Democrats Trying To Do Their Best To Screw Up Our Christmas Holiday

No need.....we can instead show you countless photos....videos......incriminating statements during numerous congressional Amazon account set up for illegals....their attempt to accuse border agents on horseback for whipping illegals........their attempts to cover up the locations of staging areas and enclosures....videos of illegals getting off of flights in the dead of night without notifying local authorities......not to mention the fact that doors in Trump's border wall remaining open from the day Biden took office......take your pick.

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Yes, there is a need for documentation, because photos of a fence and false pictures of immigrants who are his voters, just proves to us that I am right once again. You are a proven liar. Stop with the fucking lies ass hole. People are sick of your lies. You are what's wrong with this country. The pathological lies need to stop.
And I can tell which group you support in pissing and moaning and griping about the unvaccinated.
If people want to die....let them do it. Real vaccines don't only work when everyone has it.
Use some GD common-sense for once and stop listening to these lying Aholes.
Bullshit! If people want to die, that doesn't give them the same right to kill others who don't. Who the fuck are you to decide whether I live or die?
No need.....we can instead show you countless photos....videos......incriminating statements during numerous congressional Amazon account set up for illegals....their attempt to accuse border agents on horseback for whipping illegals........their attempts to cover up the locations of staging areas and enclosures....videos of illegals getting off of flights in the dead of night without notifying local authorities......not to mention the fact that doors in Trump's border wall remaining open from the day Biden took office......take your pick.

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You're good for one thing. Filling up a sack full of lies. You're pathetic.
What is amazing is all the power they have over every aspect of our lives now.
What power is that exactly? The power to defend ourselves? Because that's what this has turned into with this war the cultists have declared on our safety and health. They think others do not have the right to protect themselves from a war these cultists started. You talk about the second amendment and fighting against enemies foreign and domestic? This is that time. These cultists are threatening our existence.
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Just in time for the Holidays. Joe Biden is making threats, and what a wonderful time of the year to make threats. Nobody is going anywhere (thanks to Joe Biden) unless you do what you're told.

As I said a couple of weeks ago....thanks to the negligence of the current administration in his open border policies.....Omicron has spread to every state except for Hawaii and Alaska. No surprise.....because that is where Biden is shipped over 2 million illegals since he swung open the doors to our Southern borders.

Yet again....the Democrats cannot let a self-made crisis go to waste. Nobody will be allowed to travel the way that illegals are traveling at taxpayer's expense. You can't get on an aircraft now (unless you're an illegal immigrant) without proof of a COVID vaccine....and nobody can get tested to see if they are testing positive because Biden has created a shortage of test kits just in time for the Holidays.

Several countries are not allowing flights from the United States (thanks to Biden's reckless open-border policies).
Dr Fauci says don't show up at family gatherings this year if you haven't been vaccinated.
Dr Fauci says the virus is going to find you if you aren't vaccinated.
Joe Biden says if you aren't vaccinated you're going to die.

Merry Christmas.

I cannot say that any of this is true for sure. We can't trust anything these people say anymore. All I can say is this is what is being reported in the news. You can read if for yourselves.

So Merry Christmas're stuck at home. Say hello to diabetes if you don't already have it.

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The Omicron variant came to our country because of illegal immigration?

And yes, no unwashed and unvaccinated family at my house this Holiday season.
What power is that exactly? The power to defend ourselves? Because that's what this has turned into with this war the cultists have declared on our safety and health. They think others do not have the right to protect themselves from a war these cultists started. You talk about the second amendment and fighting against enemies foreign and domestic? This is that time. These cultists are threatening our existence.
You can declare any edict as necessary to defend health and safety, much like C. S. Lewis knew half a century ago.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”​

So what powers does the President NOT have over us, or should not have?
What is amazing is all the power they have over every aspect of our lives now.
Your local and state governments have far more influence over your daily life than the Federal Government does. See Texas and Florida, their Governor basically told the Federal Government to Fuck off regarding COVID stuff and what was the Federal Government really able to do?

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