Democrats Trying To Do Their Best To Screw Up Our Christmas Holiday

Sure, anyone can file a lawsuit even the former 1-term president has against his actions on 1/6/2021.

Doesn't mean much.

There is the evidence.

There is studies for and against Ivermectin........Early treatment works.
Until they're all dead and all that's left are us purebloods.
Maybe they're all sterilized and will gradually just go extinct.
Voluntary genocide ?
The studies themselves have not just claims to this or that usually from questionable sources

And India again?

India is a shithole and their medical system isn't to be trusted.

Same Garbage people like you post over and over again. If it doesn't fit the narrative produce more Lies.............Colfax did the same thing you are doing..........But his number is 4.9 million dead.

Now show me the actual BODY BAGS..........Here you are spouting NONSENSE........Saying that India had millions of dead..........How did they hide that many deaths?

That is India's Health portal for Covid........Night and day better than ours.
The studies themselves have not just claims to this or that usually from questionable sources

And India again?

India is a shithole and their medical system isn't to be trusted.

Oh no, don't listen India's officials, they're lying. We know better than India, and we are telling you the truth.

House Jan. 6 panel has interviewed​

[at least ] 250 people and is planning weeks of public hearings next year​

Bart JansenDec. 2, 2021

"We anticipate that next year we will be conducting multiple weeks of public hearings, setting out for the American people in vivid color exactly what happened every minute of the day on Jan. 6 at the Capitol and at the White House, and what led to that violent attack," Cheney said.
House Jan. 6 panel has interviewed 250 people and is planning weeks of public hearings next year

USA Today? Written at a grade school reading level. That’s about all you can handle. Cheney is going to be out of a job after primaries. And remember, the world is laughing AT you morons.

There is the evidence.

There is studies for and against Ivermectin........Early treatment works.
Still a no.

Flawed ivermectin preprint highlights challenges of COVID drug studies
If you have Covid and are unvaccinated, yes it is. What gives you the right to walk, run, go in public places and get me infected? You're no different than a drunk driver, so to hell with you. You have declared war on my health and safety. It's time to let the country know who the real enemy is.
So you're saying, that hospitals should refuse service to "unvaccinated" because... why?
If they normalize this vaccine booster shot to where people are getting it annually,like a flu shot, Big Pharma will bleed hundreds of billions from it. Never mind what they'll make from the coming side-effects.

Just for you...

LOL! you think i worry about *you* dumbfuck? if you didn't put those who can't get vaxxed at risk - i wouldn't care one bit if you became worm bait.... the world is over populated as it is.
And when you die from a new variant that you vaccinated people created, nobody will care. One less libtard leeching from the working class.
a virus wants to live & can't really thrive in a vaxxed person - so it goes looking for a host. an unvaxxed incubator - thus allowing it to mutate to survive.

try 'n learn something
You stupid fuck. An unvaccinated person can NOT create a mutation. They have nothing for the virus to mutate off of. Middle school science is too much for you too drunky. Maybe YOU should try to learn something. It’d be a first for you.
Ah yes, the pureblooded Gargoyle trolls will be the one's left. The superior race who will inherit the earth;

I'm not clicking your stupid YT, loser. You will be gone and I will be here and karma's a fucking bitch. Have you had your daily booster, sparky? Don't miss that appointment now.

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