Democrats Trying To Do Their Best To Screw Up Our Christmas Holiday

You can declare any edict as necessary to defend health and safety, much like C. S. Lewis knew half a century ago.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”​

So what powers does the President NOT have over us, or should not have?
We have the Constitution, do we not? And what does the second amendment say? It says what we conveniently want it to say, and that's my point.

The second says we have the right to defend ourselves against domestic threats right? When someone threatens you and tries to break into your house, you have the constitutional right, minus any presidential powers to defend yourself right? What's different about some ass hole cultist not wearing a mask and not vaccinating him or herself, jeopardizing my health and safety? Answer, not a goddamn thing. Have I answered your question now?

And C.S. Lewis was full of shit, for I'm not interested in being someone's moral busy body. I'm interested in taking care of my own. Fuck those to hell who insist on threating my security and health. Morality got thrown out the window a long time ago. It's kill or be killed.

Ya, New York City is the biggest economic power house. City in the world because you prop it up. Ya, let's go with that. Hilarious 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
In a way there are symbiotic relationships between fly over country and cities. Negatives to both. However cities are not self preserving. Fly over country has swaths of territory that is or is capable. Cities have a high percentage of people in poverty or collecting benefits to offset poverty in a much more confined area. The taxes keep growing just to keep afloat. A sustained downturn will make many people quite ornery. Add to the fact that every day is a beatdown from city folk to country folk on the airwaves, you have built up a potential adversary who are not forgetting.
The Omicron variant came to our country because of illegal immigration?

And yes, no unwashed and unvaccinated family at my house this Holiday season.
Yes....clearly the new variant spread all over 45 states in a week? takes longer than that to find out which variant the sample is thru DNA testing.
In a way there are symbiotic relationships between fly over country and cities. Negatives to both. However cities are not self preserving. Fly over country has swaths of territory that is or is capable. Cities have a high percentage of people in poverty or collecting benefits to offset poverty in a much more confined area. The taxes keep growing just to keep afloat. A sustained downturn will make many people quite ornery. Add to the fact that every day is a beatdown from city folk to country folk on the airwaves, you have built up a potential adversary who are not forgetting.
New York is New York for a reason. Thinking that is going to change because red states decide to break up the Union is well funny. Thank you for noticing that there is a symbiotic relationship. A break up would have a negative effect on all. Better to remember things are better when we work together. When it comes to an all out war the golden rule will apply. The cities is where the gold is and eventually that is where the rules will be made in a war situation. If America breaks out into civil war woe will come to the entire world.
New York is New York for a reason. Thinking that is going to change because red states decide to break up the Union is well funny. Thank you for noticing that there is a symbiotic relationship. A break up would have a negative effect on all. Better to remember things are better when we work together. When it comes to an all out war the golden rule will apply. The cities is where the gold is and eventually that is where the rules will be made in a war situation. If America breaks out into civil war woe will come to the entire world.
The cities....or city is Washington D.C. That's where the gold is now.
They're sucking the rest of us dry.
The cities....or city is Washington D.C. That's where the gold is now.
They're sucking the rest of us dry.
A war of guns will give those cities an even larger advantage than they have now. It is not the general inhabitants of the cities that have the gold is is the cooperation s and the wealthy that have the gold and use it to influence the politics. It is not the door man or the poor shlep working him self to death in the factory. Yet it is the fly over people who favor the policies that enrich the cooperation and the wealthy. Kinda strange. The war should not be between the city folk and the country folk. The city folk are slaves to the factory or office and the country folk are slaves to the farm or factory. Those with the gold put you and I against each other. We will fight the war. Not them. They will supply both sides making a tidy profit. They won't care who wins and the common man's blood sweat tears and lives will be spent. Meanwhile we could enforce anti monopoly and anti competition laws that are already on the books and avoid the whole fucking thing. But you and I will continue to call each other every name in the book and argue while those with the gold laugh
A war of guns will give those cities an even larger advantage than they have now. It is not the general inhabitants of the cities that have the gold is is the cooperation s and the wealthy that have the gold and use it to influence the politics. It is not the door man or the poor shlep working him self to death in the factory. Yet it is the fly over people who favor the policies that enrich the cooperation and the wealthy. Kinda strange. The war should not be between the city folk and the country folk. The city folk are slaves to the factory or office and the country folk are slaves to the farm or factory. Those with the gold put you and I against each other. We will fight the war. Not them. They will supply both sides making a tidy profit. They won't care who wins and the common man's blood sweat tears and lives will be spent. Meanwhile we could enforce anti monopoly and anti competition laws that are already on the books and avoid the whole fucking thing. But you and I will continue to call each other every name in the book and argue while those with the gold laugh
Thanks for the information Comrade.
Thanks for the information Comrade.
Lol, comrade is what ya got. Hilarious 😀😀😀😀😀. You admitted that those with the gold (Washington and New York) are sucking us dry. Obtaining more gold and more power allowing them to suck us dry more. These are your words. You want to give them more power to suck us dry even more. So you like being sucked dry? Calling me comrade is just the response they want you to have hilarious 😀😀😀😀😀😀
Lol, comrade is what ya got. Hilarious 😀😀😀😀😀. You admitted that those with the gold (Washington and New York) are sucking us dry. Obtaining more gold and more power allowing them to suck us dry more. These are your words. You want to give them more power to suck us dry even more. So you like being sucked dry? Calling me comrade is just the response they want you to have hilarious 😀😀😀😀😀😀
Is this a post about communism or your desire for a blow job?
Some people can be happy and have fun in spite of what is going on. Others piss and moan and gripe until everyone else is as miserable as they are. I don't even have to guess which group you belong to.
Best way to be happy, ignore stupid Dems like xiden.
New York is New York for a reason. Thinking that is going to change because red states decide to break up the Union is well funny. Thank you for noticing that there is a symbiotic relationship. A break up would have a negative effect on all. Better to remember things are better when we work together. When it comes to an all out war the golden rule will apply. The cities is where the gold is and eventually that is where the rules will be made in a war situation. If America breaks out into civil war woe will come to the entire world.
Come on. Katie Couric is a spoiled semi intellect that has made more money than a thousand women raising children in the hinterlands. She destroyed Palin. And is a worthless Prog shrew. Payback for all of this will occur. Why? Because you see nothing now. Not an iota. The Deplorable women are worth opponents.
Lol, comrade is what ya got. Hilarious 😀😀😀😀😀. You admitted that those with the gold (Washington and New York) are sucking us dry. Obtaining more gold and more power allowing them to suck us dry more. These are your words. You want to give them more power to suck us dry even more. So you like being sucked dry? Calling me comrade is just the response they want you to have hilarious 😀😀😀😀😀😀
Well....we don't have that much gold in this country. We have USD.
So what country are you from?
New York is New York for a reason. Thinking that is going to change because red states decide to break up the Union is well funny. Thank you for noticing that there is a symbiotic relationship. A break up would have a negative effect on all. Better to remember things are better when we work together. When it comes to an all out war the golden rule will apply. The cities is where the gold is and eventually that is where the rules will be made in a war situation. If America breaks out into civil war woe will come to the entire world.
Only when the Prog media/entertainers stop can any healing start. And that is not part of the program. It is more and more sickening seeing 80 pound women beating the shit out of 200 pound buffed special forces males. To many people including prog women live off of others. I owe them nothing. And they will get their payback when the shit hits the fan.
Well....we don't have that much gold in this country. We have USD.
So what country are you from?
Lol, ok. Hilarious 😀😀😀😀😀. So we went from you understanding the golden rule to this huh? Mean while you are even erroneous in this. The US has the most gold reserves of any other countriy. Many of the worlds countries store their reserves here.
It's not surprising to me that a Democrat would try to cancel Christmas.

Remember Easter in 2020? Trump wanted Americans to be able to celebrate like normal in their churches, and Democrats threw a fit.
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Just in time for the Holidays. Joe Biden is making threats, and what a wonderful time of the year to make threats. Nobody is going anywhere (thanks to Joe Biden) unless you do what you're told.

As I said a couple of weeks ago....thanks to the negligence of the current administration in his open border policies.....Omicron has spread to every state except for Hawaii and Alaska. No surprise.....because that is where Biden is shipped over 2 million illegals since he swung open the doors to our Southern borders.

Yet again....the Democrats cannot let a self-made crisis go to waste. Nobody will be allowed to travel the way that illegals are traveling at taxpayer's expense. You can't get on an aircraft now (unless you're an illegal immigrant) without proof of a COVID vaccine....and nobody can get tested to see if they are testing positive because Biden has created a shortage of test kits just in time for the Holidays.

Several countries are not allowing flights from the United States (thanks to Biden's reckless open-border policies).
Dr Fauci says don't show up at family gatherings this year if you haven't been vaccinated.
Dr Fauci says the virus is going to find you if you aren't vaccinated.
Joe Biden says if you aren't vaccinated you're going to die.

Merry Christmas.

I cannot say that any of this is true for sure. We can't trust anything these people say anymore. All I can say is this is what is being reported in the news. You can read if for yourselves.

So Merry Christmas're stuck at home. Say hello to diabetes if you don't already have it.

I think the greater point here is asking why no one is blaming Joe for any of this the way they blamed Trump?

Joe has had a decade to prepare for this since his pandemic back then. Joe has the vaccine, three of them, booster shots, and almost two years now of Covid study.
In March 2020, Trump had no experience of information to speak of on Covid, no vaccines, no boosters, it was all new, he didn't even have masks and respirators at first because Joe and Obumma had used them all up years earlier and never replaced them! On top of that, Trump was dealing with 500 riots in 70 cities over a druggie who died trying to commit a felony. Yet everything was Trump's fault and he was even ridiculed for cutting off travel.

Joe OTOH like all leftists, is merely an outside observer riding along witnessing the carnage saying: Gee! Look at that!

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