pray in class, usually before an algebra test, but I spoke with my Creator silently, and I'm sure that s/he knew. When I got yelled at, it was usually for reading a book on my lap. School employees can be told to keep their religious opinions out of their lessons. They are not being paid to indoctrinate their students or to recruit when the children's parents are not present.

When is everyone going to learn that not all people practice the same faith? Even among what are considered the world's "major" faiths, these faiths are broken down into factions. The differences of sects within the Christian faith alone are legion. And why do you suppose that the Islamic factions of Sunni and Shia are always fighting, and with astonishing casualties?

Again, let the parents tend their responsibility to train their own children. It is they who are in charge of creating a faith-inspired home for their children. It is they who light the candles and say the prayers that begin the Hebrew Sabbath on Friday night, it is they who see their children to Catholic Mass on Sunday or Protestant Sunday worship services. Muslim parents will teach their children how to wash up before the five times of prayer in the day of the faithful Muslim. I cannot do anything else but apologize to those Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Bahai, Wiccans, and many others for my unfamiliarity with their beliefs and practices.

Our public schools, which I personally have paid dearly for, are intended to provide all comers with a decent, basic education. The parents have to do the rest.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
But the public school system does indeed indoctrinate. Liberal indoctrination is the norm.
It is the job of schools to socialize our children..or indoctrinate, if you prefer. What you call 'Liberal' is most cases. When us old geezers were in school..we, too, were indoctrinated. But I bet you have no issues with the indoctrination of the 50's and 60's, eh? In fact, many still are coming from that mind-set.

Some see that as the problem. This is 2018..equal rights are the law of the land. Race-mixing isn't even a thing's the norm. Whom you love is no longer subject to biology. Don't like it? is what it is. Our children are being live in the society that is current..not the one that is past.
You simplify and leave out what the schools are not teaching. Liberals have destroyed school.
In what schools are the children being taught that there is no supreme being? Where is this occurring?

Children are not being punished for praying. Anyone can pray anywhere. The punishment is for either not paying attention to the subject at hand or for disrupting the class. I used to pray in class, usually before an algebra test, but I spoke with my Creator silently, and I'm sure that s/he knew. When I got yelled at, it was usually for reading a book on my lap. School employees can be told to keep their religious opinions out of their lessons. They are not being paid to indoctrinate their students or to recruit when the children's parents are not present.

When is everyone going to learn that not all people practice the same faith? Even among what are considered the world's "major" faiths, these faiths are broken down into factions. The differences of sects within the Christian faith alone are legion. And why do you suppose that the Islamic factions of Sunni and Shia are always fighting, and with astonishing casualties?

Again, let the parents tend their responsibility to train their own children. It is they who are in charge of creating a faith-inspired home for their children. It is they who light the candles and say the prayers that begin the Hebrew Sabbath on Friday night, it is they who see their children to Catholic Mass on Sunday or Protestant Sunday worship services. Muslim parents will teach their children how to wash up before the five times of prayer in the day of the faithful Muslim. I cannot do anything else but apologize to those Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Bahai, Wiccans, and many others for my unfamiliarity with their beliefs and practices.

Our public schools, which I personally have paid dearly for, are intended to provide all comers with a decent, basic education. The parents have to do the rest.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
But the public school system does indeed indoctrinate. Liberal indoctrination is the norm.
It is the job of schools to socialize our children..or indoctrinate, if you prefer. What you call 'Liberal' is most cases. When us old geezers were in school..we, too, were indoctrinated. But I bet you have no issues with the indoctrination of the 50's and 60's, eh? In fact, many still are coming from that mind-set.

Some see that as the problem. This is 2018..equal rights are the law of the land. Race-mixing isn't even a thing's the norm. Whom you love is no longer subject to biology. Don't like it? is what it is. Our children are being live in the society that is current..not the one that is past.
You simplify and leave out what the schools are not teaching. Liberals have destroyed school.
Nationalization of our schools has allowed them to.

Eliminate the federal funding, the federal programs. Let the parents control what is taught and who teaches.
And no it is not the job of the schools to socialize our kids. That is the job of families, churches, clubs. The schools are supposed to be teaching our children...period. History, English, Math..
If I is natural..but is it a right? The right to procreate? Certainly I could buy that--as a racial imperative.

I would put to you...that the basis of all religion is do exactly that..stop..or at least channel and modify us apes--from being and doing what comes..naturally.

Murder is natural..rape is natural...theft is natural....war is natural.
procreation is not a right, it's hardwired into our survival
getting high is not a right but it opened our mind to enlightenment. religion needs to accept that fact. us apes were using herbs as a remedy long before big pharma.
religion has caused more war and killing than government could imagine. sheep are easy to herd

How does *religion accept* a fact?

Gads you people's brains are scrambled.
In what schools are the children being taught that there is no supreme being? Where is this occurring?

Children are not being punished for praying. Anyone can pray anywhere. The punishment is for either not paying attention to the subject at hand or for disrupting the class. I used to pray in class, usually before an algebra test, but I spoke with my Creator silently, and I'm sure that s/he knew. When I got yelled at, it was usually for reading a book on my lap. School employees can be told to keep their religious opinions out of their lessons. They are not being paid to indoctrinate their students or to recruit when the children's parents are not present.

When is everyone going to learn that not all people practice the same faith? Even among what are considered the world's "major" faiths, these faiths are broken down into factions. The differences of sects within the Christian faith alone are legion. And why do you suppose that the Islamic factions of Sunni and Shia are always fighting, and with astonishing casualties?

Again, let the parents tend their responsibility to train their own children. It is they who are in charge of creating a faith-inspired home for their children. It is they who light the candles and say the prayers that begin the Hebrew Sabbath on Friday night, it is they who see their children to Catholic Mass on Sunday or Protestant Sunday worship services. Muslim parents will teach their children how to wash up before the five times of prayer in the day of the faithful Muslim. I cannot do anything else but apologize to those Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Bahai, Wiccans, and many others for my unfamiliarity with their beliefs and practices.

Our public schools, which I personally have paid dearly for, are intended to provide all comers with a decent, basic education. The parents have to do the rest.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
But the public school system does indeed indoctrinate. Liberal indoctrination is the norm.

What does "liberal indoctrination" entail, exactly?
Just to name a few:
Guns are bad
White people are bad
men fucking men is good
Killing your unborn child is good
Open borders and unchecked immigration is good
Not punishing criminals is good
Letting criminals out of prison is good.
Free stuff paid for by taxpayers is good
The military is bad
Amoral behavior is good
Christians are bad
The bill of rights is bad
etc etc.
Huh..of your list...I found not one thing that is taught in our public schools! Not one!

Closest I could get was ...a person's sexual choices are their business and are not subject to social rejection or bias.

What is the basis for your conclusions? Is this one of those 'everyone knows' things? I phoned my daughter in Cali..and asked her about the schools she is a teacher, I thought I could get a perspective. far as i can tell...most of the curriculum is unchanged from when I was in school..absent some inaccuracies...Columbus and the like. History is a bit more multicultural...but no white people are gay is good/or bad.....heck...they still recite the Pledge of Allegiance!
In what schools are the children being taught that there is no supreme being? Where is this occurring?

Children are not being punished for praying. Anyone can pray anywhere. The punishment is for either not paying attention to the subject at hand or for disrupting the class. I used to pray in class, usually before an algebra test, but I spoke with my Creator silently, and I'm sure that s/he knew. When I got yelled at, it was usually for reading a book on my lap. School employees can be told to keep their religious opinions out of their lessons. They are not being paid to indoctrinate their students or to recruit when the children's parents are not present.

When is everyone going to learn that not all people practice the same faith? Even among what are considered the world's "major" faiths, these faiths are broken down into factions. The differences of sects within the Christian faith alone are legion. And why do you suppose that the Islamic factions of Sunni and Shia are always fighting, and with astonishing casualties?

Again, let the parents tend their responsibility to train their own children. It is they who are in charge of creating a faith-inspired home for their children. It is they who light the candles and say the prayers that begin the Hebrew Sabbath on Friday night, it is they who see their children to Catholic Mass on Sunday or Protestant Sunday worship services. Muslim parents will teach their children how to wash up before the five times of prayer in the day of the faithful Muslim. I cannot do anything else but apologize to those Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs, Bahai, Wiccans, and many others for my unfamiliarity with their beliefs and practices.

Our public schools, which I personally have paid dearly for, are intended to provide all comers with a decent, basic education. The parents have to do the rest.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
But the public school system does indeed indoctrinate. Liberal indoctrination is the norm.
It is the job of schools to socialize our children..or indoctrinate, if you prefer. What you call 'Liberal' is most cases. When us old geezers were in school..we, too, were indoctrinated. But I bet you have no issues with the indoctrination of the 50's and 60's, eh? In fact, many still are coming from that mind-set.

Some see that as the problem. This is 2018..equal rights are the law of the land. Race-mixing isn't even a thing's the norm. Whom you love is no longer subject to biology. Don't like it? is what it is. Our children are being live in the society that is current..not the one that is past.
You simplify and leave out what the schools are not teaching. Liberals have destroyed school.
So you say..please tell me what is being left out..that was part of the curriculum 50 years ago. Before you get on the right of country is still taught..the Pledge is still recited.
Actually, our public schools are intended to provide an education for the children of the parents who belong in the school district...and they are obliged to provide the education those people demand.

If you don't have kids in the schools, you should neither be required to pay, nor should you have any say, in what is taught there.

Students matriculate in and out. There is no accounting as to who is currently enrolled. The curriculum remains the same. No one really knows who the parents are at any given moment in time. Again, parents need to meet their responsibilities.It is not the job of schools to indoctrinate the children in any one belief system.

And again: schools are a gift from us taxpayers as an investment in our society. We all contribute to everything, from police and fire protection, to the plowing of our streets, to trash pickup, and more. Even when an event takes place at your tax-exempt church, we pay for those trash bags to be picked up full of your paper plates and plastic cups. Do you and your congregation want to arrange for a private trash hauler, or just put your garbage at the curb?
But the public school system does indeed indoctrinate. Liberal indoctrination is the norm.
It is the job of schools to socialize our children..or indoctrinate, if you prefer. What you call 'Liberal' is most cases. When us old geezers were in school..we, too, were indoctrinated. But I bet you have no issues with the indoctrination of the 50's and 60's, eh? In fact, many still are coming from that mind-set.

Some see that as the problem. This is 2018..equal rights are the law of the land. Race-mixing isn't even a thing's the norm. Whom you love is no longer subject to biology. Don't like it? is what it is. Our children are being live in the society that is current..not the one that is past.
You simplify and leave out what the schools are not teaching. Liberals have destroyed school.
Nationalization of our schools has allowed them to.

Eliminate the federal funding, the federal programs. Let the parents control what is taught and who teaches.
And no it is not the job of the schools to socialize our kids. That is the job of families, churches, clubs. The schools are supposed to be teaching our children...period. History, English, Math..
Nope..I guess your not a teacher, right? In fact, socialization is and has always been, goal #1 for public schools..especially grades 7-9. Although how you would expect them to teach history without examining motives and morals..I don't know! The why of things is far more important than memorizing dates.

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