Democrats Trying To Do Their Best To Screw Up Our Christmas Holiday


Then it should be easy for you to link to them

And yes the government does suck. and both the democratic and republican parties both suck which is why I take my medical advice from places like Johns Hopkins, the Mayo Clinic and other world renowned institutions and not from politicians or morons on message boards
The studies are in many threads and you have been in some of them. Yes both sides in our gov't suck.

And yes many countries have used the drugs..........They are cheap and effective......unless you only look at BS from the ones who are pushing Pfizer and Moderna. Tell me why India and Africa combined have less deaths than here??????????????
What's funny, Pfizer just rebranded Ivermectin into Paxlovid, and get Emergency Use Authorization for it, I guess lefties will love horse paste now.
At over 500 times the costs..........They will bow to PFIZER....When the cheap drugs could have saved people for less than a Big Mac value pack.
The studies are in many threads and you have been in some of them. Yes both sides in our gov't suck.

And yes many countries have used the drugs..........They are cheap and effective......unless you only look at BS from the ones who are pushing Pfizer and Moderna. Tell me why India and Africa combined have less deaths than here??????????????
The studies themselves have not just claims to this or that usually from questionable sources

And India again?

India is a shithole and their medical system isn't to be trusted.

More BS.........they are posted all over these boards ........Study after study. Why should I waste my time repeating what you have already seen...........

You are just trolling now........those drugs work........the countries that used them have far less deaths and way more people.

Our gov't sucks........and you are their apologist.
try this one...

Misleading clinical evidence and systematic reviews on ivermectin for COVID-19 | BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine
Biden actually said they ordered millions of pills and billions of test kits, but that

They sit on the pills for a year until AFTER 200 million are vaxed.

Hospitals are always "struggling". Every year the same story. And so what if I occupy bed, that bed is not exclusively yours.
If you have Covid and are unvaccinated, yes it is. What gives you the right to walk, run, go in public places and get me infected? You're no different than a drunk driver, so to hell with you. You have declared war on my health and safety. It's time to let the country know who the real enemy is.
If you have Covid and are unvaccinated, yes it is. What gives you the right to walk, run, go in public places and get me infected? You're no different than a drunk driver, so to hell with you. You have declared war on my health and safety. It's time to let the country know who the real enemy is.

Yes, sparky. Many, many people are laughing at you.
If they normalize this vaccine booster shot to where people are getting it annually,like a flu shot, Big Pharma will bleed hundreds of billions from it. Never mind what they'll make from the coming side-effects.
If they normalize this vaccine booster shot to where people are getting it annually,like a flu shot, Big Pharma will bleed hundreds of billions from it. Never mind what they'll make from the coming side-effects.
Until they're all dead and all that's left are us purebloods.

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