Democrats Riding Successes Of President They Are Trying To Impeach To Escape 'Do-Nothing Congress'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Trump continues to rack up victory after victory:

USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement)

A Budget Agreement To Avoid A HOUSE Govt Shutdown That Includes $1.3 Billion for the Border

A Sweeping Defense Bill That Includes Trump Priorities: A new U.S. Space Force & A New Bill That Gives Families 12 Weeks Of Paid Family Time

A successful / important 'WIN' in the Trade War Against China

On Top of...

A Jobs Report That Topped Expectations

& Trump Having His
50th Federal Appellate Court Judge Confirmed

...and Speaker Pelosi and the corrupt / criminal House Democrats - who voted for 2 Articles of impeachment last week after back-to-back disastrous Committee hearings that continued to demonstrate, as Democrats have admitted, are part of an extremely POLITICALY PARTISAN Impeachment and who once sought to deny the President any Legislative victories - suddenly are working with the President in order to try to claim any measure of credit they can get for the President's continued record-setting victories going into the 2020 elections.

The political backlash for 3 years of failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt has been brutal on Democrats ever since Schiff and Nadler put on full public display that, despite a proven hypocritical and rabid partisan obsession with Impeaching the President, after nearly 4 years the Democrats still do not have a crime, no evidence of a crime, and no witnesses.

At the same time, several key Democrats / former Obama administration / FBI members have been recommended for Indictment by the US IG (Comey, McCabe,Strzok, Clinesmith), more recommended indictments / indictments are expected after a series of US IG reports that shows the FBI committed FISA Court abuses, altered documents / falsified evidence, withheld information from the FISA Court, & violated American citizens' Constitutional Rights, and as a result of a still-pending DOJ criminal investigation into the complete meddling of Democrats / Obama administration into the 2016 election / illegal investigation of candidate / President Trump.

Nearly 4 years of committed obsession / dedication to take down the President, dividing the nation and using the one third of the Federal Govt, millions of tax dollars, and time that could have been used to address the real key issues affecting this country and its citizens for political Party gain ... with nothing to show except an admitted Partisan Impeachment (if they continue to hold the numbers required to pass it), a spreading backlash, members of its own party waking away and joining the Republican party, and a still-pending DOJ criminal investigation that could impact former Obama administration personnel, 2020 Presidential candidate hopefuls, their family members, as well as current elected Democratic Party...

So while attempting to admittedly partisanly Impeach the President, that will die in the Senate, the Democrats are attempting to stem the backlash from voters by jumping on board the President's 'Accomplishment Train' so they can take partial credit for the successes he has achieved.

In the same way, I guess, a tapeworm or leech on a marathon runner's buttocks can claim partial victory for the runner crossing the finish line in 1st place...

On cusp of impeachment, Trump ends year with spree of accomplishments

"While Democrats move swiftly toward President Trump's likely impeachment, the president has at the same time notched a string of policy victories -- some with the help of the same House Democrats trying to drive him from office.

"Despite their partisan impeachment, Trump has remained focused on how to keep our economy growing ..."

The contrast could not be more stark.

The admitted partisan Democrats continue to run full-steam ahead with their #1 goal, one they began calling for immediately after the President took his oath of office, of Impeachment for Political Party Benefit / Gain ... while the President continues to keep a record pace of delivering on promises to the American people and being the most successful President in the last 50 years.

Seeing another damaging report coming once Durham completes and releases his criminal investigation report...and possibly begins Indictments...and the all-but guaranteed rejection of their 3+ year waste-of-time Impeachment by the Senate, the Democrats are desperate to go into the 2020 Elections with more than that as their record of 'accomplishments' and that as an example of what Americans can expect from them should they take back power.

Ironic, the best chance for Democrats to win in 2020 now is to 'jump on board the Trump train', to help him be even more successful while attempting to take credit, even partial credit, for those victories.


Meanwhile, their 'Impeachment Train' and Trump's 'Victory' Train are at the station at the same time...and Freshman and vulnerable Democrats from Trump-supporting Districts are having to decide which train to FORMER Democrat, disgusted with his former party (and attempting to save his own ass, has already switched trains. Pelosi and Schumer are in a panic as the backlash from without and desertions from within continue.

"A Democratic majority means impeachment is likely, though the 31 Democrats from districts that supported Trump in 2016 are facing a difficult choice. Still, the GOP-controlled Senate is already looking ahead to a trial, where the GOP majority and high threshold for conviction make Trump's acquittal all but certain."


Please select the Trump accomplishment from your list that you think is his greatest.....and I will spend a few minutes
discussing it with you.
Please select the Trump accomplishment from your list that you think is his greatest.....and I will spend a few minutes
discussing it with you.
From the extremely long list Trump has built and continues to build, the greatest reported even by CNN, begrudgingly though, in the last several decades, YOU pick out the one that offends you the most as a snowflake. You whine about it, give us your skewed partisan butt-hurt opinion, and you can run to your safe space while I mock you...and while Democrats continue to line up behind him - hand still on the partisan knife in his back ... seeking to take credit for even part of the success the President continues to have.


He has already changed the face of many of the broken courts, and has plenty of time to finish the job. He will stymie the Left for a generation.
He has already changed the face of many of the broken courts, and has plenty of time to finish the job. He will stymie the Left for a generation.

He didn't do that. McConnell did. This is a McConnell accomplishment which the moron has convinced his fans to
give him credit for.

You cannot argue that point. So....please don't bother.
President Trump continues to rack up victory after victory:

USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement)

A Budget Agreement To Avoid A HOUSE Govt Shutdown That Includes $1.3 Billion for the Border

A Sweeping Defense Bill That Includes Trump Priorities: A new U.S. Space Force & A New Bill That Gives Families 12 Weeks Of Paid Family Time

A successful / important 'WIN' in the Trade War Against China

On Top of...

A Jobs Report That Topped Expectations

& Trump Having His
50th Federal Appellate Court Judge Confirmed

...and Speaker Pelosi and the corrupt / criminal House Democrats - who voted for 2 Articles of impeachment last week after back-to-back disastrous Committee hearings that continued to demonstrate, as Democrats have admitted, are part of an extremely POLITICALY PARTISAN Impeachment and who once sought to deny the President any Legislative victories - suddenly are working with the President in order to try to claim any measure of credit they can get for the President's continued record-setting victories going into the 2020 elections.

The political backlash for 3 years of failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt has been brutal on Democrats ever since Schiff and Nadler put on full public display that, despite a proven hypocritical and rabid partisan obsession with Impeaching the President, after nearly 4 years the Democrats still do not have a crime, no evidence of a crime, and no witnesses.

At the same time, several key Democrats / former Obama administration / FBI members have been recommended for Indictment by the US IG (Comey, McCabe,Strzok, Clinesmith), more recommended indictments / indictments are expected after a series of US IG reports that shows the FBI committed FISA Court abuses, altered documents / falsified evidence, withheld information from the FISA Court, & violated American citizens' Constitutional Rights, and as a result of a still-pending DOJ criminal investigation into the complete meddling of Democrats / Obama administration into the 2016 election / illegal investigation of candidate / President Trump.

Nearly 4 years of committed obsession / dedication to take down the President, dividing the nation and using the one third of the Federal Govt, millions of tax dollars, and time that could have been used to address the real key issues affecting this country and its citizens for political Party gain ... with nothing to show except an admitted Partisan Impeachment (if they continue to hold the numbers required to pass it), a spreading backlash, members of its own party waking away and joining the Republican party, and a still-pending DOJ criminal investigation that could impact former Obama administration personnel, 2020 Presidential candidate hopefuls, their family members, as well as current elected Democratic Party...

So while attempting to admittedly partisanly Impeach the President, that will die in the Senate, the Democrats are attempting to stem the backlash from voters by jumping on board the President's 'Accomplishment Train' so they can take partial credit for the successes he has achieved.

In the same way, I guess, a tapeworm or leech on a marathon runner's buttocks can claim partial victory for the runner crossing the finish line in 1st place...

On cusp of impeachment, Trump ends year with spree of accomplishments

"While Democrats move swiftly toward President Trump's likely impeachment, the president has at the same time notched a string of policy victories -- some with the help of the same House Democrats trying to drive him from office.

"Despite their partisan impeachment, Trump has remained focused on how to keep our economy growing ..."

The contrast could not be more stark.

The admitted partisan Democrats continue to run full-steam ahead with their #1 goal, one they began calling for immediately after the President took his oath of office, of Impeachment for Political Party Benefit / Gain ... while the President continues to keep a record pace of delivering on promises to the American people and being the most successful President in the last 50 years.

Seeing another damaging report coming once Durham completes and releases his criminal investigation report...and possibly begins Indictments...and the all-but guaranteed rejection of their 3+ year waste-of-time Impeachment by the Senate, the Democrats are desperate to go into the 2020 Elections with more than that as their record of 'accomplishments' and that as an example of what Americans can expect from them should they take back power.

Ironic, the best chance for Democrats to win in 2020 now is to 'jump on board the Trump train', to help him be even more successful while attempting to take credit, even partial credit, for those victories.


Meanwhile, their 'Impeachment Train' and Trump's 'Victory' Train are at the station at the same time...and Freshman and vulnerable Democrats from Trump-supporting Districts are having to decide which train to FORMER Democrat, disgusted with his former party (and attempting to save his own ass, has already switched trains. Pelosi and Schumer are in a panic as the backlash from without and desertions from within continue.

"A Democratic majority means impeachment is likely, though the 31 Democrats from districts that supported Trump in 2016 are facing a difficult choice. Still, the GOP-controlled Senate is already looking ahead to a trial, where the GOP majority and high threshold for conviction make Trump's acquittal all but certain."

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I was shocked that Nancy Pelosi tried to take credit for USMCA and stood in front of The Cameras and without shame, just lied, lied, lied her ass off.

The only thing she did with that bill was try to add in some kinda clause where THE US would monitor Mexico Companies, for something like Union Dues, or wages or something, to which Mexico when they found that out got pissed, and called President Trump, and he had that clause removed, and negotiated it back to something like a 3 member panel being co-equal with a member from US, Mexico and Canada all sitting on it, so that 2 of the countries would have to agree. Seems a lot more fair that way.

Nancy Pelosi has not done a single thing in her life, but take bribes from wealthy leftist donors, and lie about Obama Care, and made sure that she got rich off of the taxpayer, served herself first, and then threw whatever crumbs she had on the ground for The Peasants beneath her.

She is definitely going to Hell.
He has already changed the face of many of the broken courts, and has plenty of time to finish the job. He will stymie the Left for a generation.

He didn't do that. McConnell did. This is a McConnell accomplishment which the moron has convinced his fans to
give him credit for.

You cannot argue that point. So....please don't bother.
I was shocked that Nancy Pelosi tried to take credit for USMCA and stood in front of The Cameras and without shame, just lied, lied, lied her ass off.
I am no longer shocked by any corrupt, low-life, criminal, seditious, treasonous act the Democrats - especially Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, and anyone connected to the Obama administration and / or Hillary - will do for personal and political party power, prestige, and profit any more. The Democrats have openly, admittedly engaged in the largest scandal in US history.

Pelosi has demonstrated she would F* a snake if she thought it would get her re-elected.

Schiff has shown he belongs writing 'SNL' skits instead of being an elected Federal employee. I am sure Hunter Biden can still get him a spot on the Burisma long as he stays a member of Congress.

Joe 'Videotaped Confession' Biden's popularity continues to grow among snowflakes, especially those who proved in 2016 they have an affinity for extremely old, extremely white, proven criminal millionaire Democrats.

Nadler is the only one of them who would do fine in Federal Prison. He has his pants hiked so far up, wedged underneath his arm pits, that no con is going to get those babies down!

He didn't do that. McConnell did. This is a McConnell accomplishment which the moron has convinced his fans to
give him credit for. You cannot argue that point. So....please don't bother.
Hmmmm....who is President? Who nominated these judges? So McConnell did his part in seeing President Trump's picks were confirmed. You are saying the President's successes, who he is, the fact that he nominated these judges and are supporting / pushing for their confirmation has nothing to do with the President and that he should not get any credit for changing the faces and make-ups of these courts?

Nancy? Adam? Jerry? Is that YOU?


He didn't do that. McConnell did. This is a McConnell accomplishment which the moron has convinced his fans to
give him credit for. You cannot argue that point. So....please don't bother.
Hmmmm....who is President? Who nominated these judges? So McConnell did his part in seeing President Trump's picks were confirmed. You are saying the President's successes, who he is, the fact that he nominated these judges and are supporting / pushing for their confirmation has nothing to do with the President and that he should not get any credit for changing the faces and make-ups of these courts?

Nancy? Adam? Jerry? Is that YOU?



That is exactly what I am saying. Any of the GOP candidates in 2016 would have been similarly successful in reading the names of judges
for McConnell to confirm. He did nothing to support or push any of them. He spoke up about Kavanaugh after it was learned that he was a
weirdo....but he didn't need to. The GOP had the votes to get anyone confirmed. All McConnell.
Any of the GOP candidates in 2016 would have been similarly successful in reading the names of judges
You are out of your mind. The 'usual suspects' thrown together by the Washington Establishment GOP would never have survived the Obama-Hillary 'It's My Turn' onslaught....Barry and Hillary would not have even needed his criminal DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI to destroy them for Hillary to win. Those rejected GOP candidates would never have had the chance to submit names for consideration.
Any of the GOP candidates in 2016 would have been similarly successful in reading the names of judges
You are out of your mind. The 'usual suspects' thrown together by the Washington Establishment GOP would never have survived the Obama-Hillary 'It's My Turn' onslaught....Barry and Hillary would not have even needed his criminal DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI to destroy them for Hillary to win. Those rejected GOP candidates would never have had the chance to submit names for consideration.

You are a typical apologist.

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