Democrats Still Having A Cow Over Tax Reform,Yet Never Complain About Stock Market And Job Creation?

:argue: :stupid: And Yah, we can all agree that some of the Dem's are really looking like blockheads by now. For weeks and weeks, they have been bitchin, complaining, warning the "Terminally Stupid" Americans, that if the bill passes, the middle class is screwed and many will lose their jobs.
Yet they never bring up what is going on with the DOW, Unemployment Status, Applications for Unemployment, number of jobs Trump has created, etc. etc.
At this point, the ones crying like a three year old still wearing his diapers, are really looking like complete fools/clown/dolts.
Dont they know that most Americans in general are seeing the strong economic improvements?
I'm still looking for that high paying job I don't have to do anything at...
Can't you please point out the "GOP media" ?
Fox is still conservative.

Is the GOP's media as big? Nope, nor did I say that. But here's a start, and we see links and quotes from these media sources constantly here:

The GOP's Media:
  • FOX
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • Mark Levin
  • Sean Hannity
  • Michael Savage
  • Hugh Hewitt
  • Michael Gallagher
  • Michael Medved
  • Breitbart
  • Drudge
  • Alex Jones
  • Newsmax
  • PJ Media
  • Gateway Pundit
  • Daily Caller
  • The Blaze
  • Hot Air
  • InstaPundit
  • WND
  • ZeroHedge
  • Washington Times
  • ... and more
Of course. And the GOP and their media would have done the same to Obama.
Seems to me that honesty is just a better approach.

ok...let's be honest.....

The LEFT has....

Huffington Post
(To name a few of the biggies)

Down the Center (maybe)
FoxNews (ever slightly edging leftward)

Can't you please point out the "GOP media" ?

Conservatives are right: The news media is very liberal | Fortune
Conservatives Are Right. The News Media is Very Liberal

Mainstream media needs more conservative journalists - Chicago ...
Mainstream media needs more conservative journalists
For fuck sake... where is your "center"? Stormfront?
:argue: :stupid: And Yah, we can all agree that some of the Dem's are really looking like blockheads by now. For weeks and weeks, they have been bitchin, complaining, warning the "Terminally Stupid" Americans, that if the bill passes, the middle class is screwed and many will lose their jobs.
Yet they never bring up what is going on with the DOW, Unemployment Status, Applications for Unemployment, number of jobs Trump has created, etc. etc.
At this point, the ones crying like a three year old still wearing his diapers, are really looking like complete fools/clown/dolts.
Dont they know that most Americans in general are seeing the strong economic improvements?
I'm still looking for that high paying job I don't have to do anything at...
im still looking for a very inexpensive call girl that doesnt speak any english
:argue: :stupid: And Yah, we can all agree that some of the Dem's are really looking like blockheads by now. For weeks and weeks, they have been bitchin, complaining, warning the "Terminally Stupid" Americans, that if the bill passes, the middle class is screwed and many will lose their jobs.
Yet they never bring up what is going on with the DOW, Unemployment Status, Applications for Unemployment, number of jobs Trump has created, etc. etc.
At this point, the ones crying like a three year old still wearing his diapers, are really looking like complete fools/clown/dolts.
Dont they know that most Americans in general are seeing the strong economic improvements?
I'm still looking for that high paying job I don't have to do anything at...
im still looking for a very inexpensive call girl that doesnt speak any english
Good luck in this nation.
:argue: :stupid: And Yah, we can all agree that some of the Dem's are really looking like blockheads by now. For weeks and weeks, they have been bitchin, complaining, warning the "Terminally Stupid" Americans, that if the bill passes, the middle class is screwed and many will lose their jobs.
Yet they never bring up what is going on with the DOW, Unemployment Status, Applications for Unemployment, number of jobs Trump has created, etc. etc.
At this point, the ones crying like a three year old still wearing his diapers, are really looking like complete fools/clown/dolts.
Dont they know that most Americans in general are seeing the strong economic improvements?
I'm still looking for that high paying job I don't have to do anything at...
im still looking for a very inexpensive call girl that doesnt speak any english
Good luck in this nation.
Trump could stop an asteroid or hemmorhoid headed straight for earth, and chuck schumer would still be peeing himself while crying over tax reform
The irony, Trump got the working man with the promise of working for us. huge tax break for Trump & other rich guys. and it is forever, we get a tiny slice & they start taking it away after the 2020 elections. such a deal. the stock market whole other deal, good if your in it now, later who knows. just like last time
Trump could cure cancer and it would be crickets from the left.
Schumer especially looks as pathetic as big bird at this point, he makes all of the claims/warnings about the bill, yet wont take questions from reporters who would prove him wrong

Dem's got their ass stomped at the polls so they are waging a battle in the media, that's all they have left.
so did chucky ever mention the 4 or so Trillion that may work its way back into the USA after it passes?

They call that "tax givebacks to the rich."
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