Democrats Turn ‘Where Are The Jobs?’ Chant On GOP

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Democrats Turn 'Where Are The Jobs?' Chant On GOP | News One

Republicans say a smaller government eventually will spur private-sector job growth. Many economists challenge that claim, noting that the government helps pays for research, infrastructure, education and other programs that provide both public- and private-sector jobs. GOP leaders already acknowledge that thousands of government workers would lose their jobs in the short run under the $61 billion cost-cutting bill House Republicans are pushing this week.

If that happens, “so be it,” said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. “We’re broke

Since we're so broke lets see Boehner and the other Republitards in the House and Senate give up their jobs and government pensions and health care insurance. :rolleyes:

Boehner forgot to add that when these government employees lose their job that they shouldn't expect any unemployment money and assistance and that if you don't find a new job fast enough after he just help to kick you out of your government job, that its your fault because you're too lazy and unmotivated, I'm just regurgitating what you Republitards in the forum have been spewing ad naseum.

You idiots and retards that voted or the GOPtards in November are reaping what you have sowed.
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I actually love the fact that these government leaches are going to lose their jobs. In fact, Boehner isn't going anywhere close to far enough. If it were up to me I'd eliminate every single thing the government does except for the military, because that's the only spelled out enumerated power they really have under the Constitution, and some safety regulations agencies (FDA, EPA, etc). And even with the military I'd cut back on the spending. Then lower all the income tax rates to about 2% for every American across the board and we'd become the biggest economic power in world history.
I am continually fascinated by people who have to link to an article for their 'opinions' instead of developing their own.
I am continually fascinated by people who have to link to an article for their 'opinions' instead of developing their own.

Standard CG claptrap and this coming from an idiot that parrots rightwing talking points. If you read my OP you would have saw that it contained my own opinion, jackass.
It is all the fault of Booooosh.

Well ain't that SPEEEEEECIAL..

The Democrats had TWO FRIGGEN years to chant where are the jobs.

Democrats are so damn predicable and stupid. Like the people are going to be taken in by their dumb little chant.

The election was only 3 MONTHS ago. dumbshits.:lol:
I actually love the fact that these government leaches are going to lose their jobs. In fact, Boehner isn't going anywhere close to far enough. If it were up to me I'd eliminate every single thing the government does except for the military, because that's the only spelled out enumerated power they really have under the Constitution, and some safety regulations agencies (FDA, EPA, etc). And even with the military I'd cut back on the spending. Then lower all the income tax rates to about 2% for every American across the board and we'd become the biggest economic power in world history.

Will we all get ponies too?
I am continually fascinated by people who have to link to an article for their 'opinions' instead of developing their own.

Standard CG claptrap and this coming from an idiot that parrots rightwing talking points. If you read my OP you would have saw that it contained my own opinion, jackass.

This 'idiot' formulates her own opinions, based on study and some critical thinking. Pity that you lack that same ability, but I guess it is easier to just agree with what someone else thinks than to form ones own opinion. We must each march to our own drum.
What part of Government can't create jobs are you lefties not getting?
Dems have been trying for 2 yrs. and it only created gov. jobs or temp jobs in the private sector.
Republicans say a smaller government eventually will spur private-sector job growth. Many economists challenge that claim, noting that the government helps pays for research, infrastructure, education and other programs that provide both public- and private-sector jobs

Actually no economists say that. Socialist economists claim it's worth it, but no economist says that government spending creates jobs. Sorry.
I am continually fascinated by people who have to link to an article for their 'opinions' instead of developing their own.

Standard CG claptrap and this coming from an idiot that parrots rightwing talking points. If you read my OP you would have saw that it contained my own opinion, jackass.

Would have saw?

Apparently Basshole the genius slept through participles.
Well ain't that SPEEEEEECIAL..

The Democrats had TWO FRIGGEN years to chant where are the jobs.

Democrats are so damn predicable and stupid. Like the people are going to be taken in by their dumb little chant.

The election was only 3 MONTHS ago. dumbshits.:lol:

Yeah, they didn't give a shit about jobs until now.
I am continually fascinated by people who have to link to an article for their 'opinions' instead of developing their own.

Standard CG claptrap and this coming from an idiot that parrots rightwing talking points. If you read my OP you would have saw that it contained my own opinion, jackass.

This 'idiot' formulates her own opinions, based on study and some critical thinking. Pity that you lack that same ability, but I guess it is easier to just agree with what someone else thinks than to form ones own opinion. We must each march to our own drum.

Ones own opinion is worthless without facts to back the opinion.

I wish you valued information as much as you revere your own opinion.
Well ain't that SPEEEEEECIAL..

The Democrats had TWO FRIGGEN years to chant where are the jobs.

Democrats are so damn predicable and stupid. Like the people are going to be taken in by their dumb little chant.

The election was only 3 MONTHS ago. dumbshits.:lol:

The last day of Bush's budget, the unemployment rate was 10.1%. The day Republicans were swept into office, the unemployment rate was 9.2%.

And in those three months, Republicans have held hostage millions of unemployed to force more tax cuts for rich people. They have attempted to redefine rape. They have worked to cut health care for millions of Americans. Cut education. And they have accepted millions of dollars from big corporation.

Even Darrell Issa, the chairman of the oversight committee sent out emails to 150 of the largest American corporations to ask them what Republicans should do first.

Is this really what the Republican base wants? This kind of "fuck America" leadership? Can someone explain to me what the goal is other than get the "black" guy out of the "WHITE" House? And squeeze as much money as possible out of the country?
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Does government spending create jobs?

the last time I checked the textbooks they still say that deficit spending by the government actually increases employment and economic activity. To believe otherwise is to believe that hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts and stimulus spending somehow disappeared from the economy without a trace.
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They have been in power for a few weeks, government can't create jobs. Anyone who has faith in the same government that fucked up Iraq, couldn't even get fresh water to people stuck at the Superdome during Katrina or can't account for billions spent in Afghanistan ; The US Government Can't Account For Billions Spent In Afghanistan ; being able to create jobs; is in serious need of counseling, government would fuck up a wet dream.
They have been in power for a few weeks, government can't create jobs. Anyone who has faith in the same government that fucked up Iraq, couldn't even get fresh water to people stuck at the Superdome during Katrina or can't account for billions spent in Afghanistan ; The US Government Can't Account For Billions Spent In Afghanistan ; being able to create jobs; is in serious need of counseling, government would fuck up a wet dream.

Explain all that to FDR. Oops.
They should save the chants for when the Republicans spend a trillion dollars for unemployment to rise 3%.......

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