Democrats Regression To The Mean?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Excuse the pun, 'mean,' as usually applied to Democrats/ this case I mean the mathematical mean, the average, the usual behavior.

1. Consider these two cartoons as predictions for the House Democrat's plans:


And this....


2. Based on the anger, hostility, violence and immaturity of the Left/Democrats/Liberals/Antifa, one might expect the next two years to be nothing but lawyers and charges, not governance.

But....a girl can dream, can't she.
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Excuse the pun, 'mean,' as usually applied to Democrats/ this case I mean the mathematical mean, the average, the usual behavior.

1. Consider these two cartoons as predictions for the House Democrat's plans:


And this....


2. Based on the anger, hostility, violence and immaturity of the Left/Democrats/Liberals/Antifa, one might expect the next two years to be nothing but lawyers and charges, not governance.

But....a girl can dream, can't she.
/----/ As the Founding Fathers intended. They wanted Gridlock so the Gubmint changes slowly.
Excuse the pun, 'mean,' as usually applied to Democrats/ this case I mean the mathematical mean, the average, the usual behavior.

1. Consider these two cartoons as predictions for the House Democrat's plans:


And this....


2. Based on the anger, hostility, violence and immaturity of the Left/Democrats/Liberals/Antifa, one might expect the next two years to be nothing but lawyers and charges, not governance.

But....a girl can dream, can't she.
/----/ As the Founding Fathers intended. They wanted Gridlock so the Gubmint changes slowly.

Now, Celly.....

....when you look at what Trump has done in his short can you be opposed to the rapidity of bringing America back into being the America of the Founders???
Excuse the pun, 'mean,' as usually applied to Democrats/ this case I mean the mathematical mean, the average, the usual behavior.

1. Consider these two cartoons as predictions for the House Democrat's plans:


And this....


2. Based on the anger, hostility, violence and immaturity of the Left/Democrats/Liberals/Antifa, one might expect the next two years to be nothing but lawyers and charges, not governance.

But....a girl can dream, can't she.
/----/ As the Founding Fathers intended. They wanted Gridlock so the Gubmint changes slowly.

Now, Celly.....

....when you look at what Trump has done in his short can you be opposed to the rapidity of bringing America back into being the America of the Founders???
/----/ Trump is the exception - not the rule. All democRATs will do for 2 years is investigate, bitch, moan and complain. Not much will happen on the House side. Trump will get his Judges through thanks to the GOP Senate and the Dingy Harry rule.
I see little more than upsides.

1) Divided gubmint means that they'll have a hard time trampling even more of our liberties (precious few that remain).

2) The democrats will put their sheer lunacy out front and center for all to see.

3) I have a nice stockpile of popcorn.
I see little more than upsides.

1) Divided gubmint means that they'll have a hard time trampling even more of our liberties (precious few that remain).

2) The democrats will put their sheer lunacy out front and center for all to see.

3) I have a nice stockpile of popcorn.

^^^ this, nothing more needs be said well done! :eusa_clap:
Excuse the pun, 'mean,' as usually applied to Democrats/ this case I mean the mathematical mean, the average, the usual behavior.

1. Consider these two cartoons as predictions for the House Democrat's plans:


And this....


2. Based on the anger, hostility, violence and immaturity of the Left/Democrats/Liberals/Antifa, one might expect the next two years to be nothing but lawyers and charges, not governance.

But....a girl can dream, can't she.
/----/ As the Founding Fathers intended. They wanted Gridlock so the Gubmint changes slowly.

Now, Celly.....

....when you look at what Trump has done in his short can you be opposed to the rapidity of bringing America back into being the America of the Founders???
/----/ Trump is the exception - not the rule. All democRATs will do for 2 years is investigate, bitch, moan and complain. Not much will happen on the House side. Trump will get his Judges through thanks to the GOP Senate and the Dingy Harry rule.

"Trump is the exception - not the rule."

Amen to that!

One of our gripes for years has been that the Democrats are street fighters, and the GOP is filled with Caspar Milquetoasts.

Not Trump.

He gets up each day, and slips the brass knuckles into his gloves......

The Dems can't believe that this guy hits back!
Not used to that from Republicans.

Just ask Jim Acosta.
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3. Based on the outcome, Democrat voters for the House of Representatives appear not to realize the reason for electing representatives.

Skin color, gender, and sexual orientation…and what might be called ‘revenge,’ are the coin of the realm, rather than accomplishments that favor and award America and the American people.

4. For eight years of a failed presidency Obama talked a good game….but did naught but lower expectations:

“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trump….

In two short years Trump’s policies and expertise provided an economic miracle.

5. Now….will the Democrats of the House add to that….or will they do something else?

A "divided" government is not such a bad thing. The pity is that those bastard Senators from Arizona and the Far North were able to prevent so much of the Trump agenda during the past two years.

Like it or not, Madam Pelosi will control the H.R. agenda for the foreseeable future; and on the other side, the Republicans don't have a "Newt" to confront her.

But still, Our Exalted President has many arrows in his quiver, and his prospects for 2020 are looking quite rosy for now.
A "divided" government is not such a bad thing. The pity is that those bastard Senators from Arizona and the Far North were able to prevent so much of the Trump agenda during the past two years.

Like it or not, Madam Pelosi will control the H.R. agenda for the foreseeable future; and on the other side, the Republicans don't have a "Newt" to confront her.

But still, Our Exalted President has many arrows in his quiver, and his prospects for 2020 are looking quite rosy for now.

"Like it or not, Madam Pelosi will control the H.R. agenda for the foreseeable future; and on the other side, the Republicans don't have a "Newt" to confront her."

I'll assume that you agree with the thesis herein as to the route the House Dems will tread.
Excuse the pun, 'mean,' as usually applied to Democrats/ this case I mean the mathematical mean, the average, the usual behavior.

1. Consider these two cartoons as predictions for the House Democrat's plans:


And this....


2. Based on the anger, hostility, violence and immaturity of the Left/Democrats/Liberals/Antifa, one might expect the next two years to be nothing but lawyers and charges, not governance.

But....a girl can dream, can't she.

Do you believe Trump is mature, mentally stable and a leader? If yes, explain what you are smoking, drinking or snorting.
Excuse the pun, 'mean,' as usually applied to Democrats/ this case I mean the mathematical mean, the average, the usual behavior.

1. Consider these two cartoons as predictions for the House Democrat's plans:


And this....


2. Based on the anger, hostility, violence and immaturity of the Left/Democrats/Liberals/Antifa, one might expect the next two years to be nothing but lawyers and charges, not governance.

But....a girl can dream, can't she.

Do you believe Trump is mature, mentally stable and a leader? If yes, explain what you are smoking, drinking or snorting.

Based on your insane question, your suite in the psyche ward is being readied as we speak.

You may take your usual jog on the psycho path.

Real insanity would be having voted for Obama, a failure by every metric:

Obama, leaving this record behind....

1.“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.

The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong — home health care, food preparation and retailing — even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.

“Stagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,”..."

3. . Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Investor's Business Daily

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Hedge fund billionaire calls Obama economy 'amazing'

If you are really stupid enough to have voted for that.......raise your paw.
Excuse the pun, 'mean,' as usually applied to Democrats/ this case I mean the mathematical mean, the average, the usual behavior.

1. Consider these two cartoons as predictions for the House Democrat's plans:


And this....


2. Based on the anger, hostility, violence and immaturity of the Left/Democrats/Liberals/Antifa, one might expect the next two years to be nothing but lawyers and charges, not governance.

But....a girl can dream, can't she.

Do you believe Trump is mature, mentally stable and a leader? If yes, explain what you are smoking, drinking or snorting.

I just put you in your place again, huh?
Excuse the pun, 'mean,' as usually applied to Democrats/ this case I mean the mathematical mean, the average, the usual behavior.

1. Consider these two cartoons as predictions for the House Democrat's plans:


And this....


2. Based on the anger, hostility, violence and immaturity of the Left/Democrats/Liberals/Antifa, one might expect the next two years to be nothing but lawyers and charges, not governance.

But....a girl can dream, can't she.

Do you believe Trump is mature, mentally stable and a leader? If yes, explain what you are smoking, drinking or snorting.

Based on your insane question, your suite in the psyche ward is being readied as we speak.

You may take your usual jog on the psycho path.

Real insanity would be having voted for Obama, a failure by every metric:

Obama, leaving this record behind....

1.“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.

The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong — home health care, food preparation and retailing — even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.

“Stagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,”..."

3. . Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Investor's Business Daily

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Hedge fund billionaire calls Obama economy 'amazing'

If you are really stupid enough to have voted for that.......raise your paw.

So you believe Trump is mature, stable and a leader. That qualifies you for your Trumpanzee button.
6. “So what will the Democratic House representatives do?

They have a choice: They can legislate or investigate. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., will run for speaker. My guess is she will focus on investigating President Trump, so look for subpoenas and hearing upon hearing about whatever they think can of. These investigations will be conducted to inflict maximum political damage on the president. Other priorities for legislation will be changing the immigration laws and establishing government-controlled health care.

Will Pelosi reach across the aisle in an attempt to get legislation passed, or will she stick to her caucus? Will she declare victory as legislation passes out of the House, or will she consider it a win only if the Senate also passes the legislation and the president signs it into law? If she chooses the latter, then she will need to include Republican input and support.

Based on history, my guess is she will decide to investigate rather than legislate.” Legislate or Investigate

Excuse the pun, 'mean,' as usually applied to Democrats/ this case I mean the mathematical mean, the average, the usual behavior.

1. Consider these two cartoons as predictions for the House Democrat's plans:


And this....


2. Based on the anger, hostility, violence and immaturity of the Left/Democrats/Liberals/Antifa, one might expect the next two years to be nothing but lawyers and charges, not governance.

But....a girl can dream, can't she.

Do you believe Trump is mature, mentally stable and a leader? If yes, explain what you are smoking, drinking or snorting.

Based on your insane question, your suite in the psyche ward is being readied as we speak.

You may take your usual jog on the psycho path.

Real insanity would be having voted for Obama, a failure by every metric:

Obama, leaving this record behind....

1.“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.

The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong — home health care, food preparation and retailing — even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.

“Stagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,”..."

3. . Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Investor's Business Daily

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Hedge fund billionaire calls Obama economy 'amazing'

If you are really stupid enough to have voted for that.......raise your paw.

So you believe Trump is mature, stable and a leader. That qualifies you for your Trumpanzee button.

Why are you afraid to answer the question?

Real insanity would be having voted for Obama, a failure by every metric:

Obama, leaving this record behind....

1.“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.

The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong — home health care, food preparation and retailing — even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.

“Stagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,”..."

3. . Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Investor's Business Daily

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Hedge fund billionaire calls Obama economy 'amazing'

If you are really stupid enough to have voted for that.......raise your paw.

Don't be afraid....everyone already recognizes you as a fool.
Excuse the pun, 'mean,' as usually applied to Democrats/ this case I mean the mathematical mean, the average, the usual behavior.

1. Consider these two cartoons as predictions for the House Democrat's plans:


And this....


2. Based on the anger, hostility, violence and immaturity of the Left/Democrats/Liberals/Antifa, one might expect the next two years to be nothing but lawyers and charges, not governance.

But....a girl can dream, can't she.

Do you believe Trump is mature, mentally stable and a leader? If yes, explain what you are smoking, drinking or snorting.

I just put you in your place again, huh?

I have written the truth, and pointed out ad nausea that you are incapable of responding with a rebuttal, in expository form; in fact, your response is always the same, an ad hominem.

So in this case, you have put me in my place, posting the truth and awaiting nothing more from you than the expected logical fallacy.
Excuse the pun, 'mean,' as usually applied to Democrats/ this case I mean the mathematical mean, the average, the usual behavior.

1. Consider these two cartoons as predictions for the House Democrat's plans:


And this....


2. Based on the anger, hostility, violence and immaturity of the Left/Democrats/Liberals/Antifa, one might expect the next two years to be nothing but lawyers and charges, not governance.

But....a girl can dream, can't she.
/----/ As the Founding Fathers intended. They wanted Gridlock so the Gubmint changes slowly.

Now, Celly.....

....when you look at what Trump has done in his short can you be opposed to the rapidity of bringing America back into being the America of the Founders???
/----/ Trump is the exception - not the rule. All democRATs will do for 2 years is investigate, bitch, moan and complain. Not much will happen on the House side. Trump will get his Judges through thanks to the GOP Senate and the Dingy Harry rule.

"Trump is the exception - not the rule."

Amen to that!

One of our gripes for years has been that the Democrats are street fighters, and the GOP is filled with Caspar Milquetoasts.

Not Trump.

He gets up each day, and slips the brass knuckles into his gloves......

The Dems can't believe that this guy hits back!
Not used to that from Republicans.

Just ask Jim Acosta.

Here's an example:

"President Trump on Friday criticized a question from CNN reporter Abby Phillip as "stupid" while speaking with reporters on the White House lawn on Friday.

In a gaggle with reporters, Trump was asked by Phillip if he was hoping that Matthew Whitaker, the acting attorney general appointed on Wednesday and a past critic of Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation, would "rein in" the Russia probe.

"Do you want [Whitaker] to rein in Robert Mueller?" Phillip asked.

"What a stupid question that is," Trump responded. "What a stupid question."

"But I watch you a lot," the president continued. "You ask a lot of stupid questions."
Trump rips reporter for 'stupid question' on Mueller probe

Notice.....Trump treats all colors of reporters equally:

Excuse the pun, 'mean,' as usually applied to Democrats/ this case I mean the mathematical mean, the average, the usual behavior.

1. Consider these two cartoons as predictions for the House Democrat's plans:


And this....


2. Based on the anger, hostility, violence and immaturity of the Left/Democrats/Liberals/Antifa, one might expect the next two years to be nothing but lawyers and charges, not governance.

But....a girl can dream, can't she.

Do you believe Trump is mature, mentally stable and a leader? If yes, explain what you are smoking, drinking or snorting.

I just put you in your place again, huh?

I have written the truth, and pointed out ad nausea that you are incapable of responding with a rebuttal, in expository form; in fact, your response is always the same, an ad hominem.

So in this case, you have put me in my place, posting the truth and awaiting nothing more from you than the expected logical fallacy.

Still no answer....just beads of sweat?

C'mon, try: did you vote for this?

Obama, leaving this record behind....

1.“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.

The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong — home health care, food preparation and retailing — even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.

“Stagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,”..."

3. . Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Investor's Business Daily

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Hedge fund billionaire calls Obama economy 'amazing'

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